

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    Ooh today made some more sweet Bisquick scones and my strawberries are maserating in the fridge nicely.💖
    Allie love all the photos of the sweet guy. Yep he's adjusted well.🤗
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Barb in NC – welcome! What part of NC are you in? I’m at the foothills of the mountains. It gets hot, but very seldom humid. Well, being from PA, I’m used to humidity.l

    barbie – may you have lots and lots of wonderful years with your new lovely car.

    Debbie – Only one day/week?! I don’t blame you one tiny bit for not wanting to do that. Stick to your guns, you deserve more

    Allie – Myles looks so happy, I’m sure this makes you happy, too

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Allie, I'm so glad that Miles seems to be adjusting well to his new daycare! Much nicer for you to just be Gramma! And you can be there for emergencies too, if you want to be that is!
    Debbie, sounds like you and hubby would do well to cut ties with Ezie's family! I know that the step grampa had some mental health issues, is he okay now? Sounds like he's just back in the same toxic environment that got him in trouble to start with! Good call on not giving him any money!
    Barbie, love the red car! Hope you had a good trip home!
    Lanette, I think you're right, you have it good right now with your neighbours willing to give you a hand. I wouldn't be looking for male companionship either! What's nice right now is that when your neighbourhood fellas want lunch they go home to their wives and you don't need to worry about them! lol (or have to pick up their dirty socks either.....)

    Can't remember who was asking about what to do now that she's retired, but I'll put my two cents worth in. I retired just under a year ago. I had already been watching our granddaughter one day a week, and picking up our grandson after school on those days, so I upped that to two days and I started volunteering for an outfit that helps women get back on their feet. We are partnered with many different agencies who help women, whether they are escaping abusive relationships or if they are young and have just aged out of foster care and everyone in between! We collect household goods and the gals can come by and "shop" for what they need. All of our items are donated (except bed pillows, we buy new) and so everything is free. We've even started doing some furniture. I found out about them while I was still working, the storage facility that I worked at donated 4 large lockers for this group, so I was familiar with what happened there. It looked like fun, so when I retired, I started helping out. It's only a couple of hours two Saturdays a month, so doesn't cut into my "me" time much. I've just been helping out on donation days, but will start training to do the "shops" with the gals too. I'm looking forward to that. And I recently found out that our granddaughter will be going to preschool in Sept, so I will have more time.
    Basically what I'm saying is one option is to look for a volunteer opportunity. Food banks and soup kitchens I think are often looking for help, if that's something that interests you.

    Congrats to those celebrating, hugs to those who need them and welcome to any new gals out there! Feel free to jump in on any topic that interests you and please don't feel that you need to comment on each post, we are a very chatty bunch and this is a fast moving thread!

    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,507 Member
    Barbie -Thank you! Keep forgetting to say LOVE the car, it looks wonderful, and never having to buy gas again sounds wonderful, too. Can't imagine my mechanic husband buying an electric vehicle, but it might not be a choice before all is said and done. Hope you and your DH enjoy yours enormously, and loved seeing you both in the pic. You look awesome.