Over 200 New Year New Me Part 31



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Yay for not peeing on a stick today! That's great progress! :laugh: I'd be peeing on one 3 times a day if I were in your situation.

    Laurne-Congrats to your hubby on the first place! That's fantastic! And good job on the maintaing cals. Better then been in the gaining category! If you can't loss why not maintain?!

    LilDebbie-Hope Serena has a good first day. Seems like she started it with a good attitude! Her picturs are adoreable. She looks just like you! :flowerforyou:

    I did not make it to the gym. I actually slept in yesterday until 11. I NEVER do that anymore so of course I wasn't tired until after midnight. And that's with moving and cleaning for a good 4 to 5 hours. So I decided to skip it this morning. My lower back is pretty sore. I must of been lifting wrong yesterday. TOM hit me full force this morning and I'm guess I'm being punished for starting my pills 4 days late it's giving me cramps like no other. :grumble: Been having the cramps for almost a week. I'm like Heather, usually have no cramps and it lasts just a few days. Might do a DVD tonight. Otherwise hitting the gym Tuesday-Saturday at least!

    The good news is they are DONE painting!! FINALLY! Still smells like paint but were in the home stretch. I can hardly contain myself!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    She was soo cranky this morning (abby) she was crying befcause her blanket wasn't folded right.

    Sounds like she's pregnant. :laugh:
    Can't wait to see your cute kiddos (Facebook is blocked at work -- because our employees would never get any work done at all if it wasn't. We also don't have solitare on our computers. :laugh:).

    And WOW Deb! 252.3!!!

    Made it out of the house this morning without peeing on a stick!! :drinker:

    Correction that was 253.2 :sad: I guess my fingers was typing to fast...but i will take it , it still is my lowest weight .
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cogirl........... -2.00..... -.8%

    Above is my officially weigh-in from Friday. This morning (at work) was the first chance I've had to get online. Super busy with the surprise party for my mom's 50th! The Special Olympics competition went awesome, but a bit long, on Friday. The party was a huge success, so all in all a great weekend.

    Because of the fantastic food this weekend, I'm up a few pounds but am sure it will be gone again by Friday. Can we say sodium?? I'd LOVE to see another 2 lb. loss this week to take me under 185. I'm not sure yet whether I'll start exercising again this week or put it off one more week. One of the DVDs I ordered from Amazon came in on Friday, so I might check that out tonight or tomorrow.

    Nancy: Congrats on seeing a loss again!! I'm not sure why the horse linament would have given you a rash because I've had it on my hands (from rubbing it on horses) and have never had a problem. Check the ingredient list and see if there's anything you've had problems with before. They don't generally recommend using it on humans, but like I said, it shouldn't necessarily hurt you, either.

    Purple: Like Jess, I weigh myself twice a day, but try to only count it on Fridays.

    Julie: Here's to hoping you get an answer soon!

    Deb: Congrats on being able to wear your wedding ring again. That's a huge, wonderful accomplishment.

    I'm not going to do any checking in right now because I didn't log food from this weekend at all. I'm already back on track for today, though. I'll be drowning myself in water in hopes of losing the sodium. I also blame TOM, which should be gone today or tomorrow.
  • lildebbie.......-0.00......0%
    Cogirl........... -2.00..... -.8%

    There's my official weigh in. I originally thought I was down 2.1 pounds from my lowest but my stupid Wii rounds things in odd ways I guess, looking at my progress and my numbers I input here I am only down 1.2 from my lowest, but I'll take it!
  • So girls.....I had an absolutely WONDERFUL weekend :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I didn't log at all the last 3 days and am sure I went over my maintenance even, but I'm not upset about this because I'm sure I can correct everything by friday and see a loss!

    Friday we had a joint birthday party for my daughter and my hubby's niece, so it was homemade food, hot dogs, cheese ball (which is a HUGE weakness of mine!!) I'd have eaten more but they ran out of crackers :laugh: :blushing: Then that night when we came home hubby and I were starved. Neither of us had the energy to cook anything plus that it was like 80% humidity in our house. We went to Taco Bell.

    Saturday we went to the Museum walked around for a couple hours and caught the planetarium show, which was so cool since I've never been to one before. We were going to go to get Chinese but hubby decided he wanted to try out the brewery. So we went to the brewery and we were really bad....we had potato nachos. Yup potato "fries" with nacho goodness on top! They were SOOO good and SOOO bad!! Then I ordered a steak but only ate half which was about 4.5 oz so not bad for that. But I ate my potatoes and vege's. I also had 2 beers! Which is so not like me, I'm not much of a beer gal, but this was super yummy and my hubby seemed to be pleased that I was "having a beer with him" :laugh: Then we went home had a couple glasses of wine some bed pilates and watched a movie....it was a great day. :love: :love: :love:

    Sunday we went to church THEN went to Chinese....:laugh: I had every intention of getting back on track but that didn't happen. So we went to Chinese and I was SO looking forward to it, because I'm not gonna treat myself there very often right now. So I let hubby order because he is a huge asian food eater. Well we got Crab Rangoons, YUMMY!! fried tofu with peanut sauce, :huh: blecht!! and he ordered me cashew chicken. I normally get Sesame Chicken. And I REALLY didn't like the cashew chicken. I had 1 bite and then picked out maybe 6 tiny pieces of chicken and was done. :grumble: I ended up eating the rest of my steak from the night before and having some fruit salad. Then we went to the jewelry store to "look at" wedding bands. We hadn't gotten ours yet because we couldn't afford them last year when we got married. So we walk in and the lady smiles at my husband and says "how can I help you?" so we start looking at rings, I wanted to look for him first, so we pick out one we really like for him and she looks up and says, with a HUGE grin on her face, "so can we look at yours now?" :laugh: I was a little perplexed. So we walk over and she pulls out this ring and it matches my engagement ring PERFECTLY! (we had my engagement ring specially made, like we designed it) SO I was so stoked....and I put it on and it fit and my husband says "well I guess it's meant to be!" I just turned and kind of GAWKED at him. and he just smiled.....:heart: ANYWAY so I got my wedding ring yesterday...if we are friends on fb I took a picture and uploaded it there. Hubby still won't admit that he planned it, or maybe had looked before hand, but it's all very conincidental! He just smiles and says, 'it was meant to be' whenever I ask him if it was planned!! Then we had our cake and a bottle of champagne saved from our wedding. I did have TINY piece of cake because I was scared it would be freezer burnt, but it wasn't, it was yummy!

    So that was my weekend.....sorry to give micro details but I had such a wonderful, fun weekend I wanted to share it all!!!:blushing: :love: :love: :love: :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member

    Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend! You only get a one year anniversary once, so I'm glad you enjoyed it. Your hubby sounds just adorable with his "it was meant to be" comment about your ring. What a sweetie! :love:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Danielle-Sounds like you had an amazing weekend!! Your hubby sounds so cute with his "it was meant to be comment" I love it! I can just feel your excitednses and enthuasium in your post! You are on cloud 9! I saw some of your pics but I didn't see the ring, I'll have to go back and check!

    Heather-Way to go on the 2 pound loss. Glad you enjoyed your Mom's party! Sounded like it was quite a hit!! Thanks for the tip on the coke to help my headache btw. I took 4 ibproufen and drank a coke zero...headache is gone. Sounds like I'm addicted to caffeine. :grumble: DANGIT!
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