Motivation or "hate speech"?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I think most people aren't actually responding to the OP (or even to responses to the OP). They're responding to a chain that started with a post that came right afterward the OP that - basically - called the fit mom in question (paraphrasing) "a heartless ***** who is too vain to spend time with her kids".

    pretty much this. along with the other posts that came after that claimed that it was a choice between being fit or spending enough time with your SO and kids with nothing in between.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    Who are you referring to when you say "BF% weirdo's"? I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term.
  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    Not hate speech at all. She's trying to motivate people to be healthy, that's all. People who disagree flat out don't get it. She's never been telling women to look just like her. She just hasn't. She's telling women (really men too) to get off your ____ and make your life healthier.

    If you think she's body shaming people, that says more about you than it does her.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    My BF is reasonably low and my skin is softer than silk. I make love with all my senses. U mad?
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    Who are you referring to when you say "BF% weirdo's"? I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term.

    people obsessed with very low (or high) body fat %
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    My BF is reasonably low and my skin is softer than silk. I make love with all my senses. U mad?

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    Who are you referring to when you say "BF% weirdo's"? I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term.

    people obsessed with very low (or high) body fat %

    And by "obsessed" you mean "concerned enough to be healthy" . . .
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    Who are you referring to when you say "BF% weirdo's"? I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term.

    people obsessed with very low (or high) body fat %

    And by "obsessed" you mean "concerned enough to be healthy" . . .

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    Who are you referring to when you say "BF% weirdo's"? I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term.

    people obsessed with very low (or high) body fat %

    Do you see these people everywhere?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    This is fluffy................and it is not normal body type. She is clearly overweight.


    She's overweight and yet she's also absolutely normal and beautiful.
    Normal distribution requires highs and lows. One does not have to be within some ideal limits.
    It's a personal choice - I chose not to be overweight but she doesn't have extra arms or legs.

    I am shaped the same way and its disgusting. She is still in the obese category...........not merely overweight. Yes, she has a pretty face.

    I also get told that all the have a pretty face, but if you would lose some weight you would be stunningly beautiful.

    I hope you find self love. There no need to be disgusted to work on self improvements. It's likely that disgust is actually counter productive. Of course, being comfortable with obesity is also counter productive to fitness and health, in general.


    I agree completely. I've lost a lot of weight. A LOT. I have a long way to go yet. But, I'm not disgusted by my current self just because I have a long way to go. Here is why I can't find my body disgusting:

    It can deadlift 205lbs for reps.
    It can climb mountainsides.
    It can run on trails for hours, for miles.
    It can scramble up sketchy hillsides, crawl under brush, and hunt out mushrooms.
    It can jump off of cliffsides into beautiful mountain rivers.
    It can love and be loved.

    I really hope that you can find that sort of worth for yourself, and come to terms with your present body while working towards improvement, and feel pride and appreciation as you go :flowerforyou:

    I am shaped similarly and I don't think it's disgusting at all? Neither does anyone I know? Not my husband. Not the men who approach me or hesitate to approach me from nervousness who think I am their ideal? I am having a hard time understanding HOW you could have come to the point of seeing yourself as "disgusting"? I'm a bit shorter but similar and I have no one saying mean things to me about it to make me feel bad? I have a personal goal to get healthier and look better but I am running TOWARD a health and beauty goal, not FROM a disgusting place? I hope you can understand what I'm trying to tell you is that I cannot hear your self insults because they would insult me as well and also because they are being drowned out by the IRL compliments I hear with a similar figure. There may be some people who see it the way you do but they are not vocal enough for me to ever hear them and even if they were the other people in my life would only get louder so as not to let them win. Surround yourself with people like this until you feel good enough, not to accept yourself as you are but to deserve to achieve whatever fitness goals you already have. Thats the external for the internal you might make a list like Otter's of all the things that are great about you NOW.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    Who are you referring to when you say "BF% weirdo's"? I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term.

    people obsessed with very low (or high) body fat %

    Do you see these people everywhere?

    nope just in the forums
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    Who are you referring to when you say "BF% weirdo's"? I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term.

    people obsessed with very low (or high) body fat %

    And by "obsessed" you mean "concerned enough to be healthy" . . .

    nope i mean obsessed: 1.) never stop thinking about something: to occupy somebody's thoughts constantly and exclusively
    be preoccupied: 2.) to think or worry about something constantly and compulsively
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Not hate speech at all. She's trying to motivate people to be healthy, that's all. People who disagree flat out don't get it. She's never been telling women to look just like her. She just hasn't. She's telling women (really men too) to get off your ____ and make your life healthier.

    If you think she's body shaming people, that says more about you than it does her.

    I don't know; seeing her first thinspo thing, I thought she was asking what my excuse was for not having a bunch of young kids right after the other :D It took me a while to figure out what the kids and their ages had to do with anything!

    I'm not saying she's often indirect. Perhaps I'm just slow. I did get that the OP was being sarcastic, though, so if I'm slow, well... ;)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    Who are you referring to when you say "BF% weirdo's"? I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term.

    people obsessed with very low (or high) body fat %

    And by "obsessed" you mean "concerned enough to be healthy" . . .

    nope i mean obsessed: 1.) never stop thinking about something: to occupy somebody's thoughts constantly and exclusively
    be preoccupied: 2.) to think or worry about something constantly and compulsively

    So, who would that be in this thread? The 'you' of the 'you' people?
  • thatonepersonfromtheinternet
    Just let people be whatever they want as long as they're happy. Overweight but still love your body? Great! Weight does not indicate health and confidence is amazing! Love exercise and love your body? Alright that's fantastic, you go make your own choices!
    Just don't shame people for their decisions or lifestyle. Also ditch the perception that all overweight people are lazy and unhealthy, and that all fit people are 100% healthy. Health is a broad term and should not be narrowed to one image.
    Thank you, goodnight, and please try to get your panties out of their bunch.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    My BF is reasonably low and my skin is softer than silk. I make love with all my senses. U mad?

    I am not mad....just jelly :tongue:
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    Who are you referring to when you say "BF% weirdo's"? I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term.

    people obsessed with very low (or high) body fat %

    And by "obsessed" you mean "concerned enough to be healthy" . . .

    nope i mean obsessed: 1.) never stop thinking about something: to occupy somebody's thoughts constantly and exclusively
    be preoccupied: 2.) to think or worry about something constantly and compulsively

    So, who would that be in this thread? The 'you' of the 'you' people?

    lol naw i was going with the 9 pages before me
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    to the op well she should have kept her mouth shut instead of being a bit of a fame **** and to the rest of you BF% weirdos it is truly terrible to see that we can only "make love with our eyes" today.... trust me its more fun with your hands try it some time you'll like it

    Who are you referring to when you say "BF% weirdo's"? I am afraid that I am not familiar with that term.

    people obsessed with very low (or high) body fat %

    And by "obsessed" you mean "concerned enough to be healthy" . . .

    nope i mean obsessed: 1.) never stop thinking about something: to occupy somebody's thoughts constantly and exclusively
    be preoccupied: 2.) to think or worry about something constantly and compulsively

    So, who would that be in this thread? The 'you' of the 'you' people?

    lol naw i was going with the 9 pages before me

    no - you're not hangry
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    Also, my perception is that the OP does not personally think the things she stated in the OP. She was presenting two different ways of thinking about it and was actually being a little bit sarcastic when she said the negative things about the "fit mom" (LOL).

    ^^^^^Bingo!!!!!!!!!! Apparently my point and sarcasm was lost.

    Probably shouldn't have posted that and then left the computer for the day. I've got a lot of catching up to do!
This discussion has been closed.