Over 200 New Year New Me Part 31



  • lildebbie.......-0.00......0%
    Cogirl........... -2.00..... -.8%

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I lost! I lost! I FINALLY LOST! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    :embarassed: UNBELIEVABLE HOW LONG THAT TOOK. :embarassed:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Mr. Froggie finally moved!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! That is so exciting - good for you!

    Here's my Friday check-in:
    Cals - under by 342
    Water - just 5ish cups, but had OJ and some beer, so probably a bit more
    Sodium - Under by over 1100
    Exercise - does shopping count? LOL - so no, no exercise, but that changes TOMORROW.
    Proud - Had a great conversation with a close friend in the pool. :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Nancy -- HOORAY FOR YOU!!! You rock!! :bigsmile:

    meokk -- I'm with you on the not being stuffed feeling. It's sickening. Plus, when you eat less at a time, you have more left to enjoy later (Oh I'm a shameless "to go box" orderer, of course. I'm sure that doesn't surprise anyone here. :laugh:).

    My calories were just a couple hundred under maintenance yesterday. I'm fine with that right now. I went to bed at 8.30 on a Friday night. :huh: And that was after fighting the urge as hard as I could for an hour and a half. I slept until around 4am, got up, ate a bowl of cereal, and went back to bed until 8. :laugh: I don't even feel that well rested, either.

    Of course I got another negative this morning. I've read several (reliable) places it's completely normal to not test positive until around 6 weeks because the bottom of the wide range of "normal" hcg levels may not be detectable by urine tests until then. So I possibly have another week of torture ahead. It's possible, though seems rare, to test negative even after that. :noway: Please for a positive or TOM to show up early in the week. I really don't care which one anymore. :laugh: I think I will be absolutely ecstatic about either.

    Gotta go get some cleaning done. Woot!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    JUlie - SOrry about this turmoil your are going through with no + test and no TOM, I know it would drive me crazy!!

    Still feeling like crap...kept waking up again last night...I was back down to were i was last friday so that is good.

    DH went for a run this morning it is very nice here this morning (or so I am told). When gets back i think i will go to the eye glass place and get mine and sernea's glasses adjusted and take her to target to look for some shoes...she is too funny, i am trying to find her some black ones, she is like "i don't like black" she likes the pink and purple ones and boots...and pink and purple boots....I guess my used to being in black and brown all the time is rubbing off...My girl needs color !!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-Hope your feeling better this morning. Have fun shopping for Serena!

    Julie-Oh my goodness gracious. I was so hoping to log in and see you have an answer. I'm sorry girl. :flowerforyou:

    Okay so I need to vent a little. I'm really irritated and stressed trying to figure out my meals for today. As I said earlier my friend is having her birthday dinner tonight at 8:30. How am I supposed to plan out my meals when dinner is so incredibly late and sushi no less!? Very frustrated here. I get off work at 12 and want to go to the gym. I'm gonna need food right after I'm done so I'll be eating lunch at 2ish. I'm thinking of then having a bigger snack at about 5 or 6 to hold me over. Otherwise I'm going to get there and pig out. This makes it very difficult for a girl on a budget and counting calories. I know I'm way more stressed then I need to be. :grumble:
  • LilDebbie-Hope your feeling better this morning. Have fun shopping for Serena!

    Julie-Oh my goodness gracious. I was so hoping to log in and see you have an answer. I'm sorry girl. :flowerforyou:

    Okay so I need to vent a little. I'm really irritated and stressed trying to figure out my meals for today. As I said earlier my friend is having her birthday dinner tonight at 8:30. How am I supposed to plan out my meals when dinner is so incredibly late and sushi no less!? Very frustrated here. I get off work at 12 and want to go to the gym. I'm gonna need food right after I'm done so I'll be eating lunch at 2ish. I'm thinking of then having a bigger snack at about 5 or 6 to hold me over. Otherwise I'm going to get there and pig out. This makes it very difficult for a girl on a budget and counting calories. I know I'm way more stressed then I need to be. :grumble:

    I know how you feel - 8:30 is so so late, so I think a big meal-ish snack at 6 is the way to go. And, if I remember correctly, you can access the menu ahead of time, right? I'd plan out what you're going to eat, get it into the system before you go and plan around that. That way you know what you're doing....for me I really need that level of control when eating out.

