

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member

    My thoughts on preventing transmission of COVID-19 (putting in spoiler because honestly it’s boring and tediously science-based, and few people are likely to want to read it).
    I believe there is an inexpensive, effective, user-friendly way to get through the next many months relatively safely. This method is available in some parts of the world, but not in the USA for reasons I cannot fathom.
    It involves using simple test strips (cheap to produce and distribute) which are rapid antigen tests for home use.
    The main value in using these home tests would be for asymptomatic people who are willing to test twice weekly ongoing. Use by individuals (or even pooled family tests) would alert people that they are infected before the symptoms start, enabling them to alter behavior to reduce transmission of the virus.
    Many people are under the impression that rapid antigen tests are not reliable, but used in the manner I described, they would make a very big difference in driving down asymptomatic transmission, which is the biggest problem in spread of the virus.
    The tests are very specific, but not nearly as sensitive, which means they will miss some cases (false negatives), but it also means that if you have a positive test, you can be quite certain you are infected. The idea is for people to voluntarily screen themselves twice a week until we achieve herd immunity through a combination of vaccination and natural immunity.
    Of course, this type of screening does not replace handwashing, masks, distancing.
    I believe it is the key to opening our economy back up while we are in the process of achieving herd immunity. I don’t know why this isn’t a thing in the USA.

    Karen in Virginia


    Karen - from your lips to whoever is in charge of this stuff's ears. Brilliant. <3

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Katla49 There are many GF brownie recipes, since brownies are more about the gooeyness and not so much about the rising.... Butter sugar chocolate fat and then other stuff...many options...
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @trucker743 Sharon, nice to see you posting! I've been on and off the boards. It's nice that you have something to look forward to in meeting your online friend. Sending good thoughts your way.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    Suzi--- I do think people contacted and invited me way more when I was in a couple than when on my own. it stinks but that is how it is. I wonder if people are less good at staying in touch since the online thing is not so easy or motivating for eveyone. I love to meet people but I spend so much time online with students I don't always have it in me to spend yet another hour or so video-chat..;

    I tried to assemble the trundle bed this evening but WAY too many pieces. I had bought sofas at another lowcost reputable chain but there re not nearly so many pieces for an order. For the trundle bed-sofa there are surely more than 100 pieces with screws. I have to screw on every slat! Even so there were some instructions that seemed erroneous; seemed to indicate I should at least 3 of one piece that there is a slightly different version of... (and it's a moving part, one that would not be forgiving if done incorrectly.

    So I gave it a break for today and sunk my teeth into the tall bookshelves. No moving parts, so I managed to finish it. it took ages, but I stuck to my schedule of one piece per day. It looks nice.

    Tomorrow is going to be some pressure.

    I invited a friend round for a drink finally. I haven't had a friend over in ages!
    I suggested Tuesday or Wednesday hoping she'd take me up on Wednesday, but she picked Tuesday at 6pm.

    Not sure if I can get the sofa trundle-bed together before then.

    Otherwise, there will undoubtedly be a good bit of stashing messy stuff, especially papers...

    Got 15 min of cycling at about 115-125 HR plus a usual walk of about 30-45 minutes plus many hours pottering working on getting the furniture together. I got a take out asian food. I usually don't get it as it comes with a BIG serving of rice. an old ww online pal suggested tossing the rice but it's some spiced rice and I like it and so ate it. the rest was pretty low cal: shrimp with light sauce, fruit salad and Vietnamese fresh spring roll (salad-y).

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lanette The brilliant one is:

    Michael Mina MD PhD of Harvard

    Karen in Virginia

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Worked today, work tomorrow. I feel so much better, I did my job inside until it the sun came out and it warmed up enough that I went outside. I had with me documentation that OSHA says that cold temps are different, that in an area that’s not used to cold temps (like NC) cold temps are above freezing.

    I was talking to the gal who was handing out masks. She said that she was told by the night manager that if she asks someone if they’d like a mask and they say they can’t wear one for medical reasons, she was to ask for their documentation of the medical reason. I just said to her “you can’t ask that, HIPPA laws” Alls I know is that there is no way in h*** I would ask someone for that

    When I got home from work Vince said that Denise called. She’s getting a two week paid vacation. Seems the daycare is shutting down for two weeks because there are so many children testing positive for C and so many staff. She said that PJ and she tested negative. But isn’t there an incubation period where you test negative but are subsequently positive? I guess now it’s really a blessing in disguise that she isn’t coming down here.

    Debbie CA – you can deliver treats to my house any time. You can even mail them, I don’t have a problem with that…..

    Made my first loaf of sourdough for the holiday. Actually, it’s rising right now. I think I’ll make one for Colby to take back, one for Amanda and andy who will be here Christmas Eve for dinner (last time she said that she liked it) and one for this guy from the Salvation Army who is usually at Food Lion. And if he isn’t there, we can have it

    Had the dinner all planned for this week. Had dinners Jessica was going to make. Then last night Vince tells me that Jess is going to work today even tho they don’t have her (I think it is) I-9 form and she has no idea what time she’ll be back. So ma to the rescue. Made beef and potato patties for dinner tonight. I’ll have to talk to her when she comes home, if she’s going to work Wed. and Fri, I need to know how she makes the things.

    Katla – what ingredient in fudge contains gluten? I didn’t think any of them did, so now I’m curious

    KJ – glad you’re feeling better and that those parents were able to help you. You do so much for their children!

    Flea – congrats on the successful fudge!!!

    Mahjongg tonight

    Michele NC
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,360 Member
    Suzie-Totally get your point about always being the understanding one! It almost seems like people don’t know what to do with widows.

    Karen in Va-interesting point about tests.

