Are u aware of BB hip thrusts work glutes more than squats?



  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    I hope these questions are on-topic as I am interested in how the same principles can be applied to my own interests in yoga and bodyweight conditioning..

    - How does the hip thrust in kettlebell swings or any bridging poses in yoga compare to the BB hip thrust - in anyone's opinion?

    - In yoga the bridge is intensified by isometricaly pulling the ankles back to the glutes while tipping the pelvis forward (upward as you are lying face up) and pushing the thighs/knees forward so you create an elliptical flow of muscular contraction; pushing out and down in the front of the body while pulling back and inward in the posterior of the body. Does the same principle apply to the BB hip thrust?
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I hope these questions are on-topic as I am interested in how the same principles can be applied to my own interests in yoga and bodyweight conditioning..

    - How does the hip thrust in kettlebell swings or any bridging poses in yoga compare to the BB hip thrust - in anyone's opinion?

    - In yoga the bridge is intensified by isometricaly pulling the ankles back to the glutes while tipping the pelvis forward (upward as you are lying face up) and pushing the thighs/knees forward so you create an elliptical flow of muscular contraction; pushing out and down in the front of the body while pulling back and inward in the posterior of the body. Does the same principle apply to the BB hip thrust?

    #1 - It feels completely different to me, and I don't like it as much, not that that helps tell why. You can feel your glutes in either one, of course, but I think it is the pelvic tilt in that one that I find odd. I'm used to the yoga bridge, definitely.

    #2 - I don't think it applies in the hip thrust version, but that could be because I don't know what to do about my arching when I do those. If I try to not arch my back, I don't really know how to treat the upper body except to not throw it around for momentum, lol.

    But you can do the weighted glute bridge version that way, and it's the way I like to do it (for glutes, not adding low back). I don't know whether others do them differently, because all I've ever heard was that you 'make sure to use your glutes'. I think I use more low back in mine than is recommended (when I intend to), but I like the high arch and I use the move to strengthen my lower back as well.

    You might be good to ask if there is any downside to using the move for lower back as well, granting that I have the strength there. I do. I keep a neutral pelvis when I do that, not tipped. Does that sound OK? I use them as variations and do both.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I hope these questions are on-topic as I am interested in how the same principles can be applied to my own interests in yoga and bodyweight conditioning..

    - How does the hip thrust in kettlebell swings or any bridging poses in yoga compare to the BB hip thrust - in anyone's opinion?

    - In yoga the bridge is intensified by isometricaly pulling the ankles back to the glutes while tipping the pelvis forward (upward as you are lying face up) and pushing the thighs/knees forward so you create an elliptical flow of muscular contraction; pushing out and down in the front of the body while pulling back and inward in the posterior of the body. Does the same principle apply to the BB hip thrust?

    Oh, look, another weightlifting thread that you can hijack with yoga . . .
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Oh, look, another weightlifting thread that you can hijack with yoga . . .

    @BeachIron. "'Scuse me?" Where am I saying yoga is any better than weightlifting here? Where in the original post does it say that the thread should be limited to one approach? I use weights myself though my goals are different, but I don't think that should bar me from serious threads if I feel I have something of value to add or serious questions to ask. I usually respect your posts and have appreciated and incorporated some of your advice on here - not this time.

    @cafeaulait7. thank you for your reply - answered my questions spot on.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I hope these questions are on-topic as I am interested in how the same principles can be applied to my own interests in yoga and bodyweight conditioning..

    - How does the hip thrust in kettlebell swings or any bridging poses in yoga compare to the BB hip thrust - in anyone's opinion?

    - In yoga the bridge is intensified by isometricaly pulling the ankles back to the glutes while tipping the pelvis forward (upward as you are lying face up) and pushing the thighs/knees forward so you create an elliptical flow of muscular contraction; pushing out and down in the front of the body while pulling back and inward in the posterior of the body. Does the same principle apply to the BB hip thrust?

    Oh, look, another weightlifting thread that you can hijack with yoga . . .

    "'Scuse me?" Where am I saying yoga is any better than weightlifting here? Where in the original post does it say that the thread should be limited to one approach? I use weights myself though my goals are different, but I don't think that should bar me from serious threads if I feel I have something of value to add or serious questions to ask.

