Horrible experience in the gym tonight



  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Don't know if anyone addressed this yet, but the 3 guys around one machine at one time is called working in. That actually means they'll be done faster than they would if one would do 4-5 sets, taking a break in-between just sitting on the machine, then have the next one do the same etc. They are actually saving you time.

    Not to mention that you can always ask to work in. be the 4th "guy" OP. Make some friends.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm a rude person. Does this mean I am more likely to contract MRSA or am I the point of origin? Probably both, right?

    ladies and gentlemen, i present to you Patient Zero

  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    Is it the same guys?Show up before they get there and take back up the space you need before they get there?...try asking nicely first and then if that fails talk to management about you trying to resolve it on you're own and they wouldn't respect other members...sounds like they are acting childish "you're on there playground type attitude".
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I'm a rude person. Does this mean I am more likely to contract MRSA or am I the point of origin? Probably both, right?

    ladies and gentlemen, i present to you Patient Zero

    That used to be the cheerleading squads nickname for me. :(
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    recently I was waiting for a bench, and the guy finished his last set, so I put a weight on one side, and had to go get another one from across the way because the one I needed was missing.

    Anyway there were two young muscular men doing something or other next to me, and I guess noticed that I had started to set up.

    Another couple guys came over and took the one weight off when I was a few steps away, and one of the gentlemen who was working next to the bench stopped them and said this lady was using the bench.

    it was very sweet and much appreciated, even though I was about to tell them myself.
    And now if it should ever come up, you will do the same for them, of course. I had that happen to me too, when I had to go traipsing hither and yon collecting plates all over the weight room for my hack squats. When I returned from my hunter-gatherer mission, somebody had made off with my plates! It kinda made my blood boil, but on the other hand, nobody's bleeding and nothing's on fire, so it was a good day...
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    recently I was waiting for a bench, and the guy finished his last set, so I put a weight on one side, and had to go get another one from across the way because the one I needed was missing.

    Anyway there were two young muscular men doing something or other next to me, and I guess noticed that I had started to set up.

    Another couple guys came over and took the one weight off when I was a few steps away, and one of the gentlemen who was working next to the bench stopped them and said this lady was using the bench.

    it was very sweet and much appreciated, even though I was about to tell them myself.
    And now if it should ever come up, you will do the same for them, of course. I had that happen to me too, when I had to go traipsing hither and yon collecting plates all over the weight room for my hack squats. When I returned from my hunter-gatherer mission, somebody had made off with my plates! It kinda made my blood boil, but on the other hand, nobody's bleeding and nothing's on fire, so it was a good day...

    I was pleasantly surprised that he went out of his way to be that nice...and yes I would do the same, for anyone...cause I am nice and nosy like that.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I totally understand what it feels like to go to an unfriendly gym. At my old job we had a free gym membership so I'd go everyday during my lunch break. I was generally the only girl who went. At the time, I was running 5Ks and weightlifting but I have a hormone problem so even though I ate right and worked out like crazy I still looked fat. I often got unsolicited "advice" from the guys telling me I had to work harder and eat less...I was running 6 miles a day and eating between 900-1200 calories a day. They would look at me like I was disgusting and didn't belong. I have a bunch of DVDs now and only workout from home.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Good idea, but I guess it would depend on what OP is looking for
    The gym I have has a women's area, but I rarely work out in there...The weights and machines are calibrated differently (for lack of a better word)...the weights are smaller in measurements, there are no pull up bars, squat racks etc..and the room is smaller...I go there from time to time for stretches

    At my gym, most are men...and I have never felt intimidated...actually I do sometimes ask for form critique, or even spotting...So I go to where what I need is...and I do ask whether someone is done using a machine, is using it, or etc. All thus far have been very accommodating...We are all there to accomplish a goal, and have equal opportunity to do so...the question is whether one will grab the opportunity or not...Just walk up to the person and ask...what is the worst that can happen? A "no?" One will never know until one tries!
    I'm a bit surprised by some of these comments. You have a legitimate issue here and I'm not sure most of the men here get it. How about going to management and suggesting a women's weight area/room? This is an intimidating issue at least. And yes there is value in confronting or asking them. But there is also such a thing as gym etiquette and you might look around and see if there are places that value such etiquette. At my gym there are busy periods, which I avoid if possible...personal preference.

    Much luck on this!!! And don't give up!!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I wouldn't complain unless you went up to the men and asked to use the bench or the bar you needed. I understand you may be intimidated by them. They may look cocky, mean and so on but chances are, they really aren't. They could be a group of nice guys who have no idea that they were blocking your way. Open up your mouth and if they are rude, then complain. It seems like you are judging a book by it's cover. Seriously, they probably aren't trying to do it on purpose.

