
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    Going to ride outside this morning, all those other rides were on a spin bike
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,993 Member
    Morning ladies
    Barky boy has me up and awake..
    Rebecca- good luck to Lee today.
    Rori- hope your friends are ok ,the devastation and heartbreak is so horrible.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    edited August 2023
    Kylia - We live in a narrow side road, with cars parked on both sides. Hardly anyone comes down it unless they have to! No sirens either. My son has been living on the seafront for 8 months, which is the main road for ambulances and police cars! Plus partying groups in nearby apartments. :o
    In the high summer, there is a very occasional garden party around here. Not for ages. Once a year or so the helicopter rescue lands in a nearby recreation ground. That wakes us up. :#
    Otherwise, it's perfect peace, except in the fox mating season!

    Made a fabulous 'celeri remoulade'. It used to be the first thing we bought on a drive through France, along with 'carrotte rapée', paté, camembert, baguette and peaches. We would stop the car in a lay-by and have a picnic. My version was pretty authentic, but I didn't have quite the right size grater for my food processor. It's a bit chunkier than the French version.
    Lots left over, so my son can have some. I have left DH masses of washing up! :o


    Guardian recipe. Felicity Cloake. I did blanch it. And added mayonnaise. Not slimming, but I am not eating carbs. Had it with pastrami.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    I had much homework again tonight. I hope that future courses on this program are more organized. I feel very disorganized. I’m struggling to even use some of the technology they are using.
    If you had asked me three months ago how my computer skills were I would have told you, fairly good. After this week I feel the answer would be lacking.
    The years of working in companies that did not embrace technology has left me feeling left in the dust.
    The saving grace is that when I took my computer operator course all those years ago, I wasn’t taught just how to use a particular program. I was taught the “logistics” of how any program operates. I just need to have some time using them and I’ll be set.
    We should have had a document or something telling us where to find things from the school’s online resources. File paths for submissions and what we do and do not have available to us.
    Maybe my age is showing. 🥴

    Tracey in Edmonton

    The university where I took my recent Master's degree had an area on their website where we logged in to access course materials and to submit our assignments.

    You could contact someone in administration for details on your area like that.

    I found the majority of courses in my Master's degree to be very disorganised.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    edited August 2023
    Walking - I just realized how many of us enjoy walking alone. Barbie, Debbie, Ginny, Michele, Heather, Rita, me.... and I know there are more of us. :)

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    I prefer walking alone because I can go where I want to go, stop and take photos if I want, and motor along at about 5-6 km/h.

    So many people prefer strolling at about 3 km/h and it's actually not easy to walk slowly like that. My hips don't like it.

    M in Oz

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Reading along ...
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    Michele, oh yeah I sure do remember baking “special” brownies in the ‘70s and late ‘60s. They don't call me an Ageing Hippie for nuthin' :wink: One friend got the munchies, ate too many, and turned the color of split pea soup. Had to leave the A's baseball game in the 7th inning. Oregano might not be too tasty, could you frost them and put rainbow sprinkles and some kind of “Magic Brownies” sign instead? :naughty: Would the soup kitchen take the leftover desserts?
    Allie you are naughty! :laugh: Would sure make the music bingo hilarious.
    Vicki fingers X’d for Thursday’s foot dr. appointment. Glad you did that, back in the day your regular Dr. would have given you a referral but nowadays we all have to take charge of our own healthcare.
    Flea your “life of Brian” reference made me snort my tea. :laugh: “These are hard decisions for all of us. Sometimes it takes courage to leave and sometimes it takes courage to stay.” Truth this. And no one outside truly understands what’s going on inside a relationship, or really another person. Sorry you’re drowning in work. Hard price to pay for your vacation.;{
    Katla hooray for hummingbirds in Illinois!
    Debbie so glad you have found activities that give you happiness and peace to balance out DH’s negativity. That is a true survival skill. Well done.
    Tracey I so admire your new endeavor. The first week is always exhausting, worse if your stuck sitting in one place for hours and hours. Can you march in place while watching videos? Your plan to make sure your foundation is strong is great. You’ve got this!
    Kylia your Bronco joy shines out! Have fun!!!
    Heather “they are coming for the experience, and the best part of that experience is my calm and centered presence and a warm welcome. I am the gift to them. The host being frazzled and distracted is not what anyone needs.” Brilliant this.
    Lanette 4th cup?!? :astonished::laugh:
    Heather had to google carrottes rapees. Yum. Your French roadside picnic=yum YUM but what, no wine? Remoulade with pastrami sounds yummy too.
    Machka so relieved your DH survived your week long absence so well. And that you were able to have some fun on the trip.
    Lisa :love: your learn by training others tip. Truth this. Four hours straight? Con VERY gratulations. Likewise the occasional minor violence appliance repair does seem to work… :laugh:
    Kim your “find something simple reasonable and that you can do…” and then do it, is key in so many situations. Relationships, work, dog training… ;)
    Time for PT. Too late for “before breakfast” Joe brought home French Toast Sticks from Burger King. I relished every bite but gave the last one to the dogs…

