
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I'm lagging behind a bit in the Strava Walking Challenge because of my knee...Machka in Oz

    Machka - You're such a trooper, my friend... Sorry the knee's slowed you down, but glad you are taking care of yourself, too.
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Lisa: Can feel your increased mojo popping off the screen. And your baked goods make me dearly wish we lived closer. Much closer -- like across the street.
    Rori -Colorado Foothills

    Rori - Thank you, dear! Baking is my happy place, indeed. So pleased when you pop in, and even more pleased to see you happy and active and stepping into new environments and adventures. Best to Mars, too... :smiley:

    Heather - Even after a small amount of time in Europe, there is mild surprise in my provincial brain that there are places that are remote and harder to get to. :blush: The memory, though, is just of the cities, and of Europe as being very peoply, as opposed to the vast expanses of the western U.S. I hope you can sort out the travel and go see your DH's daughter.

    Rebecca - I always forget the MAC flights, and I was Air Force, so no excuses! Hope you can make something like that happen. As far as the fear that if you move, your son won't find you, it's understandable, darlin'. Many, many hugs.

    More in a minute...
    Lisa ETC
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    edited July 2023
    Rori thank you. I'm not even sure what I would do with a day off anymore. A friend suggested that I go stay in a hotel for a day or two, but I feel like I should cook for my sister. Although it's a challenge. I was going to make a tuna salad but three of us don't do dairy and she has trouble with mayonnaise. She lost her gall bladder so fast are a challenge for her. Then my mom won't eat chicken or turkey, and my parents have trouble chewing. So we are having catfish, and then ham, then lean steak. And then tuna salad, but I might make it without dressing, until she gets here. I always have my 100 calorie chicken portions to share, if she prefers. And I guess I like to think that she comes to see me too.

    Heather a trip to France is exciting!

    Allie is your cold better yet? I take de-odorized garlic and that prevents colds for me.

    Machka I thought you were resting your knee. Hope it did well for your flat ride.

    Annie in Delaware
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Annie, You are the winner in the sister challenge because you persisted in your resolutions about eating and exercise. DO NOT let the scale or the tape measurer be the decider of your success. Perhaps your sister would like to take charge of what she eats. I know that I am such a fussy eater that I don't eat at other people's houses and if I had to, I'd welcome the opportunity to prepare food for myself to meet my needs. You already serve meals that are different for different people so it would be strange at all.

    :)Lisa, I thought about trying your focaccia recipe because it sounded so good until I remembered that the one and only time I made focaccia, Jake and I liked it so much that we ate it all before the next meal. Not a good idea.

