Over 200 New Year New Me Part 29



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Alright, the only 5k I can find right now on our appointed weekend is the Turkey Trot on November 21st at Como Park (St. Paul) at 9:30am. I put it on my calendar and once I get paid, I'll send in my registration so I can't back out.

    There are a few other 5ks in September and October that sound really neat, so I"m considering doing one before November, too but I'll see how my training goes the next few weeks.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh my goodness gracious!! This has been the longset day EVER!!!! I wanna beat my head against the wall! :explode:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Yeah for signing up for 5Ks!

    Checking for today:
    Cals - Over, but just by 140 (in my world, this is good), ate all my exercise cals and then some...
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 40 min of walking at 3 mph
    Proud - Was out at a wine bar with a friend. We wanted a snack - chose hummus and veggies over a delicious pear and gorgonzola pizza. Will power!
  • Danielle_81
    Ok so I'm working the night shift tonight. I'm not sure how I'm gonna portion out my calories at all. I figure one way or the other I will end up over on my calories, either today or tomorrow. I have been up all day and now will be up all night :sad: and then get a couple hour nap before being up all day with the baby. Good thing this isn't an every day occurrence! I am sitting her at work and really want to snack on icky foods. I want chips or chocolate or something. :noway: All will be well though because I only brought apple slices and green beans to snack on! I wasn't sure how I would respond but was anticipating wanting to shovel food in my mouth.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1511 (good!)
    Exercise: Ran 2 miles. I'm really having to ease myself back into running. I've only ran twice in the last 2.5 months before Thursday. Turns out that wasn't such a great idea! :indifferent:
    Water: At least 12 cups
    Proud: Ran the 2nd day in a row. And I ran 2 minutes longer and .25 miles farther than Thursday. I didn't push myself to go farther because my calves & ankles were feeling weak again and were still sore from Thursday. My calves and ankles are pretty sore today. My abs, too -- I forget how much I use those running. :laugh:
    The scale is already responding to my renewed focus, so that's pretty rad. I'm at 193.2 this morning which is the lowest I've ever been except for that 192.2 fluke 2 weeks ago.

    I'm trying to have realistic expectations here but something in me feels like my weight loss is about to really start up again. I think the 2-3 month maintenance thing may have been exactly what needed to happen.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I weighed in this morning and I'm up 0.8 from before my vacation. I am totally happy with that!

    lildebbie........-2.............0.77 %
    LittleSpy........-0.2........0.1% laugh

    CONGRATS TO TSTOUT! She appears to be our Biggest Loser for this small group.

    Went for a run/walk this morning in Central Park. I saw a friend who is training for the New York Marathon and ran with her for awhile. Felt good to see her and keep up (even if it was just for a somewhat short distance).
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildebbie........-2.............0.77 %
    LittleSpy........-0.2........0.1% laugh

    It is what it is. :ohwell: Been really busy with school starting again. Hopefully I'll get back into the weight loss mode soon.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Whew, it's been a busy weekend filled with family! The eating hasn't been great, but I don't think it's been horrible either. I'm getting better at regulating myself when it comes to food, so I'm pretty happy about that.

    On Friday night, we went out for Mexican with a friend and normally I eat a ton of chips and salsa. Well, the chips were greasy and undercooked, so that fixed that problem for me. I had one beer with my tacos and was perfectly happy. Then the boyfriend and I came home and killed 1 1/2 bottles of wine while watching Comedy Central...the comedians are SO much funnier when I'm drunk! We then did pilates on the living room floor and passed out. It's been a while since I've had THAT much to drink.

    Saturday morning into early afternoon were a big rough (headache, light sensitivity, queasy stomach), but I made it through the day. In the evening, we had the pool party to attend. For dinner, I had one fairly small piece of lasagna, one small plate of Olive Garden salad and two pieces of garlic bread. Next, I swam in the pool, playing with the kids for several hours. Afterward, I had two beers and two smaller brownies. Delicious! It's amazing how much work it is to pretend you're a shark for a few hours, chasing kids back and forth across the pool (in ground pool with 9' deep end!).

    This morning, it was breakfast with the family consisting of hash browns, pancakes and bacon. I only had one plate and it sure wasn't heaping. So far, I'm feeling pretty good about myself but we'll see if that changes when we go have homemade fajitas with my family for my sister's birthday. I'm sure there will be dessert as well. Whew!

    I wanted to go for a run this morning, but it's HOT and humid as heck and it's only 10:30am. How do you southerner's do it?? I'll be back to exercising tomorrow even if I don't get any done today. I haven't logged any food from the weekend and actually don't think I"m going to. I'll just wait and see what the scale says tomorrow and move forward. It's actually less stressful for me to skip logging on the weekends and I think avoiding stress is important to the weight loss journey.

    Hope you're all having a great weekend. Sorry for the long post!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Heather -- we run inside. :tongue: Even at 4-5am here it's in the upper 80s with 80-90% humidity. Outside just isn't happening.

    I'm stoked. Recommitted, I've exercised 3 days in a row. I'm sore all over. :laugh: But even with the soreness, I'm at 192.4 this morning. .2 away from lowest weight ever and it's not some fluke this time.

    Dh wants to go to our favorite beer place tonight. I'm going to try to be (relatively) good. But I've also decided I have to work for it, so I'm going to the gym in a few minutes.

    Calories: 1548 (Good! Should be a deficit of about 1100-1200 for the day)
    Exercise: 45 minutes elliptical; 20 minutes strength training.
    Water: Not sure. Think I did alright
    Proud: I gymmed it up. And I cooked a decent dinner in the slowcooker rather than falling for the weekend takeout routine I had developed over the last few months.
  • Danielle_81
    So my weekend has been sleep deprived! I worked Thursday 2nd shift then got up early friday and ended up working night shift friday instead of days on saturday. So I was up for about 24 hours then had a 3 hour nap and had to go to my cousin's birthday party. I got about 5 hours last night and now working my day shift today....So I'm exhausted. The next 3 days I'm off for my daughter's 12th birthday. And will probably end up even more tired by the end of it :laugh: So my check in is a little late but oh well...:huh:

    Friday 8-6
    Calories: over by 102 so I'm ok with that
    Water: I'm not sure, I only counted 4 cups but I had to have drank more than that
    Excercise: nothing
    Proud: that I didn't go WAY over since I was up for 24 hours instead of my normal 14

    Saturday 8-7
    Calories: WAY over by like 1198 :sad: :noway: (BTW I NEVER knew cocktail weenies had SOOO many calories!)
    Water: 13 cups
    Excercise: wrestling a 9 mo old in the pool for 30 mins and bed pilates :happy:
    Proud: that even though I went way over I did stop!

    And really it's not that bad, or at least I am ok with everything since I was overly tired and do tend to eat more when I'm tired. But today's going well...
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend. Anyone heard from Ann ? Not like her to disappear.

    Completed week 2 day 1 of c25k this evening and found it much harder than week 1. I'm horribly out of shApe and running is my least favorite exercise so at least I completed it.

    Did ok on calories this weekend. Went over yesterday - ice cream - but under today because of the exercise.

    Pos me - hoping you do ok with the fasting. Are you going to pig out before you start ? I feel for you !!!!

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am too busy and I am NOT liking it. :grumble: I hope everyone has a lovely, healthy week!!! :heart:

    check in:
    cals: under
    water: OK
    exercise: 30 mins aerobics DVD
    proud: I exercised today
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Evening girls,

    It's been a LONG weekend. I don't think I did too bad. I know I skipped a couple of meals due to being extreamly busy. I painted our ( hubby and my) bedroom it came out a really nice color chocolate brown/deep purple...
    ( here is an image of my new wall color: http://lsribbon.com/popup_image.php?pID=201&image=0 ) weired combination but it loooks so nice. Funiture is suppose to come Thursday ( crossing my fingers). I still have to paint one of the 3 bathrooms and the upstairs hallway. I am so tired. I need a break after this long weekend. I just came back after dropping my hubby off to hte airport..he will be gone for a whole week:sad: :cry: :sad: :cry: so that means I will be doing Ramadan alone the first couple of days..well not alone my older kids are doing it too.

    By the way, Ramadan is this Wednesday. I don't plan on overeating this week leading to fasting. I am just going to take it day-by-day.

    miss ya all...have a great evening/night :flowerforyou:

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hope everyone is going to have a great week this week.

    Serena is back at day care..wohoo...maybe i can get some work this week done...She was saying her throat hurt this morning but no crying just it hurts..gave her some tylnol, she has been off the pain killers for a day now and seems like she is doing okay, she had some tylnol before bed at like 7:00 and slept all night. I am sure she will be a little sore for a while., but i think she is on the road. She was real cranky last night , major attitude and bad behaviour...i am really hoping this will make her better but only wait and see i guess.

    eating not too bad this weekend..but lots of sodium....had pizza on saturday it was sooo good. Then on sunday we have jimmy john's sandwichs...they were really good too..but i know those 2 things probably had more sodium than i usally consume in a whole day each. I was up to 259.7 this morning..so like 3 lbs..but hey it was still under 260:laugh: :laugh: I am sure it will come back off in the next few days.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Great job on getting back to the exercising. That's my plan for this week.

    Laila: I love the wall color! I considered a color like that for my bedroom, but the carpet is fairly new and Hunter Green....no way the purplish colors would have worked. Painting is such a huge project, so congrats on tackling it. I'll have to do the same this fall when it's cooler and I can have the windows open.

    I'm not doing a check in for yesterday because it was terrible all around due to left overs from the pool party and then fajitas for my sister's birthday. I think, as usual, sodium was the worst part. I did take a three hour nap yesterday afternoon while the bf watched NASCAR and felt great afterward. Even so, I was still asleep by 10:30! Guess I've been running low on sleep lately.

    Hope you're all off to a pleasant start to your week!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    New lowest weight ever this morning! 192.0. I'm down 2.2 pounds from Friday so I'm pretty excited. I've been losing like 2-3 pounds a month for a couple months so 2 pounds in a weekend kind of blows my mind. :laugh: While I'm gloating, I'm wearing size 12 pants at work today.

    I had forgotten about TOM's imminence but apparently TOM hasn't forgotten about me because I feel crampy & bloated this morning. TOM always slows down my exercise but I probably needed to take a breather today anyway.

    Calories: 1743 (beer!)
    Exercise: 30 minutes intervals on the elliptical, 20 minutes upper body strength training, "pilates" -- though I admit I'm pretty lazy when it comes to that. :laugh: :blushing:
    Water: 9-10 cups
    Proud: I worked pretty hard at the gym for my 2 pints of beer.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh my goondess it has been one hell of a busy weekend! I am beat! I pretty much have been going since...last Monday! No relaxation this weekend. Yesterday was my day to relax and we had a house full of people for my Mom's Mary Kay party. So I didn't make it to the gym and the powers that be punished me. I sat in awful traffic! May try and get in a workout DVD tonight or at least a walk. SOMETHING!!

    Julie-Congrats on your lowest weight! That's awesome news!!

    POS Me-Sounds like you have so much to do!! We really miss seeing you around. Hope things slow down soon.

    Heather-You and your bed pilates always make me giggle! I needed a laugh this morning. Thank you!

    Deb-Yay for Serene going back to daycare! That's great news!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning ladies... I have been gone for a little while now and thought I would pop back in this morning for a quick update.

    Life has been crazy busy and will continue to be so for the next couple weeks. Kids have school registrations, school photos, yet this week. Hubby went to Sturgis and should be back Wed. We helped my brother and sister in law unload their moving truck yesterday and will help again tonight with the final load. I am so glad they are like 20 mins away now instead of 3 hours! :smile:

    My sister is bringing her boyfriend over on Thursday evening for dinner and they are spending the night. So, that should be interesting. She seems so happy!

    Saturday we are having a bbq with a few friends and some family for my 40th.. Oh dear.. where did the time go?
    Monday is my daughters 1st day of high school and Tuesday is my son's 1st day of the last year of high school as well as my actual birthday. So, my husband and I are taking a motorcycle ride up to Estes Park, CO (where we got married) and spending the day.

    With all that said I am going to try and start counting calories and logging my food again. I have not given any thought to anything I have put in my mouth. Ironically I have not gained any weight so, I am pretty happy about that.

    As far as exercise goes, I am really not sure when or what I am going to do something a I am still dealing with that stupid plantar fasciitis. it is really not much fun. Any suggestions would be great. (although, I am allergic to chlorine so, no swimming for this girl)

    Well, I will try and get back in the swing of thing... Thank you for all your support through my time off and I hope you have a great day ladies! You inspire me!

    Thanks for being my weight loss sisters!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend! I didn't do too terribly this weekend. Friday night we went to one of my favorite spots for dinner (which happens to be a biker bar at night hahaha) and got their famous pulled pork sandwich ::drool:: Once upon a time I could eat one of those and all of the fries plus a lovely dark beer (or two). Friday, however, I was full after half of the sandwich and ate only about half of the fries and one beer. And oh was I full!! I should have eaten less, but it is dellllicious!

    Saturday I went a little over, but not too badly. We went and watched some rugby out in the suburbs and I got to see a few of my friends from Ohio, which was nice. I also got a wicked sunburn which was not so nice. After lunch (which included sharing a cookie sundae with the BF) we went for a drive, saw The Other Guys (semi-funny), and then on a whim drove to Milwaukee just to have a place to go. haha

    Sunday morning/afternoon was pretty lazy. But we made up for the pancakes I made for breakfast by taking a 5+ mile walk around the city. It was sooo hot, but the walk was nice. Then we came home and watched football! YAAYY!

    Just a week and a half until vacation! Very much looking forward to it!!

    I believe I was the winner/loser for last week. So as a challenge... since I am feeling ultra water weight filled... no added salt this week and as much as possible staying under your allotted sodium.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Less than 12 weeks until Halloween! I have 17 pounds to lose to meet that goal. :noway: