Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals..

    i skimmed through the posts.

    Cris - I am sorry the battle you are having with the baby. Mine never slept with me , i was always worried i was soo fat i would squish them...but these days abby staying in her room is driving me up the wall

    My sis came to be with serena today. This morning she wasn't doing well...she had a bad night last night, i slepty maybe like 2 hrs...in between tossing and turning, tryhing to get her to take her medicine., and more tossing and turning .

    I am really hoping she will be off pain meds soon...I am getting close to the end of the bottle...but i may have to get more...

    I made it to the gym today, since my sister was here i figured might as well...i was soo tried i didn't want to but soo glad i did , i felt soo much better after i did.
  • Danielle_81
    So I was just entering my supper, and I have these chicken tenders that I marinated in italian dressing. It's lite Italian and according to MFP there's like 800 mg sodium in lite italian dressing. Does anyone know if this is true? I know I didn't pick the right brand but I wanted to put it in so I wouldn't forget it. I decided last week I'd start keeping track of my sodium, just to see if it makes a difference. So anyway, if anyone has any insight I'd appreciate it, otherwise I'll try to remember to check when I get home.

    oh and chicken tenders. I got a bag of chicken tenders and cut them into 4oz portions and put them into freezer bags, add my marinate (lemon pepper, italian dressing, bbq sauce) and then throw it all back in the bag put it in the freezer and just pull one out on my way to work. I'm rambling, anyway MFP says 4oz chicken has 400mg sodium, is it just me or does this seem like a lot?
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Danielle - if it's frozen chicken, then the sodium is probably right. And yes, unfortunately the fat free or low cal and "lite" salad dressings are super high in sodium to make up for the lack of fat to flavor it. I am constantly on a quest to find the best low calorie low sodium salad dressings out there. I have found a few. I'll PM them to you if you'd like.

    check in:
    calories: good
    water: 100 oz.
    exercise: 70 mins of PT; 3 hours of playing in the water
    proud: I kept my sodium in check today - finally!
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle - if it's frozen chicken, then the sodium is probably right. And yes, unfortunately the fat free or low cal and "lite" salad dressings are super high in sodium to make up for the lack of fat to flavor it. I am constantly on a quest to find the best low calorie low sodium salad dressings out there. I have found a few. I'll PM them to you if you'd like.

    check in:
    calories: good
    water: 100 oz.
    exercise: 70 mins of PT; 3 hours of playing in the water
    proud: I kept my sodium in check today - finally!

    Yes I'd love them. And as for the chicken it is frozen, but it's the bonless, skinless chicken breast tenders. It's frozen but not what I'd consider a "frozen" food. Maybe I'm mistaken. :grumble:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Danielle - if it's frozen chicken, then the sodium is probably right. And yes, unfortunately the fat free or low cal and "lite" salad dressings are super high in sodium to make up for the lack of fat to flavor it. I am constantly on a quest to find the best low calorie low sodium salad dressings out there. I have found a few. I'll PM them to you if you'd like.

    check in:
    calories: good
    water: 100 oz.
    exercise: 70 mins of PT; 3 hours of playing in the water
    proud: I kept my sodium in check today - finally!

    Yes I'd love them. And as for the chicken it is frozen, but it's the bonless, skinless chicken breast tenders. It's frozen but not what I'd consider a "frozen" food. Maybe I'm mistaken. :grumble:

    It's pretty difficult to find chicken in the US that hasn't been injected with a sodium solution. Especially boneless skinless chicken. Especially frozen. Tyson, Perdue, and most store brand chicken has sodium added to it. I don't think I've ever seen frozen boneless skinless chicken breast without it and very rarely have I seen even unfrozen chicken without it. It's noted on the packaging. I first noticed this when I started rawfeeding my dogs a few years ago. To get chicken that doesn't have added sodium, you have to look for the labeling that says "__ % retained water" and that doesn't say anything about any added "solution." :wink: Gold Leaf chicken leg quarters is one without it. Claxton Farms whole chickens & leg quarters don't have any added, either. Don't know if those brands are available in stores near you but they're 2 I've come across around here (in SC) that I regularly feed my dogs. They're both available at Walmart here. At some point over the last year I did come across boneless skinless breasts at Kroger that don't have any sodium added but I don't remember the brand.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Rosie - Welcome back! Glad to hear you're keeping up with the belly dancing. I have to admit I've yet to actually go to any of the belly dance classes being offered around here like I thought I would by the time I got to the weight I am now. By the way, I got to see Gogol Bordello in concert this past Sunday. :wink: (Oh, yeah, this is jlb123 by the way).