    Today’s (8/11) gratitude: Mama’s wooden toothpick trick to help screws grab hold in furniture.
    08/10: Move: 2 sets PT w/d, dogs to powerline. Steps:5028
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=1 CI=1551 CO=302
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, laundry. Wt:132.1
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. August: Move more, fuel better (less sugar),
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Our new Bronco is home finally! Has been built since June 20th! She is everything we wanted. SIL just shook her head. DH said it may hold its value better than the money in the bank. All I know is I could drive a different vehicle every day of the week. Of course now we need a bigger garage! I may never get my bathroom redone. :( There is a Bronco Stampede going on in Pigeon Forge next weekend....guess where we will be? Lol! Going down after work on Friday, back home on Sunday. 5 hour drive. We will be staying on the strip in a motel. Then head back down two weeks later to our cabin. I am happy DH is wanting to go down for stampede. I keep trying to get more weekend travels.

    Annie You are in a rough position with parents. Hugs. I hope puppy feels better tomorrow. Remember you are a strong woman with great perseverance.

    Lannette I thought of you this morning. I saw a post with chickens running around in wired "hamster balls"! They could still pluck at ground and move around but weren't in much danger from predators. It was on FB, so may not be real, but what a great idea!

    Allie I got my mom assistance at the airport 15 yrs ago, not due to physical health issues, but because she easily panics. It made her trip better. Do what needs to be done so that you can enjoy yourself!

    I learn so much from all of you!

    Kylia in Ohio

    Hope you have a great time at the stampede- nice to get away for a few days I am sure.
    Wow-lots of cars. My first thought was- lots of insurance!! (we have 4 so know what we pay.)

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member

    Ginny - Wise words to Debbie. I was in that situation for about 12 years. I’m sure depression was a huge part of his problems so I too was worried about leaving him.
    Things started changing when I started showing more love.
    I had this on my phone and looked at it daily sometimes much more than daily.


    It’s such a tough position to be in.

    Debbie - there are a lot of wise women in this group. Hugs to you. You’ll know what to do when the time is right. In the meantime be gentle with yourself.

    I’m looking forward to this weekend. One I hope the money comes on for the loan so I can buy a computer and get it set up. Secondly, I want to spend my days reviewing this weeks course to help me be successful with the rest of it. Next week is when I start leaning to be an Education Assistant rather than a student. I want to have a better grasp on the technology and the style of the school.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Thank you.
    I saw that posted months ago and printed it up.It is on my computer desk door. It has gotten covered up. Need to see and follow it more. It is perfect. I know I will not get any kind of compassion/attention from him when I am not giving any to him. After so many years of not getting any, it is hard to show it to him, Know I need to though, if there will be any change at all.

    Take your own advice and "be gentle with yourself" in regards to school. This is something you need to get back into.It has been a while. It will come back to you.
    Enjoy your weekend as much as you can.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Worked then the soup kitchen. Nothing special. They had chicken sandwiches so I brought some home, maybe the kids will want them. If not, I can throw them out which is what the soup kitchen would have done. They can’t keep them until Monday.

    Heather – I like to have as much done ahead of time so that I can enjoy my company. And I’m sure you’re the same way. As a matter of fact, I know it

    Kylia – PF is about 3 hours west of us. Seeing how so many of our members are on the west coast, to me that’s close by….lol. I’m not so worried about how the house looks. That can even be cleaned in advance!

    M – welcome home!!!!

    Lisa – yeaaaa for getting that coffee maker to work!!! Sometimes you just need to show it who’s boss

    Barbara – I highly doubt the soup kitchen would take the leftover desserts. They need things that they can be sure haven’t been tainted. So if something comes in and it isn’t in a sealed container, they won’t serve it. I’m thinking the oregano just on the top, to give it the idea. So someone can even scrape it off.

    Pip – I didn’t have any doubt that you would get your first place back. Good for you!

    Vince told me Jess called this a.m. Seems she’d just spoken to Theresa and was asking about a sheet and towels. Anyway, Vince JUST NOW told me that they probably didn’t leave real early so he doesn’t think they’ll get here for about another hour or so. Had I known, I probably could have gone for a walk. Oh well….. Do hope they get here pretty soon so that the kids can go swimming. Looks like it’s starting to cloud up.

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,993 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Stopped and made my appointment for mani and pedi will have gel nails done for the occasion..
    Stopped with Alfie over to Tom and Elenas to see Homer and let Alfie visit a little bit.. there getting things set up for tomorrow..
    I am picking up balloons and tying them up at there home while there at the ceremony ,just a little something to jazz it up.. and hope they have a good day..
    Ive looked up some up some of the blood work and for the life of me can't figure it out.. if its anything important ,im sure they will call me sooner.