Fit and Fab Biggest Losers



  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hey guys,
    It is a very busy time at work. I worked from 1 to 5:30 yesterday nonstop. I walked and bent and stooped but it was a slow pace so I cant track it as exercise...but I know I burned a few extra. I plan to go to aqua tonight is I don't have to work late.

    You two are doing awesome. :flowerforyou:
    I weighed this morning and I was down another pound but I won't change my tracker til Monday. I hope it is still down then:wink:
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    raindancer - congratz on loosing another pound.. way to go girl!! that ticker is moving along nicely :)

    cnbeathea - I am so proud that you are still going with insanity, I can tell that you really want that shirt this time.

    Weighed in today - after not weighing in for almost a month. Down 1.1 lbs so = a total loss now of 25 lbs :) I wasnt expecting a loss at all actually I was expecting a gain.. we have eaten chinese food a few times this past month. I guess I have been working out a lot so that helps to make up for it. So I can just hope for a nicer number next weigh in if I stick to my plan of avoiding chinese and my bulk food store and sticking with my 4-5, maybe 6, workouts a week.
    I did my strength training circuit for arms again today.. only my second time this week, but its better than the NOTHING I was doing before. Played a soccer game last nite (we lost 2-0, it was a horrible game) than today it the gym and did a 27 min run, with a 5 min warm up and 3 min cool down.

    Hoping I can get to the gym tomorrow, I dont work till 11:15am instead of my regular 7:15am start. So I might want to sleep in lol Maybe I can still sleep in but only till 8 or 8:30 and still go to the gym. I cant go over after work because I am getting my hair done than I am going to a bachelorette party. Knowing that I will be drinking that night is more of a reason for me to force my butt out of bed, but my butt also likes sleep lol We shall see!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Congrats ladies on your weightloss success that is awesome keep up the great work!!

    Raindancer you are well on our way to your new goal I love it I think the new ticker was just what you needed along with a renewed and refreshed attitude keep up the awesome work!!

    Sundinsgurl I hope you didn't do too much damage at the party but still managed to have a great time dont know which way you decided to go if you slept in or worked out but I am sure either way your going to do great at some point and work it out 25lbs is awesome and I am sure you will hit your goal the next big weigh in!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I drank quite a few beers last night at the bachelorette party. Normally I drink rum and coke but since I was going to the bar I decided to drink beer instead. First time in almost 5 months... I ended up sleeping in Friday morning instead of workin out. But I made up for it today.. yes on a SATURDAY!! I worked out.. I did a 47 min walk on the treadmill with various inclines to burn 250 calories. Plus I vacuumed and dusted everything for an hour and a half. My Sunday soccer starts tomorrow! I am soooo excited, guranteed exercise on a weekend is always good!!

    cnbethea - thank you :) and thank you for believing in my.. I think it will be a slow process to loose the last few pounds, but I am really tryin to be good eating and exercise wise so that it doesnt take tooo long
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: The scale dropped 4 lbs. I know it is just water but I still accept it. I have been strictly logging my food and staying just barely under my calories everyday.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Wohoo raindancer - 4 lbs is amazing!!!!!! I bet some of it isnt water weight.. super awesome :):):) way to stick to it, the eating part is very important.

    Played soccer yesterday, worked up a HUGE sweat.. tied 2-2. Hit the gym today, did a 30 min run and 4 min warm up and 1 min cool down. I have joined the 3500 calories burned in a week challenge, so I am really going to try to burn that much. Works out to 500 cals burned a day for 7 days. It means that I will have to get in something in the evening to help reach 500 - since my 35 min workout in the morning usually only burns 250.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I see you two are doing great. :flowerforyou:

    Sundingurl: You can do that. How much does your HRM show you burn during your soccer games? I bet a bunch!

    I also joined a new challenge the "Lose 50 lbs by June 1" It is doable if we lose 1.6lbs a week. I feel renewed in my comittment to get healthy.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    raindancer - I definetely think you can loose 1.6 lbs a week no problemo!

    I actually dont wear it during soccer, cause dont u have to wear the watch at the same time for it to transmit the info to the watch?? I am not allowed to wear a watch during a game. If I dont have to wear the watch and it can transmit from that far away (the bench to the field) than Id definetely love to try it out
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Miss you 2. Hope you are doing well. (((HUGS)))
    I have lost another lb that is 10 since 11/1 :bigsmile: I hope I have my groove now and can stay on track.

    Cnbethea: have a great Thanksgiving.

    Sundinsgurl: I know it is just another day for you but you just have a great one also:laugh:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Happy Thanksgiving Raindancer your doing an awesome job keep up the great work 10lbs down already and 40 to go woot woot!!!
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    count me in, i am actually over 90 LBS if you include waht i did before finding this great site. have about 50 to go to get to High School Basketball weight :-)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I gained 1 lb over Thanksgiving. My rings and shoes are tight so I'm really hoping it is just water.
    I hope ya'll are doing ok.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hello all!!!!

    As I am from Canada we had our THanksgiving in october. Had a great weekend here, first one in a long time without any booze at all. I went shopping for a dress for my b.f's xmas party and I fit into a size 7 dress :):):) simply amazing, not a 11, or 10 or even a 9

    I have been doing really well with exercise, working out at least 5 times a week
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Sundinsgurl: That is awesome!:flowerforyou: Size 7 WOW! Last time I wore a 7 I was 7 :laugh: