

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,837 Member
    Morning ladies
    Annie- great advice from all the ladies..if Delaware has something like we have here in Ct. Its called Community care for the eldery..and it worked fabulous for my FIL
    Like they said..work with the social worker from the hospital, they are a wealth of knowledge.
    Think i finally have gotten the right formula for the gummies .
    Slept well last night.
    Going to hop in the shower in a bit.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,567 Member
    Heather - Hope tomorrow goes very well... I really hate running out of anything I use a lot, especially coffee or tea!

    Stats, cardio day:
    • Yoga - 8 positions, 8 minutes
    • Rowing - 18 min, .71 miles, 457 strokes
    • Elliptical - 30 minutes, .5 miles, 1144 steps.
    • Total 470 calories burned (per MFP)

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,985 Member
    2023 Self-Care September 2023

    Word of the year: appreciate. Today I appreciate family, even when it’s hard to deal with them. They are still blood.
    Meditation: daily. 14/30 (82%(started Feb)(94%,100%, 74%, 93%,100%,100%)

    Recommended exercise: cardio 5 days 30 min 15/23
    Strength all muscles 2 x 0/8 a week
    Flexible (yoga, stretching) 0/8 a week 10 min
    Balance 5 days 10 min 1/20

    Stop B12
    Switch DHEA to every other day on sept 6
    Add folic acid, once a day
    Add magnesium to 3x a day
    Up Berberine to 3x a day

    Foods to avoid:

    Bell peppers
    Egg white
    Winter squash

    1. cut back drinking and limit to 2 days a week. 0/8–(300%,100%)
    2. Average 7,000 steps a week. 5784, 9858, 8414,(7,700,100%-9851,100%-9526,100%-9,559,100%, -8347,100%—7465,100%—6328,90%—6059,87%)
    3. Update budget every 2 weeks 2/2 —(800%)
    4. Contact close family every week (4x) 205/208—(733%) should be 172 by October 1)
    5. Contact Donat and sibs once a month (8x)72/94 (800%)
    6. Weigh less last day of month compared to first until I reach 140. Start at 178.6,176,174.2,173.4,175.4,174,175.6,173.4 (500%)
    7. Develop a journaling practice by aiming to journal at least 5 days a week. 15/23 a z(681%,100%)
    8. Read 12 books at least this year. 35
    /12 (100%)
    9. Pay off credit card debt by January 2024 by making monthly payments to NDR/Reach Financial 8/12—(900%)
    10. Continue building emergency fund at SLFCU (min$25 a month)$25+$25+$71+700+25+25 +25+25 (900%)
    11. April started putting 4% on income in savings. 700,200,200, 107, 157,(500%)

    January Met —100%
    February met —-90%
    March met met —-90%
    April met——86.36%
    May met——-89%
    June met—-99%
    July met — met 81%
    August met—met 99%
    September met
    October met —
    November met—
    December met—

    1. Find time for self-care. It’s not selfish. It’s essential. Making time!
    2. Notice the things you do well, however small. I will. Talking to campers, meeting dogs, electronics.
    3. Let go of self-criticism and speak to yourself kindly. I will try!
    4. Plan a fun or relaxing activity and make time for it. Did this already! Went for a long walk this morning.
    5. Forgive yourself when things go wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. This will be hard because I tend to blame myself for everything.
    6. Focus on the basics: eat well, exercise, and go to bed on time. Will Do!
    7. Give yourself permission to say ‘no’.. I’m doing this more often now.
    8. Be willing to share how you feel and and ask for help when needed. I will try to remember to ask for help when I need it rather than struggle and get frustrated.
    9. Aim to be good enough, rather than perfect. This needs to be a mind change for me. Whenever I do something, I get upset if it is not perfect. I need to make it a point to accept what the result is while doing my best.
    10. When you find things hard, remember it’s ok to not be ok. This is apt for today.
    11. Make time to do something you really enjoy. I hope to go ‘window shopping’ today. Did this and colored.
    12. Get active outside and give your mind and body a natural boost. Went for a 20 minute walk then the rain started.
    13. Be as kind to yourself as you would to a loved one.
    14. If you’re busy, allow yourself to pause and take a break.
    15. Find a caring calming phrase to use when you feel low. “Breathing in,I am relaxing. Breathing out, I am relaxed.”
    16. Leave positive messages for yourself to see regularly. Sticky notes, here I come!
    17. No plans day. Make time to slow down and be kind to yourself.
    18. Ask a trusted friends to tell you what strengths they see in you. Forgot to do this.
    19. Notice what you are feeling without any judgement. Doing that this morning.
    20. Enjoy photos from a time with happy memories. This sounds like fun! I do have my pictures rotating on my TV as a screensaver but need to go through those.
    21. Don’t compare how you feel inside to how others appear outside.
    22. Take your time. Make space to just breathe and be still.
    23. Let go of other people’s expectations of you.
    24. Accept yourself and remember that your are worthy of love.
    25. Avoid saying ‘I should’ and make time to do nothing.
    26. Find a new way to use one of your strengths or talents.
    27. Free up time by canceling any unnecessary plans.
    28. Choose to see your mistakes as steps to help you learn.
    29. Write down 3 things you appreciate about yourself.
    30. Remind yourself you are enough, just as you are.