    Example: I was told recently that I glare at people from time to time. I apparently look angry when I am doing my own thing. I didn't even know that I was glaring. I just space out while I am doing my workout and lose myself in my own head. I'm completely oblivious to everybody around me. They could be doing the exact same thing.
  • Fit2BeFly
    Fit2BeFly Posts: 185 Member
    You just described my gym in the afternoons. You have to go over there (to the guy that's hoarding) and ask him if he's using the dumbbells that very moment and you'd like to switch off in between sets. I highly doubt he would say no. If he did, just take them. Kidding. Sort of. :tongue: You have to step out of your comfort zone and let them realize that you know what you're doing and you have a right to the equipment also. Speaking from experience. They can smell fear. :wink:

    This.. Or go to management and complain.
  • Prismapencils
    I totally understand what it feels like to go to an unfriendly gym. At my old job we had a free gym membership so I'd go everyday during my lunch break. I was generally the only girl who went. At the time, I was running 5Ks and weightlifting but I have a hormone problem so even though I ate right and worked out like crazy I still looked fat. I often got unsolicited "advice" from the guys telling me I had to work harder and eat less...I was running 6 miles a day and eating between 900-1200 calories a day. They would look at me like I was disgusting and didn't belong. I have a bunch of DVDs now and only workout from home.
    They're stupid. That is all. Women work a little differently and hold on to weight in different areas, never mind hormonal imbalances.
    Anyway, I'm with you. I prefer to be by myself, although, sometimes I hear the guys cheering each other on in the weight room while I'm on the treadmill, and I do get a wee bit jealous of the camaraderie. Maybe I'll just start screaming to the person next to me to keep up their pace....between breaths. Out of curiosity, which DVDs do you use? I'm getting a bit bored doing the same ol' same ol'.
    One of these days, I will go in the weight room with a plan and work around. The problem now is that I don't really have a regimen for weights, and I don't want to walk in there like a deer in the headlights--wasting time. I usually just blindly follow toning DVDs, which are nice because the regimen is laid out for you: just copy.
  • racheltwoshoes
    racheltwoshoes Posts: 11 Member
    I TOTALLY get where you are coming from. I find those bro types to be super intimidating so I never lifted at the gym... I'd use the machines instead of the free weights or I'd go to body pump. Body pump was always full of friendly women getting their burn on!!

    I bet if you asked them to spot you they'd be more than happy to oblige. That might be less awkward than asking them to move or turn down the TV.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I use a really wide variety so that I don't get bored. I have the biggest loser and 30 day shred but then I also have yoga, belly dancing, boxing, ballet and SWAT training. I do them on a rotating basis. It's been a while since I've worked out and I miss it! :( I hurt my foot in a car accident and I can't but any weight on it.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Example: I was told recently that I glare at people from time to time. I apparently look angry when I am doing my own thing. I didn't even know that I was glaring. I just space out while I am doing my workout and lose myself in my own head. I'm completely oblivious to everybody around me. They could be doing the exact same thing.
    Excellent point! My husband's workout face is so full of scorn that sometimes when he comes in to get a drink of water or something he looks like a samurai about to chop off some heads! I used to think he was mad at me... No, he's just focused and intense.
  • 2firealarms
    You have a few options here. #1 speak up. When u are dealing with guys in the gym they are all in that macho mode so unless you verbally say can I get XYZ they won't even acknowledge u. #2 complain 2 mngmnt but that won't really do u any good because ur level of comfort will vary on a daily basis and no one will hold ur hand. #3 find another gym all female. I know my reply is a lil harsh but I know we as women can take things 2 heart that guys won't and when u surround urslf in that type enviornment its speak up, get stepped on or go home and rant on MFP. Go back 2mrrw and politely demand ur space and watch how.much eaiser things will be . :flowerforyou:
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    What you NEED to do is flash your boobies at them and then take the equipment their using without asking, this is the only way.
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    As a woman you have to learn to stand your ground and get what you want either in the gym or the boardroom…going home frustrated and not having worked out should NOT be an option.
    Get some wipes for the equipment if you have a real fear of catching MRSA or other infection…..
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Stop the bodybuilder shaming!

    We have feelings too!


    If people are using equipment.....then people are using the equipment....you have to wait like anyone else.

    You don't have a god given right to immediate use of the leg press as you have a vagina.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    They seem pretty rude to me.

    I am so glad I had the $ to buy my own gym equipment & set it up in my house, & avoid people like this.

    People like that are probably the ones who leave Methicillin Resistant Staph aureus (MRSA) on all the equipment, anyway, uugh.
    Excuse me? I had MRSA and trust me it has nothing to do with what people are like. WHAT does that even mean?
    I'm curious as well. The only two people I know to get MRSA were my aunt and best friend. Neither lift weights. Both are nurses.

    OP, maybe you should spend more time finding out how to ask nicely for the things you want instead of whining to a bunch of strangers who can't change the situation.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    They seem pretty rude to me.

    I am so glad I had the $ to buy my own gym equipment & set it up in my house, & avoid people like this.

    People like that are probably the ones who leave Methicillin Resistant Staph aureus (MRSA) on all the equipment, anyway, uugh.
    Excuse me? I had MRSA and trust me it has nothing to do with what people are like. WHAT does that even mean?
    I'm curious as well. The only two people I know to get MRSA were my aunt and best friend. Neither lift weights. Both are nurses.

    OP, maybe you should spend more time finding out how to ask nicely for the things you want instead of whining to a bunch of strangers who can't change the situation.

    I've got nothing to contribute but I love your shoes.