

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,218 Member
    edited September 2023
    sspell1958 wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    sspell1958 wrote: »
    New here and love seeing the support and friendship you all have developed. I hope I’m not intruding - just looking for same. 65 years old and needing to lose and get healthier. At least that’s the plan 😉. Breast cancer survivor since 2013 and recently Melanoma found early. That one surprised me, but all is good. I’m also married and “Nana” to 5 grandchildren.

    :) Welcome. Each of us was new at one time and we just kept coming back. I hope you will join a conversation that interests you or share more about yourself. I am 77 years old and found MFP some years ago and have gotten to know these great ladies. They have helped me take off and keep off the pounds that bothered me.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Thank you Barbie. It sounds like a wonderful group 😊 A little about me in addition to the above - I’m retired and living in Tennessee. I am originally from Florida but after retiring in 2016, decided to move here. I lived here many years ago and loved it and always wanted to come back. I too was on MFP years ago and decided to come back. It’s a great platform and I know it will help me refocus once again. I hate it because I was in good shape 2 years ago and boom - gained it back and started slacking on exercise too. I need to get back to it to feel better and because in not doing so, It also increases chances of breast cancer reoccurring. Are they any hobbies you all enjoy? I have been painting for several years with acrylic, I also love gardening and reading. I did see someone posted a week ago a shadow Bo’s they made! I have always wanted to make one! Any tips would be welcomed 😊.

    Sports I have done or would like to try:

    This is Me: Machka the Canadian-Australian. I'm 56, still working and doing a whole lot of other things.


    Create your own Word Art: :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,218 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Ladies – I have a confession to make. I’ve been dealing with this and think I just about have it. I found out about a week ago that Bryan and his “girlfriend” (not sure what they are) had a baby. It’s sad to know that I have a grandchild that I’ll never see. I haven’t seen Bryan in about 10 years. And I only get to see PJ two days a year. Denise called last night and said that his “girlfriend” texted her that although Bryan doesn’t say it, she feels it bothers him that no one acknowledged the birth. Vince was the only one who sent him congratulations when he announced the impending birth. It did take him a week after the birth to tell us. I texted Denise asking her to text G (the “girlfriend”) that the reason I haven’t responded to Bryan is because of the things he said to me, I really don’t think he wants to hear from me. But I wanted her to know that I love Bryan, Leo (the baby), and even her (although we’ve never met) with all my heart. It’s interesting, Athena was born around the same time PJ was born and Eli was born at about the same time Leo was born. I’ve always enjoyed seeing pics of Athena and knowing that PJ is probably going thru the same sorts of things like getting a tooth, etc. Now I’ll be looking intently at pics of Eli knowing that that’s probably what Leo is doing. It’s just said that I’ll never see him. I’m crying as I’m writing this so I’ll probably stop.
    Michele NC

    exermom wrote: »
    M – I don’t know how to make contact with Bryan. I don’t even know his address. THAT’S why I don’t contact him. Besides, he doesn't want to hear from me anyway. I've reached out so many times, and so many times he's ignored me.
    Michele NC

    Ask Vince and Denise ... they seem to know how to get in touch with him. :)

    Sometimes you need to keep trying.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,218 Member
    Edie and Bea on their Cyclo-cross. <3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

    Good for them!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,218 Member
    In all honesty, I'm looking forward to the winter, when there's nothing calling me outside to clean up or prune or mow, and I can concentrate on inside things like sewing and painting and such. Right now, between getting my exercising habit re-established, and the ordinary daily things, I don't have time to create... but I am writing a lot more in the early mornings, so that will have to do.
    Later, y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    Back in May I was looking forward to winter for the same sort of reasons. :smiley: They never happened. I've rarely had a winter so busy!!

    I was going to do a puzzle, colour and read more ... but nope!

    It was so busy, I didn't get my bulbs into the garden till August!! They're supposed to be planted by June. I kept trying, but just didn't have the time. We'll have daffodils in December at the rate we're going! :lol:

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,218 Member

    I need a room like that for exercise!! I'd put my home gym in there!!

    At the very least, I'd have my Pilates reformer, weights, rowing machine and a yoga mat set up in there. Not sure if there's room for my treadmill and bicycles.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,218 Member
    Dairy Intolerance - My heart goes out to you ladies who have digestive problems with dairy. I have no digestive issues whatsoever, my symptoms are all in my head, lol. Stuffed up nose and plugged ears, and that's the extent of it. And having those symptoms at night caused headaches so the nightly zyrtec habit developed, which caused dry mouth and burning nose which irritated everything further.

