

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Ginny: I just finished participating in my first meditation session with ADDA: Attention Deficit Disorder Association.
    And it really relaxed me. I didn't know I was carrying so much anxiety until I let it go.

    Rebecca: You have your love for your son in your heart.

    Heather: I love your art display!

    Have a good evening!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    Yes that I do.💖
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    DH cooked the whole dinner tonight. Mediterranean vegetables with feta. My hand was sore, as were my ribs. I feel very loved.

    Max tomorrow. It will be raining, so it will be a bus ride to the restaurant!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Beth Our driveway is concrete and you want to have it reinforced with rebar. As asphalt drive does not need rebar because it is more flexible. Reading about your driveway it sounds like it is asphalt.
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    edited May 2023

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    edited May 2023
    Got home a bit ago- unloaded/unpacked, showered, checking in quickly before getting dressed for the wedding of dh's co-worker.

    NOT a restful weekend at mom's at all. Will be going to bed very early tonight-will be great to sleep in my own bed(instead of on the hard floor in the office at mom's)-will explain later.

    Just wanted to pop in and start catching up-only have 45 min. til we leave and I still need to get dressed.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Sorry about this but it helps me to list things out and talk to you ladies. I know others are in much worse situations, but just a note helps me tremendously.

    Rita - It really is OK to talk to us about where your head is...As Spider Robinson said, "Shared pain is lessened; shared joy increased..."

    Good morning so far... overdid a little outside to finish up pulling all the vetch, so am relaxing this afternoon with food porn--I love the competition baking shows when I just want to chill and relax. The good part about my leaky little sieve of a mind is I can watch the series over as soon as I forget who won the overall. Silver linings everywhere!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    And, as always I pushed it too far, because I decided I'd relieve Corey of one of the grocery store lists tomorrow, since he's getting my oil changed at the dealer. But, I've made it back home again with my feet up, sitting on my heating pad and pain meds starting to work.

    I had some clothes delivered today, and once I opened the bag, I realized that I have very specific clothing that I will buy - For instance, I don't wear prints. Ever. I wear solid colors, both top and bottom. Right now, I'm wearing soft black pants with everything, due to the need for speed when you have colitis. Do you have specific designs that you stick with? Or styles? Are you adventurous with your clothing choices? Just asking.

    Love, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    My biggest style, as it is, is LEGGINGS- I haven't worn jeans in at least 5 yrs. They HAVE to be super soft. ALL clothes have to be. No matter how cute or how great a sale is, if it isn't super soft, it doesn't come home with me. I am all about comfort. I can't stand pressure on my stomach so no regular pants for me. I did have one pair of jeans that I wore back when I was about 130lbs and they were low waisted. Haven't tried them on in a long time. Summer time it is light weight cotton capri leggings, spring and fall, fleecy feeling long leggings, winter, thicker super soft leggings. I even wear leggings under my dresses/skirts
    I don't buy clothes online because they look great in the pictures but as soon as I touch them, usually it is a big NO THANKS..
    As for colors- I have started wearing brighter colors- used to only wear pastels, then I started wearing the brighter colored leggings for Zumba and found I really like them. Mainly still pink, blue, purple. Rarely wear red,orange, yellow or green. Used to not wear black at all but now in the winter I do have quite a few black CuddleDuds shirts and fleece pants.


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Put MFP on my phone so now I can check in when I am not home.
    Heading up to mom's soon. Need to finish packing and cut some roses for her.
    Have a great weekend

    Napa Valley, Ca

    tried but couldn't log in up there so catching up now
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :) Day three of wet squishy garden beds so no yardwork again. Maybe tomorrow. Weather is nice enough for walking so I walked for more than an hour after breakfast and for an hour after lunch with my Sunday walking friend. Did some more work on my photo scanning project so it has been a productive day

    :) When we bought our house in 2011, the furnace needed to be replaced so we splurged and a got a heat pump to complete the system. We were able to get a loan that was interest free if we paid it off in three years. It was a great investment 🌞❄

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Housecleaning etc- 3hrs, vacuum, dust, make hummingbird food, sweep front entryway and front patio, clean and replace water of front patio fountain and birdbath, water plants, laundry fold and put away, etc= 800c
    * probably more calories and time spent, I stopped it early*
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,079 Member
    I got back to my dumbbells today! Yay! First time in a week. I ate 1156 calories today, for a deficit of 329. Yay!

    Now if my laptop would behave ...

    Annie in Delaware
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    We have moved from Oregon and are currently in Illinois. We’ve been here more than a year and are near our daughter. We’ve made friends here, and enjoy them.

    I still miss our friends in Oregon, including our hummingbirds. I think of them often.

    Katla in Illinois

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Margaret ... rebar had been under the old concrete driveway albeit not much of it. The new driveway is asphalt and they didn't use rebar. I don't believe that rebar is a common application with residential asphalt.

    Tracey ... My husband and I will have the air "blue" in our neighborhood if we decide to work together on the house! :D But the neighbors are used to it!

    Lisa ... I love jewel tone colors for tops, but I stick to navy, black and white on the bottom. I don't have a lot of clothes, but what I have is divided into "church" clothes and everyday clothes. For years I worked as a housekeeper so most of that is very basic. Summer is where I'll experiment with colors and patterns but even then I stay conservative.

    Pip .. that's a nice family photo and you look great!

    Rebecca ... deleting anything when it pertains to a loved one is just plain hard.

    Coronation ... I missed it! :# I'm like many of you ... not a fan of Charles or his consort. I love seeing photos of William and Kate and their family though.

    Got the grass mowed just before the rain and that was a good thing as the grass was very long! I also got a lot of those wild onions pulled from the flower beds and I'm thinking, Machka, that your suggestion of putting down weed block and new mulch might be the answer there. The mulch is currently low and as long as I don't make the ground too high around the roses it might work.

    I've lost some weight this week, so monitoring the calories has been beneficial. I'm also sticking to my "eating window." I still have a lot of weight to lose, but I'm targeting about 8 yo-yo pounds that would make me feel like I was on the right track again.

    Tomorrow I take my mom to an oral surgeon to have a decayed/non-repairable tooth extracted. She's been having a lot of difficulties with it the last week or so and very worried about it. Good thoughts/prayers appreciated.

    Beth near Buffalo


    Yes, it was, but seeing his name on the messenger chat list was harder. I need to pick my hard.💖👍🏼