Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Jess - Thanks for the advice :) I think I'm just going to go. It's my first appointment with the new doctor (since I moved) so I'm really in need of a refill.

    Weighing in on the beer discussion.... I have become quite the beer snob over the years. Heather - I love your 50 new beers challenge! The boyfriend has been all over the world so he has had a lot of different kinds. It's fun!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    lildebbie........-2.............0.77 %
    LittleSpy........-0.2........0.1% laugh

    This is a VERY exciting weigh in for me today. I only lost 0.8lbs BUT that puts my BMI officially in the overweight category. I am officially no longer obese :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Meokk-That is FANTASTIC news! That must feel incredible!! Congrats!

    Okay ladies who want to do the 5k in November. I'm looking at doing one the week of/before Thanksgiving. Any thoughts?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I agree with all the other ladies, locking up the food will just make her want it all the more and make her feel like a freak.
    At age 12, she can get food elsewhere anyway.
    Definitely remove all of those trigger foods from your home though, it's a sacrifice the rest of your family will have to make for the health of your daughter.

    In my opinion the best thing you can do is try to educate your daughter about healthy eating and use yourself as an example when you explain how you are working to lose weight by maintaining a certain amount of calories per day and eating balanced, nutritional meals.

    I feel for you though, it's a very hard thing to deal with without upsetting your daughter.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Heather -
    I just remembered something, I can't remember exactly where you live but one of my good friends is the brewmaster at a place in Minneapolis called The Herkimer Pub & Brewery. Have you ever been there? He makes some yummy, small batch beer!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay, beer!
    :laugh: The GB/Primus concert I went to Sunday was sponsored by Budweiser. When I went up for my 3rd beer (the first 2 were Amberbock, my preference out of the limited Anheuser Busch selection available), I was told by the guy in front of me they were out of everything but "(something inaudible) and Bud Light." :sick: So when I got to the counter & they asked what I wanted, I just said "Um... Whatever's not Bud Light!" :laugh: I ended up with some kind of lager which I DEFINITELY preferred.

    I used to drink Miller Lite most of the time before I was 21. I've definitely been branching out and trying different beers over the last couple of years especially. I've found my home in malty stouts and porters. Yep, I love the stuff many (most) people consider nasty burned dark beer no one else can stand. It has so many flavors -- coffee, chocolate, creamy. Yum. And I'm the girl who gets tipsy way faster than everyone else because my beer of choice usually contains 7-11% alcohol. :tongue: Mmmmmm.
    Haha, and I've noticed since I started buying only the dark stuff I don't get carded anymore. It's like the cashiers know if I'm buying uber dark craftbeer that costs $17/6pack there's no way I'm not at least 21. I still get carded to buy R rated movies though.

    I don't think I'm quite a beer snob though. I mean, I'll still happily drink a Guinness at a bar with a poor selection (or worse -- this weekend the best beer on tap at a bar in VA was Yuengling! For which I paid $3.75/12oz! :grumble:) and sometimes I'll buy a stout (usually Guinness is the only one) or even Killian's Irish Red from the grocery store rather than driving to a good beer store. I don't think you can be a beer snob & still (happily) drink Guinness and Killian's. :tongue:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    November 5K ladies, looks like there's a Turkey Trot on Sunday November 21. The downside is it's at Coney Island, which is like a 2 hour subway ride from my place, but the start time is 11:30, so it could be worse.

    I'm going to try and recruit friends to run it with me. Woo woo!
  • Danielle_81
    lildebbie........-2.............0.77 %
    LittleSpy........-0.2........0.1% laugh

