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  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    Well I got a couple of hours sleep,but today will be another wild one,taking my brother to a drs appointment at 7:30 this morning..and then get paperwork to Tracy and then to crematorium. And make an appointment for an oil change
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,215 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Lisa glad your vertigo is better.

    Allie thinking of you and your family!

    We cancelled walking this morning for rain. So Dad will be restless. I skipped my bike yesterday and the day before, so I need to get back on it. The rain makes me sluggish. I used to get migraines every time a big storm came through.

    Today I need to put McAfee security software back on my Dad's computer. It should be easy to do, I just hate his computer.

    We will go to Starbucks afterwards.

    Have a great day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe, and free!

    Annie in Delaware

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited September 18
    Since I was hacked. I did put a freeze on my social security number. If I had a child today I would do that to their number too. When I listened to Frank Abernale years ago (Catch Me if you Can). He now works in catching scammers. He said the thieves love to get a hold of chlidren's social security numbers so the less info about your children and grandchildren on line the better. I am not saying do not post pictures as long as they do not give away too much info! The thieves know most of the time little will be done with that number until they get older.

    Because of what happened to me I am changing some of my online habits too!

    I know on Facebook I will no longer go on public posts and if a friends posts them I will no longer hit the like button! When I joined it I gave no personal info about me. I never answer any of those posts that ask an opinion or could give away my age!

    I am trying to get in a better habit of closing out my window as I leave a site too!

    Some of these things I wish I did not have to do, but I feel it is better to try to keep out the thieves.

    From one of the garden tours I went on. Have a sunny day!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :) I had to give up alcohol and tobacco in 1976 because they caused me problems that I didn't want to have any more. In 2009 I started on a weight loss program that recommended no coffee. I had noticed that one of my attractions to coffee was the tasty creamer I put in it, so I cut back on coffee slowly until I stopped completely. Among the many benefits I found from not drinking coffee in the morning were extra time and the ability to go for a long walk first thing in the morning without having to find a toilet. I have a lot of other habits that I haven't let go of, but these choices made a big difference in my life. Fortunately, I haven't seen any reason to give up the chocolate that I love so much.

    :) One of the great suggestions I got from Gretchen Rubin was "suffer for 15 minutes every day". I used that to scan and organize all my photos and I use it for tasks like income tax and cleaning out areas in the yard. I love reading about how some of you are using a similar plan for decluttering. Slow and steady wins the race.

    :) Dogs are nagging, breakfast is finished, so it's time to get moving.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,174 Member
    And Today is: Aren’t Red Panda’s cute?! I read digital books every night before sleep! Do you prefer digital or ‘real’ books? I love both but no space for ‘real’ books in the RV. That will change next year I hope!


    RVRita in Roswell
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :)Rita, I don't own very many books but I get books from the library and from a online service called paperbackswap. I like to have a book to read in the bathroom and in bed at bedtime. I also have a book that I read on the Kindle app on my phone so I always have a book to read including in bed in the middle of the night when the lights are off. When I walk, I frequently listen to an audio book instead of a podcast. One way I know that my brain is still working well is that I can keep the plots straight on the two or three books I'm reading as well as tv shows I'm watching

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,861 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,683 Member
    Morning, my chickens... I'm staggering around a bit this morning, slept from 7 last night until nearly 6 this morning, making up for Sunday night's lack of sleep. Still kinda stiff, trying to get it all worked out.

    Rebecca - not sure if it was the repeated Epley maneuvers or forcing myself to sleep on my back instead of my side (took a pillow on my side, finally, to keep me from turning over). Whichever it was, I've had a couple days now without vertigo, and woke up without that feeling behind my eyeballs or in my neck that my head will be spinning, and I may need to clutch something to keep from falling.

    Pip - You should put the link up on Facebook with the exact amount you need to get over the $1,000 hump and get a jersey. I'm sure I remember you posting the link at least once, but people really like to help other people get to a specific goal and win.

    Barbara - Like Heather already said, that shift is a good sign. I'm finding myself moving us toward a couple things--like not buying extra food and storing it. The grocery stores have more shelves than I do, why am I using my storage space? On that same note, I'm holding onto the notion that running out of things isn't a tragedy, and it doesn't mean we're poor. Might sound weird, but I'm trying really hard not to feel I must have a second one of every single box, bag or can of foodstuff. So, we're also still "shopping the freezer" for September. No fresh meat coming in the house for one month. The freezer is full, it's time to make it make sense. I don't need to store abundant frozen packages of meat in order to feel secure.

    Just dinking around this morning - plan to pop into town about 9 a.m., but stalled for the moment on the current design and reluctant to start on the next, though I do have some thoughts wandering around...

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Oh nice! Vertigo is not for the weak! I started taking Zertek and its pretty much passed.😁
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,683 Member
    Barbara - I love that photo of you!

    Annie - “buried it under a pile of mending”, mine is currently my nightstand and collector of clothes that aren’t dirty that I would wear again. Until laundry day when I decide they are dirty as it’s easier to wash them than hang them up. Strange logic there let me tell you.

