

  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Dr. Katie— I am reading Virgin River currently & I’m enjoying it. I checked out Return to Virgin River from the library at the same time. Both books are due back to the library at the end of the month.

    Katla in Illinois
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,022 Member
    I think I should get my hearing checked. There have been many times when I am talking to husband and he starts doing the "pumping hands movement" meaning that I am talking too loud. Does that mean I am getting hard of hearing? I happens not every week though so not every time we talk to each other.

    My phone situation is fairly simple. I don't have a phone. We have the phone upstairs that is an answering machine and plugs into our modem. Our 1957 phone is plugged into the modem as well as she is the loudest ringing phone between the two. One day she'll be back on her special side table with the built in seat. Most people that call us know to let the phone ring a bit longer, because we have to hoof it up the stairs and down the hallway. You are thinking, "why not plug it in downstairs". Well for one, none of the phone plugs work. Its a daisy chain situation, and our management company said when we were moving in, " no one uses land lines anymore, so we're not going to fix that".
    I use my handy dandy tablet here, to do video calls with sons, sisters and friends. When husband and I go out, we always carry his cheap Tracfone if we need to make or receive phone calls.
    My phone table, phoneless.🙃

    my dh is the one that talks too loud. I try and signal to him to talk a little quieter but he gets really mad when I do and storms off. He does have trouble hearing. Keeps his tv up loud/phone volumn up loud. Many nights I have to put ear plugs in just to block out some of it and he is in the other room. It is terrible when he is watching tv or on his phone in bed and I am trying to sleep. My hearing is really good, at least I think it is and can't stand the loud noise of the tv/phone or his voice. There have been a few times I actually plug my ears with my fingers while in the car because it is so loud.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,108 Member
    Well, I gained a pound. It might have been more time of day than anything else. I use the scale in my parents room, so I usually wait until they are both napping to go in there. Anyway I had two days of improper eating/exercise so I'm not surprised.

    Right now I should be in the basement doing yoga, but I'm also watching the lamb simmer on the stove. I will have time tonight for yoga.

    Annie in Delaware
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    We’ve been doing some excavating work. Honestly, I think the guy who is doing it underestimated how much work was involved. The person using the skid steer had to do it over again since I can only guess that he was not told how it needed to be.

    Told I didn’t need to work on Sat. since they’re having their health inspection. I did offer to give them the extra prep and the store manager was happy about that. Only she hasn’t been ordering enough tomatoes. Oh well….she somehow got another box for yesterday and they will have to wait for their truck (delivery) today. Only I won’t be there. To me, it just seems that having someone else who is probably paid more than I am do it isn’t real smart. But whatever… Maybe she’s anticipating having Jerry do it, I don’t know (and not going to worry about it). I could have offered to come in this afternoon to do to after the truck came, but I didn’t. They need to order enough until their delivery is there and my going in will make them feel that they can just put things off.

    But the good news is that I can exercise tomorrow. The plan is to do a Jane Fonda Fit & Strong DVD.

    Went for a walk yesterday after dinner and got caught in the rain. Fortunately, it was warm out so it didn’t feel real bad. Good thing I don’t melt….lol

    Raining right now so I’ll probably do a Leslie Sansone DVD after dinner.

    Jess and Colby are supposed to be here this weekend. If it’s warm enough, maybe Colby can help get the pool cover off. Otherwise...Vince thinks that he and I can do it. I’ll have to do the hard part and he’ll do the easier part. Truthfully, I’d rather have Colby do the hard part.

    Kim – feel free to vent as much and as often as you need to

    After work today stopped at Food Lion since they have a ham on sale (less expensive than Aldi). Also got a fruit basket for Jess and Colby. They need candy like they need a hole in the head. I did include a chocolate bunny, tho. They also had sweet potatoes on sale so I got some for me, got the ice cream cake and some asian pears. I didn’t realize it until I got home, but the gal charged me for yellow onions (which are cheaper per pound than asian pears).

    Went to the Green Room to volunteer. I looked and they did have sign ups for today. But when I got there, they were closed. Why would you have sign ups when you’re closed? So I just came home and did a few things, now here,

    Betsy – I’m so sorry your trip will have to be postponed. But better to get your eyes taken care of

    Jess calls us just about every day. The last time I talked to Denise on the phone was in Jan. I know that she’s just overwhelmed with being a mother and working. How many times we’ve called and left messages. She’s never called back. How many times I’ve texted her and she’s never once responded. Well, that’s just the person she is. Now if we call and leave a message for Jess, she calls us back (not even having listened to the message) wanting to know if we’re OK. Like I said, she’s the worrier which is why we didn’t tell her Vince hurt his back in FL. I remember my father used to call my grandmother (his mother) ever week, same day, same time. Well, as she got older if he called ½ hour later, she’d get real upset. That’s why I’d call him maybe once/week but never on the same day or at the same time.

    Rosemarie – I didn’t know that you had to take calcium tablets in order to have Prolia. I’ve just always take calcium and the Prolia

    Happy Passover or Easter to all. Have to lector on Easter

    Jerry still gives me attitude, especially about the pickles. But I’ve gotten to the point where I realize that’s just him, he’ll do it. So I just ignore it. Like today I said “I’ll need the pickles in a few minutes”. Then, later I asked him for them. He threw down the rag he had in his hand and mumbled something. I don’t even know what because I just walked away. But he did it. So that’s what’s important.

