Over 200 New Year New Me Part 31



  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Cogirl........... -2.00..... -.8%

    Holy cow did I miss some stuff this week!
    Julie.. hang in there.. everything happens for a reason. I am really curious what your outcome will be! Keep us updated!
    Blue, how are things going in your new classroom? Hopefully the mold is not too bad.
    Mama.. glad to hear Ryan is doing well. Kids can be so resilient
    Lildeb.. any changes in Serena?
    Cris.. how is the little man feeling?
    Purple.. good job on those 2lbs
    Jess.. hopefully you made it through the painting.

    I am sure I forgot a few of you, please forgive my absent mindedness. As I mentioned earlier this week. I got more thrown on my plate last Saturday at work. I found out my rent is DOUBLING WITH MANDATORY EXTRA EXPENSES.. which means it is really going up about 65% :noway:

    So, after some serious thought... my husband and I decided I am moving my day spa to our home. At first I was so mad. No one in their right mind will pay what the lady is wanting for the rental of the room I rented in a local hair salon. For that matter, I could even go into FT Collins and pay less rent with a built in clientele.

    So, we have been moving rooms around
    Son moved to guest room
    daughter moved to workout room
    workout room moved to office space
    office space moved to sons room
    My new spa will be moving into my daughters old room next to the office next weekend.

    This will all be good! So, far everyone I have told is ecstatic and are looking forward to walking into a more tranquil setting. I am just going to have to keep the house pristine now. So, I still need to paint and get the new spa room in order which is what I will be doing this week in between clients at my soon to be old place.

    Well, sorry for the rant.. just wanted to let you guys know why I have not been around much and will continue to be busy over the next couple of weeks.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cogirl -- How EXCITING you get to work from home now!! :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    colorodo - Sorry about the increase in rent, but sounds you like a plan with the spa in your house..i agree much more tranquil..

    Thanks for asking about serena, she is doing good. We have had only 1 accident since her sugery woohoo...not sure if that is due to the surgery , or clenaing out her system with the not eating much that week after...but she has been really good about it. NO horrible fits (this week) about school starting, just praying she will do it , trying to emphsize it is a big girl class and all the big girl stuff they get to to do, but she has to do her work ...so we will see...hopefully it goes well.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Blue-Glad you made it through the day alive! We love you!

    Momma-Yay for Ryan having a great day!!

    LilDebbie-Serena is going into 2nd? So is my niece! I'm praying your lil one has a great year as well!

    Julie-I can only imagine what you are going through. I'm sorry girl. I know the waiting game sucks. Hang in there.

    CoGirl-Wow that's crazy that they are more then doubling rent. Sounds like your clients are responding well!

    Well now I'm only up 3 pounds. I decided to skip the gym this morning so I only went 3 days this week. Does anybody ever have a problem with working out right before TOM arrives? I can't seem to get in the zone. I usually really struggle. I know I am bloated due to TOM coming anyday now. I think missing a few pills at the begining of the month really screwed with my system. Awesome. Glad it's finally Friday! Still painting at the bank though. When will the painting be over!?

    Cogirl........... -2.00..... -.8%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - yes she will be in 2nd grade. I am hoping she will flourish this year and do great i really do.

    i haven't been to the gym but 1 day this week (and it was a crappy workout, 45 min walking slowly on a treadmill). Hubby says we are going today ..i am hoping my head will clear up by tonight so i can breath some...TOM needs to leave..it has been soo weird this week I am done with it...
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Sorry I've not been around; between work and stomach aches and wedding planning I'm a mess. I didn't eat too badly this week but no loss for me, I weigh exactly what I did last week so that sucks too. Didn't exercise because of the not feeling well but still had a weekly deficit of about 3400 cals....oh well.

    Cogirl........... -2.00..... -.8%

    skimmed through the posts and so I understand that Julie's extra pound this week is exactly what a fertilized egg weighs :laugh: :laugh: see, you do learn something new every day !!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Its awfully quiet around here this morning. :cry:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Its awfully quiet around here this morning. :cry:

    I'm just trying not to talk about you know what. :laugh: Just sitting here obsessing quietly to myself. :tongue:

    So how is your day, Jess? Any big plans for the weekend?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Its awfully quiet around here this morning. :cry:

    I'm just trying not to talk about you know what. :laugh: Just sitting here obsessing quietly to myself. :tongue:

    So how is your day, Jess? Any big plans for the weekend?

    awww that doesn't sound like fun. You can obsess here if you want. That's what it's here for. My days boring as all get out! No big plans. Gonna try and take it easy. I been running running running for I don't even know how long. Birthday party tomorrow night and cleaning the old apartment Sunday. Good times! Gonna try and hit the gym hard tomorrow after work! How about you? Besides obsessing?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - Obsess away !!!

    I am soo ready for today be done with...I am off to get some mucinex at lunch hoping it will maek me feel better and i can make it to spin tonight...my mom is getting the girls tomorrow, so hopefully we will feel better and can enjoy the quiet.
  • Today is my last weekday of freedom before school starts, so I had a really great morning - went and talked with the school career counselor to get a jump-start on the job search for next year, then met up with a good friend to go check out a local consignment shop I saw last night on the way to dinner. WHAT A FIND - I got adorable red peep-toe pumps for $30 (originally about $250-300) and a vintage Burberry muffler for $50. SO EXCITED.

