

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
    Lanette ~ Could you post a couple of photos of your chicks. It would be interesting to see them as they wander out of the coop!

    Carol in Ga
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Well ive been in bed all weekend..not the best to say the least.. im wondering what is going on ..butI did order an air purifier, maybe that will help..
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member

    Here's a reminder - anyone who wants to add their stats to the Weekly Accountability Post, please get the info to me via the MPF messaging. I'm SophieRosieMom.

    I've set a deadline of midnight tonight, Sunday with the intention of getting it posted in this group by noon on Monday, but may hold open through mid-morning on Monday. I'm US Pacific Standard Time. (I guess it's daylight savings time now. Sheesh, lol.)

    Again, this is purely voluntary - some possible examples:

    TheresaM ..... 1/2 lb lost.......... 6.5 lbs from goal range.

    Mildred...... 2 lbs lost......... 3 lbs from goal range (feel free to do this in increments of 5 lbs for example, keep moving the goalpost. This is whatever goals YOU choose.)

    PollyNV ...... 1/2 lb gained........22 1/2 lbs from goal range. 3" from waist goal, 4" from hips goal.

    FranFran....... at goal since November 2022...... total 35 lbs lost. Lowcarb, upped exercise

    I hope this will be helpful to folks. :) I'm open to sugggestions.

    Lanette B)

    Debbie- lost .6 lbs... 22lbs to goal
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,358 Member
    Allie-haven't you been on an antibiotic for the crud just recently? You need to get to doctor tomorrow if no major improvement.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I'm lagging behind a bit in the Strava Walking Challenge because of my knee...Machka in Oz

    Machka - You're such a trooper, my friend... Sorry the knee's slowed you down, but glad you are taking care of yourself, too.
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Lisa: Can feel your increased mojo popping off the screen. And your baked goods make me dearly wish we lived closer. Much closer -- like across the street.
    Rori -Colorado Foothills

    Rori - Thank you, dear! Baking is my happy place, indeed. So pleased when you pop in, and even more pleased to see you happy and active and stepping into new environments and adventures. Best to Mars, too... :smiley:

    Heather - Even after a small amount of time in Europe, there is mild surprise in my provincial brain that there are places that are remote and harder to get to. :blush: The memory, though, is just of the cities, and of Europe as being very peoply, as opposed to the vast expanses of the western U.S. I hope you can sort out the travel and go see your DH's daughter.

    Rebecca - I always forget the MAC flights, and I was Air Force, so no excuses! Hope you can make something like that happen. As far as the fear that if you move, your son won't find you, it's understandable, darlin'. Many, many hugs.

    More in a minute...
    Lisa ETC

    It will be down the road a bit when it does happen. Something on my back mental burner.
    Your foccasia bread looks amazing!
    I have only used MAC flights once, and Lee was with me in uniform. We went from Yokota base in Japan to home. Got bumped in PI, got bumped in Guam, by then 24 hours had gone by. Husband was really ripe in his uniform!😂. We flew back to Yokota, then took a bus to Narita and just went home by civilian airline. What a crazy experience that was! The night at Yokota I was in women's barracks, he was in men's.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Rebecca - I always forget the MAC flights, and I was Air Force, so no excuses! Hope you can make something like that happen. As far as the fear that if you move, your son won't find you, it's understandable, darlin'. Many, many hugs.

    More in a minute...
    Lisa ETC

    It will be down the road a bit when it does happen. Something on my back mental burner.
    Your foccasia bread looks amazing!
    I have only used MAC flights once, and Lee was with me in uniform. We went from Yokota base in Japan to home. Got bumped in PI, got bumped in Guam, by then 24 hours had gone by. Husband was really ripe in his uniform!😂. We flew back to Yokota, then took a bus to Narita and just went home by civilian airline. What a crazy experience that was! The night at Yokota I was in women's barracks, he was in men's.

    we took a MAC flight out of Travis AFB to Hawaii. That was the loudest but smoothest flight I have ever been in. Had boxed lunch- fried chicken that I don't remember what we paid for but was the only part of the flight we paid for. Had to take commercial flight home because his leave was over and couldn't get a flight back. That was about 40 yrs ago. Still remember the boxed meal. Made for the guys for sure- 3 pieces of chicken. Sat in the jump seats along the sides of the plane.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    ☘️ Catching up

    Pg 54
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Debbie – do you know that for as long as we have lived in NC (15 years) I have NEVER ONCE had sweet tea. Not that I’m missing it, either. I understand it’s
    REAL sweet

    Rebecca – that’s EXACTLY why I thought of you and had to tell you about the book. I know how much I enjoyed the book (not the movie) “Where the Crawdads Sing” because it takes place in Hickory and mentions a lot of places I’m familiar with.