    I am extremely happy that I managed to take off 6.6lbs this week. :bigsmile: I did not think I'd be lower than what I was 2 weeks ago but I am. So I'm good
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    elmox-I found one on the 21st but it's in Tulsa, OK..which if I could get my cousin to do it would be good times! Otherwise I found one here in Dallas on the 20th.
  • Danielle_81
    Thank you to everyone who commented on my problem. I do feel that locking food up is extreme, but I also feel that sneaking food is extreme. We do limit the food we bring in the house. But she automatically goes for the higher options (eg the cheese and milk last night) and we can't stop bringing cheese and milk into the house! We buy about 12 -16 cans of ravioli type foods for her to last the whole month. We aren't trying to deprive her of food, we are trying to get her to ask, and not sneak. My husband would have let her have some cheese and milk last night but obviously not the amount she took. I am trying to educate her through this whole process. I am constantly using myself as an example at how hard this all is and how I have no energy and losing weight sucks. And starting next month (I think) we are going to start her in competitive swim lessons at the Y. She's been wanting to try out competitive swimming for about 2 years but with my surgeries and financial issues we haven't been able to afford it. I will talk to my husband and her and maybe we can come to a better conclusion.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Danielle -- I think I would actually sit down with her and explain the math. Take that block of cheese and cut off an ounce. Then explain that tiny little ounce has about 120 calories. Then show her she could have 1.5 apples or 4 cups of steamed broccoli for the same number of calories. If she wants cheese, maybe she can put 1/2 ounce of it on 2 cups of steamed broccoli. Then she gets to eat her cheese AND a really wholesome filling veggie along with it. Throw in a cup of milk and that's a super appropriate, filling, and yummy snack. You can even go into explaining how many calories she needs in a day (talk to her doctor) and then write up some meal plans -- one with junky foods like tons of cheese & canned ravioli, and one with healthy foods & a couple of special treats. She'll really be able to see how much more healthy food she can eat without depriving herself of treats. I wouldn't suggest she needs to count calories or anything, but I'm thinking of it more in terms of this being a way she can visualize the food she needs.

    You could then go into all the problems associated with overeating and obesity. Kind of like drug programs for kids her age show blackened lungs and crackhead brains & all that fun stuff. Of course that doesn't prevent kids from smoking & drinking & drugs, but it does provide them with the knowledge that these things aren't so great for your health & then puts the choice in their hands.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Danielle: Swimming sounds like a wonderful option for your daughter. Hopefully you can make it work!

    Jess: You might be thinking of Old Chicago; they have a "beer tour" of over 100 beers and they keep track of the ones you order. When you have them all, you get a mug with your name on it that you can keep at your local Old Chicago for all of your future visits.

    Meokk: I will definitely have to try Herkimer Pub. It sounds right up my alley! Congrats on no longer being in the obese category. I have about 4 lbs to go before I can join you there!

    Julie: I don't know if you get Leinenkugels beer where you're at, but if you do you should try a Creamy Dark. It's fairly inexpensive (at least around here) and tastes delicious. Very smooth. It's brewed in Chippewa Falls, WI. I also like some dark beers when they taste like coffee or chocolate. I'm not a big fan of Oatmeal Stouts, though.

    November 5kers: The only 5ks I've found in Minnesota for the weekend of November 20-21 are about 3 hours away, but I'd be willing to do it. I'll keep searching to see if I can find anything a little closer to the Twin Cities.

    I have another "proud" moment that I forgot to tell you about. About a year ago, I purchased a t-shirt on clearance for $1 from a store that was going out of business (Steve & Barry's). It was a men's medium and says "It's not my fault I'm awesome" across the front. When I bought it, I couldn't even get it on, but figured it was cheap enough to keep as a "goal shirt." Well, I tried it on last night and I need a new goals shirt. Yep, it fit wonderfully and doesn't even cling to the belly. The shirt sums it up...I'm awesome! I always said it was going to be my new "beer drinking" shirt, so I packed it for the weekend and am going to tell the bf we need to go out for a beer or two, providing I have enough calories after dinner. Woo hoo!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-That is AWESOME about your shirt! Congrats! Time to go find a new goal shirt. I need to get a goal swimsuit. :grumble: Yes it was Old Chicago. I talked with my cousin about the 5k on the 21st and she said she's down. Gives me an excuse to go to Tulsa and to do the 5k! So I'm going to fly there instead of drive. Wont want to drive for 4 hours after running this thing! :tongue:

    Danielle-The swimming sounds like a great idea for her to get involved in! I really hope you can find something that works out for your daughter.

    Julie-When were you wanting to do your marathon? Or was it a half marathon? I can't remember.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie-When were you wanting to do your marathon? Or was it a half marathon? I can't remember.

    It's a half marathon in February. I'm not 100% sure it's even happening in 2011 because there's no info up about it yet. I'm pretty set on doing it regardless of whether or not I can run the whole thing. Last year they gave 4 hours to complete the course so that's just an average of 3.3mph and I think I could though that one out. It's a pretty small race so even if I averaged 5mph I'd still be in the very back of the pack (but, hey I will have completed a freaking half-marthon!). People who averaged 5mph last year finished around 450 of 550 runners. And right now, 5mph is not a speed I can sustain for more than 2 miles so a 2.5hour finish time is being totally optimistic! :laugh:

    I can't even fathom running a full marathon. That would be so many hours of just... nothing but running. :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    been wedding planning all day and the board lights up! sheesh had lots of posts to read and I have lots of comments!

    Danielle- swimming would be a great option!

    Jess- Brayden loooves fruits- melons, watermelon, blueberries. Veggies- green beans are his favorite!!! Weird! But he also loves carrots, corn, and the occasional peas. I give it to him a lot but its hard to keep fresh so if it goes bad or I run out I end up giving him like a 100 calories pack snack I have around...ugh. Yesterday he choose apples over french fries..I was so happy!

    Julie- Congrats on your loss! Good observation on u me and Deb lossing so much!

    Heather- your miller lite comment hurt, but I forgive you:wink: . Congrats on the new shirt, and DAMN STRAIGHT YOUR AWESOME! Rock it girl!

    Beer- I started out with Coors, moved to Budlight, then switched to Miller cause it has the least amount of calories. At the rate my friends and I were drinking in college we needed to avoid the extra cals! My college bar had the beer "journey". Forget what it was called but you sign up and there was about 50 beers for you to try and once you drank all 50 you got your name up on the wall and also a mug. Yea....after my first few dark beers I said f-it and went back to my miller lite!:laugh:

    Lauren- I dont log anything I drink unless its water...as in plain old water. I know a couple of the other girls log their crystal lights and stuff...and it hasnt seemed to hurt them! So i dont see the harm. Just watch sodium content in the drink you are logging as water because its counter active..ok now im rambling..ps- whos getting married Nov 13? thats my son's 2nd bday! Oh now I want to cry, hes getting too big

    Meook- CONGRATS ON BEING OVERWEIGHT!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO! :drinker: :drinker:

    5K- I looked up the 5k and its being held Nov 20 this year!!! So thats the one Im doing, its after my son's bday but only by a week! Jess- I will be crying when I cross that finish line and you can bet your bottom dollars that I will be thinking of you! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Well, look at that! Cris' 5k is the same day we were already thinking! It's meant to be.

    I'll have to get busy searching for the MN 5ks for that weekend....we'll see what I find! I'm excited!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    The Sisters of the Traveling Weight Loss Pants are doing 5Ks on November 20 and 21! Mark it in the history books!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm excited!! :bigsmile: I'm glad I took this morning of from the gym. I feel exhausted! But I hit my calorie burn goal for the week according to MFP. Oh how I hope to see a loss next week! Think I might be full of it..:tongue: Sorry TMI I know I know.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh Texas folks (and AZ, CA, & OR): Ground beef recall -- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38594306/ns/health-food_safety/?gt1=43001
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oh Texas folks (and AZ, CA, & OR): Ground beef recall -- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38594306/ns/health-food_safety/?gt1=43001

    eww when meat is recalled its never good....yuck!

    happy weekend all!

    Oh I never did weigh in but I lost 8lbs this week (from vacay so water retention etc)....I was at 193.8 this morning! 1.6lbs until Im back in losing mode! Hooray!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh Texas folks (and AZ, CA, & OR): Ground beef recall -- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38594306/ns/health-food_safety/?gt1=43001

    This makes me sick thinking about it! :sick: