Are u aware of BB hip thrusts work glutes more than squats?



  • jstarz002
    It seems the op just challenged fitness dogma, and it's pretty much been a gang assault on the op ever since.

    Nah... its cause im a obnoxious *kitten*.... but i love it...

    Plenty of other people have suggested hip thrusts in other threads and nothing like this has ever occurred. i am just one of a kind.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It seems the op just challenged fitness dogma, and it's pretty much been a gang assault on the op ever since.

    What did the OP challenge?
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member

    Here you go. It was taken 4 weeks ago and back then i wasn't holding on to the bar tight enough before lift up so it looks unstable and plates swinging too much. My form is MUCH better now and i really hold on to the bar to stabilize so it doesn't swing as much. I swear to god i did 200 lbs today... ive been doing 195 lbs for a few weeks now...

    The vid is 15 seconds because it's from Instagram. I don't have the original vid anymore

    Nice! :drinker:

    Some people are better at some exercises than others. You really didn't need to prove ****, ya know, but keep on thrusting and maybe use that posterior chain to improve your other lifts. :drinker:
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    It seems the op just challenged fitness dogma, and it's pretty much been a gang assault on the op ever since.

    What did the OP challenge?

    The cult of poop squatting. duh
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It seems the op just challenged fitness dogma, and it's pretty much been a gang assault on the op ever since.

    What did the OP challenge?

    The cult of poop squatting. duh

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It seems the op just challenged fitness dogma, and it's pretty much been a gang assault on the op ever since.

    What did the OP challenge?

    The cult of poop squatting. duh

    Have you even read what people had an issue with?


    Why were you banned from for a month?

    For "Calling Out A Raid" on a sub forum. Someone wrote something on a sub forum that was laughable so I went into the more popular forum and told folks to go in that particular forum which they did and started mocking her... I have been banned other times for fighting with others etc

    White Knighting her? Good cause!
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    You can't white knight for a female against females. It's more like squirting two cats mating with a water hose.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Off to hip thrust notabarbell.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You can't white knight for a female against females. It's more like squirting two cats mating with a water hose.

  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    You can't white knight for a female against females. It's more like squirting two cats mating with a water hose.


    Wait, so is it one of those things where the cats hate each other?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You can't white knight for a female against females. It's more like squirting two cats mating with a water hose.


  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    Bumping to read later.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I love it when people start topics with a legitimate topic but their toxic personality totally ruins what they were trying to say. Gotta have a 'tude if you're giving advice. Totally gives 'em street cred, yo.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    :noway: Holy crap. I just read this whole thread and... holy crap.
  • Lemongrab1
    Lemongrab1 Posts: 158 Member
    This went downhill within like 3 comments.
    I'm impressed.

    On a side note, am I the only one who doesn't have barbells in my gym? We only have dumbbells.
    Not sure I can thrust in the gym anyway without laughing at my own intense public perversion.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    On a side note, am I the only one who doesn't have barbells in my gym? We only have dumbbells.
    Not sure I can thrust in the gym anyway without laughing at my own intense public perversion.

    Is your gym one of those 24 hour gyms? I used to go to one of those, and they didn't have "free" barbells because there was no one there at night to make sure we didn't kill ourselves with them, so they couldn't get insurance if they had them. We did have one of those rack-things, where the barbell is on a track. Not sure what those are called at the moment.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    On a side note, am I the only one who doesn't have barbells in my gym? We only have dumbbells.
    Not sure I can thrust in the gym anyway without laughing at my own intense public perversion.

    Is your gym one of those 24 hour gyms? I used to go to one of those, and they didn't have "free" barbells because there was no one there at night to make sure we didn't kill ourselves with them, so they couldn't get insurance if they had them. We did have one of those rack-things, where the barbell is on a track. Not sure what those are called at the moment.

    Smith Machine.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    YES! Thank you. I hate when you know the word, but it just won't come out.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    WOW, this thread! :laugh:

    I hip thrust and glute bridge, but view those as accessory lifts. I continue to squat and DL.

    I started hip thrusting and glute bridging as just bodyweight exercises, which I'm pretty sure is what Contreras recommends, and later added weight. I started with an empty barbell, as I did with every single exercise I do.

    At this point, my bb glute bridges and hip thrusts are at just a slightly higher weight than my DL 1RM, but I do 10 reps/5 sets of the glute bridges/hip thrusts.

    I think they're ALL great exercises for building strength and power, and improving the look of one's booty.

    Like Sara said, OP's attitude really got in the way of what could have been a productive thread. That's a shame.