
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Hey all! Am here and reading; no time to comment much. I have had one of my kiddos arriving an hour early each day, due to daddy being out of town on business and mama's work hours beginning at 7 am.
    Alot I want to comment on, loving all of the pics. BUT...I found out DH has been trying edibles (cbd gummies, honey) but he isn't sure what to look for. Has to have low or no THC. I remember Karen VA and Lanette having a reliable online source that they shopped from. Wondering if anyone can send me info on what to look for. He needs it for chronic pain due to advanced RA. He would rather have something to ingest, than spread oil on his skin. Thanks for any help in advance! KJ


    Karen in Virginia

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :) Except for the three months I taught line dance this summer before the governor set an indoor mask mandate, we have lived very much like Tasmania's lockdown or Washington State's shelter in place since the beginning of the pandemic. We feel safer staying close to home and leaving only for essentials.

    :)Katla, good luck on your venture into Portland. Mapquest or Google maps can help you find the best route.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Well had our budget meeting wore my mask.. pretty uneventful, tomorrow going to knit and stitch at senior center and grocery shopping
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi Gals,
    A million dollars +
    USA and CA taxes $50,000
    A hybrid car $35K
    A new roof with solar panels -$7K +16K = 23K
    Add central heat and air conditioning $6K (electrical panel upgrade) 8K for system and duct work =$14K
    A few other house upgrades $20K
    And that is the first 150K….

    The rest of it I would sit down with my financial planner and see what the best choices for my retirement and would hope to donate a nice chunk, I have 4 favorite charities and it would be fun to give 10+ grand to each. I would also want to start retirement accounts for my god kids and nephew.
    However I never buy a lottery ticket so that’s probably not going to happen, and some of the things on the list I can break down into very small chunks and get them done.
    Smiles Kim N. California

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Heather ... hard to believe a million pounds wouldn't buy much near you. In US dollars (~1,300,000) it would go a long ways depending on what area of the country you were talking about. Around the western part of NY it would buy me a mansion. But I have no interest in a mansion at this stage of my life.

    A million dollars ... after taking care of some large home improvement projects (roof/driveway), I would share with family, give to charity, buy husband a new truck, travel when able (I have a few bucket list destinations) and save the rest for a rainy day.

    Definitely Fall weather today.
    Beth near Buffalo

    Here, $1,300,000 would get me two houses like the one we live in, a small 3-bedroom. :)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Except for the three months I taught line dance this summer before the governor set an indoor mask mandate, we have lived very much like Tasmania's lockdown or Washington State's shelter in place since the beginning of the pandemic. We feel safer staying close to home and leaving only for essentials.

    :)Katla, good luck on your venture into Portland. Mapquest or Google maps can help you find the best route.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    It certainly wasn't a hardship for us. Spending 3 days doing stuff around the house was most welcome!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Tried to go to the gym but even tho the schedule says that the aerobics room is available, they are having other classes (yoga and pilates) in there but the classes are on another page. So I went to Aldi then home to get dinner ready. Newcomer bowling tonight.

    When I got home from work, the guy who was going to grind the stumps down was here. Interesting how it’s done.

    M – I agree, a 3 day lockdown seems really really short. To me, it seems like your government is wanting to exercise its dominance over you. What was accomplished?

    Terri – I was first introduced to them in Switzerland and I absolutely loved it. Then WalMart around here started using them. Unfortunately, they found too much theft. I’m guessing that maybe people were just leaving and not paying????? How I wish they’d bring them back!

    I tried chocolate with CBD, and I thought it was terrible!

    To be honest, I really don’t want to think too much about what I’d do with a million dollars. Since I know it ain’t going to happen, too depressing to think about what I’d do with something I’ll never get

    When they removed the bushes Monday, a swarm of bees showed up. They said the bees were nesting below the ground. I believe they were maybe below the ground but I’m questioning where they said the bees were nesting. I never all summer bothered them when I’d mow so that leads me to think that they were in the bushes.