    :)Heather, A trip on a plane and a train sounds delightful.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! So much going on with everyone! Whenever I read your posts about your daily lives, I imagine it all and where you live, etc. I still think that someday, I would like to take a "coffee tour" and map out your locations and drive, fly, ride to meet you all; one (or two, if you live close) at a time, for coffee/tea/lunch. To me, that would be an awesome trip.
    Barbara- Just want to add to what some of the others have mentioned; your ability to comment on everyone's posts is so inspiring! Your stats look wonderful, too! You sound happy. Everything is going well, yes?
    Allie- Miles is so cute! It is funny to see our children with their children and what they allow/don't allow. My daughter allows her boys to do things that I would never let my own (or my childcare kids) do. She will then complain of the result of such "allowances". For instance: my DD and her husband allow their boys to eat in the living room while watching a show. They don't use their dining table for meals. (This is a constant sticky point in my brain) Then when the dog eats the boys food, that is left unattended on their plates, or when baby Javi takes the older ones food or drink, and all hell breaks loose; DD will complain and get angry. I would always counter with "Turn the tv off and eat at your table." I don't bother saying it anymore. Now I just think "Not my monkeys. Not my circus." I do know, that kids know exactly what they can get away with and with whom. When they are here, they eat and drink at the table in the kitchen.
    Heather- I am "ooohing" and "aahhhhing" over your possible trip to Narbonne. I drool over nearly every inch of France and my dream trips. As a student, I studied some of those smaller villages in the south of France and thought they sounded heavenly. As an adult, I am intrigued by the Roman influence in that area and would love to see the blending of the many cultures on the border towns. Fingers crossed this trip works out for you and Johnny!
    Barbie- I know you are not a "collector" of things, so walking past the garage sales won't be a problem for you. lol I always find them interesting. It is like looking into someone's home/life and getting a little peek at their personal life. lol
    Rebecca- Your communication abilities are top notch! I have long admired your pen pal relationships! I have always been a horrible pen pal. Texting has made staying in touch so much easier for me. Congrats on your older sons assignment. Exciting for him and what a relief for you, to be able to stay put in one place a little longer! Athena is adorable! Didn't you tell us that they are expecting again? When is your new grandbaby due?
    Michele- I am trying to remember; is PJ four? What are his interests? Is he showing any "leanings" toward art, science, music, sports? Kids (boys especially) at this age do have a certain amount of energy that they need to expel. There are certain muscle groups and motions that need to be "flexed". Digging, punching, pushing, pulling, jumping, climbing, etc. If he has an athletic/physical outlet like swim lessons, sports camps, great! If not, you could look into getting him a gift certificate to something at a local Y or youth activity center. I am with Machka on the legos! If he has a "construction/engineering" brain, legos are a great tool to be creative. My DD had no legos or building toys with Joaquin, bc he just wasn't interested in them. Miguel, however, is all about the construction toys. Legos, magnatiles, knex, balancing blocks...his latest interest is Pop Tubes. If PJ doesn't have them, I would recommend Pop Tubes. They are like the bendy part of a straw. They compress and expand, kids can attach them, build with them, create with them. My childcare kids use them to make marble runs or set up water table play. Pop tubes. Benmo brand is a good quality/price.
    It was nice to get out yesterday and get shopping and errands done. When I got home at noon, and got things put away, I began my cooking for the first part of the week. I made some egg salad (for DH), a big pot of chicken soup, a smaller pot of tomato soup (for childcare lunch), berry puree to add to yogurt, and about four cups of fried rice. DH has a cracked tooth, so it is soft foods until he can get in and get it taken care of. Tonight I will be making fried green tomatoes and corn on the cob for dinner for DYS and I. I have been waiting for the farm stands and stores to bring out those green tomatoes for a few weeks now. The cooler start to summer has them growing a bit slower, this year.
    It is raining this morning, but should clear up within an hour or so. DYS has promised to mow our lawn, today. If he doesn't that is going to be left on my plate. I don't really mind, normally, but because I am just getting over the whole sinus/swollen gland thing, having my sinuses filled with pollen, grass, dirt, dust is not high on my "priority" list. lol
    Ah well, I also need to get my license renewal sent in. I better get started on that! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Lisa and Rebecca- I am logging out of mfp, so I can look up MAC flights. Obv a military thing, but definitely has me curious...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
    Machka I thought you were resting your knee. Hope it did well for your flat ride.

    Annie in Delaware

    I am ... but it was a beautiful winter's day for a ride. :)

    The knee is about the same as it was before the ride. I discovered very quickly that if I pushed at all with my right leg, there was pain, so I shifted into easier gears instead of pushing and in the two places where a little bit of pushing was needed, I let my left leg handle it.

    It was one of the slowest rides I've done in a long time!

    M in Oz
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member

    Yesterday a tractor parade went down our street. Amazing number of them. I’m looking forward for a good day today.

    Katla in Illinois
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    edited July 2023
    Did Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred DVD then took a walk. This is a new one for me – it’s just OK.

    Rebecca – I just read about a book “Save What’s Left” by Elizabeth Castellano. The writeup says “After Kathleen Deane’s husband tells her he wants to end their 30-year marriage, she flees to Whitbey, a small beach town her childhood friend Josie has always described as idyllic”. I thought of you

    M – PJ just turned 4. I don’t think he has the attention span for Legos

    Rori -  So pleased when you pop in, and even more pleased to see you happy and active and stepping into new environments and adventures. Best to Mars, too...  Same here

    KJ – PJ is four. We don’t see him often enough to know if he has any leanings towards art or science or whatever. And, unfortunately, Denise doesn’t keep in touch enough to tell us. So I just have to guess. I gave him a chalkboard easel last time we were there, he seemed interested but more interested in the mini-trampoline and slide we gave him. I just checked out the Pop Tubes. There are so many different ones, I need to check them out. Thanks for the suggestion. Like I said, from the last time we were there, I don’t think he would care for the Legos. Wish he would, tho. Pete did tell us that he's on a t-ball league which made me think that the punching bag would be good. But Vince thinks it just encourages violence. I think it would be someplace where he can get his aggression out. Oh, I did find this large Rice Krispie that you decorate so I'm going to take some jimmies, pralines, chocolate chips etc. up with me. Any other suggestions? I'm only taking a few because I am sure if I took the whole jar, he'd probably use the whole jar.

