

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    M I agree about the bait questions on Facebook.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,552 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Ceramics tonight. Going to the dentist tomorrow for check-up. Getting my hair cut Thurs. Since no work tomorrow the plan is to do a spinning workout.

    Tracey – I hate that this happened to you. Hope you get your money quickly

    Took a walk to the dollar store today (Tues) to get filler paper and then to Food Lion for Asian Pears. I really like them, they are so juicy

    M – yes, like that. I have to research it more to be sure the card will fit. Thanks. Vince has recently renewed his interest in trains. When we had the detached garage built, one half is for a vehicle, one half is his music studio and the entire upper floor is dedicated to trains. How great you can leave Australia! Will you be going to see your family?

    Lanette – you’ve never seen a 3D printer??? They’re neat.

    Lanette just called. She wanted to talk to Vince and myself at the same time(huh?). She started out saying “I have cancer”. Lynette tends to sensationalize. Basically, she has precancerous cells in her uterus. She’s supposed to go to the MD tomorrow and hopes to have an operation to remove them in October. Ken is supposed to go for cataract surgery in October, so depending on the time when she has her operation, his might have to be postponed.

    Rebecca – like your new dishes. Your dh eats more vegetables than Vince does. He only has corn (well it could be corn on the cob) and carrots. White potatoes (never sweet) are ok. He eats romaine lettuce, cold tomatoes (unless its on pizza). That’s about IT here….

    Rosemarie – be sure to post pictures!

    Facebook: Vince wouldn’t have an account at all, I only have one to see pics of the kids. Do mostly “happy anniversary/birthday” stuff only
    Vince got the new cover for the grill. Fits better but he has to return it as when it was sewn together, they missed part of the seam and it’s wide open. This is his new toy. He got these holder mats for the spatula, etc

    I’ve never taken one of those quizzes on facebook

    Tracey – your daughter and SIL sound incredibly wonderful! So glad they are taking that trip

    Lisa – so sorry Corey is sick

    Rita – I can’t even being to tell you how many times I’ve gotten that UPS scam. I just delete it. Other things that supposed they couldn’t deliver (that I never ordered) – same thing, I just delete it. Free samples that they need my address to send it to – deleted. That’s great that your bp is down to normal

    Allie – feel better fast. Miles (and Athena) are sure cuties

    Michele NC

    Thanks, the glaze on them has an unglazed band, which feels weird to me, like chalk on a chalkboard feeling. I will get used to them. They are so much better than the old set. Once we get a couple more plates and small plates (online) I will donate the old set to the thrift store.
    I bought sweet fresh corn on the cob once, it was so good to me, but Lee said he liked the frozen kind from the store! Aaack!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Rebecca: My husband didn't like to cook...once in a while in a slow cooker he would do something.
    I had romantic notions of cooking together and cutting veggies together.....never happened!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    Just the opposite with us.

    My husband cooks ... but once in a while, I'll make something in a slow cooker. While we like lots of veggies, cutting and cooking them together is not a thing with us.

    Machka in Oz

    My husband has no patience when cooking, or maybe I have no patience watching him cook.🙃😂. Its just when he says he is gonna fry up a steak, its a pat of butter, a squirt of roasted garlic paste (I taught him that), then crank it on high. Then he puts a lid on it, thank goodness. But then he always has to go to the loo, so food is frying with no managers in the kitchen! We have a 1/2 bath right off the kitchen so its not like he is going with book. Drives me batty! I have forbid him to cook bacon. He makes soup the same. In a pot with water on high. Sad thing is he likes his fast fried to heck steak better than the way I cook it. Pick and choose your battles Rebecca....🙃😂
    Your husband cooks more than mine!!
    Once in a while(when I am gone to mom's) he will air fry a steak but that is about it. He will warm up something in the microwave or air fryer(again, when I am not home) but that doesn't happen often. Most of the time if I am gone- he does take out(even when I am home he picks up take out, including nights I am cooking)

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,899 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,236 Member
    edited September 2023
    exermom wrote: »
    Ceramics tonight. Going to the dentist tomorrow for check-up. Getting my hair cut Thurs. Since no work tomorrow the plan is to do a spinning workout.

