Why do people, especially women, enjoy lifting so much?



  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Also, running and lifting have helped me to understand how mentally strong I am. I don't quit. I don't give up. I'm brave enough and strong enough to start and finish difficult things. I understand the importance of showing up every day and putting in my maximum effort. I believe that I will get better, stronger, smarter and faster with time and effort, because I've seen those forces at work in my life in the past 2 years.

    Resting those 175 pounds on my shoulders and taking a step back from the squat rack takes an immense faith in one's ability to resist, react and perservere. I have an incredible belief in my own ability that I didn't have before I started lifting weight.

    There is no way I'd be able to manage being a full-time parent, full-time worker and full-time doctorate student without the inner strength I've gained from pushing myself to do hard physical things.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    "STRONG is the new skinny"

    I love the "pump" that I can get from lifting weights. My husband is also a bodybuilder. I look up to women who are bodybuilders. Its all in the matter of your lifestyle.

    I also heard its the "fountain of youth"

    =) I tend to think this is true
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    The better question is, "why do people, especially women, not want to be strong and fit?"

    Lifting makes me happier, stronger, and more motivated.
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    I hate it, but I do it anyways
  • michail71
    michail71 Posts: 120 Member
    "I've never lifted and probably never will, since I'm old and have heart disease and back problems. But I get curious when I see how much people get into lifting. Is it like a runner's high? Can you describe the feelings? "

    I LOVE lifting! I actually have back problems too and have to be very careful. I found it helped to go to my local gym and get one of the trainers to go through the weights I could use that wouldn't cause me problems. There are certain exercises I have to avoid, but I can still do some. It's worth asking!

    I like weight lifting because:

    1. It makes me feel stronger and more capable. I love walking and feeling the strength in my legs.
    2. Building muscle is also really helpful when trying to lose weight, because it means that your body will burn more calories all the time and not just when you're exercising.
    3. Finally, I think I really liked it because my weight never held me back. Running is hard when you weight nearly 300lbs. Weight lifting was something I could do and progress faster, despite my weight.

    Makes me feel GREAT!

    Did you find your back problems got better after lifting?

    That tends to happen to many people. Backs don't do well without some resistance training. Same thing for knees.
  • jbuck93
    jbuck93 Posts: 89 Member
    I've never lifted and probably never will, since I'm old and have heart disease and back problems. But I get curious when I see how much people get into lifting. Is it like a runner's high? Can you describe the feelings?

    All of your reasons not to sound more like reasons you should. I have an employee that is 67 years old and overweight that just started lifting. And she loves it and has seen a huge improvement in how she feels.
  • RawMomma10
    RawMomma10 Posts: 89 Member
    Because it feels awesome to feel hard muscles where they used to be soft and pudgy..... you feel good in your skin, builds confidence, and is amazing to see what your body can do.... sort of like having a kid... its amazing that your body can grow a baby and pop a watermelon out .... its kind of like that amazing but a constant thing as your body is constantly changing and getting stronger. My husband always laughs at me cuz Ill be like... ohhhh dont mind me Im just over here feeling myself all over... :D Dont know about runners high cuz Im not a runner.... but hope that helps a little... :)
  • RawMomma10
    RawMomma10 Posts: 89 Member
    The better question is, "why do people, especially women, not want to be strong and fit?"

    Lifting makes me happier, stronger, and more motivated.

    +1 on this.. :)
  • ckasap
    ckasap Posts: 60 Member
    I get a very "I CAN DO ANYTHING!" feeling when I lift. I feel invincible.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    lifting is by far the most enjoyable thing I've ever done and I felt that way on day 1.
    I hate lifting! In the moment, there's nothing about it that feels good to me

    100% opposite for me. nothing feels better to me than getting under a heavy barbell, with my muscles already pumped and primed. love the stretch, the pain, and the few seconds immediately following a set.

    and then the visual and #'s progress is beyond addicting
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Didn't read all of the replies but I like challenging myself, seeing and feeling the changes.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    lifting is by far the most enjoyable thing I've ever done and I felt that way on day 1.

    Anything??? :wink:
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    lifting is by far the most enjoyable thing I've ever done and I felt that way on day 1.

    Anything??? :wink:

    yup, anything. Its just like Arnold said
  • lavsk23
    lavsk23 Posts: 24 Member
    I can't speak for the especially women part as most of the women I see at my gym stick to the elliptical or treadmill. But for me it's an amazing feeling knowing that what seemed impossible to lift 6 months ago now feels light, and the confidence you get knowing that something that was once physically impossible for you is now not only possible but easy and believe me this confidence is transferred into your everyday life.

    The feeling of setting your goal and hitting it, the new muscles and definition popping up where there was none before, the magical disappearance of pain and fatigue due to your increased strength, the stupidly tired feeling where your muscles feel like jelly and the knowledge that because you gave it everything you had this time the next time you'll be able to do a little more.

    And yeah the general badass feeling.

    ^^^ This
    With lifting, I look forward to going to the gym and working out.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I strength train with dumbbells and machines using the heaviest weight I can manage, but I don't think of myself as a "lifter," in particular because I don't do lower body work. I'm not particularly into it. I like that my upper body is firmer and that I can handle heavier weights, but for me, it's exercise.
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member
    I have an autonomic nervous disorder that causes my blood pressure to drop into the floor and my heart to race uncontrollably. I started lifting to strengthen my legs...the body's secondary heart. I also have prior back injuries because of a car accident. But I was determined to not be broken anymore. Because of lifting and some light cardio (still having trouble running), I can now toss a 220 pound patient of mine like a bean bag. I do not feel as crappy, my blood pressure has leveled out a lot, the tachycardia has all but stopped (unless it's really hot out), and my back is stronger. Don't say you can't lift, just start light. As long as you start, you'll understand it. It is positively amazing for your body and mind. (nothin like having my male coworkers be in awe of me because I can do something they can't).
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I can't speak for all women, but I lift because I like to be strong. I've never been one to be the delicate flower, wait for a man to lift things or reach things, or feel vulnerable. And lifting helps me to feel powerful … I've also take self defense/martial arts classes and learned how to shoot for the same reasons :laugh: . There is a certain satisfaction in being able to lift more than just about anybody in my family, men included, or at least as a percentage of my own weight.

    I also like the way it makes me look. I'm not there, yet, but I think strong, lean, and muscular = sexy
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    I don't know what a runners high is like (I don't/can't/won't run) but I know when I'm done I feel like I'm a badass: 12 feet tall and made of steel (and usually hungry.)

    ^ This
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Just wanted to add: I agree with those who have said that lifting may help your medical problems, but please don't do anything without clearing it with your doctor, especially your cardiologist if you have heart problems. You want to start gradually and not give yourself an infarction by jumping in with too much too fast!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I do it because it makes me feel strong. And I'm getting stronger.

    And, it is good for my muscles and joints. As I get older, it will allow me more mobility for longer.