
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,609 Member
    Machka- Really enjoyed reading about your trip 😀 and the mystery story. >:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • I was up two pounds and am not surprised, as my clothes feel tight. I am apparently retaining ALL the water. Yay for being female.

    Today I'm doing a lot of prep work. I have chronic pain and fibromyalgia, so as much prep as I can do in advance is that much less standing at the time (arthritis in my feet) and that much less complexity to handle mentally on a bad brain fog day. My partners and son and I all have food intolerances and allergies and issues, so I need to cook from scratch so that we can be our best selves. I also do a meal plan five weeks at a time, because when I'm hungry I can't think straight, and that way I just have to get out the meat the night before and then do a few things and there's food and I'm okay. It also helps me when people say, "What's for dinner?". I print out weekly menus and post them just outside the kitchen. Look at the menu, don't ask me. (grin)

    Last night I fried two pounds of Italian sausage with two pounds of ground turkey for pizzas. (That's one of my tricks; still tastes good but cuts the overall fat of the sausage way down.) We're going to make and freeze a lot of pizzas today. Son has said that he can eat pizza every single day and be happy. (And this after working six months at a chain pizza place!)

    I also fried three pounds of "hot taco meat"....ground meat with Mexican spicing. It will go into tacos and burritos and enchiladas and wraps for the people in the house who like things hot. (My boyfriend and girlfriend, who both grew up in California eating real Mexican food.) I also make mild taco meat for me and my son, both of whom are autistic supertasters who grew up eating bland food in the Midwest, but we go through that slower. I keep the taco meat and the pulled pork frozen in quart zipper bags, six ounces per bag. That's enough for us to do a couple wraps or a meal of tacos or burritos without having a big amount of meat hanging out to spoil, and since it's cooked one can always warm it from frozen in the microwave in a pinch.

    There are eight massive chicken breasts on the counter now waiting for me to get done with my tea and go handle them. I'll cut the tops off horizontally and trim them for chicken cutlets, and that's two meals for four people each. The bottoms will get cut for stirfries and curries. I'll freeze the stir-fries in marinade, and that gives them lovely flavor and texture. Plus, of course, it makes it easy for me when I get ready to cook. Then I need to chop onion and peppers for pizza toppings. At some point Son will wake up and we can set things up to make four personal pizzas for me, four personal pizzas for Girlfriend, and six medium pizzas for Son. Boyfriend has had weight loss surgery and has found that pizza just doesn't work for him as a meal, so he has fish (which most of the rest of us aren't into) on the nights where pizza is scheduled. I don't like pizza as much as my son does, so having it show up twice in five weeks is about right for me.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,229 Member
    Machka you must be right - I lost 1.5 pounds overnight! I really need to restrict weighing myself to Fridays only, and trust what I know about calories. The scale is always plus or minus a pound or so. Wicked fickle thing.

    Heather I'm so happy to see you publishing! And sorry for your friend's loss.

    I'm stiff today, sore in spots but not too bad. I did a few extra stretches with dumbbells last night, but that should help, not hurt. I'm still babying my right shoulder. Off to do elliptical and yoga next.

    We had four inches of snow last night. My dad had it shoveled before I got up. I used to feel bad about letting him do it, but not bad enough to get up early to beat him to it. I've really gotten used to staying in the house all day for days at a time.

    I did leave to go riding yesterday. Poor Henry got a mysterious cut on his jaw that took ten stitches. But he was still glad to work. I ride him with reins attached to a halter, no bit. I think he was happy with the indoor footing because his pasture is sloshy with melting snow.

    Annie in Delaware

  • SFFirebird
    SFFirebird Posts: 21 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,071 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,229 Member
    My latest challenge is to play a full round of solitaire with my back straight instead of hunched. Building new muscle!

    Machka, I moved my feet to the front of the elliptical and that helps my knee! Thanks again!

    I did my yoga and elliptical! Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,696 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    It is morning and time for coffee. I take mine black with a few drops of stevia. My left knee is not hurting as much as it did when I fell months ago. It seems like it is finally beginning to heal.