    Tracey – I hate that this happened to you. Hope you get your money quickly

    Took a walk to the dollar store today (Tues) to get filler paper and then to Food Lion for Asian Pears. I really like them, they are so juicy

    M – yes, like that. I have to research it more to be sure the card will fit. Thanks. Vince has recently renewed his interest in trains. When we had the detached garage built, one half is for a vehicle, one half is his music studio and the entire upper floor is dedicated to trains. How great you can leave Australia! Will you be going to see your family?

    Lanette – you’ve never seen a 3D printer??? They’re neat.

    Lanette just called. She wanted to talk to Vince and myself at the same time(huh?). She started out saying “I have cancer”. Lynette tends to sensationalize. Basically, she has precancerous cells in her uterus. She’s supposed to go to the MD tomorrow and hopes to have an operation to remove them in October. Ken is supposed to go for cataract surgery in October, so depending on the time when she has her operation, his might have to be postponed.

    Rebecca – like your new dishes. Your dh eats more vegetables than Vince does. He only has corn (well it could be corn on the cob) and carrots. White potatoes (never sweet) are ok. He eats romaine lettuce, cold tomatoes (unless its on pizza). That’s about IT here….

    Rosemarie – be sure to post pictures!

    Facebook: Vince wouldn’t have an account at all, I only have one to see pics of the kids. Do mostly “happy anniversary/birthday” stuff only
    Vince got the new cover for the grill. Fits better but he has to return it as when it was sewn together, they missed part of the seam and it’s wide open. This is his new toy. He got these holder mats for the spatula, etc

    I’ve never taken one of those quizzes on facebook

    Tracey – your daughter and SIL sound incredibly wonderful! So glad they are taking that trip

    Lisa – so sorry Corey is sick

    Rita – I can’t even being to tell you how many times I’ve gotten that UPS scam. I just delete it. Other things that supposed they couldn’t deliver (that I never ordered) – same thing, I just delete it. Free samples that they need my address to send it to – deleted. That’s great that your bp is down to normal

    Allie – feel better fast. Miles (and Athena) are sure cuties

    Michele NC

    I have/had what your friend Lanette has.

    2015, about 6 weeks before joining MFP they rushed me into surgery to remove a massive polyp and precancerous cells from my uterus.

    2017, they found more and some had moved from precancerous to an early stage of cancer. Again I was into surgery in no time.

    And I have been going for an annual review ever since. So far so good.

    But it is a bit of a shock when they first tell you. I remember going ice cold for a few minutes, and I was glad I was sitting down.

    I have found those plastic envelope things in dollar-type stores, department stores, and office supply stores here. They're everywhere and they're cheap as!

    M in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,524 Member
    Today’s gratitude: teeny tiny grey hummingbird with a really long beak sipping at the feeder despite the rain.
    Machka I love train travel, natural as my first birthday was on a train. Best was BritRail overnight from Brighton to Inverness.
    Rita, Lisa, Margaret et al, I got a text saying something about my “Amazon purchase of a MacBook … “ Just reported it as spam and deleted.
    Lanette, Tracey sounds like how I use FB too, The NextDoor app is good for local wildlife sightings/mail thefts etc but lately has been clogged with annoying advertisements. TANSTAAFL. [sigh]
    Heather while watching “Queens of Mystery” the character examining the victim said “I’m not a doctor, I’m just a surgeon.” Doesn’t scan to my American ears. Are not all surgeons medical doctors first then specialists in surgery?
    Pip well done!
    Rebecca, Allie, Lisa, love the pics of the grands. Rita :love: the sunflowers and your smile.
    Tracey :love: :love: :Love: the firefighter’s stocking. You are so creative!!!
    09/26: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, dogs to powerline, chair yoga, Jeopardy walking. Steps:6581
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=18, CI<CO net=235
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT. ptS, reconciled savings and master card accounts. Wt:134.3 note to self: no buttered sourodough toast midnight snacks!

