
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited October 2020
    Withdrawals After spending the morning in MFP quarantine, I am once again able to post. I was relieved that it was a program glitch and not because of my behavior.

    Short term memory loss After a leg numbing thorough bladder drain while carefully positioned on the toilet, I staggered out to my moonlit patio to do my Tai Chi this very morning. I felt my legs regaining feeling as I slowly moved them into a power position. I came back to the center and felt a familiar sensation on my left leg. As it reached my knee I heard a voice in my head that sounded like my mothers. "Faetta, did you not learn anything from yesterday?"

    Fae in liner enhanced fresh undies ordering Ginkgo Biloba
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    I could only read not comment this morning. Problem is fixed again!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family to park- 14.52min, 89ahr, 101mhr, .77mi= 71c
    Strava app = 94c
    Jog w/family- 31.42min, 10.12min mi, 146ahr, 160mhr, 5k= 319c
    Strava app= 380c
    Walk home- 46.42min, 94ahr, 113mhr, 2.32mi= 225c
    Strava app= 282c
    Spin bike- 35min, 140ahr, 155mhr, 11.67mi= 322c
    Spin bike- 379c

    Total cal 937

    I weighed myself this morning 136.4
    After my workouts were over- 134.4
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,232 Member
    Tuesday is my tough day. I exercise with my dad at four but my eating window closes at five. So I last ate around two, and I have 400 calories left. It's 5:30 now. Can I make it until 9:00 am? Should I even try?

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Tuesday is my tough day. I exercise with my dad at four but my eating window closes at five. So I last ate around two, and I have 400 calories left. It's 5:30 now. Can I make it until 9:00 am? Should I even try?

    Annie in Delaware

    Yes, try
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: I love your idea that your family members who have gone before you are now your Guardian Angels. It is a comforting thought. I have always believed in Guardian Angels and have two special aunties who have long passed & have helped me through challenging times. My parents taught me to value guardian angels when I was a young child growing up. :heart:

    We went to the furniture store here in town to look for a pair of new chairs. Those we sit in most are coming apart at the seams and it is time to replace them. The ones we plan to buy will likely take a few months to be built and get to us. I hope they are worth the wait.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Rebecca- I love your little quotes and your vision is funny.

    I grew up right next to my Grandparents and I truly loved it as a child and cherish the memories. However, when we were young parents and offered a piece of property I turned it down. I didn’t want my parents being able to drop in at any time unannounced like they and I did to my grandparents. I know there must have been many times my Grandmother just wanted peace and couldn’t get it as she would never have sent us away. Looking back I think I abused her some in that regard.
    As a parent with grandchildren now I like having the distance between us, my youngest is a little too far, but it’s a pretty drive.
    Our girls will not just stop in without texting to say we’re on the way or do you mind. Our eldest, when we were having this discussion last week, said I’m too scared to just drop in, how do I know you and Dad aren’t running around naked, he always said that what you were going to do when we moved out. 😂

    Barbie - I am a little envious of your alone time. I have not been alone during waking hours in my own house since June 2019. I am alone each morning from 5am until I leave for work, but I don’t really count that time as I’m asleep for most of it.

    Allie - I like to think those that passed are my Guardian Angels too. I can’t visit any of them but I think about them a lot.

    Katla- we need to make one of those big purchases as well.
    I really need a lot of money to get everything fixed that needs fixed.

    Had a 2.5 hour zoom meeting today for a new scheduling/payroll program. We will be moving from DOS to Windows and I am over the moon excited! It will cut my workload greatly and will open up my time for more projects which I enjoy.

    Sad news from the Rock n Roll world today, I am not a big Rock fan but enjoyed Van Halen.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,588 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: dogs to powerline.
    Bonus: firehall for repair pics.
    Get to do: inventory donation then call for appointment, take pics of car, test Bluetooth speaker so can do BB&B or T’ai Chi from voice recordings, Pilot tech support 5034447924 to link subscription and fix login, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; weed drive again, finish weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs, Tuesday: call Progressive adjustor.
    Self Care October
    5: start your day with the most difficult thing on your list: maybe tomorrow. Somehow taking a shower and washing my hair has been the most difficult so that’s what I did.
    6: do something constructive to improve a difficult situation: ?

    Typing this on my laptop while scanning from my iPhone. Will post when I can get back in from my laptop.

