

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,551 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Woke up thinking it was Sunday and then when the son made his usual call around 7 AM realized it was Tuesday here! LOL :)

    Carol in GA
    Oops friend! That happens with us too! If Lee didn't go to the gym, or take out the garbage cans Tuesday afternoon, we would be lost in what the date is. Our only saving grace, is using a sharpie pen and crossing off the dates on our calendars. I have a pretty Paris one, and he has a nudie girl one. To each its own!😆😂

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,551 Member

    My painting in situ. I actually painted it to match the kitchen worktops, but the pink walls go nicely and they are getting a jade green sofa and fire surround in the family room?, so it will look great. :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx whose son is going to take her home in the car when DDIL gets back. Phew!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    When i was skimming through dozens of pages trying to catch up I seem to recall a discussion about adding Fitbit friends directly from MFP. I am a Fitbit user and would gladly accept friend requests from those of you who were seeking them, but I don’t have the energy to go back and reread to see who it was. I won’t promise to be the best motivation because mine only syncs when I remember to go in and manually do it, but I will try. I used to really get into the weekly walking challenges and such, but most of my friends have moved on to the Apple watch.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,377 Member
    Annie ~ I know you must be so worried about your mom! They are blessed to have you there.

    Carol in GA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,560 Member
    Annie - We cross-posted, so I'm glad I came back and saw the update on your mom! Hope you and your dad are doing well, glad they're getting your mom's potassium up. I struggle with it, and it's hard on your heart if your potassium's too low.

    Came back to put this link up for all you U.S. hummingbird aficionados - tells you which ones are migrating around the U.S. right now. Ours are still here for now, don't know when they'll migrate or even if they will. The weather's staying pretty warm here. https://a-z-animals.com/blog/discover-when-hummingbirds-migrate-in-the-us/

    Also - for anyone who's interested in exploring mindfulness, especially as it pertains to depression and anxiety, I'm enjoying this course. I'm neither anxious nor depressed, but am very interested in the mindfulness aspects, and it's a teaching course. Also free, although they do ask for your email address: https://caring-mindfulness.thinkific.com/courses/mindfulness That's the page for the course, and the lady's voice is extremely relaxing. Because I'm not yet mindful enough, I only stuck with it for ten minutes, but do plan to go back to it.

    I swear!
    Later, y'all,
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    edited September 2023
    Lisa, Rebecca and Vicki - I had in mind the worktop colours when I painted it and I also knew the kind of pictures my son had on his walls. He tends to like large abstracts and semi abstracts, so I was hoping to fit in. I think it goes well. It's pretty hair raising trying to paint to someone else's taste!
    I told him firmly he wasn't to put it up if he didn't like it. I would hate someone to paint something for me!

    A couple of things on his kitchen walls have given me ideas for my next experiment.

    Lisa - the little squares paintings were done with tape. It was from Instagram. So easy and effective. But I think you said you had resigned from Instagram otherwise I could send you the video. I sent it to Tracey.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    edited September 2023
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 3min 22sec, 85elev, 2.93ap, 83ahr, 103mhr, 6.11mi= 594c
    Strava app= 748c
    Walk home to gym- 11.12min, .52mi= 50c
    Strava app= 64c
    Treadmill jog- 40.23min, 10.06min mi, 136ahr, 173mhr, 5.5sp mile 1, 6.5sp mike 2, 5.5sp mile 3, 6.5sp .80mi, 7.5sp last .20mi, 4mi= 402c
    Walk gym to home- 11.52min, .60mi= 55c
    Strava app= 70c

    Total cal 1091
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,560 Member
    edited September 2023

    Pottery is my favorite class here at the crone hotel. Experimenting with different glazes is fun, and I have discovered that I like playing with mud.

    I hope you enjoy it!

    Karen in Virginia

    Seriously in cricket brain today... took a couple trips back in time to see this one!

    Karen - Thanks for the encouragement, and the "crone hotel," nearly made me spit out my tea. Acerbity is always welcome... 😎👀🥰
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Debbie ... my husband and I shared our anniversary date with his parents. I didn't know the date of their anniversary at the time I chose our wedding date (and my husband didn't pay attention to things like that) ... but it was a lot of fun for years to go out with them for a special dinner. We alternated years on who chose and who paid. Since they've passed on, we celebrate our anniversary pretty haphazardly. Some years we take our son with us for dinner, other years money has been tight or life circumstances have gotten in the way and we've just had a regular day. This year we went shopping and stopped for a quick lunch at a restaurant we hadn't tried before. Kiddingly, each year, we each agree to "give it another year and see how it goes." We've been married 39 years.

