

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    edited July 2021
    Julie - My quick scan of the Internet looks very hopeful for your type of skin cancer. Nevertheless, I'm sure it is worrying for you. <3 Just one more thing to worry about. Grrrrrr!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Julie - My quick scan of the Internet looks very hopeful for your type of skin cancer. Nevertheless, I'm sure it is worrying for you. <3 Just one more thing to worry about. Grrrrrr!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Thank you heather <3 ; I was able to speak to the dermatologist again and she said the term "invasive" is not really worrisome it means that it's 2mm deep, or so, and not less. I'm glad I called her or I'd be worrying so much for not much. She had original proposed an appointment if I wanted one, so I said ok and I'll go see her next Thursday afternoon after I've gotten the 2 ultrasounds and possibly news of my scheduling for the very minor operation. Still not totally peaceful, but WAY WAY better. I think I can maybe work at the café this afternoon after the ultrasound. and if I can't work I can at least go and have 15 minutes of R&R.
    Glad to be walking the 20-25 min round trip to the ultrasound place too.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,236 Member
    edited July 2021
    Squamous skin cancer diagnosis this morning by phone call. Lot's of various thoughts below.
    I know some of you and your loved ones are dealing with or have dealt with things much more serious.
    I had a little fast growth a few weeks ago on my neck and was finally able to get a dermatology appointment a few weeks ago. She removed it and we both pretty much thought it was nothing. I found the ugly bandage a shame and there was barely a dot after removing the 1 stitch. But she called this morning to tell me it's squamous skin cancer. I know nothing about this other than what I've googled in past hour or less. On the paper sent is says "invasive" (fast growing) Indeed it was growing very fast on my neck and that's what made me push for an appointment which I luckily got.
    I'm sure some of you know more.
    I know I have a couple of friends who had skin cancer and it didn't seem to be a major issue for them.
    I might call one of them.

    But the doctor says I have to get it operated within the next month probably, at the hospital. She only removed the "bump" and it would seem likely that it's spread a bit below the "bump" and the hospital called me right away and so I'm going to get 2 ultrasounds of ganglions to be sure it hasn't spread there upon her diagnosis : one cervical today and one under clavicle tomorrow, so they can discuss my case at the hospital on Tuesday morning, and I guess schedule me according to results.

    The rush is not reassuring. It says it's "invasive", on the form received,, but on the phone she had said it had a good prognosis, when I asked, which granted is not very specific.
    She said I could call her back after reading the results she sent, so I will do so, as I was out on the street. She says I need to now see her every 3 months to check the skin.

    At first I figured it was not very big deal (and it probably isn't) but after reading a bit It's kind of freaking me out for a moment anyway, about the invasive version being worse. Doesn't help concentration on other stuff.
    I can now understand very well my friend who freaked out about having prostate cancer, even though prognosis is excellant. To say one has cancer (even a much less serious cancer) is not super relaxing.
    I feel pretty upset with myself for being behind already. I was just getting into a good work flow. I just want to get through stuff I have to do and be bogged down with unhelpful worries about something that is very likely not very serious, at least for now.
    It seems like another reason to procrastinate.
    And yet it's not totally unusual, to feel upset about even a non-serious cancer diagnosis.
    I know some of you are dealing with far worse.

    I'm annoyed with self for not being able to work normally so far. It's not ideal neither, to be so impatient with self I guess, as I spent most of the time working on getting appointments and about an hour looking up stuff.
    But sitting on sofa freaking is not exactly helpful either.

    I had an appointment with osteopath immediately after call, and told him, and I think it freaked him out a bit. He also says I need to get more exercise, that my body feels kinds of stagnant, which wasn't great to hear. Ok for the exercise part.

    Just dozed a wee bit since the night was not so long. I think only slept a few hours or so. Feel a bit better.

    After having to take Tuesday off due to intense anaesthesia with tooth root work, and generally being way behind on writing work.

    I'm having dinner Friday with a fairly close friend who said cancer is very normal for him as he has many around him who have had cancer of passed from cancer, not yet his parents, but most notably his sister, only sibling, died a teen and think it was pretty rough, he said, for his parents, and for him to be their only remaining child.

    So I think it's probably for him and more possible to have a fun/pleasant evening and better not to say anything to him, at least while I'm in the checking-things-out stage. Not wanting to hide but no need to go in depth about every boobo.

    Then I'm wondering if such a minor diagnosis could contribute to (explain) fatigue.
    And of course the risk that it's possibly related to other ailment.