    Katla thanks for the heads up about the Oregon Voter’s Guide. Tried for the Military/Overseas voting guide and this is what I got. The “complete Online Voters' Guide” will be posted sometime this week. Candidates either have to pay $600+ to get their statements included, or submit petitions with ### validated signatures. Know this cuz I gathered 20 signatures for one of our county council incumbents. I’m reluctant to long in to anything through FaceBook, other than FB itself. Fae is having the same issue, able to log food, but kicked out when clicking community.
    Flea heart rx out of stock? Had a similar issue in Boise, where the vet told us that big pharm stopped producing a certain, effective vet medicine because it was too cheap to be profitable. He gave us an rx for the human grade that we were able to have filled at Wal~Mart.
    Debbie Try the gingerbread ice cream mocha too, it didn’t sound great but it is yummy! Kind of a holiday spice ice cream in mochi. Grocery Outlet is great, cheerful, competent staff, very careful cleansing and social distancing protocols. BUT there are two problems: 1: There is ALWAYS something there that demands I buy it even though it’s not on my list. 2: Wonderful things appear, I get hooked, then they’re gone forever (Cooper Street cranberry almond biscotti for example. Most yummy and only 30 cals each.
    Vicki that’s a lot of hours to work. Hope you have some energy left for your vacation ;)
    Tracey would painting the inside of a metal watch band with clear nail polish allow you to wear it without the rash? No training for the gear up test, yet you passed? DD hired on the spot? Both so very well done! What flavor(s) of grandpuppy?
    Allie holding good thoughts for Trudy’s safe return. Hope the nuclear scan reveals an easily repaired issue.
    Rebecca (and Debbie) you are right. It is necessary to set safe boundaries for yourselves. Hard to do, but crucial. You can always hope that bumping into those boundaries might shake them up enough to wake them up, but only they can do that, not you.
    Kim I must have had ice cream (from the mocha chat) on the brain because my initial reaction to Rebecca’s (n)ice cream of chicken soup was bleccch. Praying for the surgeon, anesthesiologist and your mother, that all goes well.
    Karen in VA I wimped out and skipped right over the tonsillectomy video.
    Lannette, alas, the garden prep has been on my “get to do” list for months, and has yet to move to the “chose well”. Choosing instead to pull salal, prune fetterbush lyonia and most important walk the dogs down to the powerline... ;)
    Smoky here again with an angry orange sun. Fortunately the temps are back to our normal 55-65 range.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    October: better than September.
    daily: sit with Joe: 5, weigh: 5, steps>5491=3404 vits=5 log=5 CI<CO=5 CI<250<CO=3 Tumble & Shadow 5=6 mfp=4 outside=5 up hill=5
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3= rx=1 dance= clean 30 mins=1
    mnthly: board mtg= grant=1 20for20=
    bonus: AF=2 play= sew=0
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did Katina Hunter Interval Party DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 30 Minutes to Fitness Plateau Buster DVD

    – you know, I made the EXACT same mistake when I read Rebecca’s post. Maybe I shouldn’t read posts too early in the am….lol Great thoughts for your mom

    Worked, got milk ready to make yogurt then exercised. Afterwards, helped Vince put the rocks in the culvert.

    Katla – I’m glad you were able to fix your problem. When I get the “an error occurred” message, I just log out and then try again. Sometimes I have to do this two or three times, but most of the time I just need to do it once.

    Work tomorrow

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Allie, A few years ago, I had a huge blood draw when multiple doctors were trying to figure out what caused the pains in my legs. It was a fasting lab and they told me to drink a lot of water before I came in so I was up and down all night peeing. They took ten vials of blood. After that I had my regular breakfast and went to line dance class and felt fine until someone said "After they took all that blood, don't you feel weak?" Then I did and sat down immediately and in between dances for the rest of the class.

    :) I am not a family person and would not like living adjacent to family, but I know many people who love the idea.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the kind words ladies!💖

    My husband and I were discussing in the car a dream. They always start with, "wouldn't it be great if....." . So what would be great if we (the 3 son's and us) bought a 4 plex! We would take the separating fences down in the back patios and make it mostly open. Patrick and Danielle (middle married couple with Athena) could have a fenced part for their dogs. We could watch Athena, plus and noises we would hear would be no problem because its family you know? The two sons active military would know their stuff is safe. We would be together but apart. Sounds like heaven to me! I can see " family night" with a couple pans of lasagna..... Or a son calling me whispering TAPIOCA! Its nice to dream.

    That would be near torture for me. :). I love my family dearly, but I don't love family drama and it exists even in the most non-dramatic families. I need a bit of distance between us all. Not necessarily the 1600+ miles between me and them, but at least a few blocks, miles, or cities.

    Tina in CA

    The place right next door to my parents is for sale. On the one hand, it is tempting to try to buy it. On the other hand, it's not tempting at all. While I would like to live closer to my parents, I'm not sure I want to live next door.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    Barbie - I am a little envious of your alone time. I have not been alone during waking hours in my own house since June 2019. I am alone each morning from 5am until I leave for work, but I don’t really count that time as I’m asleep for most of it.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I have only been alone in my own house once since July 2018 when my husband came home from the hospital ... it was when he stayed overnight in the hospital in March 2019 because of his first seizure. The rest of the time, he's home or out with me all the time.

    The only breaks I get are going to work, and when he sleeps.

    M in Oz