    It just seemed like a form question to me, and a lot of people here have mentioned yoga bridges already in the thread. It seems logical to compare them to those, I think.

    It's cool if we skip my low-back question, though, because all the weightlifting versions just say don't use it in the move.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I hope these questions are on-topic as I am interested in how the same principles can be applied to my own interests in yoga and bodyweight conditioning..

    - How does the hip thrust in kettlebell swings or any bridging poses in yoga compare to the BB hip thrust - in anyone's opinion?

    - In yoga the bridge is intensified by isometricaly pulling the ankles back to the glutes while tipping the pelvis forward (upward as you are lying face up) and pushing the thighs/knees forward so you create an elliptical flow of muscular contraction; pushing out and down in the front of the body while pulling back and inward in the posterior of the body. Does the same principle apply to the BB hip thrust?

    Oh, look, another weightlifting thread that you can hijack with yoga . . .

    "'Scuse me?" Where am I saying yoga is any better than weightlifting here? Where in the original post does it say that the thread should be limited to one approach? I use weights myself though my goals are different, but I don't think that should bar me from serious threads if I feel I have something of value to add or serious questions to ask.

    It just seemed like a form question to me, and a lot of people here have mentioned yoga bridges already in the thread. It seems logical to compare them to those, I think.

    It's cool if we skip my low-back question, though, because all the weightlifting versions just say don't use it in the move.

    It's just the guy loves to post about yoga in lifting threads.

    It's like clockwork.

    Look squirrel!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I hope these questions are on-topic as I am interested in how the same principles can be applied to my own interests in yoga and bodyweight conditioning..

    - How does the hip thrust in kettlebell swings or any bridging poses in yoga compare to the BB hip thrust - in anyone's opinion?

    - In yoga the bridge is intensified by isometricaly pulling the ankles back to the glutes while tipping the pelvis forward (upward as you are lying face up) and pushing the thighs/knees forward so you create an elliptical flow of muscular contraction; pushing out and down in the front of the body while pulling back and inward in the posterior of the body. Does the same principle apply to the BB hip thrust?

    Oh, look, another weightlifting thread that you can hijack with yoga . . .

    "'Scuse me?" Where am I saying yoga is any better than weightlifting here? Where in the original post does it say that the thread should be limited to one approach? I use weights myself though my goals are different, but I don't think that should bar me from serious threads if I feel I have something of value to add or serious questions to ask.

    It just seemed like a form question to me, and a lot of people here have mentioned yoga bridges already in the thread. It seems logical to compare them to those, I think.

    It's cool if we skip my low-back question, though, because all the weightlifting versions just say don't use it in the move.

    It's just the guy loves to post about yoga in lifting threads.

    It's like clockwork.

    Look squirrel!

    *nod nod*
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    :noway: Holy crap. I just read this whole thread and... holy crap.


    Glad you guys are getting it back on topic. Going to give these exercises a try with barbell/weights as I've only ever done them at body weight before. Anything to grow dat *kitten*! Not going to stop squatting/dead-lifting though :drinker:

    Agreed. I think they are great as an accessory but not a replacement for the squats or deadlifts..just my opinion of course.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member


    Completely off topic here - but your avi pic is really cool.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member


    Completely off topic here - but your avi pic is really cool.

    Thank you! I was hoping folks could tell what it was, lol.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    This is great info....I might just stop by Chapters today to see if I can buy it in-store. Thanks!

    You're Welcome. I bought my book at Chapters.

    Picked it up today and I'm only on page 11 and super happy that I did! I have actually decided to put off my half marathon training so that I can let Brett have a go at my glutes :bigsmile: Back to pumping iron with running secondary for the next bit!

    Thanks again :flowerforyou:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member


    Completely off topic here - but your avi pic is really cool.

    Thank you! I was hoping folks could tell what it was, lol.

    I've seen it before and I think it is so cool......and tasty :tongue:
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member

    He's excellent!

    Squirrel Pose? - sorry; couldn't resist!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    This is great info....I might just stop by Chapters today to see if I can buy it in-store. Thanks!

    You're Welcome. I bought my book at Chapters.

    Picked it up today and I'm only on page 11 and super happy that I did! I have actually decided to put off my half marathon training so that I can let Brett have a go at my glutes :bigsmile: Back to pumping iron with running secondary for the next bit!

