

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    edited June 2023
    Well got the bloodwork back from the specialist and i will be referred to a rheumatologist.. from what I could read on the chart.. they are looking at either lupus or RA .. so we shall see once I see another dr...Im wondering if It could be any of the meds im taking ..will check into that too. Sheesh if its not one thing its another
    Onto the next and circle 4..iorkskr6t3k7.jpg
    At least here is a couple of cute pictures to make your evening..
  • lightstrongma
    lightstrongma Posts: 182 Member
    I agree with each and every one of you..
    She went up to Seths on the bus without telling Tracy and doing whatever she pleases.and one of the reasons right now she is out of control is that Kyle isn't home.so she knows she can push Tracys buttons and Kyle isn't there to squelch it..
    Kyle is dealing with stuff of his own..
    So we shall see..
    Tracy is at the end of her rope with a 1 yr old and a teen..
    All I can do is be there for support.. at least school is done for now Summer school is online starting July 5th..we will see how that goes.

    But who is the parent and who is the child? Have they thrown - up their hands because of whatever needs more attention at the moment?

    Knowing this is non of my business! I feel for the child. Its like she takes the back seat in the dynamics of the family.

    Why don’t you take her for a weekend and spend some quality time with her. Talk with her.. and don’t focus on her behavior. Maybe she will open up to you and understand you love and care about her.

    We all have our problems .. and it’s easy for me to say.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Flea-excellent news!
    TraceyI'm not sure how things work in Canada (I am pretty knowledgeable with US requirements). However, if your doctor thinks some of the papers/requests may be illegal, I would follow her advice and at least consult with an attorney. I don't know if Canada has Worker's Compensation like we do, but here if there is clearly established stress/harrassment it could be covered.
    Rebecca-it looks like you and sister did tremendous work. Even though children only chose to view for 30 minutes, when sister clears out all of the stuff, if they later complain-she gave them a chance.
    Barbara-guess I am just a glutton for punishment! Actually, I do still enjoy the problem solving. I am also needing to redo some succession planning. After my time here, I feel I should if I can-but not terribly long! Plus, building project probably won't be done until late in the year/early next year. I do want to see that finished.

    Well, since I had so many meetings today I am going to check some emails. Two meetings tomorrow-one that should be enjoyable with my peers, then I come back to issue a discipline in afternoon. Will leave after that-food pantry tomorrow night!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    Yep, if they didn't wish to come down, I told my sister she was in the drivers seat of what she showed them. There are two classic cars here that they need to come claim, plus the containers of what they chose. Of course my sister has to go thru the items and pick out the things with the specific colored sticky notes on them.
    Today I laid out in the sun for a good hour. Its my birth day, so I told her I was going to be lazy. I let her do what she wished to do, which was pretty much weed the flower beds for most of the day. She is a hard worker, but she has to, in order to keep on top of this place.🙃👍🏼
    Shedd OR
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Heather - I think your DDIL sounds like a wonderful woman and especially a Mom.

    Machka - we have been thinking of going camping this summer. We haven’t been to Nordegg area for years maybe that is a good place to look into. I’m not interested in camping if the fires don’t settle though.

    Carla - I hope the hearing isn’t delayed too long. It’s hard when there are things hanging over your head.

    Lisa - we have those warnings too and they seem to miss us while other parts of the city are hit.
    Will you get to see your daughter since she is back in Texas for a few weeks?
    I hope the meds work for you.

    Rebecca - it’s a shame that his kids wouldn’t make more time, but I think this shows your sister that she doesn’t need to worry so much now about them wanting things and she can make decisions on what to do with stuff.

    Carol - I love you me hair. I’m feeling I want to do the same thing and get a bunch cut off. I also go to Great Clips, the cost is fine and there are good stylists there.

    Flea - such great news!

    Ginny - thank you. I’m calling a lawyer in the morning. I need to do something to get this resolved. My doctor said even being worried about finding a job right now is hard on me.

    Machka - thank you! I haven’t thought of going the WCB route. I know at one time they wouldn’t accept stress leaves.

    Barbie - yay for the clear mammogram! That was fast results.

    I went to ceramics tonight. I’m having such a hard time shutting my brain off.
    I was able to finish my Granddaughter’s Christmas gift though. This will have a turntable for the little train to go around and a music box that will play “You are my Sunshine”.