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    September: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live mindfully with people, dogs, open heart and mind before mouth. Never miss an opportunity to keep the mouth shut!
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,448 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,236 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka I love train travel, natural as my first birthday was on a train. Best was BritRail overnight from Brighton to Inverness.

    We have travelled by train but not in a sleeper ... yet.

    auntiebk wrote: »
    Rita, Lisa, Margaret et al, I got a text saying something about my “Amazon purchase of a MacBook … “ Just reported it as spam and deleted.

    I get phone calls like that all the time.

    I also get phone calls from a deep booming voice telling me someone from Homeland Security has an issue with my immigration and I'm about to be deported ... and I'm to press 1 for further information, etc.

    Problem is "homeland Security" is a US thing!!! :lol::lol::lol:

    M in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Barbara - You are right. Doesn't make any sense. :p

    Spent the morning writing time examining Maya Angelou's famous quote,
    'When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.'
    She goes on to say,
    'People know themselves much better than you do. That's why it's important to stop expecting them to be anything other than who they are. '

    I have trouble with this, but I'm getting better at it! :p

    DH at cricket. Hooray!
    This evening I'm going to French Circle. I'll have an early dinner and leave a plate for DH to heat up in the microwave. He can cook the asparagus from scratch. It's the meatballs I made last week, in a tomato and basil sauce.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,560 Member
    Good morning from pre-dawn Arkansas... the tree frogs are calling for rain outside, but they'll quiet as the sun comes up.

    Barbara - The hummingbird sounds beautiful! I'm so glad, too, that you're enjoying Brokenwood Mysteries. I got attached to a number of the characters, and am looking forward to the next season. Same for Midsomer Murders.

    Katla - I'm so glad your hummingbirds are still visiting, and that you were able to rescue their feeder and get it put up again. Ours are going through a lot of nectar, and the moment that it's light, I need to refill my feeder. The experts say to leave the feeder up until ten days after you see the last one for the year, to help out the migrating hummingbirds as they head south. Here in Arkansas, mine may stay even through October before they migrate.

    Yesterday morning was quiet, as I was trying not to disturb Corey too much. He pried himself out of bed at about 11 a.m., and then in the afternoon, he got on the big mower and got the yard mowed. Which I appreciated. I'd actually planned to go ahead and mow but wasn't sure if I wanted to with him at home. I assumed that he felt better after that--he certainly seemed to, and dinner was a matter of each of us finding something we wanted to eat, so very simple.

    Was pleased with myself yesterday morning, as my best friend called when I was nearly done with my resistance work, and I went back to it after our call and finished up, even though I really didn't want to. Am moving closer to the exercise becoming a habit again, which is the goal. Still feel beat up from this weekend's marathon session of weeding the roses while bent over at the waist for nearly two hours. Really overstretched my hamstrings and thigh muscles, and still feeling it!

    Can't believe September is very nearly over... just the last quarter of the year left to go. I'm really enjoying watching the seasons change this year, and these cool mornings are absolutely wonderful. Ah well, time to start my day, get the hummingbirds fed and get on with the chores that need doing. Hope it's a good day for all!

    Lisa in AR
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :) A wise friend once told me that money wasn't the game, it was just the way to keep score. It has taken me a long time to relax and use all my values to make a decision. Just choosing the least expensive option isn't always best. At the start of the pandemic we said that staying healthy was at the top of our list and if a more expensive option would keep us safe, then we would choose it. It's all part of the intentional way we live our lives and the way we make decisions about spending time, money, and energy.