    (((Hugs))) to those facing challenges. 😘.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,150 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Chose well: Joe, 143.5 :rage:, readings, BP, BB&B, dogs to powerline, mfp50+, steps >7400, CI<CO, CI<250<CO, H20x6
    Bonus: veg prep, Jeopardy! Walking to make steps
    Workin’ on it: lemon pudding failed to set,
    Happier January 2022
    7: Learn something new and share it with others. Jerusalema?

    Debbie lack of sleep makes it hard to cope with pain. Double hip relacements? Owwww!

    Lighter, lovelies!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.

    He had both hips replaced and less than five years later, he had to have both redone and the revision was more extensive because of the damage to his bones that the first set did plus they had to come out because they were also causing cobalt/cromium poisoning. 44 yrs old when the first were done 48 or 49 when the second set were done. He still has trouble with them but they are better than they were. Scar tissue causes a lot of pain too.
    He doesn't go to bed when he should, says he isn't tired but I find him asleep in his room daily with tv, laptop,lights all on. Tv so loud I hear it at the other end of the house but he sleeps through it.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,609 Member
    Allie - Thoughts are with you and your whole family. <3

    Managed to pack up the last of the Christmas tree decorations and got the outside ones back inside to dry off. DH seemed to have no interest in doing it, so I waited until he went out and finished it. Not sure why he didn't help with any of it.
    I'm annoyed with him at the moment. The Fire stick is in the TV where my son put it, but he is showing no sign of registering it and getting it to work. I can't do it because it's the one from his other tv and in his name. Grrrr!
    I feel like getting my son round to get him going.
    These feelings will pass. I'm sure he has his reasons. He never used it in the other room, so probably hasn't given it a thought. It annoys me as a task in waiting.
    All on my mind. We are fine with our recorder. He has never watched Netflix in his life. It's me who wants to accomplish all this. Getting crosser and crosser is just my stuff. :#

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,698 Member
    Allie hugs and prayers! Hope it goes smoothly!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,071 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 40min 21sec, 3.16ap, 37elev, 81ahr, 108mhr, 5.31mi= 492c
    Strava app = 641c
    Zwift home spin bike- 36.23min, 92elev, 99aw, 72arpm, 141ahr, 165mhr, 11.1mi= 373c
    Zwift app = 207c
    Other- rake/sweep front patio and walkway 15min= 50c

    Total cal 915
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    Worked then went to the soup kitchen. I swear, many times the food is pretty good. We’re to go to a Newcomer Winter Party tonight. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Jillian Michael Shred it With Weights DVD

    Julie – I’ve never gotten into visualization or meditation. As a matter of fact, meditation would probably put me to sleep

    Barbara – I’ve been looking for Great Value brand apple juice in 8oz bottles, Great Value unsalted crackers, Aldi’s brussel sprouts, cinnamon, juice, sardines, small boxes of tissues, edamame, phyllo shells, quart freezer storage bags, slow cooker liners, certain trash bags. Some of these items I might wind up having to buy a brand that I really don’t care for

    Talked to the manager at Burger King today about the fact that I’ll be leaving for a month to go to FL (I didn’t mention FL, just “our other place”). Honestly, I was a bit worried that they wouldn’t want me back but she kept saying “that’s OK, just note the days” Relief on my part

    KJ – love how you find the silver lining. I still want to be a kid in your daycare, or at least have my grandson in there. Would have loved to have had someone like you when my kids were little

    barbie – I’m so sorry you’re giving up teaching line dancing. I know you really enjoyed it. But I completely understand your reasons. Does Jake agree with you?

    Made soup in the IP. The plan for tomorrow is to make another tomato soup. Really, I’m running out of containers to put it in...lol

    Allie – I was hoping by now we’d know. Good thoughts for a safe delivery. We want pics!!!

    I got a popcorn maker for Christmas. The first time I used it, it was fine so we threw out the box. Now, every time I make popcorn, the popcorn burns. Almost as if the popcorn maker can’t push the popcorn out. So we’re going to return it to Amazon, even tho we don’t have the original box. I’m sure this has happened to them before.

    Michele NC