    Katla – hope all goes well for you tomorrow

    Mary – travel safely

    Michele NC
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Kim - I love the story of the birthday party! Thanks for sharing.

    Barbara - is Joe feeling better with his walking?

    Allie - I hope the socks help you. I’ve so enjoyed reading the pleasure in your posts about your trip. I so agree about pictures. Maybe I need to post a picture of myself on the fridge and cupboard.

    Vicki - I hope your new gal is a roaring success.

    Rebecca - I just love the pictures of Athena and her dog.

    I’ve been reading for a couple of evenings and not posting my responses for some reason.

    I had the day off today. I went for my physical, doing ok. My blood pressure was high so she wants me to monitor that for the next month and see her again on Nov 12th. I told her about all of the pain I’m still experiencing and she suggested I go back to the therapist that had a good start on things. All of my pain is related to joints and muscles not working properly and it’s all starting from my hip still. She is also going to refer me to a different type of therapist that will help me rebuild muscles and joints without further injuring myself. I have lost 12lbs since I’ve seen her last and she asked me what I was doing. I told her I was logging my food, but that was about it. I do try to walk a bit more off and off throughout the day for a few minutes at a time but it’s hit and miss still depending on my pain level.

    I spent the afternoon “skimming” through my Mother and Grandmother’s diaries so I could try to narrow down what I want to use for jumping off points of my memories. I have most of my Grandmother’s diaries from the 1930’s to 2006 or so. There are some gaps as she burned some after condensing them into smaller journals. My Mom’s start in 1982. I have decided that I will do 1981-1991. 1981 is the year I turned 13 and 1991 is the year our youngest daughter was born.
    This will give them a good glimpse into my life and will be a gentle reminder to them when raising their own children that even though Grammie was a brat she turned out ok. They just need to show patience, grace and unconditional love. Now I need to go through and read more of Grammies to make sure I have the notable dates marked down.
    I don’t know if I’ll get this done for Christmas this year or not.
    I had some tears this afternoon as my skimming ended up reading some important times. My Grandfather’s death, when we moved to Alberta and when my Dad was sick and ultimately passed. I am planning on making most of the book more fun times though and I have several photos taken during the time I’m going to be doing.
    It will be a labor of love for sure.

    My son in law texted me today and told me he wasn’t going to have a chance to put the new door in until Spring, but he offered to take it to their place to store for the Winter. I told him I understand completely. The boy is working full time as an EMT for one company, part time as an EMT for another one, part time as a carpenter AND going to school and doing his practicum. He literally has no time. He came here from work as a carpenter to get the door and before driving home took the time to write an online midterm that needed to be done by midnight. He also mentioned that he listened to his lecture today using headphones and his phone while working. I will never have to worry about those two financially. He is doing all of this now so that they are in a better financial position for her to be a stay at home Mom. That is a plan for next Spring. He only wants to have the last exam written before the baby arrives.
    I am so incredibly proud and in awe of him. I hope he knows it.

    I should stop writing a novel. Have a great evening.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    edited October 2021
    exermom wrote: »
    M – I agree, a 3 day lockdown seems really really short. To me, it seems like your government is wanting to exercise its dominance over you. What was accomplished?

    Michele NC

    Our government was not exercising its dominance. :lol: It was a good decision and accomplished what it set out to accomplish. The articles I linked explained the situation.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Barbara – Winning millions in the lottery would be exciting, but I’d have to buy a lottery ticket in order to win. If I won, I’d divide it equally between ourselves and our adult kids. I’d also buy the Star Trek transporter so we could “pop in” to visit our adult kids and their families and go home for a good night’s sleep. :wink: (Definitely wishful thinking.)