    Sharon Near Seattle-sorry to hear you are in such a low spot. It does sound like you are making some steps forward. Credit yourself for what you do, don’t beat yourself up over what is not done. Your date sounds great!

    Katia-love the tree.

    Allie-glad you are noticing improvement in strength-give yourself time.

    Masks and HIPPA-actually, if an individual gives you their medical record it is not HIPPA-the doctors can’t give it to anyone without the individual’s permission.

    Only worked half day today. Had to go to gyn office for blood work-bone density test shows osteoporosis. No doubt due to thyroid suppression medicines since 1996 for thyroid cancer. Can’t quit the suppression therapy so I will see what the doctor has to say.

    Went to credit union-house is paid for. Had nice work out at gym. Going to clean up kitchen and return call to brother (haven’t heard from him in months and he called while I was on work call this am). He lives about 15 minutes from me!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: As I have read in the cook books, fudge is usually made with butter, milk & sugar. I always choose chocolate fudge and substitute margarine for butter because of my picky digestive system. DH likes peanutbutter fudge best. Between us, DH & I both have digestive issues and we often have to make substitutions. When I first glanced at your post I was thinking of brownies, rather than fudge. I sometimes think of inlcluding peanutbutter in brownies. We have to make substitutions there because DH can’t digest wheat flour. :ohwell:

    I hope you have a good time at Mahjongg.


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Worked today, work tomorrow. I feel so much better, I did my job inside until it the sun came out and it warmed up enough that I went outside. I had with me documentation that OSHA says that cold temps are different, that in an area that’s not used to cold temps (like NC) cold temps are above freezing.

    I was talking to the gal who was handing out masks. She said that she was told by the night manager that if she asks someone if they’d like a mask and they say they can’t wear one for medical reasons, she was to ask for their documentation of the medical reason. I just said to her “you can’t ask that, HIPPA laws” Alls I know is that there is no way in h*** I would ask someone for that

    When I got home from work Vince said that Denise called. She’s getting a two week paid vacation. Seems the daycare is shutting down for two weeks because there are so many children testing positive for C and so many staff. She said that PJ and she tested negative. But isn’t there an incubation period where you test negative but are subsequently positive? I guess now it’s really a blessing in disguise that she isn’t coming down here.

    Debbie CA – you can deliver treats to my house any time. You can even mail them, I don’t have a problem with that…..

    Made my first loaf of sourdough for the holiday. Actually, it’s rising right now. I think I’ll make one for Colby to take back, one for Amanda and andy who will be here Christmas Eve for dinner (last time she said that she liked it) and one for this guy from the Salvation Army who is usually at Food Lion. And if he isn’t there, we can have it

    Had the dinner all planned for this week. Had dinners Jessica was going to make. Then last night Vince tells me that Jess is going to work today even tho they don’t have her (I think it is) I-9 form and she has no idea what time she’ll be back. So ma to the rescue. Made beef and potato patties for dinner tonight. I’ll have to talk to her when she comes home, if she’s going to work Wed. and Fri, I need to know how she makes the things.

    Katla – what ingredient in fudge contains gluten? I didn’t think any of them did, so now I’m curious

    KJ – glad you’re feeling better and that those parents were able to help you. You do so much for their children!

    Flea – congrats on the successful fudge!!!

    Mahjongg tonight

    Michele NC

    If shipping wasn't so expensive, I would love to ship to everyone- I paid over $65 just for shipping four boxes. Shipping cost more than the supplies to make the stuff inside.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Lanette The brilliant one is:

    Michael Mina MD PhD of Harvard

    Karen in Virginia


    Thanks Karen. I couldn't get the link to work but googled him, looks like he's been on this track for a while. YOU are the brilliant one for sharing it with us! :)

    Lanette B)
    Blustery and rainy SW WA State. Wind making the trees sing. Remembering what it was like to have snow blowing like that....
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Ginny OH – I’ve had osteoporosis for years now. Prolia seems to work for me. I’m thinking that it’s because Prolia goes directly into the bloodstream where as the other biphosenates have to go thru the stomach before entering the bloodstream. Congrats on paying the house off

    Michele NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Lanette right now we are snowless which is unusual for here. It makes driving and walking Drew easier. This can change in a heart beat. I do have a friend who lives in NY where they got 41 inches. That is when even pulling out of your driveway can be hazardous.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :) We had a dusting of snow this afternoon that turned into rain so by the time I went out for my 5 PM walk it was too slippery in too many places and I returned home reluctantly. It won't be a problem for walking the dogs in the morning because we can stay in the gigantic green space behind the house and avoid the roads.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Heavy, wet snow here. Made taking care of animals an adventure this evening. Goat shed was flooded from the rain this afternoon. Rebecca, I heard Whidbey has had more than 2" of snow already. Supposed to warm up overnight but DD has texted her supervisor at work to let him know she may have trouble getting there tomorrow.

    Sharon and Lanette - Do you have snow?

    Flea - thanks for your comments on the service. It is fun and our church hires someone who edits and puts everything together after it has been recorded separately.

    Barbara - Glad you enjoyed the music.

    Everyone take care Sue in WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Since I handed in my last assignment on October 9, I've discovered something ... I've been just as busy as I was when I was in uni. It's been a mad dash through my list of things to do trying to take care of the most important things and every time I look again, there's more!

    Nature abhors a vacuum ... so the minute there's some free space in my schedule, it gets filled!!

    A question ... do any of you who work actually have time where you sit down and relax?

    I grab about 20 minutes on Friday and Saturday nights to read a chapter in a novel ... but that is so infrequent that I often forget who the characters are and what they are doing!

    Occasionally, if is sunny on weekend day, I might sit outside and read for 30 minutes or so.

    Otherwise I feel like I'm going 100 km/h all the time.


    M in Oz