    RVRita in Roswell, NM
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,985 Member
    Annie - We cross-posted, so I'm glad I came back and saw the update on your mom! Hope you and your dad are doing well, glad they're getting your mom's potassium up. I struggle with it, and it's hard on your heart if your potassium's too low.

    Came back to put this link up for all you U.S. hummingbird aficionados - tells you which ones are migrating around the U.S. right now. Ours are still here for now, don't know when they'll migrate or even if they will. The weather's staying pretty warm here. https://a-z-animals.com/blog/discover-when-hummingbirds-migrate-in-the-us/

    Also - for anyone who's interested in exploring mindfulness, especially as it pertains to depression and anxiety, I'm enjoying this course. I'm neither anxious nor depressed, but am very interested in the mindfulness aspects, and it's a teaching course. Also free, although they do ask for your email address: https://caring-mindfulness.thinkific.com/courses/mindfulness That's the page for the course, and the lady's voice is extremely relaxing. Because I'm not yet mindful enough, I only stuck with it for ten minutes, but do plan to go back to it.

    I swear!
    Later, y'all,

    LisaI signed up for the mindfulness course and have listed/watched the introduction so far. Sounds interesting and like you, will get back to it. I will also forward the link to my therapist as this looks like something she would like and possible use with some of her patients. She is great about reading and answering emails!

    Rita in Roswell, NM
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    edited September 2023
    Did a body pump DVD then took a walk around my neighborhood then went to Aldi. Didn’t need much at Aldi so I was in and out in no time

    Flea – I know when Bryan first moved to LaReunion he was teaching English. Is he still? That I don’t know (heck, I don’t even know if he’s still on LaReunion)

    Debbie – I’m so sorry to hear your dh is that way. It’s a shame he hasn’t come to the realization how he held a grudge against his aunt and it wasn’t until she passed that he let it go. Does he regret that he held the grudge?

    I need to get my hair trimmed. I usually go to the cosmetology class at the local college (Lisa – talk about being frugal!), but I’ll wait until my bangs are a bit longer

    We’re thinking about opening a trust fund for PJ. Really, we don’t know what he’s interested in and he has more toys than he knows what to do with. Not like they have a lot of room for toys, anyway. I’ll probably send him a box of snacks (gummies, Cheetos, that sort of thing) and maybe a yearly ornament (if Amazon sells one that isn’t ceramic or glass) It’s not going to be a complex trust fund, so it shouldn’t take that long to set it up

    Barbara – good luck at the dentist’s

    Annie – can the people at the hosp. Point you in the direction of what your mother will need when she comes home (bed in living room vs. stair chair). Personally, I would think that a chair that takes her up the stairs might make her feel better because she can sleep in her own bed. I’m sure the doctors realize that her confusion is causing “I’m fine”. They know that she isn’t. You are a wonderful daughter. Good advice from Ginny

    M – oh, yes, Jess and Denise do things much differently than I do. A small example is that I will clean up as I go along cooking, they don’t. But as I look at it “it’s not my house, I don’t have to worry about cleaning”

