

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Warning: rant below

    was leaving BK today and there was a customer. Lately, they have this thing where a manager has to punch you out, which really isn’t a big problem. Anyway, I was about to punch out and said to the manager “take care of the customer first”. It takes a whole 30 seconds to place your order! She said to me “no, go ahead”. So again I said “help the customer” He started to place his order and she said “just a minute”. Then, (there are customers in the store) I go to leave and the door is locked. Someone walked by said “it was probably Miss A” I tell you, if I went to a restaurant and saw patrons inside but the doors were locked, I’d be PO’d If you advertised “breakfast” and the doors were locked, I wouldn’t like that at all. Really, cutting back on what you order is one part of the equation, being open for the customer (who ultimately pays our salary) is the other (making a profit) The other day I had to say to a manager “there’s a customer who wants to place an order”. The manager was sitting in the office looking at pictures on her phone. And they wonder why they have a “labor” problem. I’m not going to say anything, just do my job to the best of my ability

    M – I meant does pip go to any one site for her music? I think it’s walk.jog.fm that also lists BPM or pace. We’ve ripped lots of CD’s, too. Vince has them on the network. Hope your elbow is better fast

    Lanette – I’m so glad you have such wonderful friends! How is that ceramic lady losing money if you don’t pay? The overhead is the same for 6 people or 12. I can only think that it isn’t good for business. Does she turn people away? I know that there is a minimum of 12 (or supposed to be) at our ceramic place. Last Tuesday there were 15. What Vince mainly is worried about is someone bumping into you when you are painting something real delicate. I know the other day I went to go to the bathroom and could just barely get by (sideways) between Vince and the person behind him.

    Have a question for Lanette or anyone else. I have this ceramic of Porky Pig which I haven’t done yet. Anyway, you know how he has that “halo” around him that says “that’s all folks”. I’m trying to think of a way to do that. The only thing I can think of is if I get a sign and while it’s in greenware have them fill in whatever is written so that it’s totally flat and attach that to something to put in the ground next to him. Does anyone else have any ideas?

    Allie – great idea Heather had to have those pics side-by-side.

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) I have hundreds of songs on my phone and several self created playlists of favorites. The main function of the music I listen to while walking is to make me so happy with walking that I don't want to go home thus I'll walk more. Sometimes I listen to podcasts and sometimes to music. I notice that the beat on some songs causes me to walk faster but for me, that's not the point. I just want to be happy while walking. Some of my music comes from CD's and sometimes I just want a song so much that I'll buy it from Amazon. A song costs about $1.50 which a small price to pay for something that will give me years of pleasure. I have to be aware of when I'm singing along with the music.

    :)Michele, the down side of being a smart person working a semi skilled job is that management rarely wants to know what you think about how things could be run better. I admire you for staying as long as you have at BK.

    :)Lisa, LOL. I am avoiding going out to work in the yard because it's too cold and I'm waiting for the sun to warm things up.

    <3 Barbie in coastal NW WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Heather great idea,will see what I can do..
    Tracey- cruise is end of August ..im so looking forward to it..
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member

    Katla in Illinois
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    June 2023 Happiness

    Word of the year: Appreciate : today I appreciate water.

    Exercise goals added
    Yoga 10 mins 3 times a week 0/15 (100%,100%,80%,73%,.1%)
    Walk 7,000 every day 12/30 (84%,86%,94%,93%,65%)
    6 min HIIT -1x a day start April 1- 1/30 (93%,0)
    Arm weights twice a week 1/10 (100%, 60%hurt my elbow, hurt my shoulder 30%,50%,0)
    Meditation: daily. 8/30(82%(started Feb)94%,100%, 74%)

    Feeling overwhelmed and lethargic this month. Taking a break from the list above until I feel more in control. I am also having a bursitis/arthritis/tendinitis attack this month. Doctor prescribed something for me to try. Which seems to be working for my mood. My colitis has also come back. 2 weeks straight as of 6/4/23