    The great thing about this store is that I've found a place that has really nice clothes in a variety of sizes/prices so that, as I'm losing weight, I can (a) sell my clothes and (b) find really nice clothes on the cheap.

    Gym finally reopens tomorrow - I'm going to be there first thing with a workout buddy. And I've now told so many people that I want to do that 8 mile race in April that if I don't do it, it will be incredibly embarrassing, so I have great motivation to get my *kitten* on the treadmill, even if it's absurdly early.

    LittleSpy - still no verdict one way or the other?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hey ladies,

    I got to sleep in this morning because I'm working until 12:30 a.m. tonight. Woohoo...?? Anyway, I enjoyed my morning at home, but now I'm at work...for the next 11 hours!

    Weighed in this morning - I'm back to 180.6, just 0.2 up from my lowest ever (180.4 on 7/23). I'm not counting those 178s I saw at home because my scale at home is not super accurate (about 3.5 lbs under). I'm happy that I'm back down that close to my lowest weight. Maintenance feels good, but getting back on track to losing will be better!

    Cogirl........... -2.00..... -0.8%

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals: Under w/exercise - 1310
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: Yoga class in Bryant Park
    Proud: Went to yoga with my girlfriends, had a good workout. Enjoyed a beautiful day outside!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    No, still no verdict. Today/tomorrow is only 1 week late for TOM (which is a week later than I've ever been) so it's still early. Obviously, I think I am. I have stopped drinking, I've been consciously not smoking (I'm not a habitual smoker but normally during a stressful time, such as this lol, I would have a cigarette), I have started taking a multivitamin with calcium, iron, and 600mcg folic acid, getting enough rest, etc. That's how convinced I am -- major life adjustments happening. I even told dh he had to clean the cat's litterbox this week. :wink:
    I think he thinks I'm full of it, though. I don't think he'll believe me 100% until I show him a positive test result. I mean, c'mon, hubs. If I didn't truly think I was pregnant, I would without a doubt go home and have a pint of stout and a cigarette tonight. That would really help calm my nerves. :laugh: And my nerves certainly need calming.

    As far as what I'm doing this weekend... Dh is working every night this weekend so I'm on my own. Tonight I was thinking about going to see an old friend's band play but now I don't want to because it's at a bar and all my friends will look at me like I'm totally nutso if I don't order a beer and I don't need that. So I think I'll just stay home and clean (fun!). I may take Mo (one of my greys) for a walk at the canal. Tomrrow there's a huge record sale downtown so I'll probably go to the gym in the morning & then to that. Sunday's wide open. Cleaning our house & donating more stuff we have no use for needs to happen this weekend. Fo' real.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend for you Julie! Enjoy it. In 9 months you may be having a baby. :tongue: JK JK

    Purple-Dang girl! I need to find some stores like that!! I'd love to find me some good deals. Guess if I looked I would probably find 'em huh?

    Lauren-You've done an amazing job maintaing. I think that's so important to learn along the way as well! Great job.

    I'm attempting my first shot at homemade pizza tonight. My best friends coming over. She told me if it sucked I had to order a real pizza loaded with bad for me things. I'm not logging today. I'm not going outta control though. Just had breakfast and lunch, no snacking. Lunch was ordered in per my request to my manager. We got corner baker. Oh my sodium I could taste it. YUCK!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- yummmo, homemade pizza! That needs to be on my list to make this weekend.
    I'm having a grilled cheese and pickle sandwich for dinner. And no, I'm not joking. :laugh: I'm drooling just typing it. :noway: Dh was having a moment of embracing possible pregnancy last night and actually suggested it. I immediately said "Shut up right now. That is totally what we're having for dinner tomorrow." :tongue: Though it doesn't seem weird to me at all. I love pickles and I love cheese. Why haven't I ever thought about combining them before now?! (except on burgers, of course)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-What an odd combo!! LOL I would of never thought to have that. Let me know how that turns out! I'm looking forward to the pizza. Hopefully I can keep it somewhat healthy. We will see though!

    I'm just sitting here WAITING for it to be 6! It has been such a slow day!! ugh!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Jess - pizza alert - last time I tried to make one at home it stuck to the pan so badly that we couldn't even rip it off sufficiently to even eat it and it went in the trash. So put plenty of oil or flour or cornmeal or something to stop it from sticking.

    YUMMY !!!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cogirl........... -2.00..... -.8%

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I lost! I lost! I FINALLY LOST! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    :embarassed: UNBELIEVABLE HOW LONG THAT TOOK. :embarassed:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Mr. Froggie finally moved!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cogirl........... -2.00..... -.8%

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I lost! I lost! I FINALLY LOST! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    :embarassed: UNBELIEVABLE HOW LONG THAT TOOK. :embarassed:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Mr. Froggie finally moved!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    YAY for the loss...you go...
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Awesome loss Blue - nice news at the end of a rough week eh? - sooo very close to 100 lbs lost. Can;t wait to see that on your ticker :flowerforyou:

    I had a delicious dinner at a restaurant this evening so I went over in cals but not too bad:
    check in:
    calories - 1550
    water - 9 cups
    exercise - next to nothing
    proud that I only ate half of my delicious entree and have learned that it's better not be completely stuffed at the end of a meal.

    night all a busy weekend awaits me, we have a dinner at a friend's house, 2 wedding related meetings, BBQ for our new neighbors at our house on Sunday and many wedding details to sort out....yuk and yay !!!
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