    Mary – is that place, New Orleans, a chain? We have a New Orleans restaurant in FL.

    Karen VA – your brother’s painting in a way reminded me of that scene from Titanic where Jack is drawing Rose

    This weird weather is making my throat “scratchy”. I hate this feeling. Yogurt seems to help some, but only temporarily. I’m drinking tea right now hoping that that’ll help

    Michele NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele yes it is a chain. This restaurant really has good cooks. My husband owned a restaurant for almost 20 years and was a food distributor for 20 years and he said that the burger was one of the best he ever had. I have never had better. But remember different restaurant different cooks. If you never tried them you probably should!

    Debbie and anyone else with tinnitus I’ve had it for about a year now and I just the other night researched causes and cures. I found out that the number one culprit is ear plugs. I have been using them because of my husband’s cpap machine being so loud. I haven’t used them for a week now and the tinnitus went away. That’s great but the downside is now I can’t sleep because of the noise. I might have to sleep in a different room!!!

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 56min 38sec, 3.11ap, 74elev, 87ahr, 113mhr, 6.08mi= 563c
    Strava app= 745c
    Walk home to gym- 10.45min, .53mi= 51c
    Strava app = 66c
    Lateral machine- 25min, 10wide, lvl5, 118ahr, 138mhr, 10laps, 2.51mi= 161c
    Walk gym to salon, then gym then home- 20min, 1mi= 88c
    Strava app = 123c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 35.25min, 364elev, 104aw, 17amph, 34gear, 105ahr, 120mhr, 10.02mi= 214c
    Strava app= 210c
    Zwift stats- 35.30min, 357elev, 104aw, 47arpm, 16.90amph, 10mi= 211c

    Total cal 1077

    Up’s my MS donation goal to 1000
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Karen penny is so sweet looking!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    edited April 2023
    Watched the Greatest Story ever told this is morning/afternoon its 3 and 1/2 hrs and was made in 1965
    Had the window open and the patio door open most of the day..
    I made myself a cup of hot cocoa and put some heavy cream in it.. well lets just say I can't do that anymore.. ugh.
    Going to see friends tomorrow. Celebrate Toms 1st wifes 80th birthday and her 1st husbands birthday he is in his 80s.. you have heard me speak of him Duane.. he is a peach..
    Will bring birthday cards and fruit platter..
    Just talked to my brother. Ive told you about his eye issues.. his surgeon basically told him his optic nerve is shot and basically he can see shadows in that eye and he gets shots in the eye for the pain..
    Sean said if he needs to stop with the treatment he could have the eye removed.. there are alot if vereables and its still sinking in.. so if your thr praying type.. keep him in yours please.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,164 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    I would rather text than call as I have so much trouble hearing on the phone, which I think is just me as I answer phones all day at work with no problems. I just know by the time I get off work most nights I don't want to people anymore except with DH. Sometimes my DOS will call to see how I answer as sometimes when I have been really busy I answer my phone like I am at work. Makes him laugh.
    Happy Easter, Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3

    The temporary position I held last year this time involved a lot of dealing with people over the phone. I struggled with that and was constantly asking people to repeat themselves.

    However, I do think it was a good experience. I feel slightly more comfortable using the phone in work situations and I know that a job which involves a lot of phone work is not for me!

    ZOOM, Teams, etc. are OK because I can see the people and get the visual cues.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,164 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,022 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Ok odd one out here, I love meeting with friends with a cup of coffee/tea/wine, but the next best thing is a long phone call. Text is great for transactional items (ie; running late… home safe… stopping at the store do you need anything). Email is great for data – here is the invoice, recipe, directions…. But for relationships for me it is the closest I can get to face to face. But I am willing to use whatever form of communication that works for the situation or the other individual.

    As for the calling thing I just decided to not worry about keeping tabs on who called last/most and if I want to talk to you I’ll call. And if you answer I’ll probably say I just thought of you and couldn’t resist calling to tell you I’m thinking of you, do you have time for a chat? With a few of the 20 somethings in my world I will text and ask them to call whenever they have time.

    Karen- Penny is so cute!

    Today has been overcast but tomorrow starts a few days of beautiful weather. I am looking forward to it.

    I had a friend for dinner last night and my oh my did my Mom turn her attitude around and was a delight. I am starting that as a coping skill, company for dinner at least once a week – Mom wants the world to think we are the “Cleaver” family from Leave it to Beaver (a TV series from 1957-63) The mom was played by Barbara Billingsley I think she was my mom’s role model.

    Also spoke to Mom’s surgeon today he read the Monday xray of her hip and has released her to weight bearing as tolerated, which means PT will be able to work on getting her to a standard gait, stairs and other challenges she’ll need to get to go home. hopefully 4-6 weeks left!!!!

    Kim in N. California

    Kim- the way your mom acted is exactly like MIL acts. She wants everyone to thing she is just the perfect mom and dh is just an a**
    Most people don't believe dh when he tells them about how she is towards him and also towards me.
    Once in a while she slips up and others see it- they are shocked at first but do see the real her
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,883 Member