    1. cut back drinking and limit to 2 days a week. 8/8–(100%,100%,0%,0%,0)
    2. Average 7,000 steps a week. 7840,6796, 8187,(7,700,100%-9851,100%-9526,100%-9,559,100%, -8347,100%)
    3. Update budget every 2 weeks 2/2 —(100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    4. Contact close family every week (4x) 108/208—(100%,100%,100%,50%, 83% should be 103 by July 1)
    5. Contact Donat and sibs once a month (8x)46/94 (100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    6. Weigh less last day of month compared to first until I reach 140. Start at 178.6,176,174.2,173.4,175.4,174,(100%,100%,100%,0%,100%)
    7. Develop a journaling practice by aiming to journal at least 5 days a week. 11/15 (100%,88%,100,100%,100%,100%)
    8. Read 12 books at least this year. 22/12 (100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    9. Pay off credit card debt by January 2024 by making monthly payments to NDR/Reach Financial 6/12—(100%.100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    10. Continue building emergency fund at SLFCU (min$25 a month)$25+$25+$71+700+25+25 +25 (100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    11. April started putting 4% on income in savings. 700,200,200 (100%,100%,100%)

    January Met —100%
    February met —-90%
    March met met —-90%
    April met——86.36%
    May met——-89%
    June met
    July met — met
    August met
    September met
    October met —
    November met—
    December met—

    1. Decide to look for what’s good every day this month. Started with friendly people.
    2. Say positive things in your conversations with others. I will try, but people annoy me.
    3. Re-frame a worry and try to find a helpful way to think about it. This will be about my son. Not sure how to re-frame it but will find a way today. I must realize he is a full grown man and in charge of his own life.
    4. Take a photo of something that brings you joy and share it.
    5. Think of 3 things you’re grateful for and write them down. 1. My family, 2. A roof over my head, 3. Enough food to eat.
    6. Get out into green space and feel the joy that nature brings. every day!
    7. Do something healthy that makes you feel good. 2 walks so far. And therapist today.
    8. Find joy in music: sing, play, dance, listen or share. To be accomplished.
    9. Ask a friend what made them happy recently. Did this on my trip to Lubbock to get my car back finally. Was a great day!
    10. Bring joy to others by doing something kind for them. Will report on this later! Gave a family some Little Debbie cookies.
    11. Eat good food that makes you happy and really savor it. Will do! Yesterday had a salad made from lettuce, onion, peppers, and tomato from my garden. The dressing was homemade too! Mmmmmm
    12. Write a gratitude letter to thank someone. To be done! Sent my GS a thank you note for being my grandchild!
    13. Take a light-hearted approach. Choose to see the funny side. Already happening after a very stressful day yesterday.
    14. Share a happy memory with someone who means a lot to you. Will do.
    15. Look for something to be thankful for where you least expect it. This will be fun to find things. How about turtle eggs on the beach that have to be moved to not be crushed.
    16. Speak to others in a warm and friendly manner. I will try.
    17. Take time to notice things that you find beautiful. Will do! Watched people enjoying the lake on a beautiful Saturday!
    18. Look for something good in a difficult situation. My son is getting help from a social worker who is including me.
    19. Get outside and find the joy in being active.Too hot today, 105 degrees at 1;45 pm!
    20. Rediscover and enjoy a fun childhood activity. Going to color! Didn’t do this. I must make time to do this.
    21. Send a positive note to a friend who needs encouragement. Forgot to do this
    22. Watch something funny and enjoy how it feels to laugh. There is a funny tv show called “The Neighbors” about humans living next door to aliens that makes me laugh. Will watch that today.
    23. Create a playlist of uplifting songs to listen to. I have one already!
    24. Bring to mind a favorite memory you feel grateful for. Boating on the Cumberland River in TN. So peaceful!
    25. Show your appreciation to people who are helping others
    26. Make time to do something playful just for the fun of it.
    27. Be kind to you. Do something that brings you joy.
    28. Notice how positive emotions are contagious among people.
    29. Share a friendly smile with people you see today.
    30. Make a list of the joys in your life and keep adding to it.

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,342 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,458 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka - I did wonder, when you said you went to the conference off the island, whether your DH went with you or you had family checking on him at home. I'm glad you were able to get off the island, but I'm sorry it didn't go as well as you hoped... but I'm glad it gives you a chance at making it better on the next trip. Did you ever get an x-ray on that elbow? I fractured one of the bones in my elbow throwing a softball into home plate from the outfield. when I was 23. Quite painful, but much less so than a fall like yours, I would think.