    Michele NC
    who will be off to the pool in a few. Boy, does she keep Coppertone in business!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    2023 Jump Back Up
    Word of the year: appreciate. Today I appreciate people who appreciate what we do.

    Meditation: daily.21/31 (82%(started Feb)94%,100%, 74%, 93%

    Walking and exercising slowed down because of record heat this month. Emotionally and physically feeling better otherwise.

    1. cut back drinking and limit to 2 days a week. 8/8–(100%,100%,0%,0%,0%,0%)
    2. Average 7,000 steps a week. 5989, 6411, 5736,(7,700,100%-9851,100%-9526,100%-9,559,100%, -8347,100%—7465,100%)
    3. Update budget every 2 weeks 2/2 —(100%,100%,100%,100%,100%, 100%)
    4. Contact close family every week (4x) 150/208—(100%,100%,100%,50%, 83%, 100% should be 137 by August 1)
    5. Contact Donat and sibs once a month (8x)63/94 (100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    6. Weigh less last day of month compared to first until I reach 140. Start at 178.6,176,174.2,173.4,175.4,174,(100%,100%,100%,0%,100%,100%)
    7. Develop a journaling practice by aiming to journal at least 5 days a week. 15/15 (100%,88%,100,100%,100%,100%,93%)
    8. Read 12 books at least this year. 26/12 (100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    9. Pay off credit card debt by January 2024 by making monthly payments to NDR/Reach Financial 6/12—(100%.100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    10. Continue building emergency fund at SLFCU (min$25 a month)$25+$25+$71+700+25+25 +25 (100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%,100%)
    11. April started putting 4% on income in savings. 700,200,200, 107, (100%,100%,100%)

    January Met —100%
    February met —-90%
    March met met —-90%
    April met——86.36%
    May met——-89%
    June met—-99%
    July met — met
    August met
    September met
    October met —
    November met—
    December met—

    1. Take a small step to help overcome a problem or worry. I am working on helping my son through this tough time by being in contact with his case worker and tracking his location.
    2. Adopt a growth mindset. Change “I can’t” into “I can’t…yet”. I try to never use those words. I follow Yoda’s ‘Do or not, there is no try”
    3. Be willing to ask for help when you need it. I will. My back hurts today so will easily ask for help when I need it.
    4. Find something to look forward to today. Missed posting this yesterday. So today I am looking forward to my therapy session.
    5. Get the basics right: eat well, exercise and go to bed on time. Will do!
    6. Pause, breathe, and feel your feet firmly on the ground. Will meditate today to help me do this.
    7. Shift your mood by doing something you really enjoy. I really need to do this today. Did not do this. Had a bad day all around yesterday.
    8. Avoid saying “must” or “should” to yourself today. I will try.
    9. Put a problem in perspective by seeing the bigger picture. Trying to see my son’s decisions through his eyes.
    10. Reach out to someone you trust and share your feelings with them. I did not do this.
    11. Look for something positive in a difficult situation. My son is bonding with his uncle and grandmother.
    12. Write you worries down and save them for a specific “worry time”. I will try to remember to do this. Write them in my journal.
    13. Challenge negative thoughts. Find an alternative interpretation. I worked on this. I also learned a breathing technique to help.
    14. Get outside and move to help clear your head. I do this every day, but the triple digit heat is preventing it.
    15. Set yourself an achievable goal and take the first step. I have to think about this.
    16. Find fun ways to distract yourself from unhelpful thoughts. Controlled breathing helped here.
    17. Use one of your strengths to overcome a challenge today. I use tenacity often so expect to use it here.
    18. Let go of the small stuff and focus on the things that matter. I will try!
    19. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. I need to really remember this!
    20. When things go wrong, pause and be kind to yourself. I will definitely try.
    21. Identify what helped you get through a tough time in your life. Therapy, someone to talk to, long walks alone all help me through tough times, medication as well.
    22. Find 3 things you feel hopeful about and write them down. 1. I hope my son makes good decisions. 2. I am hopeful that I will find the right place to retire. 3. I am hopeful that I will be able to visit family very soon.
    23. Remember that all feelings and situations pass in time. I won’t dwell on things or situations that happen causing me bad feelings.
    24. Choose to see something good about what has gone wrong.
    25. Notice when you are being judge mental and be kind instead.
    26. Catch yourself over-reacting and take a deep breath.
    27. Write down 3 things you are grateful for (even if today was hard).
    28. Think about what you can learn about a recent problem.
    29. Be a realistic optimist. Focus on what could go right.,
    30. Reach out to a friend, family member, or colleague for support.
    31. Remember we all struggle at times. It’s part of being human.
    RVRita in NM
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    Afternoon all,
    Who knows what creeping crud i have now.. all I know is its in my head and sinuses..my teeth hurt too.
    Ive slept on and off all day..
    I don't want to keep taking all sorts of meds..
    Im thinking of maybe buying an air purifier for the bedroom.

    You might want to think about removing a wall to wall carpeting and flooring everything. Many time carpet harbor nasty bugs and may be hiding some allergens too. We did this when we were living in TN. It turned out to be a big relief to our sinuses. Just my opinion. I like roomsize rugs, but my sinuses don’t!

    RVRita in NM
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Lisa- I would love the recipe. Thanks. Have never made it but enjoy eating it once in a while and with all the herbs in the garden and my spice rack all organized, would be fun to try out a few.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred DVD then took a walk. This is a new one for me – it’s just OK.

    Rebecca – I just read about a book “Save What’s Left” by Elizabeth Castellano. The writeup says “After Kathleen Deane’s husband tells her he wants to end their 30-year marriage, she flees to Whitbey, a small beach town her childhood friend Josie has always described as idyllic”. I thought of you

    M – PJ just turned 4. I don’t think he has the attention span for Legos

    Rori -  So pleased when you pop in, and even more pleased to see you happy and active and stepping into new environments and adventures. Best to Mars, too...  Same here

    KJ – PJ is four. We don’t see him often enough to know if he has any leanings towards art or science or whatever. And, unfortunately, Denise doesn’t keep in touch enough to tell us. So I just have to guess. I gave him a chalkboard easel last time we were there, he seemed interested but more interested in the mini-trampoline and slide we gave him. I just checked out the Pop Tubes. There are so many different ones, I need to check them out. Thanks for the suggestion. Like I said, from the last time we were there, I don’t think he would care for the Legos. Wish he would, tho. Pete did tell us that he's on a t-ball league which made me think that the punching bag would be good. But Vince thinks it just encourages violence. I think it would be someplace where he can get his aggression out. Oh, I did find this large Rice Krispie that you decorate so I'm going to take some jimmies, pralines, chocolate chips etc. up with me. Any other suggestions? I'm only taking a few because I am sure if I took the whole jar, he'd probably use the whole jar.

    Michele NC
    who will be off to the pool in a few. Boy, does she keep Coppertone in business!

    Ooh I live in an idyllic getaway...😁😁💖👍🏼 I will see if my library has it.👍🏼
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    edited July 2023

    Here's a reminder - anyone who wants to add their stats to the Weekly Accountability Post, please get the info to me via the MPF messaging. I'm SophieRosieMom.

    I've set a deadline of midnight tonight, Sunday with the intention of getting it posted in this group by noon on Monday, but may hold open through mid-morning on Monday. I'm US Pacific Standard Time. (I guess it's daylight savings time now. Sheesh, lol.)

    Again, this is purely voluntary - some possible examples:

    TheresaM ..... 1/2 lb lost.......... 6.5 lbs from goal range.

    Mildred...... 2 lbs lost......... 3 lbs from goal range (feel free to do this in increments of 5 lbs for example, keep moving the goalpost. This is whatever goals YOU choose.)

    PollyNV ...... 1/2 lb gained........22 1/2 lbs from goal range. 3" from waist goal, 4" from hips goal.

    FranFran....... at goal since November 2022...... total 35 lbs lost. Lowcarb, upped exercise

    I hope this will be helpful to folks. :) I'm open to sugggestions.

    Lanette B)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Still discussing the proposed trip. I'm baulking at doing all the booking required and I know I find it difficult to settle in a place if I'm moving on. We may just go to Narbonne, flying in to Montpellier. It seems there is no difference in booking that train ahead, which is a relief, as flights are often delayed. DH seems keen on us getting an apartment and staying a week. I would rather go for 4 nights and stay in a good hotel. We are just letting it settle in our brains. We have said we will go to Lyon another year.
    The important thing is to meet up with his daughter and I am curious to see her house and village. It's in the Corbieres hills. If she can fetch us from the hotel we can flash out for a taxi back. It's about 30 mins drive. She knows a nice restaurant.
    I get very bothered trying to work it all out, so I think it will be easier to keep it simple. If we go for the week there are places nearby to visit by train and bus.

    Heather UK with a scrambled brain, xxxxxxxx