    And remembering we wrote about this when I had possible pre-cancerous diagnosis some months ago (blood stuff that time) that seems to NOT be likely cancer, nor likely to evolve to cancer, after a good scare, and is just watch and wait. I was wondering who one should tell, not tell, and decided to tell almost no-one.
    Now it's not a possible diagnosis but a real confirmed one. I think I should tell my siblings because the dermatologist said it was partly because I have fair skin, but really my skin is not very fair- my siblings all have fairer skin than me, so it would be good for them to have heads up and protect their skin.

    Since I tanned easily - back in teens and 20s I would get "tan" in summer. Not sun-godess worshipping, but back then, a tan was seen as attractive, and no-one was talking about cancer nor even wrinkles from sun, as far as I can remember. Then I started wearing 50 sunscreen especially on the face from about 35 on, at the advice of a 10 years older friend who suddenly majorly got into skin care. But much less so recently. On and off. Sure if I go to the beach, but not all the time when out, since I live in the city and don't spend days on end in the sun all year round.

    I wonder if that can make one feel tired. If it's just the tiny little few millimetres, I would think not so much.

    I wonder if I will feel impelled to start eating healthier: less deserts, no more occasional red wine?
    I enjoy deserts and also the occasional glass of wine.

    Seems to me my father had a Squamous skin cancer on his leg a number of years ago. It was treated quickly and I don't think it has caused him any more issues.

    But I know a bit about the feelings ... I was diagnosed with pre-cancer (female organs) twice (2015 and 2017) and was rushed into surgery both times. It's a little bit of a shock and can occupy your thoughts. I'm glad they're doing things quickly for you.

    As you say, however, not nearly as serious as some of the others here.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • kizanne2
    kizanne2 Posts: 123 Member
    edited July 2021
    exermom wrote: »

    kizanne – Colemans Botanical Insect Repellent, I don’t remember ever seeing it. Where do you get it?

    Michele NC

    Michele - I got it at Bass Pro shop. I'm sure you can order it online too. Amazon has it with 4.5 stars and 500 reviews

    Julie Hugs and prayers. I would find that scary and I think getting it removed as fast as possible is the best. Meditation and getting out of your head can help with the stress but speaking as a mild hypochondriac I know that can also be impossible.

    So I may or may not get to post much as we are heading out of town but I am taking my computer so who knows.

    Today is Thursday so my WI is 200.6 which I think last week was 201.1 so down 0.5 pounds. BUT I start my gallbladder cleanse so I'm sure next WI I'll be back to a higher weight. On a really good jag I usually lose 3 pounds a months so last week's big drop was more than expected and this weeks drop is just the cleanse.

    I am enjoying my new eating style as I'm getting in so many veggies and enjoying the fats of low carb. Best of all not being hungry. I do feel better than before I started just not all the way healthy, It's a journey.

    I dread starting work Monday. The new eating style is so clean and unprocessed but that means a lot of prep. I just don't think I'll be able to find the energy.

    My new favorite slogan that I stole from a food company. Eat like your life depended on it. :)

    Also bummed as I keep track of my own blood measures and when I opened my triglyceride test box today inside the box was HDL test strips. So I couldn't take my measurements. My triglycerides have dropped to a healthy level since starting low carb but I wanted to keep and eye on them.

    Well gotta go pack. Have fun

    North Florida
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Well i went over some of my bills...i use 1 credit card,though I have 3.. I want to pay that off ,my hospital bill,the new window and patio door ,and my cremation...yes I know sort of morbid,but i want things taken care of my father had nothing for he or my mother and I didnt like having to plan at least his.. my cremation will be 1295.00 alot less than burial or other cremation..will take a load off my mind..
    My DD is 14 weeks along and feeling good,she goes for her next appointment next Thursday
    Picking Dan up at noon,dropping him off and then going to get the boys at the groomers and then home..
    Tom and Elena will pick up Homer around 3:45
    He is being extremely nice asking if i needed help paying for Alfies grooming..
    Im not so dumb ,i have a feeling he is trying to butter me up so that he thinks ill give in when he asks to lower my alimony.. sorry Bud it ain't happening..like I said I forgave but didnt forget.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,552 Member
    Allie, its amazing how cheaters are so transparent. You know his game.💖. Hugs friend!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,552 Member
    Hugs Julie!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Squamous skin cancer diagnosis this morning by phone call. Lot's of various thoughts below.
    I know some of you and your loved ones are dealing with or have dealt with things much more serious.
    I had a little fast growth a few weeks ago on my neck and was finally able to get a dermatology appointment a few weeks ago. She removed it and we both pretty much thought it was nothing. I found the ugly bandage a shame and there was barely a dot after removing the 1 stitch. But she called this morning to tell me it's squamous skin cancer. I know nothing about this other than what I've googled in past hour or less. On the paper sent is says "invasive" (fast growing) Indeed it was growing very fast on my neck and that's what made me push for an appointment which I luckily got.
    I'm sure some of you know more.
    I know I have a couple of friends who had skin cancer and it didn't seem to be a major issue for them.
    I might call one of them.