    Went in the pool (what else is new?) then to Lowe's Hardware. See, we got plants and mulch on the slope alongside our driveway but we found that when it rains, the rain washes the mulch down the slope. So this edging should help channel the rainwater to the drain. We thought the berm that's there would be enough, but evidently not

    Just put in a loaf of sourdough bread. I'm going to make one for Pete, one for Colby, and 2 for us.

    Wish Denise would get back to us about what weekend Pete is home so we can visit them. We do want to see Pete, too. According to my calculations, he should be home the weekend of Aug 12/13. However, Denise said she was going to Philly to clean out the grandmother's house and take what she wanted. The grandmother meant a lot to Pete, and I'm willing to bet that he's going, too. I don't think she's thought of the fact that if we were up there, we could watch PJ. So we're just asking her if the next weekend is better. We need to know so we can start to make plans.

    Vince just grilled pork chops for us to have next week and for the freezer. I swear, my freezer is getting overstuffed. Wish Vince would let me cut the corn off the cob, but he wants it on the cob. It takes up so much room on the cob. Oh well....

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Debbie – do you know that for as long as we have lived in NC (15 years) I have NEVER ONCE had sweet tea. Not that I’m missing it, either. I understand it’s
    REAL sweet

    Rebecca – that’s EXACTLY why I thought of you and had to tell you about the book. I know how much I enjoyed the book (not the movie) “Where the Crawdads Sing” because it takes place in Hickory and mentions a lot of places I’m familiar with.

    Went in the pool (what else is new?) then to Lowe's Hardware. See, we got plants and mulch on the slope alongside our driveway but we found that when it rains, the rain washes the mulch down the slope. So this edging should help channel the rainwater to the drain. We thought the berm that's there would be enough, but evidently not

    Just put in a loaf of sourdough bread. I'm going to make one for Pete, one for Colby, and 2 for us.

    Wish Denise would get back to us about what weekend Pete is home so we can visit them. We do want to see Pete, too. According to my calculations, he should be home the weekend of Aug 12/13. However, Denise said she was going to Philly to clean out the grandmother's house and take what she wanted. The grandmother meant a lot to Pete, and I'm willing to bet that he's going, too. I don't think she's thought of the fact that if we were up there, we could watch PJ. So we're just asking her if the next weekend is better. We need to know so we can start to make plans.

    Vince just grilled pork chops for us to have next week and for the freezer. I swear, my freezer is getting overstuffed. Wish Vince would let me cut the corn off the cob, but he wants it on the cob. It takes up so much room on the cob. Oh well....

    Michele NC

    Had sweet tea when I lived in Mobile, not a fan of it but then again, I don't drink sodas because I don't like sweet drinks(I do have a root beer about once a year , during the summer in a root beer float)
    I have had sweet tea since then but not very often and not something I really like. once in a while it is good but that is rare. Dad, on the other hand, always put sugar in his tea(he was from Missouri). He even put sugar in his little tea cups when we went out for Chinese food. I miss making him a glass of iced tea with a spoon full of sugar or a cup of coffee with a spoon full of sugar.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    edited July 2023
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    More in a minute...
    Lisa ETC

    we took a MAC flight out of Travis AFB to Hawaii. That was the loudest but smoothest flight I have ever been in. Had boxed lunch- fried chicken that I don't remember what we paid for but was the only part of the flight we paid for. Had to take commercial flight home because his leave was over and couldn't get a flight back. That was about 40 yrs ago. Still remember the boxed meal. Made for the guys for sure- 3 pieces of chicken. Sat in the jump seats along the sides of the plane.

    Only one myself (I think they call them Space A now...) - From the UK, RAFB Mildenhall, into Dover, Delaware, then was flying commercial on to San Antonio from there. I was 19 (so it had to be late 1979 or early 1980). It was a C-130 cargo plane, and they were hauling human remains, unfortunately, a young airman, wife and child, who were in a car accident. We were advised prior to boarding and given the choice to refuse the seats, but everyone boarded, and they were jump seats, yes, facing the center on either side of the coffin containers.

    I was invited up to the cockpit (my right foot and ankle were in a plaster cast, long story) for a more comfortable spot by the navigator, and got to see the northern lights from the air, which was pretty spiffy. The navigator was a big flirt, and I agreed to meeting him at a bar later off base. Didn't tell him I was headed to see a boyfriend in San Antonio, just did a quick fade after we landed and hopped a train to Philly for my next flight. I ended up peeling that cast off with a butcher knife and a saw in my boyfriend's bathtub so we could go dancing after I made it to Texas.

    It was a different time... I was on leave because I couldn't work in a cast, and I remember why I was in the cast, because my stupid car had broken down AGAIN, and I kicked the crap out of the door and ripped my achilles tendon. I do not, however, remember why I decided I didn't need it. My stars and whiskers, I was not always bright then, and there were times my military enlistment hung by a thread... My honorable discharge at four years was a triumph of no small proportions.