    Since I have so many environmental allergies, that also trigger similar symptoms, I'm wondering if dairy at times just piles on. Funny that Dr. Matt said if I could get some of my environmental allergies under control, the food intolerance/sensitivities would likely go away.

    By the way, since I've cut back on dairy, my protein intake has also gone down quite a bit since I'm not a big meat eater and use it more as a condiment. Still eating plenty of eggs though.

    Lanette <3
    SW WA State

    One food that gives me congestion is cashews.
    Citrus fruit makes me burn around my mouth and nose.

    I don't eat much protein ... early stage of chronic kidney disease, so I'm happily avoiding protein. :) Or at least, I'm not making any effort to consume protein.

    M in Oz

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,121 Member
    Ginny so sorry Covid came back. Take care!

    Michele That's so sad about Bryan and Leo. It's so hard to miss out on a grandchild like that. Hope things get better eventually.

    Annie in Delaware
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Michele - What happened to the wife he married in Switzerland? I remember you went to the wedding. Then he left to live with her in Réunion. I know this has all been a deep wound for you for years. So sorry.
    My friend G is in a similar situation, missing out on two grandchildren, who are nearly grown up. Sending hugs to you. <3

    DH is feeling rotten. I keep trying to be sympathetic. :p I didn't get a lot of sympathy. >:)

    One of has to go out for milk. This is a standoff. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,218 Member
    sspell1958 wrote: »
    Tracey - Think very, very carefully before you take on the Girl Guide leader idea. Huge, huge, commitment. My father was a Cub Master, Akela. It can take over your life.

    Lisa - Hooray for the pottery! :D The reason I haven't done any recently, was because I broke my wrist, plus, as you said, it is pricey. I have a cunning plan to sign both DH and myself up for an evening this term, and then I can pay for it on the joint account. He thinks he might enjoy it. :p I love throwing, which is magical, I feel.
    Ceramics are one of my passions.
    Sandy - can you post a photo of one or two of your creations? :)

    Going downstairs in a minute to take DH a cup of tea and see how his cold is progressing. :s

    The cleaner is coming today. I was thinking of going into town mid-afternoon, and looking in M&S for my voucher. Maybe towards a dress for the wedding, or maybe ankle boots. Then treating myself to sushi for early dinner, and then on to the Death Café. I can catch a bus from near the sushi place.
    DH was worried about me leaving before the cleaner had gone, but I don't think that's a problem. ;)
    I have a lovely portion of beef stew in the freezer that he can heat up for himself.

    Hoping it all works out. Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Heather thanks for asking 😊 these are two of my paintings. I’m no expert - definitely a learning process 🤣. The church one was done on wood which was harder than I thought it would be.


    This was the first horse I’d done. Didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted but I learned from it. At some point I want to do another one better.



  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,373 Member
    Sandy ~ You are quite talented! :)
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,554 Member
    edited September 2023
    Barbie - I keep forgetting to say how glad I am that they figured out what was going on with Jake's knee, and the right treatment to get him fixed. Hope his healing continues. Hope Bodhi's progression continues, as well. Thinking about all of you.

    Allie - So proud of you for the walk with Alfie! I've found that the exercise I'm adding back in has a HUGE impact on my sleep. The more I exercise, the more and better I sleep. Every step you take with Alfie will help you get your sleep issues in better shape as well as your body--and bonus, it's really good for Alfie, too! Might help him settle down more on the barking if he's getting more exercise. :wink:

    Ginny - Oh no! I'm so sorry... I know you were looking forward to seeing family, too. Hopefully a very light dose of covid, and hope the paxlovid, if advised, has less impact on the thyroid stuff. Take care of yourself, please! Proud of you for the hemming efforts. :smiley:

    Sandy - Nice pictures! I especially love the church painting.

    Margaret - Loved the pics of you and DrewB! You look so serene and happy.

    Barbara AHMOD - Hope the siding guy doesn't find the feared issues underneath, but I understand that particular dread quite well. With all the renovating Corey and I have done, we've not had many pleasant surprises when we take down coverings like drywall and siding. Hope yours is the exception.