    Question: when do you guys "count" your weight loss? For example, between yesterday's weigh-in and today, I've apparently lost nearly 3 pounds. Now, that's exciting, but losing 3 pounds in 1 day just doesn't seem to make real sense, so I don't want to count it yet, but I WANT to count it!!! So when do you all acknowledge that the weight has come off?
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    purple - I think we're all different on that topic. Whatever feels right for you is what I say. I personally weigh twice a week, but my Friday is what I really look at and count. Sometimes when I am in a rut I will weigh more than that and as soon as it reads a loss I get ecstatic and count it, but that's just me because I am desperate sometimes! :tongue:
    deb - I had to giggle at your battle of color choices between you and Serena. That is so true, though! Glad you had an epiphany there. Hope you feel better. :heart:
    Jess - I usually eat a HUGE bowl of lettuce and veggies, yes some call it a salad :laugh: - just realized that, before a late night dinner. Good luck!

    OK so I used some horse linament on my back and it felt great, but yesterday I woke up to a rash where I had put it. Today I woke up and the rash has spread over my entire back! WTF? Any suggestions?
  • Hey everyone just wanted to pop in to say I'm here but a busy weekend. Tomorrow is my 1 yr. anniversary. Just went to the planetarium with my honey. Going to Chinese next and probably a dinner and movie later. Having a lot of fun with no kiddos today! I did weigh in yesterday but had no chance to get on and share. I can't figure out my percentage right now. But I lost 7.1lbs which was 2.1 lower than my lowest! So happy! I'm going to derail this weekend but will get back on track tomorrow.

    Talk to you all Monday probably! Have a great weekend.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Purple - I am a bit compulsive weigher (several times a day), as blue said we are all different, but I only count friday's. If i am down during the week, i don't count it till friday. LIke today i was about 1 lb from yesterday , but i won't change my ticker or enter until friday.

    Well we ended up with black shoes :smile: they are real cute , she said she liked them they had color in the insoles. They only had 1 pair of pink and they were either too big or too small.

    She is going to look soo cute the 1st day of school...

    Still feeling like crap, took a little nap this afternoon, then me and hubby went to jimmy johsn and yogurtville...way over my cals.

    I am conteplating spin in the morning, guess we will just see how i feel.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Although the rash from the horse liniment has spread over my entire back and now around my waist to the front of my stomach, I am having a great weekend! :bigsmile: I got in a great workout yesterday with the back not hurting at all AND I plan to do the same today! Yippee!!! I'm off the pity pot, gals!!! :glasses:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Congrats Blue, I am so happy for you!!!! Good workout and no pain. Good for you!!
  • blue and deb - Thanks for your perspectives on weigh-ins...I just want to immediately count that loss, but I am so afraid of having to add some of it back to my ticker!! I'm glad I didn't count the 3 pounds - I was still down 2 today, but even adding back 1 pound would be crushing. I weigh every day, but maybe I'll only count Monday and Friday weigh-ins.

    Danielle - happy anniversary!

    blue - I'm so glad the pity party is over. :) You're sooo soooo close to that 100 pound mark!

    I had a nice weekend - FINALLY got back into the gym and ran week 2 day 3 both yesterday and today. It felt like such a good workout and I'll be ready to bump up to week 3 this week. My gym buddy is also encouraging me to try some group classes with her, but working out in front of others like that (when I'm already rather uncoordinated) makes me so self-conscious, so we'll see. Had a few too many beers last night and had a little too much picnic food at my godson's first birthday party, but I still came in under for the day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Danielle -- Happy anniversary!
    Deb -- Hope you're feeling better today!
    Nancy -- Sooo happy that you were able to exercise and not be in pain! Sorry about the rash. Sounds like no fun at all. It's awesome you're having a great weekend despite it. :smile:
    Purple -- Unlike the other ladies, I'm quick to count the losses & reluctant to count the gains. :tongue: I update my ticker pretty much every Friday though, even if it's adjusting it back up when I've weighed less earlier in the week. It doesn't bother me much, but then again I've been at this so long I accept the fluctuations pretty easily at this point. :wink:

    No news on the baby front. Still think I probably am; urine tests still begging to differ. Whatever. I think I've calmed down about it now. I've been testing daily and I'm ready to stop pissing away money so I'm going to *try* to wait until Wednesday to test again. TRY.
    In the course of a week I've gone from being terrified that I am to pretty much hoping I am. But I've also decided I won't be terribly disappointed if I'm not. :smile: I don't have the greatest track record as far as going with the flow is concerned but I don't have much of a choice anymore. Agonizing over it isn't going to help

    What all that means is my priorities have changed until I know for sure. I have to focus on eating healthy and close to maintenance calories, avoiding things that are unhealthy, and exercising moderately without getting my heart rate up as high as I normally do. I'm sure I'll keep you all posted whether you want me to or not. :wink:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Julie - I am sooooo excited for you, even if you don't know! I'm just excited at the possibility! I think you should get a blood test, though, so that you don't drive yourself crazy anymore. :love:

    Well, girls, I think I may have hit the big 100! I weighed at the gym today and that scale is 4 pounds more than my scale at home, and it read 388; my big 100 is 385. So.....I may be at 384 already!??? I am too scared to get on my scale! :noway:

    check in:
    cals: good
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 min elliptical and 30 min walk plus arm work
    proud: I made it to the gym for the second day in a row! :heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    purple-I weigh daily usually two or three times a day. Yeah..I'm obsessive like that. I usually only count
    weigh ins on Fridays but if I'm desperate I will count it if it sticks around for a day or two. Great job staying
    under your calories and getting back in the gym! Great job!

