
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did Catahe Friedrich’s Fitness Cross Fire DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Tracy Long’s Defined Lines DVD.

    Katla – I didn’t say anything to these people, but it just kind of annoyed me. I am so sick of going in only one door and out only one door. I want to enter the store at the door closest to where I am going! I’m sick of waiting to find out they don’t have what I want. Another thing that kind-of annoys me is when I see someone wearing a mask around their neck or something like that. Yesterday I saw a guy with his mask off one ear. I don’t say anything, tho. I have seen more workers were face shields lately. Wonder if they’re just as effective as a mask but you probably don’t have the condensation problem on your glasses (if you were glasses)

    Marie FL – welcome

    – oh, a “Jersey tomato” is one of the absolute best tomatoes. They sold some “Jersey tomatoes” in PA and I bought one. It tasted so “bland”. Kind of like ripe tomatoes that are right out of the garden still warm from the sun.

    Terri – I hear ya about being apprehensive about people flying. Jess is supposed to fly out to Idaho in the middle of July and I think they’re flying somewhere else. I’m worried for her, but I know there’s nothing I can do.

    Viv – Vince admits now that he waited too long to have our one cat put down. The cat had cancer but he was bound and determined to give the cat chemo. I remember him and Jess force feeding the cat. I refused to do it. I would only take the cat to the oncologist if there wasn’t any other way for him to get there. That’s the only thing I’d do. I didn’t agree with prolonging his pain.

    From what Steve was telling me about how he makes the pork schnitzel, to me it sounds like breaded, fried pork chops. We shall see!

    Melissa - welcome

    Rita – Offended? I find it amusing, don’t stop posting those pics of you and the natives, especially with the “cigarette”

    Dlkf – do you plant the red or the green okra? You probably do the green since you said you use it in gumbo. I would think that the green would do better. To me, tho, the red is better tasting

    Michele NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Safeway has a door in and a door out. The Walmart here has an all weather foyer. There are doors at each end. One side is for people going in & the other going out. Inside, there are one way aisles.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 967 Member
    edited July 2020
    exermom wrote: »

    From what Steve was telling me about how he makes the pork schnitzel, to me it sounds like breaded, fried pork chops. We shall see!

    Michele NC

    Schnitzel is a breaded and fried boneless pork chop. Served with fries and lemon squeezed over the pork, it's delish. I have modified mine to be gluten free and the Mister (who is German) actually likes my breading better.

    Addition: In Germany, one can often get it made with veal (Wiener Schnitzel). In the US, it can be pork or chicken. Rarely do I find it made with veal here.

    Tina in CA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    The schnitzels I have had in Vienna, the home of schnitzel, are either veal, or pork, cut very thin, or beaten thin, then breaded and fried in lots of fat. The coating should lift and separate from the meat, like big bubbles, which protects it from drying out.
    A real schnitzel is a thing of wonder. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did Catahe Friedrich’s Fitness Cross Fire DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Tracy Long’s Defined Lines DVD.

    Katla – I didn’t say anything to these people, but it just kind of annoyed me. I am so sick of going in only one door and out only one door. I want to enter the store at the door closest to where I am going! I’m sick of waiting to find out they don’t have what I want. Another thing that kind-of annoys me is when I see someone wearing a mask around their neck or something like that. Yesterday I saw a guy with his mask off one ear. I don’t say anything, tho. I have seen more workers were face shields lately. Wonder if they’re just as effective as a mask but you probably don’t have the condensation problem on your glasses (if you were glasses)

    Marie FL – welcome

    – oh, a “Jersey tomato” is one of the absolute best tomatoes. They sold some “Jersey tomatoes” in PA and I bought one. It tasted so “bland”. Kind of like ripe tomatoes that are right out of the garden still warm from the sun.

    Terri – I hear ya about being apprehensive about people flying. Jess is supposed to fly out to Idaho in the middle of July and I think they’re flying somewhere else. I’m worried for her, but I know there’s nothing I can do.

    Viv – Vince admits now that he waited too long to have our one cat put down. The cat had cancer but he was bound and determined to give the cat chemo. I remember him and Jess force feeding the cat. I refused to do it. I would only take the cat to the oncologist if there wasn’t any other way for him to get there. That’s the only thing I’d do. I didn’t agree with prolonging his pain.

    From what Steve was telling me about how he makes the pork schnitzel, to me it sounds like breaded, fried pork chops. We shall see!

    Melissa - welcome

    Rita – Offended? I find it amusing, don’t stop posting those pics of you and the natives, especially with the “cigarette”

    Dlkf – do you plant the red or the green okra? You probably do the green since you said you use it in gumbo. I would think that the green would do better. To me, tho, the red is better tasting

    Michele NC

    I have never heard of red okra- I love it any way- especially fried in the air fryer or mom's pickled okra(that is SOOOOO GOOD)but also in a good bowl of gumbo.
    I will look for the red okra when I am ordering seed for next year(will also tell my parents)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 967 Member
    The schnitzels I have had in Vienna, the home of schnitzel, are either veal, or pork, cut very thin, or beaten thin, then breaded and fried in lots of fat. The coating should lift and separate from the meat, like big bubbles, which protects it from drying out.
    A real schnitzel is a thing of wonder. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Yes, it must be flattened. Frankfurt has a version of schnitzel that is wonderful too.
  • Sofbalgirl
    Sofbalgirl Posts: 1 Member
    rmarlow65 wrote: »
    Hello! I just started ...again. I'm 54 and at 294 lbs, I'm desperate for a lifestyle change. I would like to get friends for motivation, recipes, tips, and just whatever. :)

    I am in the same boat as you. I need the motivation.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,805 Member
    edited July 2020
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,580 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: It seems like we’re all having to change our habits while the Covid 19 Pandemic is impacting our country. I love my routines and habits, but I haven’t been able to go to yoga since this all started. I miss yoga. I’m not sure when the end will be in sight, but I’m looking forward to yoga and meeting friends in public places to have a good time. Luckily I have the opportunity to go to the stable once in a while. :star:

    I flubbed up when I bought CBD oil for the dog today. I expected a bottle with a dropper, as always. I got a bottle with a spray nozzle instead. It sure isn’t easy to put a few drops on the dog’s cookie. I don’t get along with unexpected changes in some things. :embarassed:

    On a more positive note, we got deer netting up on blueberry bush number 2. It is now safe from deer. We’ll due bush #3 in a few days. All of its berries are green and hard, so it won’t be a target yet. The best news is bush #1. It has some ripe berries already. YUM!!! They taste wonderful. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Ginny- thinking of you.. anniversaries like that are hard....just watching tv and will go to sleep soon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    stats for the day:

    Bike ride home 2 sumner station- 55.38min, 148mhr, 14.2amph, 13.12mi= 505c
    apple watch- 487c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.10min, 147mhr, 9.39min mi, .53mi= 64c
    apple watch- 58c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.27min, 9.53min mi, 146mht, .apple watch- 56c
    Bike ride dome 2 hm, windy- 17.30min, 8.7amph, 153mhr, 2.55mi= 190c
    apple watch- 141c

    total cal 817