    Lanette ... for you ... our neighbor's "girls" like to visit with us when we're outside. These are a few of the bold ones; the others were hiding.

    Annie ... how's your Mom?

    Barbara ... good call with the contractor! I don't understand how any business can operate without communicating with its customers. Contractors do not get a pass from me just because they're self-employed or busy.

    The surprise for my mom went exceedingly well. Just before they arrived, my mom actually got very emotional and started crying wishing that her best friend could have traveled with her daughter. I just reminded her that it would be a difficult trip for her and she understood but told me just missed her so much. So, she thought that only the daughter was coming for a visit. Her surprise when her life-long friend stood in her doorway was priceless. I haven't seen her so happy or smile so much in a long time. Her friend's daughter and I were both crying. It was a good day.

    Beth near Buffalo

    Such a sweet surprise for your mom- friendships like that are priceless.

    We went to dh's mom. I walked the dog for a short walk while he took care of a few things, ran some errands(did my merchandising job at the theater- the manager had actually done almost all of it before I got there so it was quick) then went to lunch. Used our gift certificate that has been sitting on the fridge for quite a few years-forgotten- A place we don't usually go to, I have been there once before- expensive to me. The gc covered all but $4 and the tip. I had the calamari steak, veggies and rice(took half home) and dh had the fish and chips and a soda. The place is right on the water so had a nice view.
    Will walk with my friend tonight

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member
    Morning, afternoon and/or evening, all, as the case may be!

    I'm looking forward to hearing from my daughter about their upcoming surprise - her oldest son will be coming out to Hawaii for a week here shortly, and they haven't told my granddaughter. Haley just adores her brother. From the minute she arrived on this earth, she was attached to him completely and vice versa, so it should be a wonderful surprise for her. He's been living with his birth dad in Texas, and while Kels was able to see him this summer while she was in school in Texas, Haley and Tyler haven't seen each other for nearly a year. She's 8 and he's 12.

    Debbie - No help from me on the anniversary question, sorry. We acknowledge it, and have been known to hand one another a card in a store that says something nice (and then put it back on the rack, because we're both frugal! :smiley: ) We just don't celebrate things as much as most people. It's more likely to happen that I'll say, "Hey, you just bought me this book I wanted for our anniversary," and he will buy himself a power tool and let me know that "I" bought him a birthday present.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Oh, to see your grand daughters face would be priceless!! Such a sweet connection between the two of them. Reminds me of a friend of mine. Her and her brother have always been super close(Navy kids that moved around a lot). They are still very close. I went to prom with him(he is 3 yrs younger than her and I)along with 2 other couples our age.

    Dh does that (when I pick up something he tells me that is part of my anniversary gift, like the greenhouse I just bought that was on clearance-$30 instead of $120) but he also buys other stuff. buys a lot , some things I can use but many times, not really.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    When i was skimming through dozens of pages trying to catch up I seem to recall a discussion about adding Fitbit friends directly from MFP. I am a Fitbit user and would gladly accept friend requests from those of you who were seeking them, but I don’t have the energy to go back and reread to see who it was. I won’t promise to be the best motivation because mine only syncs when I remember to go in and manually do it, but I will try. I used to really get into the weekly walking challenges and such, but most of my friends have moved on to the Apple watch.

    I would love to add you- I only have one friend(my friend from Zumba)and I was in a challenge with him and his friends that was so much fun and really motivated me-it was just a five day, work week challenge but I pushed, to beat his friend who I don't know, and got just over 100,000 steps in 5 days.
    I am not doing anywhere near that now. Need to work on it.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,831 Member
    Karen- Crone hotel OMG I almost peed myself..thats priceless..
    My brother calls my place the Marriott convalescent home..such a goober.
    Have the windows open and am enjoying listening to the planes flying over.and the cicadas or crickets making noise helps me to go to sleep, hopefully I can stay asleep.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    edited September 2023

    Worked then walked the neighborhood while Vince renewed his concealed carry permit then got the old grill ready for the new one we’re getting tomorrow. The pan for the drippings was corroded so we took that out then I had to scrub the deck where it had been. Then went to Lowe’s and got more of the blocks to put around the pool. We’ll probably have to make a few more trips, but that’s OK. Ceramics tonight – first time in months so we shall see what everything is like