    Lanette – I figure when Leo is about 6 months, I’ll send Bryan an email saying “how is Leo”. Really, I’m not expecting a “he’s fine” but if I get it – wonderful. Then on his first birthday I’ll send Bryan another email. I guess I’d rather have low expectations (not getting any response) and be pleasantly happy if I do. This way I won’t be disappointed if I don’t get a response. Love hearing about the antics of your babies

    Terri – Vince and I have given each other gifts for our anniversary. One of them was central a/c for our second home. Another one was a microwave. Romantic, huh? Now we have a/c and a microwave, so we just say “happy anniversary” to each other and go about our day

    The new grill was just delivered. We had three mats under the old one, we’ll probably only need one under this one. Personally, I never thought we needed something that big but Vince wanted a big one. I cleaned part of the mat with this OxiCean stuff and part with this KrudKutter stuff. Then I scrubbed part of it, rinsed it, now we’ll see which one did better. It looks to me like the OxiClean part is cleaner, but we shall see. We were told that we were on the schedule to have the old one picked up tomorrow. However, we don’t have anything in writing that says they will. Vince trusted that they would, but I’m still skeptical. Guess we’ll find out tomorrow what will happen.

    Maragaret – did you make a comment about something you used to lower your blood sugar? Or am I just imagining it?

    barbie - Oh, I hope you don't have to return Bodhi. What a wonderful life he'd have with you!

    Michele NC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,985 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Carol My DH is the same way! He questions everything I get rid of. So annoying! This is why I love when he is gone from house for extended times. I clear my stuff out.

    Back to the craziness of home

    Sounds like mine too! I do the same, when he is out, I clear my stuff out and toss into the dumpster so he can’t retrieve anything from the trash can!!

    Silly men!

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,047 Member
    edited September 2023
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Accidentally started organising the home office this evening. Definitely not the plan but when I started digging through stuff to try to find something, and triggered a noisy avalanche, I figured a more systematic approach to my digging would be better. I found what I was looking for and did some organising at the same time!

    I also disturbed a lot of dust and the allergies flared up a bit.

    Hopefully I will sleep them off now.

    M in Oz

    that is how it happens often, especially on my desk. That is how the spice rack idea came about too- trying to find what I wanted and couldn't.

    side note- Did you go in for your six month(now 9 month) check up? Waiting to hear you get the all clear again. Hard to believe in 3 months it will be a year since we both had our surgeries.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,047 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Debbie – I’m so sorry to hear your dh is that way. It’s a shame he hasn’t come to the realization how he held a grudge against his aunt and it wasn’t until she passed that he let it go. Does he regret that he held the grudge?

    Lanette – I figure when Leo is about 6 months, I’ll send Bryan an email saying “how is Leo”. Really, I’m not expecting a “he’s fine” but if I get it – wonderful. Then on his first birthday I’ll send Bryan another email. I guess I’d rather have low expectations (not getting any response) and be pleasantly happy if I do. This way I won’t be disappointed if I don’t get a response. Love hearing about the antics of your babies

    Michele NC

    No he doesn't see it as him holding grudges. He feels justified in his feelings. He is so much like his mom. They don't see that admitting that they might not be right is even possible. With his friends, if they don't reach out to him, he doesn't want anything to do with them, feels they should be reaching out to him. If he has tried twice and they don't respond, that is it. If they do something that he thinks is wrong, he will drop them as a friend, even ones he has been friends with for many years.(Ezie's step grandpa- he borrowed money from us and lied about what it was for and a few other lies-dh says he can't stand liars and wants nothing to do with him at all. He doesn't tell the other person how he feels, he just ignores them, doesn't want any contact with them. I have been having to deal with the results of his grudge towards me for the past 27yrs of the 31 we have been married. There is no way to get back what he has taken from the marriage.

    I have learned to lower my expectations in pretty much everything. It really helps. Like when I go to mom's. I hope to be there just myself and have mom not have a ton of things going on but expect that it will not be that way. That is why this past weekend was so great.