    Machka – Tasmania is lovely and I enjoy seeing your photos. I like Canada. We have visited BC several times and loved each time we were there. :star:

    Kate UK & Heather- DH & I have had three Phizer jab’s and a flu shot. I had an easy time of it, but DH had a nasty headache, & upset stomach that lasted three days. :ohwell: Hopefully we are good to go on our planned trip to visit our adult kids in Virginia. They tell us that we will have to be quarantined when we get there. :grumble:

    Allie – Laying low and resting after your trip seems like an excellent idea. :star:

    I noticed an odd spot on my left arm and went to our local doctor yesterday. It turned out to be a small cancerous lesion. I’ve been referred to a dermatologist to remove the lesion. DH will drive into Portland to the dermatologist’s office with me tomorrow. My appointment is at 10:30 am.

    Katla in cloudy NW Oregon

    KATLA I'm so sorry about the lesion. You seem pretty calm about it. Good for you. They were able to find out it was cancerous in one day? and removed the following day? wow! in June they removed some but not all, and it took me at least 2-3 weeks to get results here the 1st time.and another 3 weeks to have it more fully removed at hospital. The second time they tried to rush the order so it took about 10 days for results. (and was benign). Is it basal? BCC?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thank you for kind words. I am happy that DH is coming with me. <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    First we went for a bicycle ride ... and no, I did not touch up that photo at all. It's just a snap from my phone and it really is very bright green out here!


    And then I went for a walk. :)


    M in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Kim - I love the story of the birthday party! Thanks for sharing.

    Barbara - is Joe feeling better with his walking?

    Allie - I hope the socks help you. I’ve so enjoyed reading the pleasure in your posts about your trip. I so agree about pictures. Maybe I need to post a picture of myself on the fridge and cupboard.

    Vicki - I hope your new gal is a roaring success.

    Rebecca - I just love the pictures of Athena and her dog.

    I’ve been reading for a couple of evenings and not posting my responses for some reason.

    I had the day off today. I went for my physical, doing ok. My blood pressure was high so she wants me to monitor that for the next month and see her again on Nov 12th. I told her about all of the pain I’m still experiencing and she suggested I go back to the therapist that had a good start on things. All of my pain is related to joints and muscles not working properly and it’s all starting from my hip still. She is also going to refer me to a different type of therapist that will help me rebuild muscles and joints without further injuring myself. I have lost 12lbs since I’ve seen her last and she asked me what I was doing. I told her I was logging my food, but that was about it. I do try to walk a bit more off and off throughout the day for a few minutes at a time but it’s hit and miss still depending on my pain level.

    I spent the afternoon “skimming” through my Mother and Grandmother’s diaries so I could try to narrow down what I want to use for jumping off points of my memories. I have most of my Grandmother’s diaries from the 1930’s to 2006 or so. There are some gaps as she burned some after condensing them into smaller journals. My Mom’s start in 1982. I have decided that I will do 1981-1991. 1981 is the year I turned 13 and 1991 is the year our youngest daughter was born.
    This will give them a good glimpse into my life and will be a gentle reminder to them when raising their own children that even though Grammie was a brat she turned out ok. They just need to show patience, grace and unconditional love. Now I need to go through and read more of Grammies to make sure I have the notable dates marked down.
    I don’t know if I’ll get this done for Christmas this year or not.
    I had some tears this afternoon as my skimming ended up reading some important times. My Grandfather’s death, when we moved to Alberta and when my Dad was sick and ultimately passed. I am planning on making most of the book more fun times though and I have several photos taken during the time I’m going to be doing.
    It will be a labor of love for sure.

    My son in law texted me today and told me he wasn’t going to have a chance to put the new door in until Spring, but he offered to take it to their place to store for the Winter. I told him I understand completely. The boy is working full time as an EMT for one company, part time as an EMT for another one, part time as a carpenter AND going to school and doing his practicum. He literally has no time. He came here from work as a carpenter to get the door and before driving home took the time to write an online midterm that needed to be done by midnight. He also mentioned that he listened to his lecture today using headphones and his phone while working. I will never have to worry about those two financially. He is doing all of this now so that they are in a better financial position for her to be a stay at home Mom. That is a plan for next Spring. He only wants to have the last exam written before the baby arrives.
    I am so incredibly proud and in awe of him. I hope he knows it.

