
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,702 Member
    Well, I have been up 5 hours and cleaning the guest room for the past 2 hours. Needed food, so took a break. Man I have a mess now, so can't stop! It isn't as bad as it was about 8 years ago. That time took me 8 hours! The final result was great and was kept up until the past few years. I guess I really have been struggling mentally. :neutral: Most of the drawers and bins are still organized, just have to sort out a few. So onward I go......

    I try to do laundry, change sheets, and water plants on either Wed or Thurs. This does free up my weekends as we are usually at a car show or the farm or out of town. I will figure out when to do the real cleaning most likely during the week too. My washer has a timer on it, so I sort and put a load in before work. It starts and finishes just before we get home. The last load usually goes in the washer before bed and I will then dry in the morning. Usually only 3-4 loads depending on weather. 2 warm washes and a cold wash usually. Wearing jeans more than once helps keep it less loads. ;)

    KJ Welcome back! Your trip looked like so much fun! That is my favorite trip with no plans!

    Better get back at it, not sure when DH will be home. Oh, I also straightened up the pantry and got rid of some expired stuffs.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @ginnytez and others hi! I can try checking in from time to time. if you d like me to read a personal message If you write @bananasandoranges I'll get it. I'm absolutely unable to skim all this abundant list for all group and personal mails. if you don't want to no problem. I totally get it we re each in our own internet groove... I think I've written before that I had previously been in groups with 5 to 12 members and read all.but with the dozens of wonderful contributors here I'm unable to read all... happy new year to all!!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,257 Member
    I did my fast walking video! Yay! It's Leslie Sansone beginner 1 mile. Low impact so very knee friendly and no equipment needed. It always makes me think of how the calorie burn lasts past the cool down period. I should do this every day! But I would get bored.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,932 Member
    I missed sharing these this week:

    5 - I think was move for 30 minutes. - I didn’t get that one done

    6 Share a goal you achieved last year - we got a new roof and DH’s shop insulated

    7 Slow down and savor one meal today - Homemade burger and air fry fries

    8 Who was your favorite teacher - my grade 2 teacher, Mrs. Tracey.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,735 Member
    Happy Birthday Yogi!!!!!💖💖💖💖💖
    That last pic with all the drooling🤗. You must've been fixing a bowl of chow!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,174 Member
    No way, Heather! You can keep black pudding, thank you very much!

    I LOVE that your favorite teacher was your father Machka! Was he actually a teacher? One of my best friends, in middle school, had a father who taught there. THAT was interesting.


    My best friend's dad was our principle!! The cool thing is that many years before that, he was my mom's 7th grade English teacher. They went to our church(that is how Julie and I met over 50yrs ago now!) and I would spend Sunday afternoon's after church with her family or her with mine. They were like a second set of parents to me. Miss them both so much.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,257 Member
    Word of the year: Appreciate: Medications that help you in many ways!

    Gratitude list

    8 Who was your favorite teacher--My high school French teacher, Sister Jeannette. She was great!
    9 Create something today
    10 What is your favorite lyric from a song
    11 Send a card/note to someone today
    12 What are you looking forward to in 2023?
    13 Tell a random person they look "good" today
    14 Tell us three amazing things that happened recently (you decide what "recently" means...lol)
    15 Call or text someone you haven't talked to in at least a week
    16 What made you smile today
    17 Take a photo of something you're grateful for
    18 What material comforts are you most thankful for? You can make your list as long as you like...
    19 Write a positive review for a company for goods or services you've received recently
    20 Write down five things you like about yourself
    21 Pay it forward in some way
    22 What do you most desire in your life right now?
    23 Go an entire day without complaining
    24 What about you makes you special?
    25 Spend time with a loved one
    26 When was the last time you felt pure joy?
    27 Hold the door for a stranger... or a friend
    28 What fear have you overcome?
    29 Engage in a random act of kindness of your own choice
    30 When was the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed?
    31 Now try to "meditate" (sit in silence) for ten

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,821 Member
    edited January 2023
    Lanette …. I downloaded the PDF! Thank you.