    Nancy -- I'm going for my Masters in Library & Information Science. I want to focus on children, but I'm not sure if I want to go the public route or the school route just yet. I figure I've looked like a librarian for so long, I may as well be one. :tongue: Though it's not a career I had even considered until about a year ago. Kind of went to college with the idea of being a clinical psychologist or a guidance counselor but neither of those PhD programs at USC are possible for me financially.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning ladies!

    As of this morning, I entered the lower half of the 220s! (hopefully it sticks for tomorrow) Having rugby late is hard because by the time I get home (~9:00) it's way too late to eat and totally impossible to eat before practice. I factored this in a little yesterday as I was eating, so I wasn't too far under my calorie goal.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under!
    Water: Still bad... must work on this!
    Sodium: Under as well!
    Exercises: Rugby 7s (~755 calories)
    Proud: Nothing to do with exercise or eating, but I made it all the way too practice and back without getting lost!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Having rugby late is hard because by the time I get home (~9:00) it's way too late to eat and totally impossible to eat before practice.

    I ate dinner at 11.30pm last night. "Too late to eat" soooooo doesn't exist in my reality. :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies...I am soo upset

    I want serena to feel better soo badly. She does okay during the day but at night she goes in horrible pain, everytime i have to wake her up for pain meds it ends up being an hour battle cause she won't swallow and take her meds...she is in tears,...i am in tears.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb -- Sending virtual hugs your way. I know the recovery has to be hard for both of you. Just try to remember it is only temporary and it WILL get better (and probably way better than before her surgery, right?). :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: Hang in there and things will get better! I feel for you!

    Danielle: Congrats on the 3.7 lb loss. As far as the salad dressing, Nancy is right...light salad dressings tend to be much higher in sodium than "regular" dressings. However, I've found that salad dressings in the organic area of the grocery store tend to be a good balance of lower (not necessarily light) calories AND lower sodium. I go for a happy medium.

    Rosie: I'm glad to hear you're doing well. Please continue to pop in as you have time! Belly dancing sounds like a blast and I may have to give it a try if they offer it through Community Ed again.

    Last night I did pretty much nothing except spend hours trying to fix my laptop. All that happened was that I got extremely frustrated and am at the point where I'll either pay someone to fix it or buy a new one. Boo!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 200
    Sodium: Over by 450
    Water: 20 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I didn't throw my computer out the door!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-That doesn't sound like good news on your laptop. Hope you are able to revive it!

    Julie-Sounds like you know where you want to be career wise in life. That's awesome. I'm still wondering what I wanna be when I grow up!

    LilDebbie-Sending hugs as well. I know it's been a long week for the two of you. Hopefully things will get much much better once she is back to 100%!

    Well I kicked my ever loving butt at the gym this morning. I ran a mile in 12 minutes. I've never timed myself to see how fast I could do it. The best part was I wasn't dying and wanting to pass out. So I think next week I'm going to try running it a little faster. I love running when I don't have that stupid c25k ap talking to me! GR! Don't like time restrictions. I'm showing up .8 pounds this morning. Really ticked me off. Think I'm retaining water. My body is probably thinking "WTH"?! We haven't worked out 4 days straight in...well..can't remember! And I did weights this morning. May not see a loss this week. Bummer! But I know I'm making steps in the right direction.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey girls! I was super happy to see a 194.2 on the scale this morning! I was prob dehydrated because I didnt drink nearly as much water yesterday as normal but whatever it looked good! LOL

    Jess- Way to go on the mile run and avoiding those breadsticks! Now thats impressive! Mmmm breadsticks :laugh:

    Deb- I am so sorry Serena is having a bad recovery. I know how tiring it is to care for a sick child and my heart goes out to you. You are a terrific mom and you will get through this!

    late check in for yesterday:
    calories- 1080..prob a little more cause I snacked on some of Brayden's (son) food..but it was melon and apples so its ok!
    water- I dont know if I made it to 100 but I drank at least 60oz
    sodium- bad! 2300
    excercise- not much just some bed pilates, as ordered by Heather!
    cals burned- lol..
    proud- that I listened to my body and didnt go to the gym. I think Im still adjusting to working out again. I have spin class tonight!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Yay for following orders and doing some bed pilates! It's on my agenda for Friday.

    The bf's sister is having a pool party on Saturday evening and this year's theme is Italian. We were given the recipe for Olive Garden salad as our item to bring for the party. Last night, bf was ordering the groceries to make the dressing and the first three ingredients (of about 20), were $10. After looking up the cost of an actual Olive Garden salad, we found we can get a salad that serves 6 PLUS 12 breadsticks for $16. So, we're going to cheat and buy the real Olive Garden salad. The bf said he's going to put everything in his own dishes and tell everyone he made them. Isn't he cute? :laugh:

    My plan of attack for Saturday is to eat lightly for breakfast and lunch and go for a run or a hike during the day so that I can eat at the party. The main course is lasagna and if it has ricotta in it, I'll be able to avoid it for the most part. The salad and breadsticks will be my downfall...and the cheesecake. I'll have to jump in the pool and swim it all off.

    The party will be the first time wearing a swimsuit in front of his extended family and I'm actually not sweating it. I love my new suit and the fact that I'm 30 lbs lighter than I was the last time I saw most of them. Woo hoo!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Holy crap, you guys have to stop talking about Olive Garden! :laugh:

    So I'm just going to tell you guys that I WILL be running this evening. Your job is to yell at me if I confess I didn't. I like to run. I don't know why I haven't been doing it more at home. Actually, I do know why, and that's because in my stupid brain I think, "You're paying for a gym membership -- you should use that instead of using your treadmill... which you also paid for." And then I don't go to the gym because it's too far away unless I'm making the trip before or after work or it's the weekend & I have time to waste or errands to run on the way. So yeah, no more stupid bs excuses about running. I'm supposed to be running the Columbia half marathon in SIX MONTHS! I can barely run 4 miles at a time, let alone 13.1. I kind of need to work on this. :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I'm slightly back in the world of the living, work is still crazy but I'm working from home today so I don't have a million meetings or people pestering me all day!

    Not been eating so well this week, stress !!!!! but hovering around what I should eat except for yesterday when I was closer to maintenance.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Meokk: Glad to see you checking in. Hopefully we'll get to "see" you more often!

    Julie: A half marathon? I think you're crazy and I'm a bit jealous all at once. I'd love to do one, but don't have the courage or discipline right now. I do need to start running more, though, because I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after a run and I enjoy the run when my mind isn't being negative. It's those times that my brain is telling me my legs are sore, I can't catch my breath or that I'm too hot that I hate running. Maybe you'll be the inspiration to get me running more often again. I really should sign up for a 5k and force myself to stay with the running.

    Wow, that turned into a bit of a reflective rant. Oops.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I am hoping to run my first 5k in November...When I started this journey I told myself that my gift to my son on his 2nd birtday would be a healthier mom. The 5k (a few days before his 2nd bday) is kind of a representation of that. I dont care if I have to crawl through it...Im getting it done!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Morning girls..well is about afternoon here..

    I came on to log my food and to see what you gals are up to. I skimmed throght the posts,but I am too tired to respond.

    I have a lot of stuff to do..pack my hubby's clothing because he is going to another business trip to San Francisco, for a whole week. Plus I have to start painting our bedroom and it two times the size of kids' room..yea that big. It's suppose to get really hot here again..102 degress, my ac is on, so I don't want to paint until Friday when it's suppose to be a little better so I can air out hte room.

    have a great day girls! Miss ya so much!!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    HI Everyone,

    I did find out yesterday that I am going to be able afford to at least go see the fertility specialist but not sure about treatments after that. Then I found out that our mortgage is going up by $135 a month for a year because I mortgage company is stupid!!! :noway: So with that and my husband trying to change jobs we might have to put the baby making on hold. I think that might be better financially for us but we will see what the doctor says.

    Quick check in. I hate not being able to catch on what's going on with all of you! Miss you daily!

    Calories - Under :bigsmile:
    Sodium - Under if I remember right
    Water - Not so good, maybe 6 glasses.
    Proud - That I was under !!!!