  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,567 Member
    For anyone who's interested in exploring mindfulness, this is a teaching course. I'm neither anxious nor depressed, but it's not necessary that you be either or both. I am very interested in the mindfulness aspects. It is free, although they do ask for your email address: https://caring-mindfulness.thinkific.com/courses/mindfulness is the page for the course.
    Later, y'all,

    I've added the link again so you don't have to go looking for the information on the mindfulness course, have progressed through the introduction, background information, and the piece on getting the most out of the course. I think it was Michele who asked if it's free once you get into the lessons, and the answer is that yes, it is.

    I am absolutely NOT asking that anyone do this, I'm just offering it up for those who are interested. My take on it:
    If you decide to do this course, it appears the ask for each session is to set aside 45 minutes for practice time, and probably 15 minutes for the video and text information, so you'll need an uninterrupted hour for each session. They also suggest a paper journal to handwrite your own reactions and progress through the course if you wish to fully participate.

    I think it will be worth it for me at this point in my life and will be setting aside an hour or so in the afternoons. I've looked for something like this for a while, something that doesn't just say "go meditate," but actually offers the learning side of the process. For me, it seems as if it is worth a couple of weeks of learning to see if it's something that can benefit my life. If not, then I've lost very little.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,821 Member
    Flea--Glad to see you post. Please take care of yourself and check in so we know you are ok.
    Annie--So many things to figure out and changes to be made. Please just take it one step at a time and take time for you, even if it is just a minute here and there. Keeping you all in prayers.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,444 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Yesterday afternoon I let the girls out and put another tarp over their run so the whole thing is covered now and should be fairly rainproof unless it's coming sideways as it does sometimes. I have a bigger one I can throw on that covers more.

    When I was flipping that little tarp around, they all ran for cover. I wasn't paying a lot of attention and thought they had gone back into the trees under the powerline. :# When I was done, I said out loud "there you go, chick chicks." They came racing out from under a nearby cedar, wings a-flappin, and zipped right into their run. Having a protective cover, be it cedar branches or tarp, is important to them. I love those girls. Crazy chicken lady. :p

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Check out the addition mom just got yesterday:

    A friend posted that these four boys were at the animal shelter on the euthanize list so she arranged transportation two hours to mom's.

    Debbie - WOW! They are beauts! Let us know how they work out. So neat your mom has room for them. Does she already have any rooster and hens that go broody?

    Lanette B)

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,383 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,837 Member
    Ive sort of been doing intermittent fasting as I haven't gone grocery shopping yet,and im trying to just not eat junk.
    I need to lose a whole bunch of weight ,i know a little at a time and slow and steady wins the race..
    They are having a hot dog picnic tonight here
    I might have a hot dog.no bun and some fruit salad
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,562 Member
    edited September 2023
    Ive sort of been doing intermittent fasting as I haven't gone grocery shopping yet,and im trying to just not eat junk.
    I need to lose a whole bunch of weight ,i know a little at a time and slow and steady wins the race..
    They are having a hot dog picnic tonight here
    I might have a hot dog.no bun and some fruit salad

    I hate to be a snit about it, but you either are fasting or you arent fasting. There is really no sort of fasting. Some people call it "dirty fasting" but any food, flavored teas or flavored waters take you out of fasting. Hugs friend, just telling it to ya straight.💖🤗
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,753 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,047 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Yesterday afternoon I let the girls out and put another tarp over their run so the whole thing is covered now and should be fairly rainproof unless it's coming sideways as it does sometimes. I have a bigger one I can throw on that covers more.

    When I was flipping that little tarp around, they all ran for cover. I wasn't paying a lot of attention and thought they had gone back into the trees under the powerline. :# When I was done, I said out loud "there you go, chick chicks." They came racing out from under a nearby cedar, wings a-flappin, and zipped right into their run. Having a protective cover, be it cedar branches or tarp, is important to them. I love those girls. Crazy chicken lady. :p

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Check out the addition mom just got yesterday:

    A friend posted that these four boys were at the animal shelter on the euthanize list so she arranged transportation two hours to mom's.

    Debbie - WOW! They are beauts! Let us know how they work out. So neat your mom has room for them. Does she already have any rooster and hens that go broody?

    Lanette B)
    She doesn't have any roosters at all- her last one broke it's leg then she was late locking up one night and a coon got it. She is down to just 12 older hens, got one egg a day when I was there but has two dozen chicks(all hens) that are a few weeks old that will go in the mix when they are bigger.