    I should stop writing a novel. Have a great evening.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    you son in law sounds like an amazing hard worker and focused
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    question from Julie:

    Are there one or many spices, herbs, flavours or condiments that you find particularly Amazing or wonderful?

    Julie in Paris
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    question from Julie:

    Are there one or many spices, herbs, flavours or condiments that you find particularly Amazing or wonderful?

    Julie in Paris

    I love cardamon, and vanilla for spices; balsamic vinegar and cold pressed olive oil for condiments --- mustard for fries the very rare times (almost never now) I have them ---

    dried coriander deserves honorable mention
    and salt is pretty amazing too.
    I don't salt much but I find that olive oil with sea salt makes an amazing seasoning to toasted bread and turns the toast from simple to almost exotic - and it is so inexpensive.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    edited October 2021
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: take BP, dog group
    Bonus: walk with D
    Just one thing: process cider.
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, T’ai Chi, Freddie’s for rx, make up Tuesday’s line dancing, practice WBW, DM, SWTD, SL, learn the rest of GDLL, backup files, then call pc guy to schedule tuneup, fill in booster vaccine form with Joe, text C, make up Saturday’s pack walk, fire district: board meeting minutes, research district tax exemption for volunteer firefighters, AFG grant requirements including NIMS, call NFPA cancel inactive accounts, clarify benefits included in annual dues, input 2019 call sheets into NFIRS, work with chief on equipment letter, substance abuse policy, NFIRS, index mutual aid files and share with L; start Part D research with new rx info, watch STAS Day 20, declutter sideboard, learn new dances (Tequila Little Time, Homesick, Nothing but You, A Little Less Broken, Blame it on my beating heart, Do Your Thing, practice dances: All Night, TGIF, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat), One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke); finish mulching flowerbed, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant the last of the naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove, ask Te about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, Sunday: call S, Reward: inventory seeds, plan this fall’s garden, wishlist replenishments (Milena F1 orange peppers and beit alpha cukes next year).
    Reminder: Weekly: Mon=15 mins SWSY. Tues=30 mins line dance at home. Wed=30 mins T’ai Chi & 1 hr pack walk. Thurs=15 mins BB&B. Fri=30 mins T’ai Chi. Sat=1 hr pack walk. Sun=15 mins pilates, yoga or wii balance games.
    20: Find joy in tackling a task you’ve put off for some time: process and give cider to T, C, D, L, J and De.
    21: Let go of the expectations of others and focus on what matters to you: dog group instead of BGBS.

    Strained, pasteurized, bottled apple pressings. 2 gallons is a lot!451262moohv8.jpeg

    Ran out of jars, had to use bowls and even ice cube trays. Took up an entire shelf in the refrigerator. Was happy to give some to walking and dog group buddies. Joe won’t drink it, didn’t come from the grocery store ;}

    Julie Brava for persisting with the pages! I cannot imagine life without salt or garlic. Mace, cinnamon and mint are favorites. Cilantro tastes like Irish Spring soap. Balsamic vinegar and Kalamata Olive Oil are almost daily salad dressing. Mustard, Best Foods Mayonnaise, sweet pickles, oh don’t get me started on condiments!
    KJ the oil Karen recommends can be ingested, not just applied externally.
    Katla :love: your transporter! Holding good thoughts for tomorrow’s procedure. Safe travels.
    Carol, congrats to your DIL’s brother. Looking forward to learning when his Chopped program will air.
    Terri “Too many people aren’t being as careful or responsible as they could be. We’ve got to take our own precautions.” This is definitely the case here in southern, coastal Oregon.
    Michele, I stumbled on a nest of bumble bees in the ground earlier this year while chopping salal. Got stung but not badly. When I went back later to clear more, the bees had moved on. Was just damlucky they weren’t digger wasps!
    Tracey, I think it’s more that Joe is feeling better and so able to walk. He hasn’t yet connected the dots to realize how much the activity helps his pain and attitude. “gentle reminder to them when raising their own children that even though Grammie was a brat she turned out ok” LOL What a great gift for your girls!