    Jumping back out of the WayBack Machine,
    into 104-degree Arizona and 2023
    Wow! Hot here.
    Lisa in AR[/quote]

    Not sure I have the name right- and don't remember the plane we rode in but it was HUGE but only had seats along the sides, facing the middle, with cargo in the middle of the plane. They gave us ear plugs along with our lunch ;)
    Thankful we just had luggage to look at and not coffins.
    Seeing the Northern lights must have been amazing. One day I want to see them.

    On one trip up to see former hubby when the ship was up in AK, I took a small mail plane over to one of the islands to see my cousin on my way up(my original plans got changed and I had time to kill). I got to sit in the co-pilots seat as there were no other seats. It was February. It was amazing views but I had this image of like National Geographic shows. Miles and miles of snow and not ONE animal to see.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Debbie - those cream puffs look great. Glad they are at your house and not sitting on my kitchen counter. :p

    Lisa - so happy to hear your energy is coming back. Thank you for the focaccia recipe.

    Heather A trip to France sounds great. I'm sure it will all come together just fine.

    Carol - I'll try to get more pictures of the "girls". Another egg this morning. Gladys is working hard, lol.

    Allie - hope you feel better soon.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State - where some rain is expected tomorrow. Hope it doesn't poop out, lol.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Took a walk to Food Lion to get carrots and got caught in the rain. Well, at least I’m not made of sugar….lol That’s what I get for wanting to get my steps in!

    Nitey Nite ladies

    Michele NC
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! So much going on with everyone! Whenever I read your posts about your daily lives, I imagine it all and where you live, etc. I still think that someday, I would like to take a "coffee tour" and map out your locations and drive, fly, ride to meet you all; one (or two, if you live close) at a time, for coffee/tea/lunch. To me, that would be an awesome trip.
    Barbara- Just want to add to what some of the others have mentioned; your ability to comment on everyone's posts is so inspiring! Your stats look wonderful, too! You sound happy. Everything is going well, yes?
    Allie- Miles is so cute! It is funny to see our children with their children and what they allow/don't allow. My daughter allows her boys to do things that I would never let my own (or my childcare kids) do. She will then complain of the result of such "allowances". For instance: my DD and her husband allow their boys to eat in the living room while watching a show. They don't use their dining table for meals. (This is a constant sticky point in my brain) Then when the dog eats the boys food, that is left unattended on their plates, or when baby Javi takes the older ones food or drink, and all hell breaks loose; DD will complain and get angry. I would always counter with "Turn the tv off and eat at your table." I don't bother saying it anymore. Now I just think "Not my monkeys. Not my circus." I do know, that kids know exactly what they can get away with and with whom. When they are here, they eat and drink at the table in the kitchen.
    Heather- I am "ooohing" and "aahhhhing" over your possible trip to Narbonne. I drool over nearly every inch of France and my dream trips. As a student, I studied some of those smaller villages in the south of France and thought they sounded heavenly. As an adult, I am intrigued by the Roman influence in that area and would love to see the blending of the many cultures on the border towns. Fingers crossed this trip works out for you and Johnny!
    Barbie- I know you are not a "collector" of things, so walking past the garage sales won't be a problem for you. lol I always find them interesting. It is like looking into someone's home/life and getting a little peek at their personal life. lol
    Rebecca- Your communication abilities are top notch! I have long admired your pen pal relationships! I have always been a horrible pen pal. Texting has made staying in touch so much easier for me. Congrats on your older sons assignment. Exciting for him and what a relief for you, to be able to stay put in one place a little longer! Athena is adorable! Didn't you tell us that they are expecting again? When is your new grandbaby due?
    Michele- I am trying to remember; is PJ four? What are his interests? Is he showing any "leanings" toward art, science, music, sports? Kids (boys especially) at this age do have a certain amount of energy that they need to expel. There are certain muscle groups and motions that need to be "flexed". Digging, punching, pushing, pulling, jumping, climbing, etc. If he has an athletic/physical outlet like swim lessons, sports camps, great! If not, you could look into getting him a gift certificate to something at a local Y or youth activity center. I am with Machka on the legos! If he has a "construction/engineering" brain, legos are a great tool to be creative. My DD had no legos or building toys with Joaquin, bc he just wasn't interested in them. Miguel, however, is all about the construction toys. Legos, magnatiles, knex, balancing blocks...his latest interest is Pop Tubes. If PJ doesn't have them, I would recommend Pop Tubes. They are like the bendy part of a straw. They compress and expand, kids can attach them, build with them, create with them. My childcare kids use them to make marble runs or set up water table play. Pop tubes. Benmo brand is a good quality/price.
    It was nice to get out yesterday and get shopping and errands done. When I got home at noon, and got things put away, I began my cooking for the first part of the week. I made some egg salad (for DH), a big pot of chicken soup, a smaller pot of tomato soup (for childcare lunch), berry puree to add to yogurt, and about four cups of fried rice. DH has a cracked tooth, so it is soft foods until he can get in and get it taken care of. Tonight I will be making fried green tomatoes and corn on the cob for dinner for DYS and I. I have been waiting for the farm stands and stores to bring out those green tomatoes for a few weeks now. The cooler start to summer has them growing a bit slower, this year.
    It is raining this morning, but should clear up within an hour or so. DYS has promised to mow our lawn, today. If he doesn't that is going to be left on my plate. I don't really mind, normally, but because I am just getting over the whole sinus/swollen gland thing, having my sinuses filled with pollen, grass, dirt, dust is not high on my "priority" list. lol
    Ah well, I also need to get my license renewal sent in. I better get started on that! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    The middle of September!😁💖👍🏼
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Up early to finish the cream puffs for the potluck at church today.
    6 dozen filled and in the freezer to chill for an hour before heading to church.
    First potluck I have been to in a long time