    Debbie … you make my mouth water with all the good things you mentioned you cook.

    Machka … the river bed looks great

    Heather … you are definitely an artist! The first few tiers of the classic British foods looked pretty good, but when it comes to those meals made with organ meats and pork, I would probably pass.

    Lisa … my husband (who was an appliance repairman for Maytag and then ran his own appliance service company for a few years) always shoos the store installers away. Says they don’t do things to his liking. Of course, this was before he had three back surgeries. He may “allow” others to install appliances in the future.

    Kylia … I hate dusting too and since I have always had pets there is always a lot of dust. I would record the higher BP numbers as well and make a notation what you were doing. It sounds like you were agitated and your doctor needs to know that when you’re upset your numbers climb.

    Kelly … sounds like a perfect visit with your grandsons!

    Pip … Yogi is a beautiful lab …

    Allie … why are you trying to move a bed to storage by yourself? Can’t you call a someone from your retirement community for help? Like a maintenance man? Or wait for Kyle or your son? You’re trying to do too much.

    January Gratitude
    Day 7 … savored meal: “Homemade” pizzas with Naan flatbreads for a crust, jarred sauce, cheese and … on mine … sauteed onions, peppers and mushrooms. Enjoyed every bite.
    Day 8 … favorite teacher: there were several, but the first that comes to mind is an AP English teacher. She taught me so much about good, concise writing.

    I’ve spent the last couple of days cleaning/decluttering. My son who is at home with us at this time had let his room just get away from him. Multiple reasons why, but it couldn’t stay that way any longer. He and I tackled it on Friday and removed bags and bags of things from the room. What a difference it makes when we simplify. It’s my goal to go through all of our living spaces … and then the basement … and do the same.

    Tried a new soup recipe today. Lentil and Vegetable Soup with Parmesan. Spicy (by my timid standards), but very tasty. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/7917979/one-pot-lentil-vegetable-soup-with-parmesan/

    Beth near Buffalo

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) I'm home from my 60 minute Sunday walk with my friend. Now I have four loads of laundry to fold and put away. We picked up groceries this morning so now the fridge, freezer, and cupboards are full for the week.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,560 Member
    :) Carol in GA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,702 Member
    It seems like most of us a "spring cleaning" in the winter! My girlfriend, C, just called and said she was organizing her dresser. :) My DH was impressed with my guest room closet and drawers.

    Lisa The first time I kept my youngest grandson without his mom, she warned me that he would say no lots. She said she had tried everything....timeouts, yelling, spanking, sending to his room. Nothing worked. The first thing I asked him to do he told me NO! I picked him up and put him in the corner the same way Kelsey did. Oh, there was plenty of screaming and yelling. Once he got quiet and sat for 3 minutes, we had a short discussion. This went on for the first day he was here. It seemed like it was every 15 minutes or so that we were on repeat. The next morning, I asked him to put his shoes on....He said NO! Then quietly bowed his head and took himself to the timeout chair. I haven't had a problem since then. Tell Kelsey she is doing great! Just remember no attention when they are in timeout.

    Beth Thank you, that is what my DH said also.

    New recipes today it seems like. I was just going to grill the chicken for dinner, but may go see if I can find a sauce or something for it. The broccoli and sweet potatoes has to go with it.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,042 Member
    Beth- i didn't move it but a couple feet today.. my SIL won't do it,my son would,and my brother would but once i get wanting to get something done.. I get antsy lol.
    I feel like I got a bit of things done today..and watching little boy tomorrow and PT at 2 tomorrow afternoon
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,174 Member
    power was out for 3 hrs- not sure why. Storms were last night(and more coming tonight and tomorrow.......Went out right as I started watching church.
    Got a few chores done and some winter snowflake decorations up.
    Worst part was I really wanted more tea but no way to make it. Before, I could have used the water cooler/hot water dispenser but I canceled the delivery on that- it was way too expensive for the little we used it and the price was going up again. Oh well, I survived and have some hot tea now. I actually enjoyed the quiet. Hard for dh. He prefers lots of noise. He is so obsessed with vacuuming, he was actually vacuuming the hall and bedroom with a flashlight beings he couldn't turn the lights on.