    Took Tumble instead of Shadow to dog group. It’s been awhile, there are many new dogs, and she was pretty barky for the whole pack walk. Settled down for the exercises. We knocked off 10 minutes early to beat the rain home. An atmospheric river is forecast for the next nine days, just in time for my booster ;}

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    October: leaner/stronger/kinder than September.
    daily: sit with Joe:19, weigh/wii: 19/3/46; steps>7228=8806 vits=20, log=20, CI<CO=19, CI<250<CO=15, Tumble=16, Shadow=16, mfp=19, outside=21, up hill=18, clean 10=15.
    wkly: Sun:P, Y or W=3, Mon:SWSY=3 , Tue:LD=2 , Wed:TC=1.87 , PW=2, Thurs: BB&B=2.1, Fri:TC=2.77, Sat:PW=3, rX x4=3.
    wt=1/31:141.3 2/28:142.4 3/31:145.3 4/30:141.5 5/31:142.4 6/30:141.5 7/31:140.2 8/31:140.0 9/30:141.2 10/3:141.3 10/10:141.8 10/17:141.8 :astonished: 10/24: 10/31:
    mnthly: board mtg=1 , grant=2, plan=, waist=42.
    bonus: AF=12, play=46 sew=
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    edited October 2021
    question from Julie:

    Are there one or many spices, herbs, flavours or condiments that you find particularly Amazing or wonderful?

    Julie in Paris


    What are the health benefits of oregano?