    Rita - I hope your DH listens to the doctor. I had a cousin pass from Cirrhosis of the liver. It was a very painful end.

    Coffee - I used to drink 4 large double double’s (2 cream, 2 sugar) a day. I eventually cut back to 1 medium two cream in the morning. Currently I am drinking a large two cream most mornings, when DH is home though he goes and gets me a large double double each day. I wish he would stop, I would prefer we not go out to buy it.

    Allie - Congratulations she is precious.

    Michele - Can you check to see how long and what season they bloom? I threw out all but one plant this summer, turns out if I had left them alone they probably would have bloomed the other one ended up doing it late.

    Heather - Peggy Rowe became a 3X best-selling author after 80 years of age. You still have lots of time!

    Lisa - it’s funny how we each have different “things”.
    I grew up fairly poor and a lot of times I know Mom struggled with what to make, but I have never overstocked food, I have never had a pantry or a deep freezer.
    My SIL who, according to my DH, never had any food scarcity always stocks so much that stuff ends up going to waste.

    I had an odd evening last night. I was getting ready to come out and sit in my chair to catch up with all of you and DH decided to come sleep on the couch.
    I ended up scrapbooking too late and then when I went to bed felt I hadn’t had my wind down time. Took a long time getting to sleep.

    DH had one of his stomach episodes yesterday. He refuses to go to the hospital about it and when he’s mentioned it to a doctor they don’t find anything. I personally think he is having gallbladder attacks.

    I don’t have much to say,
    Tracey in Edmonton

    All of my years dealing with my "weird stomach" it turns out it was my gallbladder. It was a pain that would radiate all over my abdomen, enough that I kind of had to "lamaze breathe" until it passed. I could remember these episodes back at Oregon in 2014, and then every couple of months from then on, until I had it out. It was a simple ultra sound to see the "gallstones" so he just needs to do that.👍🏼
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,683 Member
    Allie, such a beautiful babe.💖. Lots to process for everyone. Hugs!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,980 Member
    edited September 18
    Allie - congratulations on the new DGD and condolences on the little lost babe. If you decide to get a tattoo you can have a small amount of ashes added to the ink and she will always be with you. Several of the grands and great-grands did that with my mother's ashes.

    Was it Penny at the pole who used to cut up a pound of veggies in the morning and then eat them throughout the day? I think I might need to try that.

    Cloudy and cool today. I am making taco soup for dinner and have choir tonight. I am glad to be back singing. DD has a new schedule at work and additionally is pet sitting for a friend. The critters are all so confused it is funny but they will survive.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • mcmillonmail
    mcmillonmail Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, my friends. I am back. I saw the doctor yesterday for my foot and told her about my sometimes painful foot. She said it was due to arthritis. I did Step Aerobics, but I had to modify my moves in the end so I wouldn't overtax my foot. As for my left hand, it is better, but my right thumb will probably need surgery because it gets stuck. I was able to stick for IVs and do patient care, but door knobs are a problem. I wanted to go swimming, but my blood sugar dropped, and I was shakey. I realized that I hadn't eaten since 8 am. So, I ate a protein bar while prepping lunch. I sipped Gatorade, too. One of my patients, whom I have cared for since he was 3 (Now 18), is moving to Kentucky. I am glad I got to care for him before he left. I gave him a great haircut. It is now official that my son will be going to Uni in London in the spring. He is so happy. I better work on my passport today. I worked on his first.

    Allie, I hope they took pictures of the baby before cremation. They do not have to look at them, but like
    Like someone said, it can be sealed, and when they are ready, they can see it. I did an album for Alex and my DH, and I argued about who she looks like. Julia wanted to see her, too. At the Library, Julia asked to talk to the librarian in her office. She cried and told her that her sister had died. She never met her, but she mourned her anyway. Some photographers take lovely pictures of deceased babies. Mine was a Polaroid, and I appreciate it. The pics that I saw from the photographer were tastefully taken. It is a gift to be able to do that. Before HIPPA laws, I used to take pics for the families. I even did scrapbooks of their time in the NICU. Allie, it is best not to push them on it. You can take the picture and keep it in the envelope if you want. Take care of yourself, and don't run yourself ragged.

    Pip, I am a pushover when it comes to training. This guy wanted to keep Rose for a month and train her. I wish I did. My mom lived with us, and when I tried to be firm, she stepped in and said leave her alone. Rose learned many things taught in training class, but "Stay!" was not one of them. I wanted her to be a therapy dog, too. She is gentle. This boy came to Petsmart in a wheelchair, and she laid across his lap, licked him, and let him pet her. I could tell that made his day. The caregiver was so glad she brought him to the store.

    Lisa, I am so glad the vertigo has let up. I wonder if our sleep schedule is out of wack due to our age and hormones.

    Michelle, have you tried the cake mix recipe where you only add a can of Diet Coke or Diet Sprite? Mix and bake according to the package directions. I frosted it with zero-sugar Betty Crocker frosting. My DH loved it, and so did my kids.
    Well, I better go and finish up this travel project.