    But the doctor says I have to get it operated within the next month probably, at the hospital. She only removed the "bump" and it would seem likely that it's spread a bit below the "bump" and the hospital called me right away and so I'm going to get 2 ultrasounds of ganglions to be sure it hasn't spread there upon her diagnosis : one cervical today and one under clavicle tomorrow, so they can discuss my case at the hospital on Tuesday morning, and I guess schedule me according to results.

    The rush is not reassuring. It says it's "invasive", on the form received,, but on the phone she had said it had a good prognosis, when I asked, which granted is not very specific.
    She said I could call her back after reading the results she sent, so I will do so, as I was out on the street. She says I need to now see her every 3 months to check the skin.

    At first I figured it was not very big deal (and it probably isn't) but after reading a bit It's kind of freaking me out for a moment anyway, about the invasive version being worse. Doesn't help concentration on other stuff.
    I can now understand very well my friend who freaked out about having prostate cancer, even though prognosis is excellant. To say one has cancer (even a much less serious cancer) is not super relaxing.
    I feel pretty upset with myself for being behind already. I was just getting into a good work flow. I just want to get through stuff I have to do and be bogged down with unhelpful worries about something that is very likely not very serious, at least for now.
    It seems like another reason to procrastinate.
    And yet it's not totally unusual, to feel upset about even a non-serious cancer diagnosis.
    I know some of you are dealing with far worse.

    I'm annoyed with self for not being able to work normally so far. It's not ideal neither, to be so impatient with self I guess, as I spent most of the time working on getting appointments and about an hour looking up stuff.
    But sitting on sofa freaking is not exactly helpful either.

    I had an appointment with osteopath immediately after call, and told him, and I think it freaked him out a bit. He also says I need to get more exercise, that my body feels kinds of stagnant, which wasn't great to hear. Ok for the exercise part.

    Just dozed a wee bit since the night was not so long. I think only slept a few hours or so. Feel a bit better.

    After having to take Tuesday off due to intense anaesthesia with tooth root work, and generally being way behind on writing work.

    I'm having dinner Friday with a fairly close friend who said cancer is very normal for him as he has many around him who have had cancer of passed from cancer, not yet his parents, but most notably his sister, only sibling, died a teen and think it was pretty rough, he said, for his parents, and for him to be their only remaining child.

    So I think it's probably for him and more possible to have a fun/pleasant evening and better not to say anything to him, at least while I'm in the checking-things-out stage. Not wanting to hide but no need to go in depth about every boobo.

    Then I'm wondering if such a minor diagnosis could contribute to (explain) fatigue.
    And of course the risk that it's possibly related to other ailment.

    And remembering we wrote about this when I had possible pre-cancerous diagnosis some months ago (blood stuff that time) that seems to NOT be likely cancer, nor likely to evolve to cancer, after a good scare, and is just watch and wait. I was wondering who one should tell, not tell, and decided to tell almost no-one.
    Now it's not a possible diagnosis but a real confirmed one. I think I should tell my siblings because the dermatologist said it was partly because I have fair skin, but really my skin is not very fair- my siblings all have fairer skin than me, so it would be good for them to have heads up and protect their skin.

    Since I tanned easily - back in teens and 20s I would get "tan" in summer. Not sun-godess worshipping, but back then, a tan was seen as attractive, and no-one was talking about cancer nor even wrinkles from sun, as far as I can remember. Then I started wearing 50 sunscreen especially on the face from about 35 on, at the advice of a 10 years older friend who suddenly majorly got into skin care. But much less so recently. On and off. Sure if I go to the beach, but not all the time when out, since I live in the city and don't spend days on end in the sun all year round.

    I wonder if that can make one feel tired. If it's just the tiny little few millimetres, I would think not so much.

    I wonder if I will feel impelled to start eating healthier: less deserts, no more occasional red wine?
    I enjoy deserts and also the occasional glass of wine.

    Seems to me my father had a Squamous skin cancer on his leg a number of years ago. It was treated quickly and I don't think it has caused him any more issues.

    But I know a bit about the feelings ... I was diagnosed with pre-cancer (female organs) twice (2015 and 2017) and was rushed into surgery both times. It's a little bit of a shock and can occupy your thoughts. I'm glad they're doing things quickly for you.

    As you say, however, not nearly as serious as some of the others here.

    M in Oz

    Exactly. about all.

