Join me...100 pounds to lose!



  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    Total down this week was 3lbs!!! Two today and one from last Tuesday :) Super thrilled with that number as the scale hadn't moved in over two weeks before that!
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    Total down this week was 3lbs!!! Two today and one from last Tuesday :) Super thrilled with that number as the scale hadn't moved in over two weeks before that!
  • iDreamNEON
    Down By 3.2 This Morning =]
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Weighed in this morning, and down another pound. That's 7 so far! Also, this week I have stuck to the challenge, AND I put in my measurements (which was painful for me). I'm ready to see next week's challenge!
  • celtic_chick
    15 days down.....week number two for me. Lost 6.2 pounds this week! So I've lost 14.8 pounds so far. Thanks for the support everyone.....I'm on my way. Slainte! :drinker:
  • mrsmommie08
    Wow, everyone is doing great! That's awesome!
    Well even with TOM, I dropped 2 lbs so I can't wait to see what next week has to offer! Im just thrilled I'm actually losing. I couldn't even lose weight on fad diets! So I'm super excited and its wonderful seeing everyone elses progress!
    YAY! We can sooo do this!!!! Go us!!!
  • michellemae24
    michellemae24 Posts: 20 Member
    Chillrose, I have been wondering where you were! Congrats on your weigh in!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I've lost 3 pounds this week and am at 238. Well done everyone! :drinker:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I am excited to see so much progress for so many! Congrats! 2 weeks ago I missed our first weigh in because I was on a family camping trip. I didn't have a scale there but I knew I hadn't lost anything except the 2 extra pounds I didn't know I had gained when I entered my starting weight on MFP (finals week):ohwell: . However by the next Friday I had lost 2 pounds which met my goal of 1 pound a week. I haven't lost pounds this week but started to show progress in measurements. I know I have weekly fluctuations and expect to see some loss sometime soon. 2 weeks is a better time frame for me as to official weigh ins. But I will definitely have check-ins weekly. My goal at first was to #1 keep under my calorie goal, #2 get lots more exercise while I am on break, #3 figure out how I can eat better and fit in exercise once I start back to school. I have done 1 and 2 and am working on 3. However since I only have a few more weeks to go before I get busier I did up my goal from 1 to 1.5 pounds per week to lose. I will set it back later this month. My purpose is to challenge myself not to just exercise enough to stay under my calorie goal but to eat healthier as well. The first week or 2 I was eating basically the same things as I did before. This week I have seen some improvements to the food I am eating. I made a great vegetable soup that I found on MFP, made the salad dressing from CGerman. Since my daughter is learning to drive she parks where she is compfortable parking so we have been walking farther. I even taught her some tennis though I was not great at returning the hard shots. So I feel I am making progress but I want to continue to be healthier. I am not settling for meeting a goal or 2. Once I meet one I want to continue to meet it and then step it up a bit. However my goal of 1 pound a week will stand since I feel otherwise it is very difficult to keep it off. However in order to lose one pound a week I will all have weeks that I lose more and others when I will lose less.
  • lilfaerygoddess
    I don't have a scale at home =\ I thought I would just go to my moms and use hers but she also does not have one so I can not do weight in this week but I am hoping to pick one up to do one next week.
  • pjsgirlll
    LOL! thanks for the Wii info fitterpam. i was getting very frustrated using my cell phone to convert kg to lbs. im going to try to adjust it right now. wish me luck. BTW CONGRATS EVERYONE ONE ON THEIR WEIGHT LOSS! and to those that didnt lose there's always next week. Keep positive.
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Chillrose, I have been wondering where you were! Congrats on your weigh in!

    I KNOW!! I miss all of you!:cry: I can log my food on my phone, but nothing else! I feel like I have a LOT of catching up to do, but I AM SO PROUD of everyone this week!:bigsmile:

    If I have failed to add you as my friend, PLEASE ADD ME!! I can barely keep up!! :huh:

    I love you guys!:heart:
  • BellaCoconut
    Congrats to everyone on excellent results!! I can't wait for my first weigh in, never thought i could be excited about hopping on the scales!! hehe
    Am resisting the temptation to hop on before I have completed my entire first week :)
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    Hi all, I would love to join this group. I need a group that will help motivate me!
  • sunshine4me
    sunshine4me Posts: 69 Member
    I have about 50 pounds I want to get rid of but I agree with your comment it sure does creep up on you! Since I don't meet the 100 pound requirement can I tag along for half of it?
  • kaskanataliaanna
    kaskanataliaanna Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone! I have just under 8 weeks to go to my mini goal :) In 2 weeks I am going to family gathering and I would like to look my best and fit into my pink dress that my partner bought me as a present and I only had it on once!!! I had a sneaky "try on clothes" session and I did fit into the dress and definitely got looser :))) I am going to try hard to shed few more pounds/kilograms so I can wear what I want to the family gathering instead of wearing what I should to cover the fatty bits :) I hope all of you will do well - lets do it!!!!!!!!!!!
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Happy Sunday! :bigsmile:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Happy Sunday!
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Happy Sunday! :bigsmile:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Happy Sunday! :bigsmile:

    Starting a new week, so here are this week's challenges!! I know you are all so excited!! :huh:

    Monday, Sept 6....Do 5 sets of 10 push ups, any kind...wall push ups count!

    Tuesday, Sept 7....Take mini breaks and take 10 deep breaths all throughout the day!

    Wednesday, Sept 8....Do 5 sets of 10 standing, side leg lifts!

    Thursday, Sept 9....walk at least 1 mile today!

    Friday, Sept 10...Weigh in and SMILE!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    Saturday, Sept 11....Have an extra serving of veggies today!

    Sunday, Sept 12....Prepare a healthy recipe!

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend with friends and family!:heart:

    Keep moving everyone! We are all doing great! Keep in touch, and continue to motivate our fellow group members!!:love:

    I LOVE THIS GROUP!:heart: