
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Well irs November 12 and have the fan on and am going to sleep with the window open .. very odd. But hey Ill take what I can get.
    Pip- hope your camping trip with the pups is going well.
    Off to bed for me ,even though its only 8:36 im a lightweight
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) I am home from a lovely walk at sunset. My morning walks have been at sunrise so I've had the best of the day. All is peaceful here. For that we are very grateful.

    <3 Barbie
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Had a kind of breakthrough, where I realized I needed to tear the whole website back down to the beginning and start again. Not unusual, and each of those spasms puts me further ahead in the end. All the past writing isn't lost, just edited and shifted.

    Warm and cozy inside, and grateful for that...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I've torn my website down and am very, very slowly in the process of building it back up again.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Rain all day yesterday and caregiving all day today. In the morning the caregiver will come and I will take the Black Lab I am watching for a walk over by the pond near the college. Today I am finishing reading a book for book club I hope. I do feel quite trapped because I am quite trapped!

    Rosemarie from Georgia


    I also have an idea of that trapped feeling. My husband doesn't need 24/7 care yet, but I feel "on duty" much of the time and I've taken on many of the responsibilities we've shared.

    Plus, because of Worker's Compensation restrictions we can't leave our little island state. I'm looking forward to the day when we can finally go ... somewhere ... anywhere ... off this island.

    Are you able to get respite care for a weekend or a week or something?

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Well irs November 12 and have the fan on and am going to sleep with the window open .. very odd. But hey Ill take what I can get.
    Pip- hope your camping trip with the pups is going well.
    Off to bed for me ,even though its only 8:36 im a lightweight

    We leave tomorrow, Sunday. I messed up my days
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    I love potatoes, Debbie, but what on earth do you do with 50lbs!!!

    Grateful for...
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN

    I share some plus if I keep them cool and dry, they will last until late spring and if they do sprout, they get planted. I love potatoes any way. DH isn't as much of a fan- he is half Japanese so of course, he wants his rice every day(not great for a diabetic-he and his mom both)

    The German craft fair and dinner was pretty much a bust- only about 10 tables with crafts. I didn't buy anything- dh bought fudge to take to his mom.
    Dinner was ok but not great. Was nice to go check out something different. And, because we were in town, we made the rounds to our favorite grocery stores and found some great bargains.

    Today is 22 yrs since one of my best friend passed away- Laurie was just 38 yrs old, leaving a husband and three young kids. Hard to believe it has been that long. I was going to call her that day but told myself I would call her the next day. Her husband liked to get on the other phone and listen in when we talked. I never got a chance to call her that next day. Because of that, something I regret still, I tell people if you think about calling someone or seeing someone, DO IT- don't put it off. You never know if you will get another chance.
    Her and I were friends from the first day of 5th grade. We went all through school together, including college. We both taught preschool and then did daycare(not together)

    Military- I had a few uncles and cousins in the military. My favorite veteran is my best friend, who just happens to also be my former hubby- loved being a Coast Guard wife. Waiting on the dock for the ship to come in.

    No rain today so walked MIL"s dog(haven't walked him for a few weeks). Between that and shopping, I hit over 10,000 steps again today.

    cool here but I am warm because I have a fat cat on my lap. Hard to reach the keyboard with Tonashi on my lap
    Napa valley, Ca
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Crap! I tested positive for Covid this evening. Feel like trash. I will get a call into oncology tomorrow.

    Willamette Valley OR

    Sorry to hear that.

    Numbers are increasing again here with the newest variety.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    30 Days of Gratitude

    1. Smell - freshly cut grass on our lawn.
    2. Technology - the amazing advancements in medical technology.
    3. Colour - blue. Beautiful blue sky peaking through the clouds.
    4. Food - soup. That's what I've been eating just recently because there's less chewing. We always keep a few cans of soup on hand for situations like these.
    5. Sound - my music. I've recently acquired a number of nature sounds CDs with music playing along with sounds of ocean waves, birds, and so on. Lovely.
    6. Nature - I love nature. It would be incredibly difficult for me to pick just one thing. I am so grateful that there is nature and that I can enjoy it.
    7. Memory - Winter 2017. The last time I visited my parents and a wonderful 1-month holiday to Canada that June/July. My husband and I did two cycling events and a lot of other cycling. We climbed mountains and explored a glacier. We visited friends and family.
    8. Book - Norman Doidge's The Brain's Way of Healing. I found it inspirational!
    9. Place - home. I've moved and travelled a lot and home is wherever I happen to feel really comfortable. Right now, home is a certain house here in Tasmania where I can go and just be myself (mostly, for even a little while). Home is where I can lie down on the sofa and doze off when I've had a rough day, like I did yesterday.
    10. Taste - salt. My favourite taste. :) On the one hand I need salt because of my exercise and medications, on the other hand I need to reduce my salt because of my kidneys. But given the choice, I'll usually go salty over sweet ... or maybe salty and sweet!
    11. Holiday - Christmas!!!!
    12. Texture - smoothness. I like smooth clothes, smooth sheets, Rhody's smooth fur ...
    13. Abilities - I don't really think of myself in terms of having abilities. I've sort of thought of myself as "the jack of all trades, master of none". However, organisation is one that I've been thankful for throughout my life.

    Machka in Oz

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,808 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited November 2022
    @SophieRosieMom ...

    We have fresh fruit and vegetables markets here too. Markets as in shops and markets as in Farmers Markets.

    Salamanca Fresh is the main one we go to.

    I have used Manuka honey. It is produced here as well. That link above may show that Salamanca Fresh sells some.

    Bees like most flowers and apparently especially purple or blue flowers. We're in an area where a lot of people have gardens full of flowers so the bees are quite happy. They will fly in a 2km radius from a hive and some have been tracked further so ours will also get gum trees when they flower.

    M in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    I went shopping for my favorite breakfast items yesterday, cottage cheese and blueberries. I also bought a little artificial Christmas tree for my apartment, along with a Santa and little Teddy bear we found in a gift shop. Christmas decorating is done, and it is still November.πŸŽ„ I hope I will be able to visit DH today. Fingers crossed for good luck. 🀞🏻 🀞🏻 🀞🏻