Getting fit at 50 and beyond...200+ pound club



  • grandrory
    grandrory Posts: 161 Member
    Happy August 1st everyone. It's been a busy one for me. I'm working on clearing out a place for a garden next year. We live out in the country and of course the area we've chosen for the garden is at the side of the yard where the woods take over. So while hubby mowed the yard today I pulled weeds (lots of weeds) then raked up a ton of leaves and hauled them off to the burn pile. I've been working on this project for a couple days now. No where close to being done 🙄. But had to stop after 2 1/2 hours cause my back was screaming at me. Definitely got a workout in today!
    I made a list of goals for this month last night. After looking at how long the list was getting I ended up erasing some of them and just kept the most important ones. I've got a habit of biting off more than I can chew lol.
    My goals for Aug:
    Walk 2 miles a day
    Aim for 64 oz of water a day
    Work on quitting smoking
    Lose 5 pounds
    Keep working on my garden
  • grandrory
    grandrory Posts: 161 Member
  • grandrory
    grandrory Posts: 161 Member
    The pictures above are pictures of my work getting a garden prepared for next year. The bottom picture is how it looked when I started, top picture is the finished project. That's only about 1/4 of the size I need to do. It's going to be a busy summer for me lol.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,840 Member
    grandrory wrote: »

    Grandrory... you have been one busy little bee 🐝
    I’m glad that you’re getting a great workout outside. That’s my favorite place to workout too.

    Today Roxie and I got our second walk in for the day. She’s done for the day. 😴
  • pandygirl1
    pandygirl1 Posts: 87 Member
    @jm216, you have such a beautiful dog.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,840 Member
    pandygirl1 wrote: »
    @jm216, you have such a beautiful dog.

    Thank you!❤️
    Is that your kitty in your picture?
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,840 Member
    cpnknight wrote: »
    Weights and measures day is here
    1. Weight was 337.4 335.6 lbs....lost 1 lb 10 oz
      Neck size was 48cm....lost 2cm
      Waist size was 136cm....lost 10cm
      Chest size was 138.5cm....lost 4.5cm
      BMI Was 41.6.... lost7.5

    Just missed my weekly goal of dropping below 24 stone by a measly 2 oz. My weight registered at 23.97 stone which is basically 24 stone...grrr!

    Oh well, now for the restart.

    I wasn't giving myself monthly goals but that seems to be the format for the group so here are my objectives for August .

    Weight.... Lose 7 lbs to put me into the 320s.
    Fitness...."Elliptical Train" at least 20 miles.
    Try to drink 3 pints of water a day

    This weeks goals
    A 1 lb loss to put me into the 23 stones numbers officially
    5 "elliptical" miles

    Here's a picture of me being happy....(unfortunately not my boat)


    Congrats on your losses! I love that you’ve included measurements, too. Great picture and great job! You are the captain of your healthy journey! ⛵️

    Great check in!

  • eapar507
    eapar507 Posts: 64 Member
    Congrats @cpnknight . Those are awesome stats. I am going to copy your idea of including measurements. That was genius. Keep on boating!!!
  • grandrory
    grandrory Posts: 161 Member
    Good morning all. I forgot to log my goals yesterday...
    Walk 2 miles ✅
    Drink 64 oz water ✅
    Cut back on smoking ✅ 1/2 pack instead of 1 pack
    Yard/Garden work ✅
    Lose 5 lbs this month: to be seen at end of month

    Weigh-in 8/2
    PW 203.4
    CW 201.6
  • eapar507
    eapar507 Posts: 64 Member
    @grandrory great photos of your proposed garden sight, I know it is hard work preparing the spot and doing the work now for next year is the best plan. Here is a photo of my chickens enjoying helping me clear my spot lol

  • grandrory
    grandrory Posts: 161 Member
    Decided to take pictures of myself at the beginning of this journey, also took my measurements when weighing in this morning.
    Neck 16"
    Chest 48"
    Waist 43.5"
    Hips 47.2"
    I wanted to take upper arm and thigh measurements but that's hard to do by myself. Next time my daughter comes out I'll get her to measure for me.302hrpcrds7n.jpeg
  • eapar507
    eapar507 Posts: 64 Member
    @jm216 . Your pooch is so precious. I love dogs and any animal!! I wish I could walk my Tinkerbell more, but she is up there in age and the heat and humidity really bother her after just a short time. She used to go on all of our hikes and she would walk the entire hike sometimes 5-7 miles. If it got too steep or rocky my dh would put her in his backpack and she would enjoy the view lol .

  • cpnknight
    cpnknight Posts: 200 Member
    eapar507 wrote: »
    Congrats @cpnknight . Those are awesome stats. I am going to copy your idea of including measurements. That was genius. Keep on boating!!!
    The beauty of measurements is that if you are training and gaining any muscle then the increase in muscle can offset the loss of fat, maybe even increase your weight. If you are keeping an eye on measurements then regardless of any weight offset, your measurements will still decrease as you get trimmer.
  • grandrory
    grandrory Posts: 161 Member
    cpnknight wrote: »
    Weights and measures day is here
    1. Weight was 337.4 335.6 lbs....lost 1 lb 10 oz
      Neck size was 48cm....lost 2cm
      Waist size was 136cm....lost 10cm
      Chest size was 138.5cm....lost 4.5cm
      BMI Was 41.6.... lost7.5

    Just missed my weekly goal of dropping below 24 stone by a measly 2 oz. My weight registered at 23.97 stone which is basically 24 stone...grrr!

    Oh well, now for the restart.

    I wasn't giving myself monthly goals but that seems to be the format for the group so here are my objectives for August .

    Weight.... Lose 7 lbs to put me into the 320s.
    Fitness...."Elliptical Train" at least 20 miles.
    Try to drink 3 pints of water a day

    This weeks goals
    A 1 lb loss to put me into the 23 stones numbers officially
    5 "elliptical" miles

    Here's a picture of me being happy....(unfortunately not my boat)

    Good job on your losses! I like to keep daily goals cause it helps me stay accountable. I don't always meet them all everyday but it helps me see what I need to work on 😉. Last week I took "before pictures" of myself and thinking of taking pictures every month or so to compare. Hoping by seeing a difference in the way I look will help me stay motivated! We can and will do this!!
  • eapar507
    eapar507 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello everyone, I have enjoyed reading your posts. I RESTARTED my weight loss journey by visiting an Orthopedic Surgeon on 6/17/20. Due to my weight I was not eligible for bilateral knee replacement surgery for fear of anesthesia complications. So he wanted to begin shots, which if my insurance did not pay for would be $1,000 per knee. Of course the insurance would not pay for it! Therefore, I told them this morning that I would continue to lost weight with a goal date of April 2021. I need to lose 100 lbs. for the surgery. It is my hope that when I go for my April appointment that he will say my weight loss has terminated the need for surgery. What a goal! I started Intermittent Fasting (eating from noon to 8:00 p.m.), and have found it not stressful at all. Anybody else out there using this eating regimen?

    My starting weight at the Dr.'s office was 319 (ouch)
    Age: 67
    Height: 5' 3"
    Goal Weight: 219
    Weigh in today (7/31/20): 301.2
    Total Weight Loss: 18.6 lbs.

    This week's successes:
    -Weight numbers going down!
    -Logging on MFP

    This week's challenges:
    -eating out at friends (I actually took my own meal once)
    -Logging in consistently (so far 5 days straight)

    I am so glad you joined us @FABRICWOMAN. Great job on logging. Eating out can be a challenge especially with friends. You lost a great deal of weight already so you are off to a wonderful start!!
  • eapar507
    eapar507 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Sunday friends!!! July started out slow, but I am happy with how it ended.

    Start weight 200 on 6/27/20
    Age- 52
    Height- 5'9
    Goal weight- 160
    Dream Goal- 150

    6/28/20- 200
    7/7/20- 198.5
    7/16/20- 201
    7/24/20- 200.2
    7/25/20- 198.2
    7/26/20- 198
    7/27/20- 197
    7/28/20- 198
    7/29/20- 196.8
    7/30/20- 197.2
    7/31/20- 197
    8/1/20- 196.8
    8/2/20- 196.4

    I logged 700 hours of workouts in July, so that averages out to 175 minutes per week. I honestly think that this may have slowed my loss early in the month as my body adjusted to the increase. I have begun cutting back just a little and for August my goal will be 150 hours per week on average and see what that does for me. I will be keeping my adjusted calorie goal of 1450 and I will eat back half of my exercise calories. I am not going to stress as much if I don't reach my protein goals as long as I am over 80g. I will strive to keep my carbs below 100g total because my BS levels do better. I am going to be more patient with myself and this journey. I want this to be the last time I have to lose more then a few pounds!
  • pandygirl1
    pandygirl1 Posts: 87 Member
    pandygirl1 wrote: »
    @jm216, you have such a beautiful dog.

    Thank you!❤️
    Is that your kitty in your picture?

    @jm216, not the first picture you saw, but the one up now is my baby girl Zara, and I also have her brother Izzy (they are litter mates) about 8 years old.
    I need to figure out how to take pictures and be able to post them on this thread.
  • cpnknight
    cpnknight Posts: 200 Member
    pandygirl1 wrote: »
    I need to figure out how to take pictures and be able to post them on this thread.

    The way I post them is by using a dud FB account to store the pictures then link them from there...
    I have no doubt that there is an easier way but this worked for me so I am happy...

    Here is a picture of my little lady.

    Not the most lady like of positions but she was happy under the bed...
    We got her from a neglectful home. The woman who owned her got herself a boyfriend who hated cats and used to kick her, even kicked her down the stairs on, at least, one occasion!
    She is quite happy these days though.
  • eapar507
    eapar507 Posts: 64 Member
    cpnknight wrote: »
    pandygirl1 wrote: »
    I need to figure out how to take pictures and be able to post them on this thread.

    The way I post them is by using a dud FB account to store the pictures then link them from there...
    I have no doubt that there is an easier way but this worked for me so I am happy...

    Here is a picture of my little lady.

    Not the most lady like of positions but she was happy under the bed...
    We got her from a neglectful home. The woman who owned her got herself a boyfriend who hated cats and used to kick her, even kicked her down the stairs on, at least, one occasion!
    She is quite happy these days though.

    She is so pretty!!!

    I cant understand how anyone could hurt an animal. I bet she is a very happy kitty living with you.