August "Move It" Challenge



  • Kazren
    Kazren Posts: 88
    mon - 44 min walking mod speed - with double pram. - 233 kcal burnt
    30 min wii fit free step - 155 kcal burnt

    Tue / Wed not well

    Thursay wii free step 90 min - 465 kcal burnt

    total 164min 853kcal burnt!

    to go 196 min or 1647 kcal
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    This has been a bit of an abnormal week for me. Normally I wouldn't log my cleaning or gardening, but I've done an abnormal amount this week... and my housekeeper didn't show up again this week. So before my bathroom got ANY worse, I had to spend some time today... So deep cleaning is really out of my "scope" of things.

    Monday: XFIT 88 minutes/1273 calories (was able to get a walk in last night/husband canceled his squash game)
    Tuesday: Home Circuit 92 minutes/859 calories
    Wednesday: 201 minutes (crossfit and cleaning and weeding yard)/1135 calories
    Thursday: 336 minutes (personal training and deep cleaning house)/2042 calories
  • gchick64
    gchick64 Posts: 73 Member
    monday: 72/393
    tuesday: 47/333
    wednesday: 58/427
    thursday: 60/236

    total: 237/1389
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Monday 54/166
    Tuesday 113/703
    Wednesday 90/421
    Thursday 120/291

    Total 377/1581
    Remaining -17/1919
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I got a correction sloke poke me didn't make it to abs and more so I have to scratch that workout!!

    Mon - 60min kickboxing
    Tues. - 60 min Zumba
    Wed. - 45min bootcamp
    Thurs - 60min cardio circuit and 60min zumba

    so far 285 down 75min to go!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Monday 54/166
    Tuesday 113/703
    Wednesday 90/421
    Thursday 120/291

    Total 377/1581
    Remaining -17/1919

    Jessica - are you sure Thursday's stats are right?
  • Kazren
    Kazren Posts: 88
    mon - 44 min walking mod speed - with double pram. - 233 kcal burnt
    30 min wii fit free step - 155 kcal burnt

    Tue / Wed not well

    Thursay wii free step 90 min - 465 kcal burnt

    Friday wii fit free step 60min - 310kcal burnt

    total 224min 853kcal burnt!

    to go 136 min or 1337 kcal
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Mon - 60min kickboxing
    Tues. - 60 min Zumba
    Wed. - 45min bootcamp
    Thurs - 60min cardio circuit and 60min zumba
    Fri- 60min Strength and tone 30min boot camp and 60min kickboxing

    390mins done Yay and tomm I will work out again!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Mon - 60min kickboxing
    Tues. - 60 min Zumba
    Wed. - 45min bootcamp
    Thurs - 60min cardio circuit and 60min zumba
    Fri- 60min Strength and tone 30min boot camp and 60min kickboxing

    390mins done Yay and tomm I will work out again!!

    The rest is all bonus, baby!!!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    :laugh: Monday 54/166
    Tuesday 113/703
    Wednesday 90/421
    Thursday 120/291
    Friday 120/291

    Total 497/1872
    Remaining -137/1628

    Pam- yea they're "right" In all actuality it's more like 450 min and 1000+ burned, but it's work and I asked earlier in the forum and kim recommended using just 2 hours. I did set my activity settings to the lowest, and I dont mind.. I know I'm burning more. But there's no way after getting up at 4:30, working my *kitten* off, getting my daughter and doing my normal chores that I have the ability to work out lol. Just means I gotta push harder on the other days... getting to my minutes goal obviously isn't hard... getting my goal of 3500 cals burned however seems to be.. but in the back of my mind I know I'm burning more at work, so I'm alright with that!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Mon - 60min kickboxing
    Tues. - 60 min Zumba
    Wed. - 45min bootcamp
    Thurs - 60min cardio circuit and 60min zumba
    Fri- 60min Strength and tone 30min boot camp and 60min kickboxing

    390mins done Yay and tomm I will work out again!!

    The rest is all bonus, baby!!!

    Your so right let's hit it hard this weekend!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Mon - 60min kickboxing
    Tues. - 60 min Zumba
    Wed. - 45min bootcamp
    Thurs - 60min cardio circuit and 60min zumba
    Fri- 60min Strength and tone 30min boot camp and 60min kickboxing
    Sat - 60min Zumba

    450min and still counting baby!!!
  • gchick64
    gchick64 Posts: 73 Member
    monday: 72/393
    tuesday: 47/333
    wednesday: 58/427
    thursday: 60/236
    friday: 72/497

    total: 309/1886
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Monday: XFIT 88 minutes/1273 calories (was able to get a walk in last night/husband canceled his squash game)
    Tuesday: Home Circuit 92 minutes/859 calories
    Wednesday: 201 minutes (crossfit and cleaning and weeding yard)/1135 calories
    Thursday: 336 minutes (personal training and deep cleaning house)/2042 calories
    Friday: 60 minutes XFit/595 calories

    777 exercise minutes
    5904 net calories

    Weekend is "off" - my muscles really need to recoup after this week. I did weigh in and was up 2 pounds, but I'm positive it's my muscles retaining water so they can heal.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Mon - 60min kickboxing
    Tues. - 60 min Zumba
    Wed. - 45min bootcamp
    Thurs - 60min cardio circuit and 60min zumba
    Fri- 60min Strength and tone 30min boot camp and 60min kickboxing
    Sat - 60min Zumba

    450min and still counting baby!!!

    You're on fire!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: run 32/292, walk 70/315
    tuesday: walk 35/111
    wednesday: run 95/111 (9.05 miles!!!!!) :)
    thursday: run 20/193, walk 85/370
    friday: run 30/289, walk 15/55
    saturday: rollerblade 30/347
    total so far: 412/2883 :)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Monday 54/166
    Tuesday 113/703
    Wednesday 90/421
    Thursday 120/291
    Friday 120/291
    Saturday 405/1207

    Total 902/3079
    Remaining -542/421

    So Saturday was our zoo trip, a la carte was going on.. had a few drinks and nibbled some food.. I'm so close to hitting 3500 but after the zoo we went to a cookout and killed a bottle of prosecco (including the 1/2 bottle at the zoo I had.. and some beer) and I'm not feelin the best to be doin zumba... but I could totally kill my numbers!!!!
  • Kazren
    Kazren Posts: 88
    mon - 44 min walking mod speed - with double pram. - 233 kcal burnt
    30 min wii fit free step - 155 kcal burnt

    Tue / Wed not well

    Thursay wii free step 90 min - 465 kcal burnt

    Friday wii fit free step 60min - 310kcal burnt

    Sat - sons bday, ran outta time.

    sunday play centre - 30min - 310 lcal burnt

    total 254min 1163kcal burnt!

    to go 106 min or 1027 kcal

    not to bad for first week.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: run 32/292, walk 70/315
    tuesday: walk 35/111
    wednesday: run 95/911 (9.05 miles!!!!!) :)
    thursday: run 20/193, walk 85/370
    friday: run 30/289, walk 15/55
    saturday: rollerblade 30/347
    sunday: rollerblade 55/518
    total for the week: 467 minutes and 3401 calories :)
    i only have one more week of 'summer' left before work starts up again and i can't work out hard everyday :( i suppose i'd better take full advantage of my last week :)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Monday 54/166
    Tuesday 113/703
    Wednesday 90/421
    Thursday 120/291
    Friday 120/291
    Saturday 405/1207
    Sunday 180/484

    Total 1082/3563
    Remaining -722/-63

    WOO WOO! I did it! lol, thank goodness for massive canning day! 6 1/2 pints of jam and 2 1/2 pints of tomato sauce (all from our plants!)