

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
    Lisa ~ Congrats on getting your phone set up! :) Neither mine or my husbands will hook up to our wifi because it keeps saying the password is incorrect. Checked the wifi on PC and the password is correct. :'(

    Michele ~ Enjoy your company!

    Heather ~ Enjoy having your house to yourself tonight.

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    DH got a quick look around the house when he dropped my son off. He was amazed by the size of it, but there is still a massive amount to finish off. All bare walls and nothing fitted or working. What a project!
    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Tracey wrote: We should have had a document or something telling us where to find things from the school’s online resources. File paths for submissions and what we do and do not have available to us. Maybe my age is showing. 🥴
    Not your age at all, dear heart, you're just moving from job mode to learning mode, which is a very different mindset. Any time I started feeling that way, like I didn't have enough information, I would start writing the document with the mapping and information that the organization should have. We learn best when we teach others, so I would write it as if I were training someone like me. Helped me learn quickly and retain the information, and was often useful to others, too. You can do this!

    Machka - Glad you're back home and that it was a good conference. Glad too, that you feel you can step away from your husband's side and that he will do all right. I'm sure within reasons that it was less stressful for him than the unfamiliar places and spaces of traveling.

    Good news, bad news, good news, bad news, and in the end, good news!

    First good news: Got through all the accumulated fabric of the years past last night and got it stashed in the cabinet or into the trash. I had slept just a few hours, back up at midnight and then worked straight through to 4 a.m., but accomplished half of my overall task. Two garbage bags full of things I will never use went with Corey to the dumpster at work, so more weight gone on that side. All that's left now is two more massive bins of art supplies... easy peasy.

    Bad news: New phone came in yesterday, and the instructions (of course) were confusing to be able to switch from old to new. I have never had an issue getting a new phone working, so kept at it. Got the phone to work for a little while yesterday, but the text was still off line. Now the phone is offline, as well. I find it funny that it keeps telling me to call a 1-800 number for assistance, which of course, I can't do. Then if I go to the website, it keeps telling me to check my text message for a link to confirm that I need assistance. And, of course, the text message isn't working too. So, I have to go talk to people. Bleht. Not my favorite.

    Good news:
    After I got those two massive bins of fabric sorted, placed, or pitched, I fell asleep after Corey left and slept for four hours straight for the first time in weeks. Woke up feeling as if I'd been asleep for years...

    Bad news:
    The coffee maker quit working on Corey when he was headed for work, kept saying it needed water, even though the tank was full. So when I got up at nearly 9 a.m., it was still blinking at me. Staggered around the internet manuals to find that none of them had this particular troubleshooting issue covered... cleaned it, still didn't work.

    Good news: Finally pulled the water tank off for the third time, and instead of gently placing it, I dropped it back in to see if a jolt would make it work. Ha! Minor violence as appliance repair. Am about halfway through my cup of coffee now and the brain fog is finally lifting.

    Time to go talk to the people at Verizon. There are worse things. Nice quiet morning without the phone and text yelling at me. Silver linings, you know...

    Heather - I thought it was funny, your son's comment that your home was like the quiet of living in the country. Between the katydids droning all day, the crickets calling for love and the tree frogs calling for rain all night, dogs yelping in the distance, and on and on, there is nothing quiet at all about living in the country! At least this year, the cicadas are quiet - they're due back next June or so, and they're deafening...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Maybe unplugging and plugging back in, the coffee maker?
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    I am thinking of the fires in Maui & hope people there found safety. I’m sorry for for those who had losses from fire there. 💔.

    Katla in Illinois
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    Well today went well. Up at 3, left at 4:15 am. Then got to the hospital at 6:15, and the labs opened up at 6:30 am. Next stop was radiology where he had x rays, and a CT scan.. His doctor appointment was at 9:45 am and we were seen at 10;00 am. Doctor said his numbers looked good, kidneys working well. Better yet was that his liver oxygenation looked good, his veins to his liver running a good percentage. Overall a happy appt. Drove back to Mt Vernon and we stopped at our favorite Mexican place. So now I am full, tired, and have a grand stain of salsa on my shirt. Go figure!
    Glad we're home though. I took half of my meal home.

    Our old neighbor moved up there to Mt. Vernon and my cousin and her husband both teach there.
    Would love to do a road trip up that way again.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Well today went well. Up at 3, left at 4:15 am. Then got to the hospital at 6:15, and the labs opened up at 6:30 am. Next stop was radiology where he had x rays, and a CT scan.. His doctor appointment was at 9:45 am and we were seen at 10;00 am. Doctor said his numbers looked good, kidneys working well. Better yet was that his liver oxygenation looked good, his veins to his liver running a good percentage. Overall a happy appt. Drove back to Mt Vernon and we stopped at our favorite Mexican place. So now I am full, tired, and have a grand stain of salsa on my shirt. Go figure!
    Glad we're home though. I took half of my meal home.

    Our old neighbor moved up there to Mt. Vernon and my cousin and her husband both teach there.
    Would love to do a road trip up that way again.

    Let me know when you do, we could meet up.👍💖
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Rebecca - so glad you got such a good report

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Evening ladies
    Lovely dinner out with the ladies
    Beautiful right on the river,
    And had a nice chat with my brother on the phone..
    Poor Miles has a fever,told Tracy if its not gone by monday to call the dr ,for possible ear infection.. she had quite a few when she was little as did I..and we both needed out tonsils out she got hers out at 10,me I was 30 ugh.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Rosemarie - (((HUGS)))) so glad to see you back. <3 And I'm glad you are talking to different people about your DH. Keep us in your pocket, you know we wish you peace and happiness, and you'll find it. It's still early days for you I think. <3
    Thinking about spouses with gradually debilitating diseases, physical or mental (like dementia) I am reminded a little of the family of an alcoholic. Wives (or hubbys) are thrust into the role of caregiver and in a way, have the disease too, even though they think they should be the "healthy" one and tend to beat themselves up when they can't hold it together or do it "right."

    My DH's doctor helped me so much during DH's final year. I'd just make an appointment with him and go in and cry, his nurse would hug me, and he'd listen. Give some ideas and suggestions. His wife had passed a year earlier from a long bout with breast cancer. He let me know it was OK not to be good at this caretaker stuff, and to be angry and impatient was just how it rolled sometimes. I'd leave with a weight lifted off my shoulders, and a plan for DH (like getting him in for blood tests- he refused to go to the doctor!) I'm so grateful for that.

    Debbie - or any of you zipping up or down I-5 through Washington State south of Olympia - I'm not that far away and would love to meet you if only for a hug and cup of coffee!

    With Ezie cut back to 2 days a week, that will free up some time for you. ;)

    Heather - did they get that skylight situation figured out at your son's house? I hope they can get it to the state they can move in soon like they were planning.

    Rebecca - glad for the good report on Lee! Is his next appointment in a year?

    Katla - not sure if you keep up on the Portland area weather - your old stomping ground along the Columbia might hit 100f on Monday. I won't be that far behind you. Thankfully, it's only supposed to last a few days. We've made it through hotter weather before.

    Machka - I was happy to read your DH did fine with you being gone a few days. Considering the severity of his injury, he seems to be coping well. Bet you were glad to get home.

    Michele - I like that Oregano idea. :p Inna Gadda da Vida, baby!

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State