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  • NicciJ58
    NicciJ58 Posts: 2 Member
    A time machine, set with his future coordinates, so I could finally meet him ;)

    What is your best kept secret?
  • RLWatson70
    RLWatson70 Posts: 360 Member
    You will not find me on any sort of social media or app sites …. That stuff really Grabs your free time.

    What’s your favorite childhood memory?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,577 Member
    When I acted out the night before a family trip to Paris, my mother made me sleep in the attic. Then my family accidentally left without me, I awoke to an empty house and assumed my wish to have no family had come true. But my excitement soured when I realized that two con men planned to rob the residence, and that I alone must protect the family home. I had so much fun that day.

    What is your favourite movie to watch before bed?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,540 Member
    I would watch a movie about your favorite childhood memory... 🤔😁

    But really, my favorite movie to watch before going to bed would include anything in the Horror genre - that really relaxes me and helps me settle down for the night. Give me a good Freddie or Jason movie - preferable when I'm alone and it's storming outside. 😬

    If you could get free private lessons for anything, what would you choose?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 13,583 Member
    I would get private lessons on how to train fleas for the flea circus. That would be not only personally rewarding but a great source of significant secondary income. And that's not even considering the satisfaction one could get from bossing around a bunch of fleas.

    What dish have you never prepared but are now planning to, possibly for New Year's Eve or Day?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,291 Member
    My daughter showed me videos from social media of people preparing tiny meals, which look like full sized ones but are small enough to fit on a plate the size of your palm. I am so looking forward to spending countless hours preparing a meal which will be consumed in under two seconds.

    Why do dogs bury bones in the yard?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 13,583 Member
    Imagine the ease with which you could pack such a meal for lunch at work. And being able to consume that lunch in under two seconds would give you more free time during your lunch break.

    I have heard a rumor that dogs are collectively burying bones all over the place, taking note of the locations and the type of bones buried. Their objective is to one day be able to assemble these bones into skeletons which they can then reanimate. Granted, reanimating any animal from only a skeleton would be very challenging. That's why they already have a committee, consisting of members from the smarter breeds, working toward a solution to that problem, so they'll be ready when the time comes. No one knows the purpose of this effort of theirs.

    How fast can you read, and how good is your reading comprehension at that speed?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,291 Member
    It took me a tenth of a second to read this entire page, and to answer your question I like milk with my salad.

    Why is there an interstate road in Hawaii?
  • sandejones
    sandejones Posts: 1,840 Member
    edited December 2021
    The Jetsons People. We are all going to own a space car by next year and will be able to zap across to Hawaii . There is also a road from England to Ireland. Australia to Spain and I've heard recently they are constructing one from Canada to Brazil, The coastal route.

    When you grow up, what is your dream job?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,540 Member
    edited December 2021
    I used to always want to be a freelance janitor, setting my own hours, mopping floors and cleaning bathrooms in as many commercial buildings, schools and campgrounds as I could.

    But this time of year I start to daydream about working for an airline, behind the counter at a busy airport like JFK or LAX. The thought of dealing with an angry mob, as flights are canceled and travelers are stranded, unable to make it home for the holidays, sends tingles of excitement down my spine. I think I would do that job for free!

    If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 items would you make sure to have with you?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 13,583 Member
    edited December 2021
    @nossmf, your reading speed and comprehension, especially, are beyond impressive!
    cmsienk wrote: »
    If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 items would you make sure to have with you?

    That question deserves a well thought out answer. Being stranded on a desert island is no laughing matter! 😂
    After roughly three hours contemplating it, I think I would choose the following:
    • a whisk
    • a thimble
    • a P-38 can opener
    You never know when one of the above would come in handy.

    Are there such things as ghosts, or goblins, or snipe?
  • sandejones
    sandejones Posts: 1,840 Member
    A snipe is any of about 26 wading bird species in three genera in the family Scolopacidae. They are characterized by a very long, slender bill. Wikipedia said its true and everything on Wiki is factual. :* As to goblins. They are the ones who fix your shoes when they are broken, so of course they are real. And Ghosts. I've seen them on TV and in movies . That's proof they are real.

    Are there Unicorns?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Of course there are! This is my very own Unicorn, his name is Caramel Latte'!


    Do you think that La Niña is going to be bad this year? Or is it El Niño? 🤔
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,291 Member
    In this day and age of gender equality/confusion, asking the question La Nina/El Nino is offensive to some (especially those of us who don't have the little squiggle button on our keyboards). The preferred question is "Do you think that The Wind is going to be bad this year?" And my answer is yes, after my chili night to start the new year, the wind is going to be VERY bad indeed. You may want to start running for your lives now. Go ahead, I'll give you a 2-day head start.

    If you were invited to study at Hogwarts, which would be your favorite class?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Why would I want to study a Pig's skin condition?
    I would never want to take a class like that!

    They claim pork is like poison to our bodies, is that actually true?
  • sandejones
    sandejones Posts: 1,840 Member
    That is an absolute lie. If pork affected us it would first show up in your brain. Oink. And as that hasn't happened, oink , it goes without saying its wrong. Bacon is another good example, oink, millions eat it with no side effects, oink

    The Mayan's depicted the end of the world to be 2012 . Could they have miscalculated and it is 2022 :|
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,577 Member
    The Mayans weren’t wrong! We are all zombies now, didn’t you know?