    :) We tried sheet detergent for the washer and Jake didn't like how the clothes smelled after they were washed. Later he used half a sheet and half the amount of liquid detergent. Late he read in Consumer Reports about laundry detergents and chose the liquid they said was best. Among our high priorities is limiting the use of plastic which was our reason for using the laundry sheets instead of detergent in large plastic jugs.

    :) It is a giant challenge to balance cost, convenience, health, environmental concerns, and personal cleanliness standards to make the right choices. We buy many products for reasons of environmental health rather than for price or convenience.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,236 Member
    edited September 2023
    We went with liquid detergent because powder was leaving streaks and clumps on our clothes (washed in cold or cool water).

    We went with "sensitive" detergent because we were both itchy after washes. Now, it's only me who feels itchy all the time.

    I went with Eucalyptus for some washes because it's supposed to help kill dust mites, to which I'm allergic. I often wash bedding and towels with it.

    M in Oz
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,378 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    edited September 2023
    My laundry sheets are unperfumed and for sensitive skin. I partly changed for environmental reasons, because it comes in a cardboard sleeve. Trying to not use plastic. We limit plastic use wherever we can. Also, I was using non-bio powder and it is messy. Some bits were always spilling. So far, the sheets have been great. There are only two clean people in the house, so cost is not the issue. I wear my clothes, apart from knickers, usually for three days. Wash towels once a week. Bedding probably once a month. If I had children, or did a dirty job, or worked outside, it would be a different matter. I think most of us wash ourselves, our hair, and our clothes far too much.

    I've just watched the first episode of The Great British Bake-off. New series. I know some of you like it. :D I hope Edie will be watching it as she is a keen baker, though she has to be gluten free.

    Looking forward to French Circle tonight. It's nice to get out of the house, with face on, and looking respectable. Most of the time I'm a troglodyte. I've even re-done my nails. :D And changed my clothes. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I'm following the laundry sheet thread. Where are you getting those sheets and what brand(s) do you like? I see them advertised now and then.

    I agree, totally too much plastic is being used. There needs to be incentives to move to using less.

    I sometimes use the "pods" - maybe once a month - but snip them and just squeeze the liquid into the washer and toss the rest in the garbage. Sometimes they don't completely dissolve and leave a mess on the clothing. :(

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,552 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Rebecca: My husband didn't like to cook...once in a while in a slow cooker he would do something.
    I had romantic notions of cooking together and cutting veggies together.....never happened!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    Just the opposite with us.

    My husband cooks ... but once in a while, I'll make something in a slow cooker. While we like lots of veggies, cutting and cooking them together is not a thing with us.

    Machka in Oz

    My husband has no patience when cooking, or maybe I have no patience watching him cook.🙃😂. Its just when he says he is gonna fry up a steak, its a pat of butter, a squirt of roasted garlic paste (I taught him that), then crank it on high. Then he puts a lid on it, thank goodness. But then he always has to go to the loo, so food is frying with no managers in the kitchen! We have a 1/2 bath right off the kitchen so its not like he is going with book. Drives me batty! I have forbid him to cook bacon. He makes soup the same. In a pot with water on high. Sad thing is he likes his fast fried to heck steak better than the way I cook it. Pick and choose your battles Rebecca....🙃😂
    Your husband cooks more than mine!!
    Once in a while(when I am gone to mom's) he will air fry a steak but that is about it. He will warm up something in the microwave or air fryer(again, when I am not home) but that doesn't happen often. Most of the time if I am gone- he does take out(even when I am home he picks up take out, including nights I am cooking)

    We don't have an air fryer but I hear they're fabulous. I figure I have lasted 39 years without one, I can last the rest of my life without one. There's something just weird that it cooks so fast!😂. If my husband got takeout when I was cooking a meal for him, I would have words with the man. I think he likes planning his meals, and knowing what's ahead. He even takes stuff out of the freezer, and boxes of things I am using to prep dinner, he'll set on the counter. Subtle as a brick.🙃😂