    Tracey in Edmonton

    Plus she will hire a gal to do an estate sale type thing. I told her she needs to be gone on the day of the sale, then pay her a percentage. Another lady will take what's left as long as its over a specific amount.
    Shedd OR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    I can't remember who it was that asked about me taking her for a weekend..it won't happen.. she doesn't want to spend time with me either and treats me just as rude as she does her parents
    The only ones she kisses up to are Seths parents ,they don't know how mean and spiteful she can be..
    If she is stealing from her grandfather who is to say she wouldn't do it to me..
    I love her to pieces .but she is just off the handle right now and I told Tracy that you guys spent money trying to have Miles now is time to spend some on trying to get Taliah back..its up to them..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Morning ladies
    Woof this morning was a nightmare...not for me but for Tracy....
    She had a meltdown..Carmine is just beyond beyond.. she is doing as she pleases.. and Tracy with Kyle away is dealing with it alone..no more therapy,because the therapist said all she does is go to crab about how mistreated and horrible her life is..
    So no more therapy.. she didn't show up to the house Tracy found out she was hanging out at a local restaurant.. well at least let mom know where you are..
    She stole pills from her grandfather, so she is no longer aloud down there ,granted it was only melatonin but still.. so Tracy went through her room last night.. so Carmine came down and started going through her parents room..and so it goes..
    They can get no help anywhere financially because they make to much.. and I told her to call the crisis line..its now or never..
    It is effecting Miles for sure..

    Just thoughts by someone not in the situation. ~Your Granddaughter is *screaming out for attention, from the people that are suppose to love her the most! Her family. She has gotten away with the negative behavior for so long.. its her and the families normal. Has her parents tried spending time .. -quality time with her only. Plan a long weekend the 3 of them, so she can have that one on one with her mom and dad so she understands -she -matters to them! It’s hard to compete with a cute toddler. The therapist needs a therapist.

    Very insightful!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    I have lost 4 kg (8.8 lbs) from the high weight I hit after my holiday in March/early April. So that's 4 kg down in about 2 months. :)

    Cutting back on food a little bit.
    Climbing lots and lots of stairs. I've climbed 230 flights of 20 stairs so far this month. Up and down, plus landings.
    Plus walking, cycling, and jogging.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Well i just looked at the Quest lab results hmmm,screen shot this wb8bs3phssap.jpg
    Yikes.. not jumping to any conclusions until i see a rheumatologist..
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Rori - So glad your boys won the championship. A great achievement. <3
    You truly do need to be super fit to be able to do these events. Excellent job! I would be out of it after a couple of hours!

    My fitness has much declined since I broke my wrist. Less exercise and too much eating. I can really feel it. Fortunately, once I get on the ship, I always go low carb, apart from evening alcohol, so I don't usually put much weight on, despite the gorgeous food. It's easy to eat masses of salad and veg, plenty of protein, and there is zero fear of going hungry. Someone else preparing it for you means you get loads of salad variety. I don't miss the carbs. I love the dancing twice a day and we get up early in the morning for a gym session. Plus LOADS of stairs! I hope to come back fitter. as I'm missing my old body and fitness. On port days there is usually quite a bit of walking, sometimes a lot! I'm not going on DH'S hikes though. I think there is a lot of uneven ground and I can't put much weight on my hand, or grip properly yet.

    Yesterday I really felt the heat, and my thigh was playing up. It didn't go into spasm, but I was limping a bit. Coming home was better with a couple of Nurofen after lunch. I enjoyed the Gwen John exhibition, but the rooms were over warm. Several wonderful, touching, genius, pictures.
    It was lovely seeing G and we ate lunch under umbrellas and trees in the courtyard. Very green and restful.
    It seems as if the old demon trains have been retired, and newer ones procured. The old three carriage ones had no toilets and our very local station is just a halt with nothing. I didn’t use the facilities, as my journey was shorter than normal, but it is reassuring to know they're there. I caught an earlier train, so got home by 4 pm.

    Today will be exercise, with a short test of rowing to see how my wrist gets on . Very short. Then a very short last writing session, just to say I've done it, then starting on the packing, mainly sorting the small stuff, like jewellery, medicines, accessories, shoes and toiletries. Decisions. Clothes don't take long, because I have a small wardrobe and I always take the same things. I do wear them all!
    Monday is the off!

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx (who really, really, wants to get her fitness back)

    Have an extra glass of water when your thighs cramp.