    I was able to get ultrasound today. The MD was supposed to only do one of the 2 areas (and I had another appt tmorrow !) but she did both plus a third. All clear! that makes a big difference. It was a bit of a shock to get the call and have to rush to get exams today. In France things REALLY close down a bit in summer, especially in late July and August. So if it's no big deal, no problem, but on the outside chance it was serious taking a few extra days in summer could mean being a month or two, late - no biggie, but the nature of the thing (not benign) is that it's growing so definitely much safer to get even tiny things dealt with quickly.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    kizanne2 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »

    kizanne – Colemans Botanical Insect Repellent, I don’t remember ever seeing it. Where do you get it?

    Michele NC

    Michele - I got it at Bass Pro shop. I'm sure you can order it online too. Amazon has it with 4.5 stars and 500 reviews

    Julie Hugs and prayers. I would find that scary and I think getting it removed as fast as possible is the best. Meditation and getting out of your head can help with the stress but speaking as a mild hypochondriac I know that can also be impossible.

    So I may or may not get to post much as we are heading out of town but I am taking my computer so who knows.

    Today is Thursday so my WI is 200.6 which I think last week was 201.1 so down 0.5 pounds. BUT I start my gallbladder cleanse so I'm sure next WI I'll be back to a higher weight. On a really good jag I usually lose 3 pounds a months so last week's big drop was more than expected and this weeks drop is just the cleanse.

    I am enjoying my new eating style as I'm getting in so many veggies and enjoying the fats of low carb. Best of all not being hungry. I do feel better than before I started just not all the way healthy, It's a journey.

    I dread starting work Monday. The new eating style is so clean and unprocessed but that means a lot of prep. I just don't think I'll be able to find the energy.

    My new favorite slogan that I stole from a food company. Eat like your life depended on it. :)

    Also bummed as I keep track of my own blood measures and when I opened my triglyceride test box today inside the box was HDL test strips. So I couldn't take my measurements. My triglycerides have dropped to a healthy level since starting low carb but I wanted to keep and eye on them.

    Well gotta go pack. Have fun

    North Florida

    thank you! post when you can, what you want. have a nice trip.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Hugs Julie!

    thank you!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    lost the working day today, but ok am clear for tomorrow which is good.
    it's 6pm and I popped into the café to try to work but my mind is not very focused. the book is not earth shattering either! LOL

    I tried listening to this which is pleasant, but so far the concentration is not A+++, far from it!

    "beats to relax and study to"


    I almost never listen to it, but have when noisy people settle down next to me in café which happened today. not really noisy but very close and a bit talky. they moved over and I put the music on.

    it's not making me work better but it is relaxing type music. (not for all tastes though and could get old quick!)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    edited July 2021
    Julie - we are all in your pocket my friend..
    Hope Lisa is alright.. havent heard from her.
    And Mary - wasnt she in New Mexico from Minnesota.. and had a dog name Shep..
    Just sitting waiting for.Dan to get out of work...its a scorcher here today..
    Yes I know how Tom works. I will not let my guard down. In my opinion alot of men and women for that fact can be sweet as pie when they want something...
    I think I told you I talked with my brother ,should have left well enough alone.. i hadnt talked to him in a few weeks and he still.was yelling at me...oh well will let sleeping dogs lie
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2021
    M in OZ & Heather— Moderation is often the best choice in many areas, from food consumption, to exercise, sleep & rest. When I see a stooped older woman, I suspect the person is not eating healthy foods and/or not getting adequate exercise. I also suspect they need to take calcium to help their bones. TUMS seem to be helpful along with some other products. In addition to that, I also take alondrate weekly to help bone density. Exercise is necessary and important for over-all health. I enjoy walking, bike riding, yoga, dancing & other pleasurable activities. Deliberately having fun is good. :flowerforyou:

    Allie— My son has used a C-pap in the past. He said it did wonderful things for him. I don’t know if it is still something he is doing. We have a couple of neighbors who have also used a c-pap as a good support for heart health and rest. :star:

    Rebecca— Your middle son will enjoy the chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. :smiley:

    Bananas— Congratulations on the “all clears” from your doctor! :bigsmile:

    We are in the process of replacing our old microwave and oven combination, that wore out after 24 years, with a new microwave and oven. A local company will remove the old and install the new. I can hardly wait!!!

    A boat mechanic was scheduled to work on our sailboat today, but so far he is a no-show. I will try to get in touch with him. I want to make everything ship-shape on the boat, and then sell it. I have loved our adventures on the boat, but DH can’t even go down onto the docks. I am not a skilled single hander and I’d rather sell it than see it slowly deteriorate from lack of use. :cry:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member