

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Stat for the day- .

    housecleaning etc- 3hrs 48min 12sec, vacuum, laundry fold and put away, change bedsheets, etc= 1046c
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    Evening ladies
    Didnt do a blessed thing today and took a couple of naps and feel better..
    Tracy wants me mon,weds,friday and still take Carmine back and forth to school so that will be my schedule for right now..
    My first husband like i have told you i met in a bar and i was 23 when we were married. But when your in love you are blind to other things.. his mother was severely challenged with mental difficulties ,and as our marriage went along so did Richs. He had a nervous breakdown right after i had Dan .. and i was always the stable one in the family..
    We moved a few times within our hometown and as Dan grew he started having issues... hereditary i guess. Back in the 80s i guess they didnt test for autism like they do now i think he might be high functioning..
    So after 2 children and 13 yrs of marriage and being very unhappy i filed for divorce.
    It wasnt great and my only regret was that i didnt keep primary residence of the kids i was working 2 jobs just to keep a roof over my head.. more later
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did part of Leslie Sansone’s 5 Day Walk Challenge DVD then a stretching DVD. No exercise since we’re leaving tomorrow (yea!!!!)

    Betsy – congratulations! Will this be your first grandbaby?

    Barbara – how can they use my voice to answer credit applications? They don’t know things like my mother’s maiden name.

    Betsy – I guess in a way, I’m lucky in that I think the only financial thing on my computer is how much is in my “landscape” fund. All the financial stuff is on Vince’s computer and he does the taxes.

    Loaded the car so the only things that have to go in tomorrow are the refrigerated food and the cat things Finished the one puzzle and started on the next one. I’m hoping to get the frame done before we leave. Had dinner then got my bag of food to take. Vince wants to shut down the server tonight so after I post this I’ll probably have to shut down.

    Michele NC
    Soon to be FL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Barbie I do the VERB test on myself as a check in to my mood.
    Do I sound and act like a victim?
    Do I act and sound entitled?
    Do I act and sound like I want someone to rescue me?
    Do I act and sound like I am blaming someone for my mood?

    If the answer is yes to any of these it works against finding happiness.

    I read this years ago in a book about happiness...similar to number three the author stated would you rather be right or happy?

    I found these ?s to be a helpful guide.

    :)Margaret, I love this. It will be very useful.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    edited February 2022
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Barbara- THANK YOU-

    Kim- I had to look up olallieberries. I had never heard of them. We have thornless blackberries at mom's(hopefully they survived this past year- 2 100ft rows of them that dad planted). I have two small plants that he started.
    My raspberries have truly taken over in the front. I planted in two wine barrels. They spread(roots going through the bottom) into the lawn and into other wine barrels and along the walk way. I trellis them up but will dig some up again if they spread any further. They took over the area the strawberries were growing. I have a couple gallon bags full of berries in the freezer, need to do something with them so I can have the room back from them. I think I will cook them down and make freezer jam or take the cooked jam to mom and she can help me can/seal them.

    I have several pots of raspberries between a driveway and hedge. We've got them sitting on cardboard to help prevent spread. Unfortunately they didn't produce berries this year. My husband isn't familiar with raspberries and pruned them at the wrong time. He also doesn't water them enough even though I keep reminding him ... that's the brain injury. He forgets about them. So I think I'll need to take them over.

    We also have strawberries in containers along the railing next to our front door. They're doing well, although I think we could add a few more. I eat them right from the plants when they get ripe. :)

    We had blueberries but lost them all to the birds. :( We'll have to get nets.

    And our apples should be ready soon but something is trying to eat them too. Again, nets might be helpful. I don't know what I'll do with the apples. Some will go to apple jam and there might be an apple crumble, but there are a lot of apples.

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We are watching the Superbowl. I am remembering high school football. We took school buses to away games, many that were far away. I remember two away games, far from our highschool. One was in Medford, OR and the other in Bend, OR. I loved the Bend game for the snacks — hot corn on the cob! Good memories from long ago. I enjoy highschool football, but not pro football. :noway:
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,039 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Barbara- THANK YOU-

    Kim- I had to look up olallieberries. I had never heard of them. We have thornless blackberries at mom's(hopefully they survived this past year- 2 100ft rows of them that dad planted). I have two small plants that he started.
    My raspberries have truly taken over in the front. I planted in two wine barrels. They spread(roots going through the bottom) into the lawn and into other wine barrels and along the walk way. I trellis them up but will dig some up again if they spread any further. They took over the area the strawberries were growing. I have a couple gallon bags full of berries in the freezer, need to do something with them so I can have the room back from them. I think I will cook them down and make freezer jam or take the cooked jam to mom and she can help me can/seal them.

    I have several pots of raspberries between a driveway and hedge. We've got them sitting on cardboard to help prevent spread. Unfortunately they didn't produce berries this year. My husband isn't familiar with raspberries and pruned them at the wrong time. He also doesn't water them enough even though I keep reminding him ... that's the brain injury. He forgets about them. So I think I'll need to take them over.

    We also have strawberries in containers along the railing next to our front door. They're doing well, although I think we could add a few more. I eat them right from the plants when they get ripe. :)

    We had blueberries but lost them all to the birds. :( We'll have to get nets.

    And our apples should be ready soon but something is trying to eat them too. Again, nets might be helpful. I don't know what I'll do with the apples. Some will go to apple jam and there might be an apple crumble, but there are a lot of apples.

    Machka in Oz

    I love to go out to the front yard with my cup of tea in the morning and eat raspberries.
    I have one blueberry plant that is blooming now(shouldnt be but it is). Hopefully I will finally get some berries on this- had buds last year but no berries
    I need to spray my nectarine tree before it leafs out- don't want to get peach leaf curl again this year.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2022
    Debbie- We have three blueberry bushes and each is a separate but similar cultivar. I love them but had to cover them with netting to keep the deer from eating all of the berries. These plants are suited to our area in NW Oregon and produce well. 🫐🫐🫐

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Michele, more info on why to answer questions from unfamiliar sources with another question.

    “In some cases, the caller may record the person saying “yes.” Scam artists may be able to use a recorded “yes” to claim that the person authorized charges to his or her credit card or account. How can scammers access your account?  Some companies share their customers’ information with third‑party companies or allow third parties to charge customers’ accounts (called “cramming”) in exchange for payment. Scam artists may also obtain financial information from data breaches or leaks or through identity theft. “

    Good luck!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Michele, more info on why to answer questions from unfamiliar sources with another question.

    “In some cases, the caller may record the person saying “yes.” Scam artists may be able to use a recorded “yes” to claim that the person authorized charges to his or her credit card or account. How can scammers access your account?  Some companies share their customers’ information with third‑party companies or allow third parties to charge customers’ accounts (called “cramming”) in exchange for payment. Scam artists may also obtain financial information from data breaches or leaks or through identity theft. “

    Good luck!

    Fortunately it seems there is no evidence of anyone being scammed.


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    edited February 2022
    My husband and I spent Valentine's Day among roses. :heart:

    OK ... we were gardening. Many hours of gardening. But roses were there.

    Loving the stories!

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,440 Member
    💖~ Sharing the love ~💖

    💕💖💕Happy Valentine’s Day 💕💖💕

    Rebecca: With son shipping out, definitely Now! For a few treats.

    Flea: (((Hugs))) 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻ing that you’re on the road to recovery

    Will read some more later.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    Morning ladies
    Happy Valentines day to all my lovelies
    Back at it today.. cold here today but its winter in Connecticut oh well..