Motivation or "hate speech"?



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Also, my perception is that the OP does not personally think the things she stated in the OP. She was presenting two different ways of thinking about it and was actually being a little bit sarcastic when she said the negative things about the "fit mom" (LOL).

    ^^this was apparent I thought, but it seems to have been missed by the majority.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I think most people aren't actually responding to the OP (or even to responses to the OP). They're responding to a chain that started with a post that came right afterward the OP that - basically - called the fit mom in question (paraphrasing) "a heartless ***** who is too vain to spend time with her kids".
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I think most people aren't actually responding to the OP (or even to responses to the OP). They're responding to a chain that started with a since-deleted post that came right afterward the OP that - basically - called the fit mom in question (paraphrasing) "a heartless ***** who is too vain to spend time with her kids".

    Thanks. Gotta love the lack of context when that happens =)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Classic MFP - discussion went off the rails before the end of page 1. :laugh:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think most people aren't actually responding to the OP (or even to responses to the OP). They're responding to a chain that started with a since-deleted post that came right afterward the OP that - basically - called the fit mom in question (paraphrasing) "a heartless ***** who is too vain to spend time with her kids".

    Thanks. Gotta love the lack of context when that happens =)

    Confession: I didn't even make it to the end of page one before I jumped in.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    This is fluffy................and it is not normal body type. She is clearly overweight.


    She's overweight and yet she's also absolutely normal and beautiful.
    Normal distribution requires highs and lows. One does not have to be within some ideal limits.
    It's a personal choice - I chose not to be overweight but she doesn't have extra arms or legs.

    I am shaped the same way and its disgusting. She is still in the obese category...........not merely overweight. Yes, she has a pretty face.

    I also get told that all the have a pretty face, but if you would lose some weight you would be stunningly beautiful.

    I hope you find self love. There no need to be disgusted to work on self improvements. It's likely that disgust is actually counter productive. Of course, being comfortable with obesity is also counter productive to fitness and health, in general.


    I agree completely. I've lost a lot of weight. A LOT. I have a long way to go yet. But, I'm not disgusted by my current self just because I have a long way to go. Here is why I can't find my body disgusting:

    It can deadlift 205lbs for reps.
    It can climb mountainsides.
    It can run on trails for hours, for miles.
    It can scramble up sketchy hillsides, crawl under brush, and hunt out mushrooms.
    It can jump off of cliffsides into beautiful mountain rivers.
    It can love and be loved.

    I really hope that you can find that sort of worth for yourself, and come to terms with your present body while working towards improvement, and feel pride and appreciation as you go :flowerforyou:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This is fluffy................and it is not normal body type. She is clearly overweight.


    She's overweight and yet she's also absolutely normal and beautiful.
    Normal distribution requires highs and lows. One does not have to be within some ideal limits.
    It's a personal choice - I chose not to be overweight but she doesn't have extra arms or legs.

    I am shaped the same way and its disgusting. She is still in the obese category...........not merely overweight. Yes, she has a pretty face.

    I also get told that all the have a pretty face, but if you would lose some weight you would be stunningly beautiful.

    I hope you find self love. There no need to be disgusted to work on self improvements. It's likely that disgust is actually counter productive. Of course, being comfortable with obesity is also counter productive to fitness and health, in general.


    I agree completely. I've lost a lot of weight. A LOT. I have a long way to go yet. But, I'm not disgusted by my current self just because I have a long way to go. Here is why I can't find my body disgusting:

    It can deadlift 205lbs for reps.
    It can climb mountainsides.
    It can run on trails for hours, for miles.
    It can scramble up sketchy hillsides, crawl under brush, and hunt out mushrooms.
    It can jump off of cliffsides into beautiful mountain rivers.
    It can love and be loved.

    I really hope that you can find that sort of worth for yourself, and come to terms with your present body while working towards improvement, and feeling pride and appreciation as you go :flowerforyou:


  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Be delusional if you want, but don't tell me fat is beautiful.

    I'm partial to the more slender look myself, but what looks good to me doesn't look good to everyone. I won't tell you that you have to think fat is beautiful, but I will tell you that some people do find fat beautiful.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    Also, my perception is that the OP does not personally think the things she stated in the OP. She was presenting two different ways of thinking about it and was actually being a little bit sarcastic when she said the negative things about the "fit mom" (LOL).

    ^^this was apparent I thought, but it seems to have been missed by the majority.

    That's not surprising, to be honest. There are too many people (even on these forums) that tend to miss text sarcasm or/and look for reasons to get butthurt.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member



    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    This is fluffy................and it is not normal body type. She is clearly overweight.


    She's overweight and yet she's also absolutely normal and beautiful.
    Normal distribution requires highs and lows. One does not have to be within some ideal limits.
    It's a personal choice - I chose not to be overweight but she doesn't have extra arms or legs.

    I am shaped the same way and its disgusting. She is still in the obese category...........not merely overweight. Yes, she has a pretty face.

    I also get told that all the have a pretty face, but if you would lose some weight you would be stunningly beautiful.

    I hope you find self love. There no need to be disgusted to work on self improvements. It's likely that disgust is actually counter productive. Of course, being comfortable with obesity is also counter productive to fitness and health, in general.


    I agree completely. I've lost a lot of weight. A LOT. I have a long way to go yet. But, I'm not disgusted by my current self just because I have a long way to go. Here is why I can't find my body disgusting:

    It can deadlift 205lbs for reps.
    It can climb mountainsides.
    It can run on trails for hours, for miles.
    It can scramble up sketchy hillsides, crawl under brush, and hunt out mushrooms.
    It can jump off of cliffsides into beautiful mountain rivers.
    It can love and be loved.

    I really hope that you can find that sort of worth for yourself, and come to terms with your present body while working towards improvement, and feel pride and appreciation as you go :flowerforyou:

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    You sound angry.

    ETA: My hands like a healthier BF% too.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I have to say that the whine in this thread is going lovely with my Chardonnay

    My cheese has lots of fat. And goes better with your wine.

    Hum. Perhaps a little wine in exchange for your cheese, and we can both dip into the whine?

    Thanks...the cheese is on the counter...
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Being proud of a good physique = fat shaming

    Being proud of a **** physique = body acceptance

  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Most people can probably never look like her, because they have more important things to do in their lives.

    It takes an hour a day. Anybody who wants to, can.

    Sure, so long as they have the right genes. This is the biggest lie of the health and fitness industry. If you don't have the genetics to look like a fitness model, you won't.

    Of course, there is always plastic surgery.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    (Checking this thread between sets in my hour (or so) workout...that thought made me laugh.)

    I will never look like a model/fitness model, but I don't think that was ever Kang's point. There is a lot of room between morbidly obese and model. There are enormous health benefits in moving from obese to not-obese, even if you don't accidentally wake up as a model one day. There are also enormous health benefits in moving from inactive not-obese to active not-obese. I still think this was her (and most people arguing in her defense's) points.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I don't know what constitutes a "fitness model", so I won't take issue with your point directly. But I am quite confident that the vast majority of people would, with an intelligent diet and an hour a day of real exercise, look freakin' *great*, whether they achieved "fitness model" status or not.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    You sound angry.

    ETA: My hands like a healthier BF% too.

    lol :love: in that case my hands should get to meet your hands:love: ,... and no not angry:flowerforyou:
This discussion has been closed.