    Heather - Hope your day out goes as planned Sorry your DH isn't feeling well. The standoff for the milk made me laugh... :smiley:

    Annie - Thinking about your mom, sweetie. Glad you got her seen, and that they're paying attention to her heart issues, but really tough on you and your dad. Hope all's well.

    Lanette - I've used wooden clothes pins for years for chip clips and anything else that needed clamping. Plus, of course, using them on the clothesline:wink:. More on prices in a minute.

    Regarding food intolerances: It's so hard to sort between what's putting my stomach on tilt these days, between the medications and supplements and food. I have a sneaking suspicion though, that the rapid-fire gas issues are either caused or being made worse by iron, and now the Vitamin C they've got me taking to help absorb the iron. I'm still supposed to get 65 grams of protein a day, and both meat and dairy could well be the gas problem... plus fiber makes it exponentially worse, and unbearably painful, in the end (hah! Bad pun, sorry.) I just totter along the tightrope hoping it all works out all right.

    More in a minute...

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Morning ladies
    Nothing new here rainy day today and up 1/2 the night again
    Then Alfie wakes me up early to eat.
    I need to get some groceries but will make a list.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Lisa - I won the standoff. :p But he saved face because he needed to call in at the repair garage to book an MOT.

    Windy and rainy here. Lots of places in the West Country badly flooded.

    Cleaner arriving.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,218 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Ginny ~ So sorry to hear that you have gotten Covid again. I am wondering, do take all the vaccinations? We took the first one when it came out but we have not taken any since and have had no symptoms as far as I can remember. But, I have to keep in mind that we do not get out much and are pretty good about washing hands, etc.

    Carol in GA

    Since the beginning of 2020, I've had at least 5 vaccinations for COVID, and of course, all the flu vaccinations in that time.
    Plus 2 measles, 1 shingles, and I'm thinking there was something else as well.

    It's all good!! :+1::+1::+1:

    In addition, I avoid people, stand at a distance from people, wear a mask from time to time when there are lots of people around, and wash my hands all the time.

    M in Oz

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    edited September 2023
    Machka - I saw the Bob and Brad video on "turning around" on Facebook. It's not on their YouTube channel from what I can tell. I've copied the link, not sure if it will open if a person doesn't have FB.

    The little gal doesn't say how many times a person should practice it. It really made me stop and think about how something so simple gets so hard for folks who have balance issues for whatever reason. And how my mom's balance problems must have limited her in so many ways. :( I think you are right about having a strong core.


    Ginny - sorry to hear the crud is back for round 2 so quickly. Sending hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery from this one.

    Barbara - crossing fingers the siding replacement goes without a hitch.

    Sandy - that church picture is my favorite, reminds me a little of Grandma Moses technique. So many talented artists in this group! <3

    Lisa - Dr. Matt suggested I look into A2/A2 dairy. This milk is produced by cows who are homozygous for the A2 beta-casein protein which, for some people, is easier to digest than the A1/A2 which is found in most regular milk. I don't have digestive issues but I figured it's worth consideration. Note this is different than lactose intolerance.

    Here's a link for a farm that specializes in this type of milk production if anyone is interested:


    The organic, non-homogenized dairy items produced by Alexandre Farm is uber expensive, but I found another brand at Safeway yesterday, homogenized and pasteurized, cost wasn't prohibitive. I made "fridge oatmeal" with it yesterday. I cook a big match of old fashioned oatmeal in milk, and after it's done (5 to 7 minutes to start to thicken) I take it off the burner and let it cool for a few minutes, then stir in a handful of frozen berries of some type. Blue oatmeal, lol. Stored in the fridge, it lasts for several days. To me, it's like having pudding onhand. I ate some after supper last night - no stuffy nose/plugged up ears symptoms, and that was without taking the DAO enzyme. Hhmmm.

    Carol - what a huge job decluttering with your husband's desire to hang on to everything. :( Has he always been this way? Just curious, sometimes events change people's thinking and not always for the better. Intriguing how our minds work. Wishing you luck!

    I spent some time on the sitting elliptical this morning after a month or so of not using it. Wow, how quickly those thigh muscles get out of shape despite all the walking, bending, and other activity I do. Lisa and Annie, you gals are an inspiration to me getting back into the exercise groove and building those muscles back up.

    It will soon be time to head out for my sunrise walk. Overcast right now, and 55f.

    Make it a wonderful week! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State