    Four flavors to choose from- lemon, mango, pineapple and chocolate.
    Also made a gallon of unsweetened iced tea. Usually they have water or sweet drinks(lemonade, punch, sweet tea)

    Will bake salmon tonight-was going to last night but son went out with his friends from elementary school(LOVED hearing the four boys in the room laughing again. One is on leave from the Navy after being stationed in Japan.Known these boys since son was in kindergarten or first grade.) and dh ate at his mom's.
    Will make rice(dh has to have his Japanese sticky rice) and some veggies- tons of fruit to choose from- cherries, peaches,grapes, melon, tangerines, bananas and apples.

    Having my tea now before getting dressed. Glad I got up when I did so I am not rushed.

    Napa Valley,Ca

    I want some
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Rebecca - I always forget the MAC flights, and I was Air Force, so no excuses! Hope you can make something like that happen. As far as the fear that if you move, your son won't find you, it's understandable, darlin'. Many, many hugs.

    More in a minute...
    Lisa ETC

    It will be down the road a bit when it does happen. Something on my back mental burner.
    Your foccasia bread looks amazing!
    I have only used MAC flights once, and Lee was with me in uniform. We went from Yokota base in Japan to home. Got bumped in PI, got bumped in Guam, by then 24 hours had gone by. Husband was really ripe in his uniform!😂. We flew back to Yokota, then took a bus to Narita and just went home by civilian airline. What a crazy experience that was! The night at Yokota I was in women's barracks, he was in men's.

    we took a MAC flight out of Travis AFB to Hawaii. That was the loudest but smoothest flight I have ever been in. Had boxed lunch- fried chicken that I don't remember what we paid for but was the only part of the flight we paid for. Had to take commercial flight home because his leave was over and couldn't get a flight back. That was about 40 yrs ago. Still remember the boxed meal. Made for the guys for sure- 3 pieces of chicken. Sat in the jump seats along the sides of the plane.

    Only one myself (I think they call them Space A now...) - From the UK, RAFB Mildenhall, into Dover, Delaware, then was flying commercial on to San Antonio from there. I was 19 (so it had to be late 1979 or early 1980). It was a C-130 cargo plane, and they were hauling human remains, unfortunately, a young airman, wife and child, who were in a car accident. We were advised prior to boarding and given the choice to refuse the seats, but everyone boarded, and they were jump seats, yes, facing the center on either side of the coffin containers.

    I was invited up to the cockpit (my right foot and ankle were in a plaster cast, long story) for a more comfortable spot by the navigator, and got to see the northern lights from the air, which was pretty spiffy. The navigator was a big flirt, and I agreed to meeting him at a bar later off base. Didn't tell him I was headed to see a boyfriend in San Antonio, just did a quick fade after we landed and hopped a train to Philly for my next flight. I ended up peeling that cast off with a butcher knife and a saw in my boyfriend's bathtub so we could go dancing after I made it to Texas.

    It was a different time... I was on leave because I couldn't work in a cast, and I remember why I was in the cast, because my stupid car had broken down AGAIN, and I kicked the crap out of the door and ripped my achilles tendon. I do not, however, remember why I decided I didn't need it. My stars and whiskers, I was not always bright then, and there were times my military enlistment hung by a thread... My honorable discharge at four years was a triumph of no small proportions.

    Jumping back out of the WayBack Machine,
    into 104-degree Arizona and 2023
    Wow! Hot here.
    Lisa in AR

    Wowsa, quite a story there. So sad the flight cargo.😥. The free meals were interesting huh? Soda, milk, ham sandwich, apple, piece of cold chicken and a metal can opener. Strange.