    Saw a nurse practitioner today who told me there's a good chance I've got a fracture. She gave me a referral for X-rays which I will have done on Monday. X-ray places aren't open on weekends unless I wanted to wait hours in ED (ER).

    So I came home and had a long nap ... and will wait till Monday.

    M in Oz

    Ack! I remember you saying that already, Machka. Sorry - my memory is just a sieve these days.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    Back from the movie ..80 for Brady.. it was funny and cute.. I will have to see book club the first one before I see the second one thats just out now.
    Going to sleep now..
    Pip and Kirby - Happiest of Anniversaries..you 2 are the best xoxo

    I watched that at my sisters. Loved it!💖👍🏼
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    Getting a quart a day from my strawberry patch. DH and I eat them the day I pick them. YUM! Spoils me for store bought strawberries.

    Yes, my sister has a metal trough that has strawberries planted. When her granddaughters would hide around the property, we would drive her gator around, always stopping for strawberries.💖🤗🍓
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    You are a wonderful artist. I love your work.


    I can hardly - in fact, I can not - imagine you as a complainer or someone who offered unsolicited advice about something you knew little about. I just can’t.

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Warning: rant below

    was leaving BK today and there was a customer. Lately, they have this thing where a manager has to punch you out, which really isn’t a big problem. Anyway, I was about to punch out and said to the manager “take care of the customer first”. It takes a whole 30 seconds to place your order! She said to me “no, go ahead”. So again I said “help the customer” He started to place his order and she said “just a minute”. Then, (there are customers in the store) I go to leave and the door is locked. Someone walked by said “it was probably Miss A” I tell you, if I went to a restaurant and saw patrons inside but the doors were locked, I’d be PO’d If you advertised “breakfast” and the doors were locked, I wouldn’t like that at all. Really, cutting back on what you order is one part of the equation, being open for the customer (who ultimately pays our salary) is the other (making a profit) The other day I had to say to a manager “there’s a customer who wants to place an order”. The manager was sitting in the office looking at pictures on her phone. And they wonder why they have a “labor” problem. I’m not going to say anything, just do my job to the best of my ability

    M – I meant does pip go to any one site for her music? I think it’s walk.jog.fm that also lists BPM or pace. We’ve ripped lots of CD’s, too. Vince has them on the network. Hope your elbow is better fast

    Lanette – I’m so glad you have such wonderful friends! How is that ceramic lady losing money if you don’t pay? The overhead is the same for 6 people or 12. I can only think that it isn’t good for business. Does she turn people away? I know that there is a minimum of 12 (or supposed to be) at our ceramic place. Last Tuesday there were 15. What Vince mainly is worried about is someone bumping into you when you are painting something real delicate. I know the other day I went to go to the bathroom and could just barely get by (sideways) between Vince and the person behind him.

    Have a question for Lanette or anyone else. I have this ceramic of Porky Pig which I haven’t done yet. Anyway, you know how he has that “halo” around him that says “that’s all folks”. I’m trying to think of a way to do that. The only thing I can think of is if I get a sign and while it’s in greenware have them fill in whatever is written so that it’s totally flat and attach that to something to put in the ground next to him. Does anyone else have any ideas?

    Allie – great idea Heather had to have those pics side-by-side.

    Michele NC

    No, never have gone to a particular site for music
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- turned bk @2mi w/Lucy- 1hr 24min 38sec, 20elev, 2.89ap, 76ahr, 87ahr, 4.13mi= 434c
    Strava app = 506c
    Walk/slow jog, no kids- 41.22min 40elev, 11.41min mi or 3.54ap, 133aw, 122ahr, 153mhr, 3.54mi= 416c
    Strava app = 435c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 38.02min, 591elev, 111aw, 16.6amph, 101ahr, 115mhr, 30gear, 10.50mi= 216c
    Strava app = 241c
    Zwift stats- 38.07min, 591elev, 110aw, 51arpm, 16.53amph, 10.5mi= 241c
    Walk to nail salon and back- 13.07min, .59mi= 56c
    Strava app= 73c

    Total cal 1122
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Tracy just sent me this ,little boy out like a light ua5tfzligwr5.jpg
    Its a little blurry.. but he has baby yoda jammies on..Uncle Dan got him the headgear last year out at Disney..
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Cutest Yoda I've ever seen

    Michele NC
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,458 Member
    Heather - love the watercolor... you've made something absolutely beautiful.