    M – I guess I just expected Denise to make something more than just noodles and chicken breast. Probably because Jess makes more. See, I personally would have at least let my child TRY saving up for a house before I’d give them the money. Yes, my in-laws helped us buy our first home, but not for a few years. And they didn’t pick it out for us. I’m only guessing that Pete’s mother helped them, I don’t know this for a fact. I really think Denise’s reluctance to visit stems from the fact that she has a very hard time dealing with any change. And coming here is a change to her routine. I’m so sorry you’ve never seen your grandsons. It’s very hard. Just passing on that message of love is all you can do right now. Maybe one day things will change for the better. Let’s keep positive thoughts that it will

    Ginny – sure hope you feel better soon.

    Lanette – how wonderful that your husband softened up. It’s starting to feel like Autumn (boo) but I’m afraid that winter might come really fast so I’m trying to get as much outside stuff done as possible. Vince isn’t one who likes to constantly do things, but I want to get things done before it gets really cold. The cold is starting to bother me more and more so I really don’t relish doing outside stuff in the cold. I don’t have much of a problem if it’s hot, tho. Like when I was pulling the weeds around the pool. I’d do a little, get sweaty, then go in the pool to cool off, then pull some more weeds. That’s not Vince’s way,

    While we’re waiting for the grill to be delivered, I suggested to Vince that he take the measurements and decide how much topsoil we will need. I’d like to order it Wed so it can be delivered Fri. It’s supposed to be nice out so we can spread it around Fri and Sat. when I get home.

    Beth – how cool that you and your in-laws shared the same anniversary. Vince and I don’t do much for our anniversary, we usually eat at home. How wonderful that your mom’s surprise went so well. I can imagine how happy she was.

    Lisa – at least you and Cory hand each other a card. Vince and I are so frugal that we don’t even do that much! Oh, you have no idea how much I would gladly put aside my hurt if somehow Bryan would communicate with me. Anything. I’ve sent him ecards that don’t get opened, sent him gifts that I have no idea if he ever got (wouldn’t surprise me if they’re still in the dead letter file) last I heard he was living on LaReunion. I have no idea if he’s still there. Maybe G will be a positive influence. We can hope, huh? Last time we Skyped which was a few years ago, it was me who initiated it, not him. I really believe that totally disassociating yourself from someone for something they’ve done is not the appropriate thing. You need to forgive, realize they did the best they could even if it’s not something that you felt should be done. Look at Allie. She forgave Tom. She hasn’t forgotten, but she has forgiven. To me, continuing to hurt someone is in a sense selfish. "You hurt me so I'm going to hurt you". Is it just the preview for that mindfulness course that’s free? I’ve bookmarked the page because I’ve always found mindfulness to be interesting

    Heather – I’m so sorry your thigh continues to give you problems. You are so talented!

    Just got back from ceramics. Boy, is it good to be back. It seems that J is excited, but we shall see how long that lasts. I’m just concerned because she does a lot of traveling for her business. Yet, she said that she doesn’t want to close for the holidays like they used to, she was talking about being open one Sat. a month. She mentioned additional days. Who knows what will happen. Right now for the month of Sept they’re open Tues and Thurs. Then starting in October it’ll be Mon, Tues, and Wed (like it was before, if that matters)

    Carol – I’m the same way with days. Sometimes I think it’s one day and it’s really another. When I used to do DVD’s (before work), I could usually keep track of the day because I knew what exercise I did. Now I depend on what I had to do at work (extra tomatoes, etc) Actually, I need my calendar to let me know what I’m doing each day!

    Annie – I’m glad in a sense that your mom is still in the hospital. They’ll see to it that she’s strong enough to go home. I bet you’ll have to continue to give her potassium-rich foods. I sneak avocado into Vince’s food by making avocado brownies. He has no idea its in there. Neither did Jess.

    Margaret – thank you very much for your understanding words. Yes, I have tried and tried and tried to communicate with Bryan. Like you said “now the ball is in his court”. He knows where we live, if he wants to send a card he can. I have no idea where he’s living

    Karen – crone hotel had me rolling on the floor

    Didn’t Jill Biden have Covid? Wonder how she’s doing?

    Michele NC