    Thanks again :flowerforyou:

    Yay! :flowerforyou:

    Also, in reply to others. I do hip thrusts as a major part of my workouts. But, I also do deadlifts, squats, and lots of other stuff as well. It's not a replacement. It's an addition. Hip thrusts and deadlifts allow me to lift heavier (and the amount I lift in those two is the same at the moment), but I can't lift as heavy for squats and don't do them as much and as often (because they cause me issues). I have genetic structural issues in my knees from birth (that was corrected with casts and then shoes), then a growing problem, then patella femoral syndrome, then dance injuries, then in a car accident with no seat belt, then hit by a car while riding my bike (all under the age of 18), then I went on to become a dancer. So, hip thrusts allow me to lift heavier and target my glutes, without having to deal with the form issues that slow me down in squats. I do see a physiotherapist, and have off and on since age 14. I do not need to lose weight. I am very lean. I lift for strength, performance, health, and especially for physique (a reason I love hip thrusts).
  • jstarz002
    Can we get back to the fact that the OP BB hip thrusts (allegedly) 195lb but seems to struggle with deadlifting 135lb. Seems a little *kitten* about face to me.

    Also, the deadlift vid was from a few months ago.

    I hip thrusted today at 200 lbs for 2 sets of 5 reps

    How tall are you?

    Barely 5ft and bulked up now to 98 lbs

    Ahh. If you can BB thrust 200lbs, I'm assuming the small stature gives you a greater leverage advantage.

    I'm still going to need a video to believe this.

    What's so hard to believe about this? Just because you wrote that I went to the gym today and recorded myself JUST FOR YOU. Because you don't believe it. Do you feel special now? Seriously, what is so hard to believe about that? I have seen girls my size (around 5ft ish or maybe an inch or two taller) and around 100 lbs deadlifting 225 lbs.... What is so hard to believe about someone my size hip thrusting 200 lbs? It's not THAT heavy or preposterous that it would be "impossible"... actually very doable and any average person who trains regularly would be able to do it if they focused on it.

    Oh and for you not believing me being able to hip thrust 200 lbs... I did it today again... 1 set at 135 lbs... which honestly feels light like air now after doing 200 lbs... and 2 sets at 200 lbs... 3rd/last set is the cleanest at 200 lbs.... 1 45 lb plate, 3 10 lbs plates and 1 2.5 lb plate on each side; I ain't frauding. And yes; I am 98 lbs. Eventually I will hit 225 lbs; it's not that far off...

    I also made a video of the plates on the bar to prove that it was 200 lbs because you cannot see all the plates from the side; however the recorder would not let me tape normal and then switch to the front facing camera to record my sets... once I started using the regular camera for awhile the button to change over to the front facing one would fade away.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    jstarz, you are frickin' hilarious. I am almost tempted to tell you that you won't do something just to see if you do it prove me wrong. :)
  • jstarz002
    jstarz, you are frickin' hilarious. I am almost tempted to tell you that you won't do something just to see if you do it prove me wrong. :)

    Good thing you posted right now cause i was about to send you a PM with video link... because on page 13 you wrote

    "I'd like to see one too, but I don't think the OP will deliver. " ...

    You said you thought I would not deliver. Let me ask you know, Did I Deliver?

    Pls answer the question.

    PS. I also have a video of me recording the bar with all the plates on them before takeoff...
  • jstarz002
    jstarz, you are frickin' hilarious. I am almost tempted to tell you that you won't do something just to see if you do it prove me wrong. :)

    So you accuse me of not delivering but when I do deliver I am "hilarious"?

    Answer the question though, DID I DELIVER?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    jstarz, you are frickin' hilarious. I am almost tempted to tell you that you won't do something just to see if you do it prove me wrong. :)

    Good thing you posted right now cause i was about to send you a PM with video link... because on page 13 you wrote

    "I'd like to see one too, but I don't think the OP will deliver. " ...

    You said you thought I would not deliver. Let me ask you know, Did I Deliver?

    Pls answer the question.

    PS. I also have a video of me recording the bar with all the plates on them before takeoff...

    Actually I was satisfied when you posted your 185lb video.
