

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    It's a strange thing, but the news is full of snow and ice affecting everywhere, especially the South East. :o Schools, airports, roads etc closed. We woke up this morning to no frost and no snow. The South Downs are just to the north of us and have protected us from the north east wind. The sea has kept us warm. (The South Downs are hills, and are a National Park) I'm not complaining, especially as we have to walk to the school and back later. :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    1 What is something that makes you laugh? My two dogs, Wicket and Brownie every day the do something to make me laugh.
    2 Something about the current season you’re grateful for. The Christmas spirit making people nicer at this time of year.
    3 What about your body do you love/are you grateful for? My hair. It is white, pretty full with lots of body. Hairdressers always comment on how they like to work with my hair. Growing it out this winter. We will see how long I leave once the heat comes back!
    4 Who is someone in your life that you’re grateful for? My children and grandchildren.
    5 What is a book that changed your life? The Blooming of a Lotus by Thich Nhat Hann
    6 Think about something you’re good at. Customer service.
    7 What is a lesson you’re grateful you learned? To forgive myself.
    8 A basic need that has been met. My housing at the campground. Free for hosting
    9 What are you most grateful for in the city/town where you live? The blue skies and 300 days of sun!
    10 What rejection in your life are you most grateful for? Losing my job at the print shop. It allowed me to take early retirement, buy this camper after selling my house and travel!
    11 Something you use every day. My phone. I know I know, but like others, everything is on it!
    12 Something you don’t need anymore. A big house
    13 Refuge – space you love in your home
    14 Item of clothing
    15 Taste
    16 Touch
    17 Smell
    18 Sound
    19 Sight
    20 Texture
    21 Color
    22 A song that makes you happy.
    23 Type of weather you love.
    24 Professional who helps you.
    25 Something you take for granted.
    26 A TV show that you look forward to watching.
    27 A movie you watch over and over.
    28 An opportunity you’re grateful you had.
    29 A place you love to visit.
    30 A tool you find incredibly useful.
    31 A daily habit you’re happy you’ve cultivated.

    Kindness Calendar:
    December 1. “Spread kindness and share the December calendar with others”: Sharing on here and hope it helps someone.
    December 2.:Contact someone you can’t be with to see how they are: to be determined. I ended up talking to my uncle and a friend, both who live 2,000 miles away!
    Decembrist 3. Offer to help someone who is having
    difficulty at the moment. - I helped a mom fix her son’s bicycle.
    December 4. Support a charity, cause, or campaign you really care about. - I use Amazon Smile to
    5contribute to St. Jude’s Children Hospital
    every time I buy something, including gifts
    December 5. Leave a positive message for someone
    else to find. Left a note for DH with a
    chocolate kiss!
    December 6.Give a gift to someone who is homeless or feeling lonely. I made a person smile who was having a very bad day trying to get a campsite. I gave them one.
    December 7. Give kind comments to as many people as possible today. Done! Campers and DH
    December 8. Do something helpful for a friend or family
    member- I made an appointment for DH to get new glasses.
    December 9. Notice when you’re hard on yourself or others and be kind instead.
    December 10. Listen wholeheartedly to others without judging them.
    December 11. Buy an extra item and donate it to a local food bank.
    December 12. Be generous. Feed someone with food, love, or kindness today!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,111 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I'm early, so I'm sitting in my car waiting for my date!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
    Lisa & Rita ~ Love the photos of your children! All of them look so sweet and happy. Lisa, the new hubby looks like a keeper for your daughter.

    Carol in GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Katla What a great plan for your knitting :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Rebecca— I love your Peanut Brittle recipe! Thank you for sharing.😘

    Pip— Good news that you are feeling better. ❤️

    Terri—I am so sorry that covid has made you sick. I hope you will get well soon. 💖

    Rose abc 123– Thank you. My headache has disappeared thanks to Tylenol. ⭐️

    I am happy for an early Christmas gift from my younger grandson. He gave me a new horse calendar for January 2023. Both of us love horses. 🐎.

    Barbie— I have noticed number of elders in home care and/or nursing homes that enjoy warm blankets. I am planning to begin knitting blankets for them. I will begin with one and see how it goes. . 🤞🏻 ❤️ 🤞🏻
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    edited December 2022


    ☘️ Terri