August "Move It" Challenge



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Total for the week

    349 minutes and 2442 calories....not bad...ran all over Minneapolis today in a crazy scavenger hunt...finished 105/200...2 hours and 15 minutes total to finish race
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Brisk Walk, 50 HRM
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Last Week:
    Monday- 45 min of Fire 45, 46 min of Burn Intervals, & 16 min of Extreme Abs/ 1096 calories
    Tues- 25 min o f HITT 25 & 40 min of Lean Circuit 3/550 calories
    Wed- 30 min of Fat Blaster, 26 min of Burn It Off, & 20 min of Recharge/645 calories
    Thurs- 30 min of HIIT 30/325 calories
    Fri- 40 min of Lean Circuit 1/250 calories
    Sat- OFF
    Sun- 40 min of Lean Circuit 2/350 calories

    Last Week's total:358 min/3216 calories

    This week:
    Monday- 45 min of Fire 45 & 46 min of Burn Intervals/1007 calories

    Total: 91 min/1007 calories
    Remaining: 269 min/1493 calories
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Monday 98/363

    Remaining 262/3137
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Just started Insanity this time I am going to become a graduate!!

    Mon-Insanity fit test 25min
    Tues-Zumba 60min and Insanity plyo cardio circuit 41min

    126 min done and 234 min remaining!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Just started Insanity this time I am going to become a graduate!!

    Mon-Insanity fit test 25min
    Tues-Zumba 60min and Insanity plyo cardio circuit 41min

    126 min done and 234 min remaining!!

  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: run 75/604, walk 35/128
    tuesday: rollerblade 35/347, walk/shopping 55/159 (ikea with my mom and sis was a serious workout...stop and go for 2+ hours)
    so far: 200/1238
    to go: 160/1262
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Monday 98/363
    Tuesday 62/626

    Remaining 200/2511
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    This week:
    Monday- 45 min of Fire 45 & 46 min of Burn Intervals/1007 calories
    Tuesday- 40 min of Lean Circuit 3/280 calories
    Wednesday- 25 min of Fire 25/250 calories

    Total: 156 min/1537 calories

    Remaining: 204 min/ 963 calories

    Really didn't want to wake up and workout this morning! Turned my alarm off, but my puppy heard me and woke up ready to go outside. So I figured that was a sign that I needed to get my lazy butt out of bed! Got up and did some Turbo Fire. Today, hopefully, my husband was going to workout with me. We'll see if it for sure happens.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Mon-Insanity fit test 25min
    Tues-Zumba 60min and Insanity plyo cardio circuit 41min
    Wed Insanity Cardio core and resistance 39min
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    This week:
    Monday- 45 min of Fire 45 & 46 min of Burn Intervals/1007 calories
    Tuesday- 40 min of Lean Circuit 3/280 calories
    Wednesday- 25 min of Fire 25, 26 min of Burn It Off, 20 min of Recharge/630 calories
    Thursday- 55 min of Fire 55 EZ/535 calories

    Total: 257 min/2452 calories

    Remaining: 103 min/48 calories

    Today we are going for a walk at the park with my puppy! He loves walks! I can't wait to take him there!

    About two weeks ago I challenged my hubby to try and workout with me twice a week three weeks just for a half hour. He's done great so far. Glad that he's working towards getting healthy too. Lately he's been really conscious of what he's eating too, constantly catch him checking calories when he's in the store. Glad that my motivation is rubbing off on him:happy:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Mon - 45 mins. on elliptical
    Tues - nada
    Wed - 48 mins elliptical, 33 mins yoga meltdown.

    Total 126 mins. Remaining 234 mins.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: run 75/604, walk 35/128
    tuesday: rollerblade 35/347, walk/shopping 55/159
    wednesday: run 30/275, walk 70/256
    thursday: 40/371
    so far: 340/2140
    to go: 20/360
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member

    Today we are going for a walk at the park with my puppy! He loves walks! I can't wait to take him there!

    I love to exercise with my dog...he loves walks too but I make him go on runs with me :) Have fun! :)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Monday 98/363
    Tuesday 62/626
    Wednesday 92/347
    Thursday 120/289

    Remaining -12/1875
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    monday: run 75/604, walk 35/128
    tuesday: rollerblade 35/347, walk/shopping 55/159
    wednesday: run 30/275, walk 70/256
    thursday: 40/371
    so far: 340/2140
    to go: 20/360

  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Monday 98/363
    Tuesday 62/626
    Wednesday 92/347
    Thursday 120/289

    Remaining -12/1875

    Burn baby burn!!! Your on it!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Mon-Insanity fit test 25min
    Tues-Zumba 60min and Insanity plyo cardio circuit 41min
    Wed- Insanity Cardio core and resistance 39min
    Thurs- kickboxing 60min and Cardio recovery 33min
    Friday- Insanity Pure Cardio 38min and Zumba Circuit 60min

    356min down and 4mins remaining!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Didn't makeit to Zumba tonight so I had to scratch that!

    Mon-Insanity fit test 25min
    Tues-Zumba 60min and Insanity plyo cardio circuit 41min
    Wed- Insanity Cardio core and resistance 39min
    Thurs- kickboxing 60min and Cardio recovery 33min
    Friday- Insanity Pure Cardio 38min

    296min down and 64mins remaining!!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Monday 98/363
    Tuesday 62/626
    Wednesday 92/347
    Thursday 120/289
    Friday 120/289

    Remaining -132/1586

    Farmer's market and zumba tomorrow followed by up north filled with lots of outdoor activities!