    Danielle-Hope you had a wonderful Anniversary!

    blue-Sorry to hear about the rash but congrats on the awesome workout at the gym and the almost 100 pound loss! I
    see it in your future very soon!!

    Julie-Wow still a negative huh? That's crazy! I think taking care of yourself in the meantime is a great idea
    though. Just in case you are you want to start right. I know you will keep us updated. Sending calming vibes your

    LilDebbie-Hope your feeling better!

    Hope everybody had a great weekend. I spent today cleaning up the old apartment. Still not finished but we made progress. Dinner last night was a disaster. I had a little bit of food before we left and we had reservations for 8:30 right? Well we didn't sit down until 9:45..didn't order until 10:15ish and didn't start eating until 10:40..completely ridiculous right?! I ordered hibachi shrimp..was going to get steamed rice, they gave me a little bit of fried (since there was extra) until I got my steamed...yeah well the steamed never came...so I just ate shrimp with a few veggies and some rice. However I did have like 4 long island iced teas because I was so frustrated I just kept drinking. But the good news is I'm down from Friday...so I'm only a few pounds up from my lowest as of this evening. YAY! It's gonna be a good week, I can feel it! I will stop yacking your ear off now. Hope you all have a great night!
  • It's gonna be a good week, I can feel it!

    I AGREE! Let's have an awesome week together, ladies! :heart: :flowerforyou: :love: :happy:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning girls.

    Today going good so far.

    Head not stuffy (but throat is), but i am going to hope that it doesn't go in my chest.

    Serena off to school...no tears from her, ...just real nervous..but she did great...

    Here is a link to my kiddos 1st day of school pics form fb. Of course abby had to be in them too, she kept saying yesterday that it was her 1st day of schoool...She was soo cranky this morning (abby) she was crying befcause her blanket wasn't folded right.


    Scale was nice to me ...down to like 252.3 , i know i am full of sodium too my rings are tight ...yes i said rings...I can now wear my wedding ring !!! So i do hope this is a good week...would love to be under 250 this week...i know that is expecting a lot...but one can only hope...I am really going to try to get the gym alot since last week i barely did anything.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    She was soo cranky this morning (abby) she was crying befcause her blanket wasn't folded right.

    Sounds like she's pregnant. :laugh:
    Can't wait to see your cute kiddos (Facebook is blocked at work -- because our employees would never get any work done at all if it wasn't. We also don't have solitare on our computers. :laugh:).

    And WOW Deb! 252.3!!!

    Made it out of the house this morning without peeing on a stick!! :drinker:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend full of shopping, anniversaries, gym visits, good healthy eating, and preganancy obsessing! (That covers everyone, yes??)

    I pretty much rocked maintenance calories this weekend, but I'm okay with that. Over my weight-loss cals, but under maintenance. Water could have been better and there was no exercise.

    Jonathan competed in a homebrew competition on Saturday, so we were there all afternoon. He got FIRST PLACE in the People's Choice division. I'm so so so proud of him. He's still grinning about it. Makes me super happy for him.

    Happy Monday and this is going to be a great week for all of us - I can feel it too Jess!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    She was soo cranky this morning (abby) she was crying befcause her blanket wasn't folded right.

    Sounds like she's pregnant. :laugh:
    Can't wait to see your cute kiddos (Facebook is blocked at work -- because our employees would never get any work done at all if it wasn't. We also don't have solitare on our computers. :laugh:).

    And WOW Deb! 252.3!!!

    Made it out of the house this morning without peeing on a stick!! :drinker:

    ROFL>..you would think...my child that wakes me up at the crack of dawn usally doesn't like being woken up apparently. I think my mom wore her out this weekend...she said she was going non stop all weekend...

    Very proud of no peeing on a stick this morning...THere is always this evening :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jonathan competed in a homebrew competition on Saturday, so we were there all afternoon. He got FIRST PLACE in the People's Choice division. I'm so so so proud of him. He's still grinning about it. Makes me super happy for him.

    That's awesome!!

    Oh, just the thought of beer made my mouth water. :laugh: I haven't had a drop in OVER TWO WEEKS. :noway: It's going to be a loooooonnnnnng 9 months. :wink:
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