    M in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Thursday! The one year old arrived this morning, half asleep; so she is laying down and back to sleep for a while before the others arrive around 7:30/8:00.
    Karen VA- Thank you for the link!
    Heather- Wow! You have been busy, busy with the kids, the memoirs, the meet ups with friends/family! But you sound happy, so that is great!
    Pip- I am loving all of the pics of your pups! Sorry to hear about Kirby's feet; but glad he found shoes that still allow him to run.
    Katla- Sorry to hear about your skin lesion. Good luck with the removal!
    Flea- I am so glad you are done with chemo! I truly hope you will have renewed energy to enjoy all of the things you used to! Sending healing hugs your way!
    Beth- It sounds as if you are being a good girl and listening to the doc and staying off your leg (as much as possible). I live with men who don't/won't cook and I am positive if I ever had to go through anything like you are dealing with, I would be living off Campbells soup and take out.
    Questions from Machka and Julie (working backwards)-
    Favorite herbs/spices- Oh, how I love herbs! I love the smell of cilantro, but I think my very favorite smell is freshly grated ginger. Such a sunny, lemony smell! INstant mood lifter for me.
    the million dollar question- 1st: House and debt paid off, 2nd: 100k put into retirement savings, 3rd: pay off our kid's student loans, 4th: 500k gift to specific charities or people in need. This way I could continue to work and use that income for home upkeep, travel, necessities, and still have plenty to bank.
    On shopping bags- I have used cloth shopping bags for many, many years (probably close to 20 years). They are washed often. They have been used for more than groceries (carrying meals to people, packing up kids from college dorms, sending things home with kids,etc.) I do keep a handful of plastic bags for wet clothes, dirty cloth diapers, etc. BUT, when stores banned us from bringing our own bags, I felt like crying. I had SO many plastic bags. I was happy when they allowed the cloth ones again. Pre-covid, Aldi was planning to get rid of a lot of their plastic packaging and have people bring in their own containers to carry things. I haven't heard anything about that change since covid hit. I would welcome that change with open arms.
    Well, here we are at 7:15. I better scoot and get ready for the other kids. I currently have a roasting pan filled with small pumpkins and gourds sitting in about an inch of cornstarch "slime". I added a handful of googly eyes to the mix. I figure if I set that out with a bucket of sudsy water, the kids will be busy for a good hour getting the gourds slimy, then washing, then slimy, etc. Fingers crossed for no rain, so we can do this messy play outside, rather than in my kitchen. Love and hugs to all of you! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Review ... (Distances include cycling + walking + a bit of rowing)
    Mar-15 … 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    Apr-15 … 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May-15 … 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    Jun-15 … 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    Jul-15 … 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug-15 … 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep-15 … 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct-15 … 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Nov-15 … 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Dec-15 … 499.91 km (282.8 miles) = 54 hours 56 min
    Jan-16 … 864.79 km (537.35 miles) = 65 hours 36 min
    Feb-16 … 470.53 km (292.4 miles) = 40 hours 39 min
    Mar-16 … 917.73 km (570.2 miles) = 66 hours 13 min
    Apr-16 … 417.83 km (259.6 miles) = 40 hours 23 min
    May-16 … 267.09 km (165.9 miles) = 36 hours 10 min
    Jun-16 … 552.1 km (343 miles) = 54 hours 48 min
    Jul-16 … 709 km (440.5 miles) = 60 hours 41 minutes
    Aug-16 … 775.9 km (482.1 miles) = 54 hours 52 minutes
    Sep-16 … 371.3 km (230.7 miles) = 32 hours 20 min
    Oct-16 … 649 km (403.3 miles) = 49 hours 46 min
    Nov-16 … 403 km (250.4 miles) = 52 hours 16 min
    Dec-16 … 511.05 km (317.55 miles) = 52 hours 2 min
    Jan-17 … 741.9 km (461.0 miles) = 70 hours 3 min
    Feb-17 … 600.5 km (373.1 miles) = 57 hours 30 min
    Mar-17 … 1113.2 km (691.7 miles) = 78 hours 25 min
    Apr-17 … 1181.9 km (734.4 miles) = 76 hours 45 min
    May-17 … 426.6 km (265.1 miles) = 39 hours 21 min
    Jun-17 … 575.7 km (357.7 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    Jul-17 … 714 km (443.7 miles) = 52 hours 23 min
    Aug-17 … 475.8 km (295.6 miles) = 38 hours 41 min
    Sep-17 … 455.5 km (283 miles) = 41 hours 25 min
    Oct-17 … 647.1 km (402.1 miles) = 57 hours 19 min
    Nov-17 … 427.0 km (265.3 miles) = 50 hours 4 min
    Dec-17 … 553.5 km (343.9 miles) = 52 hours 12 min
    Jan-18 … 590.2 km (366.7 miles) = 57 hours 49 min
    Feb-18 … 826.9 km (513.8 miles) = 57 hours 35 min
    Mar-18 … 582.01 km (361.6 miles) = 50 hours 11 min
    Apr-18 … 176.23 km (109.5 miles) = 29 hours 47 min
    May -18 … 167.6 km (104.1 miles) = 29 hours 08 min
    June-18 … 349.9 km (217.4 miles) = 36 hours 58 minutes
    July-18 ... 324.2 km (201.5 miles) = 24 hours 26 minutes
    Aug-18 ... 210.1 km (130.6 miles) = 25 hours 59 minutes
    Sep-18 ... 261.7 km (162.6 miles) = 25 hours 11 minutes
    Oct-18 ... 230.8 km (143.4 miles) = 30 hours 15 minutes
    Nov-18 ... 216.8 km (134.7 miles) = 30 hours 3 minutes
    Dec-18 ... 285.2 km (177.2 miles) = 37 hours 49 minutes
    Jan-19 ... 241.6 km (150.1 miles) = 27 hours 2 minutes
    Feb-19 ... 175.5 km (109 miles) = 19 hours 8 minutes
    Mar-19 ... 170.3 km (105.8 miles) = 28 hours 21 minutes
    Apr-19 ... 160.3 km (99.6 miles) = 25 hours 4 minutes
    May-19 ... 164.0 km (101.9 miles) = 29 hours 10 minutes
    Jun-19 ... 246.2 km (153 miles) = 25 hours 40 minutes
    Jul-19 ... 217.3 km (135.0 miles) = 33 hours 45 minutes
    Aug-19 ... 162.5 km (100.9 miles) = 28 hours 4 minutes
    Sep-19 ... 136.0 km (84.5 miles) = 23 hours 10 minutes
    Oct-19 ... 196.5 km (122.1 miles) = 31 hours 27 minutes
    Nov-19 ... 155.5 km (96.6 miles) = 25 hours 01 minutes
    Dec-19 ... 203.7 km (126.6 miles) = 26 hours 54 minutes
    Jan-20 ... 304.4 km (189.2 miles) = 32 hours 49 minutes
    Feb-20 ... 248.6 km (154.5 miles) = 34 hours 50 minutes
    Mar-20 ... 148.3 km (92.2 miles) = 30 hours 12 minutes
    Apr-20 ... 171.9 km (106.8 miles) = 19 hours 28 minutes
    May-20 ... 183.7 km (114.1 miles) = 20 hours 49 minutes
    Jun-20 ... 130.9 km (81.3 miles) = 18 hours 50 minutes
    Jul-20 ... 41.8 km (26 miles) = 9 hours 8 minutes
    Aug-20 ...148.9 km (92.5 miles) = 21 hours 43 minutes
    Sep-20 ... 119.8 km (74.4 miles) = 23 hours 17 minutes
    Oct-20 ... 191.7 km (119.1 miles) = 23 hours 40 minutes
    Nov-20 ... 273.0 km (169.6 miles) = 29 hours 16 minutes
    Dec-20 ... 216.8 km (134.7 miles) = 21 hours 59 minutes
    Jan-21 ... 208.2 km (129.4 miles) = 24 hours 39 minutes
    Feb-21 ... 229.6 km (142.7 miles) = 29 hours 01 minutes
    Mar-21 ... 259.8 km (161.4 miles) = 30 hours 48 minutes
    Apr-21 ... 282.1 km (175.3 miles = 28 hours 42 minutes
    May-21 ... 197.9 km (123 miles) = 25 hours 3 minutes
    Jun-21 ... 188.2 km (116.9 miles) = 28 hours 5 minutes
    Jul-21 ... 244 km (151.6 miles) = 32 hours 33 minutes
    Aug-21 ... 234.4 km (145.6 miles) = 27 hours 53 minutes
    Sep-21 ... 216.3 km (134.4 miles) = 33 hours 04 minutes

    All set for October ... as I sit in my house watching the rain. It's been a rainy month.

    Friday, 1 October 2021 … 0.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 2 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 3 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Monday, 4 October 2021 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 35 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 5 October 2021 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 31 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 6 October 2021 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 33 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 7 October 2021 … 3.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 34 flights of stairs

    Friday, 8 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 9 October 2021 … 4.2 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 10 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Monday, 11 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 12 October 2021 … 1.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 13 October 2021 … 4.1 km walking + 10.4 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 34 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 14 October 2021 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 33 flights of stairs

    Friday, 15 October 2021 … 3.3 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 31 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 16 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 17 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 11.1 km cycling + 2.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Monday, 18 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 14.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 19 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 20 October 2021 … 0.0 km walking + 53.6 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 21 October 2021 … 3.5 km walking + 20.2 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs

    2021 Monthly October
    Walking/Running Distance (km): 27.1
    Walking/Running Time (min): 335.3
    Cycling Distance (km): 109.3
    Cycling Time (min): 361.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Number: 231.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Time (min): 166.3
    Rowing Distance (km): 2.0
    Rowing Time (min): 13.0

    Total Distance (km): 138.4
    Total Distance (miles): 86.0
    Total Time (min): 875.6
    Total Time (hr): 14:35:34