    What is the best way to celebrate the end of 2021 tonight?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 13,583 Member
    edited December 2021
    Hop in Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine and visit any time in history that you desire. Just be aware that in doing so, you may end up in an episode of Peabody's Improbable History.

    What exactly do you do to recharge your Body Battery? (asking for a friend)
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 32,444 Member
    edited December 2021
    Use or lose it, as the saying goes! I keep charged up by doing an Iron Man Triathlon each day. If I'm still feeling a bit tired after that, downing a 5 lb bag of sugar and four six packs of energy drinks gets my heart racing again.

    What is your fitness "secret weapon"?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 13,583 Member
    edited December 2021
    My couch (or recliner). My couch allows me to enjoy prolonged workouts. It provides benefits such as the following: finger dexterity, from working the remote or the keyboard; visual acuity, from watching one screen or another; relaxation, which is an important element of staying healthy.

    How many steps do you anticipate getting in 2022?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,540 Member
    18,100,000 (50,000/day x 362 days) I'm planning on taking off Easter, Christmas Day and New Year's Day (everyone needs a break now and then).

    Do you have a secret recipe in your family, handed down from generation to generation? Will you share?
  • sandejones
    sandejones Posts: 1,840 Member
    This recipe comes from a family cookbook handed down from my great grandmother. It is road kill stew.

    Road Kill Stew recipe:
    Works for deer, beef, lamb, goat, possum, rabbits, hares. Not hedgehogs

    First make sure your road kill is actually dead. If it shows signs of life, give it mouth to mouth resuscitation and send it on its way. If it is badly injured, help it on its way to the big hunting ground in the sky. Road kill that has been run over by motor vehicles is the best as it is tenderized. Even better if it has been run over more than once. Take home and skin. If weather is cooler you can leave hanging for a day to gain maximum flavor.

    Ingredients: 1-2 lbs. meat cut into small chunks, 1 can diced tomatoes or tomato sauce, 1 big onion – diced, 4 – 6 potatoes, couple large carrots, 1 parsnip, handfull of pearl barley, salt, pepper, thyme, bay leaf, garlic, red wine if you have any left after celebrations.

    Brown the meat in a skillet on high heat. put into stewpot, add quarter cup red wine, half the onion, and enough water to cover it all. Cover pot and cook for an hour on low heat. Dice up the veggies (Parsnips use in moderation, They have an aggressive flavor that will overwhelm the stew if you use to much. Use 1 small one.)

    After an hour or so, add the veggies and spices. Add enough water to cover. Cook until the veggies start to get soft, then add the handful of barley – keep an eye on moisture/thickness – adjust as needed. Use fresh rain water as chlorinated water will ruin the taste.

    Have you run over a deer, the put it in the boot/trunk to put in freezer later?
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 32,444 Member
    edited January 2022
    Of course! That's the only way to hunt deer in my opinion, because you don't have to go through the hassle of getting a hunting license and a deer tag, and the biggest advantage is that it's always deer season!
    The down side is damage to your vehicle if you're not properly equipped, so I've invested in a heavy duty two-ton dual rear-wheel pickup with a massive front bumper that can hit anything on the road with no damage. It's also handy when some slow driver won't let me pass, and I can just bump them into the ditch and get to my destination with no further delay.

    How do you deal with slow drivers who are not letting you get where you need to go quickly enough?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,540 Member
    edited January 2022
    Slow drivers have bothered me for a long time, so I recently purchased a Go Go Gadget Extendo Car. It's exactly what I needed to get to my destination quickly, avoiding slow drivers along the way.
    Do you have exciting plans this evening?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 13,583 Member
    That Extendo Car is a great idea! Not only do you get where you're going really quickly, but it makes cornering a breeze due to its high center of gravity!

    I have actually been traveling the globe, starting in Tonga, to celebrate the new year in each time zone. I'll finish up on Howland Island, a place I've never visited, so that should be particularly interesting. Apart from that my day has been pretty ordinary.

    When is the best time to go water skiing in Antarctica? Or alternatively, to sail board around South Georgia Island?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 13,291 Member
    edited January 2022
    Given the rate of global warming, you should be able to water ski in Antarctica here in just a few months. Should give you enough time to take those lessons you've been putting off. Wouldn't want to accidentally ski over the head of a poor little penguin, bless their hearts.

    The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World have been mostly lost to time. If you were to name the new Seven Wonders of Today's World, what would they be?
  • TakeTheLongWayHome
    TakeTheLongWayHome Posts: 816 Member
    Doc, grumpy, bashful, sleepy, happy, sneezy and dopey.

    What was Goldilocks problem anyway?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,577 Member
    She had insomnia and it made her indecisive at times. After a nap, she should feel better.

    What fairytale are you using as the basis of the “happily ever after” for your life?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,540 Member
    The Frog Prince. Every spring I visit ponds and marshes, searching out new frogs to kiss. One day I'm sure I'll find my prince. 🐸 👑

    If you could trade places with anyone, who would it be?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,540 Member
    edited January 2022