

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,529 Member
    Got a few things done today, more finger foods in the freezer for baking while everyone's here... Tomorrow I'll probably make Cowboy Cookies again - one of mine and Corey's true disagreements. He insists on raisins in cookies for him, and to me, they're like biting into nasty little blisters of goo when you meet them unexpectedly in a cookie. 😜

    The good thing about that is that after I've gotten everything in the mixture except raisins, I can pull just enough out for one or two cookies without them, and then I add the raisins to the rest of the cookie dough. #WaysToKeepLisaFromEatingSweets. Here's the recipe.

    They freeze really well both before and after baking them--I shape the whole batch into 1/4 cup balls and flash-freeze them. They bake quite well from frozen as much as three months later.

    Time for bed for this sleepy head... thinking of all of you who are under the weather, in pain, or just in need of hugs...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited December 2022
    Something I no longer need, hmm that's tough. How about makeup? I have totally given up on that. I struggled with mascara for many years, but I would only get one or two uses from a tube before it was expired. Most days I don't wear my jewelry either. But I did wear earrings and a necklace for my date. So I am grateful that I no longer need makeup.

    Annie in Delaware

    Sat in a meeting today with 7 female mid-level project officers, analysts, scientists etc. ... and not one of us was wearing more than a light touch of foundation.

    Make-up is just so 1980s. :)

    I got rid of a whole bunch of mine about a year ago.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Little bit closer to 50 km of walking this month!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Our son and DDIL sent me several well loved Christmas ornaments from years past, including Teddybear Angels that I sewed years ago and big Christmas Stockings with Dad and my names on them. Thanks to them I have a very cheerful apartment.

    The cheery ornaments in my room are a delight, but empty boxes of cheap junk are still in my room. I look forward to getting rid of the empty boxes.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,111 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    It was my turn for insomnia last night. I got my phone out at four a.m. to read. But then I fell asleep around five and only woke up maybe three more times before my alarm at seven thirty. Probably related to the iced tea I had for lunch.

    I have to get groceries today, and then Teddy goes to the vet at two. Then I have a pork loin to cook for dinner. So plenty to do.

    My date yesterday didn't walk me to my car. He didn't ask me to text him when I got home safe. He didn't text me at all. I left a message for him on the dating site. On one hand, he is treating me like an equal, but on the other, it feels a bit inconsiderate. I have to think about how much that matters to me. I used to have a rule that I should ask for what I want, then give him a chance to do it, before I judge. Is walking me to my car universally known to be expected good behavior?

    Annie in Delaware
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I ate something at breakfast that isn’t sitting well with me. I hope I will feel better soon, tummy-aches are no fun. πŸ™
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,529 Member
    1948CWB wrote: Β»
    Lisa & Rita ~ Love the photos of your children! All of them look so sweet and happy. Lisa, the new hubby looks like a keeper for your daughter.

    Carol in GA

    Thanks, Carol - I think he is, too. He is helping her learn to look at the future and build toward that, instead of just getting through each day, and I think that's wonderful. He seems to be a good man. Really hoping they're all healthy enough to come down on Friday, it's been way too long since we saw them.

    And because I'm a big fat dreader, I'm dreading them coming down, too. I do not know why I do that, but it's just annoying on my part. I always enjoy these kinds of things once they're in progress, but the voice in the back of my head doesn't shut up until they're driving through the gate.

    The storm is supposed to hit us at about 10:30 or so, but for us, just as heavy rain. Supposed to clear in the early afternoon. Looks like those of you across the northern tier of the US and southern Canada are going to get slammed with snow. Keep safe!

    Machka - Many hugs, hope the surgery goes well, and recovery is swift and painfree.

    Debbie - Same to you for Thursday's surgery.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Well, I had a good morning, finishing off the text of my poetry collection. So that bit is done. Now I have to transfer it, bit by bit, into the KDP 'Fix-It' format. Just a lot of copying and pasting, but I want to do it slowly and carefully.
    So, I was feeling very pleased and got myself out in the freezing cold to buy sausages for dinner, along with milk. Came back to make Rebecca's peanut brittle. I don't think I heated it enough initially, but it's solid enough. Yet to taste it.
    Then decided to do my rowing when my son rang. He wants us to babysit Bea tomorrow from 9 until 2ish. He is going to take his friend up to Central London to see a specialist that DDIL knows and trusts. He diagnosed my son's psoriatic arthritis. The friend J was in hospital again this weekend , when we were meant to babysit. The Long Covid affects his heart, kidneys, and whatever. Nightmare for a man of 45.
    So, of course I said yes. DH was a bit surprised when he came back from his walk, because he loves his daily routine, but he knows it is for a good cause. J can't go on his own as there is a train strike. Bea will be OK and we have my son's permission to plonk her in front of the TV if DH runs out of ideas.
    So, a lot of grandchildren contact this week! I'm glad I'm between stages with my book.

    We've been invited to Cyprus next year by my friend B who has a house there. I've put the idea to DH and will leave him to mull over it. I don’t think he is keen at all. He hasn't even been to see his daughter who lives in France! I could go on my own. If I want to. The hassle of flying to places doesn't really appeal these days. Plus there is a long, expensive taxi ride over the border between Greek and Turkish Cyprus. My friend's house is on the Turkish side.
    I will have to tell her we are thinking about it. :*

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Anne In this day and age walking you to your car is not only a consideration; it is also a safety issue. If you do continue to see him watch to see how considerate he is to you. I wish I had been more aware when I was younger. If I ever am in the position to think of remarriage this would be one thing on the top of my list. DH seems to think it is funny when I ask him what movie he is watching he refuses to tell me. I have finally learned to just walk away when he exhibits childish behavior. I would also see how he treats me when I am sick. DH has a way to go on being considerate. Some of his plusses is he picks up after himself and handles his finances well, so we do not argue about money. He also cooks me dinner.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Annie - another thought on your date not walking you to your car. Perhaps he'd had a prior experience where he walked a gal to her car on the first date and she immediately starting sending out wedding invites, lol. He might be playing it cool for a reason, it's still early days. If you guys continue to meet but this doesn't "click", depending on what you want out of the relationship, then that might send up red flags for you.

    I was glad to hear that otherwise the date went well, conversation pleasant and agreeable. ;)

    Barbie - you posted this a couple days ago: My approach to gratitude has always been that the action of feeling grateful is far more important than the actual stuff on the list. When I am feeling grateful, there's no room for complaining. When I read all your lists of things you're grateful for, there are many that fit into my category of "I'm so grateful I don't have _______" When I was sweeping the branches off the sidewalk in the back yard today, I was so grateful for my broom and mobility that I had no energy to fuss about why we even had to have that mess in the first place.

    I totally agree. The feeling of gratitude transcends everything. Thank you for continually teaching us. <3

    Debbie and Machka - big ((HUGS)) Sounds like you'll be under the best care possible.

    Heather - DH's mustache is a hoot.

    Katla - sorry you are feeling under the weather, hope you are better soon.

    Off to the races.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State