    Dh walked in and said he has decided(or will decide for sure this week) that he is going to quit working because he doesn't like the way his boss talks to him. No discussion , just he is deciding it. I understand she isn't the easiest to work for. He worked for her before and that is why he took early retirement. She got transferred to another store so he has been working part time or close to full time hours since then and still getting his pension. She is back at his store so he wants to quit again.
    The extra money he has been bringing in has been great- he spends on what ever he wants but also puts money into the savings accounts. I don't say anything. Having him here full time will drive me crazy.
    Hoping this blows over, like it has SOOOOOO many times before. There is another option but he isn't even mentioning it- he can go back on retiree status and only work a few hours a week(up to 63).
    Our medical won't be as good(and his won't be paid for like it is now that he is working full time hours- pension restrictions were lifted because of covid and them needing workers and they are still not back in place). And, when they change him back, there is a good chance the will screw things up and we will be without any medical for a month or more. It happened before. Found out they messed up the day before my cataract surgery- told me we didn't have any coverage. I don't want that to happen again. Will get all my dental work done this month, just in case.

    Need to get some work done on the computer now, in case the power goes off again. I usually do it Sunday morning but that didn't happen. Won't take me long- I procrastinate longer than it takes to do it.

    Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,257 Member
    Lisa in AR---YAY for the new oven!
    Kylia in OH---Congrats on the cleanup and donations! You go girl! Your burger mix sounds yummy!
    Debbie in Napa Valley---MEN! They are always right no matter what is said! (NOT) lol. I know what you mean! I miss eating at the Chinese buffet in town. Turns out I’m sensitive to all the oils and sauces they use (peanut oil, soy oil, soy sauce, ginger, all affect my system!)
    Lanette---Thanks for the link! I downloaded it and will go through it!
    Michele in NC---I hope your hip/leg sciatica goes away soon!
    Annie in Delaware—I’ve started my hand weights too. I’m doing 20 reps with 2 lb weights. Keep it up!
    Allie---Sounds like a fun but exhausting day!
    Barbie in NW WA—I miss woodstoves, I loved the type of heat they give out, just not the lugging of wood and the mess from the wood and ashes!
    SueBdew in TX----Good luck with the discounts. The squeaky wheel gets the grease! As my DH says.
    Machka in OZ---I’m loving your dry riverbed and garden! That’s one thing I miss living in a State Park, gardening. That’s why I have tubs for my plants. Closest I can get to a real garden.
    Heather in UK, I like coloring but never had any talent for drawing using any media! I try now and then but get frustrated. I did get a calligraphy set at one time and had fun with that. Maybe I should get another set and start that again! Thanks for the encouragement to try new things. Good for my brain! Lol
    KJ---Sounds like a fun visit!

    RVRita in Sunny NM
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Betsy in NW WA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,493 Member
    Decided to do the Mix It Up DVD and then since it was raining did part of a Flat Belly yoga DVD. I’d bought that one at the Salvation Army and the yoga disc was in another sleeve. But that’s OK, I can take this DVD and leave it down at the condo

    Debbie - <drool> <drool>

    Suebdew – Our pool came from San Juan pools of Charlotte. Actually, the pool itself was manufactured in FL and then trucked up here. Watching it being installed was something else! When they installed the spa, I swear it looked like a UFO We’re going to get the handrails from Saftron. They are located in Bradenton, FL. They don’t sell directly, but they do have a listing on their website of places that sell it. We had trouble finding it in taupe that we wanted, they finally emailed us with the name of another place (that we think may be part of them) where we can get them at a decent price.

    KJ – nice loss. Hope you get your walk in. I hope to get mine in, too

    Carla – you’re right, I just assumed you never had haggis because it’s banned in the US. Oops!

    Happy Birthday yogi!!

    Vince and I went to WalMart to return the hose reel. He decided to look see if they had any in the store and noticed that the Xmas things were 75% off. He got a 7-1/2’ tree for $30! I got some ornaments, there’s no way on this green earth I would have paid over $2 for them, but for 61 cents, that’s a price I can live with!

    Did a load of laundry last night and dried it this morning, then did another load later in the morning. Need to go make up the bed then I think I’ll take my walk. It doesn’t look like it’s raining any more.

    Beth – I’m sure your hubby “allows” people to install appliances WITH SUPERVISION. I just don’t know how I would like the vinegar in that recipe. I one time had a Greek soup that called for a bit of vinegar and I didn’t really like it

    Got my walk in

    Lisa – I have a proof on my oven and I’ve never used it! I have tried the convection but still not totally comfortable with it

    Michele NC
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,916 Member
    Pg 25. Knackered so will catch up tomorrow
    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,174 Member
    I am glad a few of you have mentioned laundry. It was a reminder I NEEDED. I had started laundry then the power went off. Got the machines going again, finished those loads and have new ones in. One more load(small one with pee pads) that I might wait for tomorrow. Only two pads so not really enough to do a load. May wash some of the other ones that could use a wash because dh feeds some of the cats on them so they get a little messy. I will be happy when we don't need them anymore but glad we have them
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,174 Member
    edited January 2023
    auntiebk wrote: »
    5 Move for at least 30 minutes today-whoops didn’t but did the day before and the day after

    Way far behind but had a few minutes to scan a few pages ;)
    Thanfully power stayed on despite “bomb cyclone.” At least two more storms are lined up off shore so we’ll stay hunkered down.

    Pip hallelujah for the good followup report.
    Beth sorry I goofed. No pressure. ;)
    Debbie yup, us too, only the stove is propane, everything else is elecltric. Could cook on the stove top as the controls are mechanical, I’d just have to light burners with a match. Could NOT use the oven as the controls are electronic. Insert diatribe against planned obsolescence, ridiculously expensive to replace electronic control boards and disposable appliances.
    Lisa Amazing news about Bella!
    Jane in OH, well done! It would have to be a very small decluttering task for me to do it at all ;)
    Kylia “feeling better about things done” now that is an NSV!
    Katla your devotion to your DH is inspiring.
    Michele you can really use the convection setting on oven to make fries? Do they come out crispy?
    Tracey not to wish anyone ill, I am glad to hear your supervisor has been on leave… :devil: Interesting about the ceramics use for pillow cases… will ask at the art center if they have a kiln, or maybe the community college. ((hugs)) for your chat with your mom on your dad’s 10th heavenly birthday. ((hugs)) held extra long. What a gorgeous hope chest and bowl. Skill and love what a great combination.

    Whoops, didn’t get very far, but dinner is calling.
    01/04: Move: active mins:312 steps:7852
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far=29: almonds, apple, basil, beans-green, beans-kidney, bell pepper-orange, carrots, cashews, chili peppers-red, cinnamon, coconut milk powder, cucumber, garlic, ginger, jicama, mandarins, onions, peanut butter, pecans, potatoes, radish, rice-brown, romaine, snap peas, tea, tomato concentrate, walnuts, wheat-pasta. CI<CO=692
    Live: readings, BP laundry mountain, changed linens, spot vacuuming with Maizey, Wt:136.9
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer.

    Sadly, even our stove is electric so no using that either.
    Dh needs to change out one of the control boards on it. The display on the front is very hard to see, especially when the kitchen is sunny. It started where it was just the temp that I couldn't see and then today, I noticed when I was trying to reset the clock that I could barely see it and it wasn't sunny in their. I think it will have to go out completely before he fixes it.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,169 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Housecleaning etc, vacuum, dusting, laundry fold and put away etc= 757c
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,169 Member
    Tomorrow is supposed to be a bad rainy day here. Will going on our walk tho. Kirby set up my bike on a trainer so I won’t be using his spin bike anymore
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member