Motivation or "hate speech"?



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Everyone does not have an hour a day to spend in the gym. I'll admit it's about priorities. I put my husband and three kids above having a ripped body.

    You can be fit without spending an hour a day at the gym, it just might take a little longer (depending on your starting point). But, you could spend 45 minutes, 3 times a week at the gym.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Everyone does not have an hour a day to spend in the gym. I'll admit it's about priorities. I put my husband and three kids above having a ripped body.

    You don't even need a gym or an hour. There are literally thousands of body weight exercises that can be done in a room. I do 50-100 pushups every other day, no gym and less than an hour by far. I do silly things like do lunges to and from different rooms instead of regular walking. You can sit against a wall for a minute or do dips using a chair. It's not about priorities, it's about excuses 90% of the time (the other 10% are legit medical reasons).
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Most people can probably never look like her, because they have more important things to do in their lives.

    This is the kind of thing said by lazy people.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    After reading the article, I would say the OP completely misrepresented the woman in question. The woman is advocating a healthy lifestyle and she's upset by a growing movement that celebrates unhealthy ones. She doesn't hate fat people, she just hates all of the excuses people make.

    well my article froze my comp before I could read it all but why did she choose to call out the plus sized women who were showing pride in thier current selves? That seemed out of line. Maybe reading on would have changed this for me?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Everyone does not have an hour a day to spend in the gym. I'll admit it's about priorities. I put my husband and three kids above having a ripped body.

    1) You can have all of those.
    2) Her post isn't about being ripped. It's about being fat. Being not fat takes zero hours a day.

    Frankly, if you value your husband and kids you will make fitness a priority anyway, both so you will live a long healthy life and be there for them as you age and to set a proper example.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Most people can probably never look like her, because they have more important things to do in their lives.

    This is the kind of thing said by lazy people.

    and misinformed people who think it takes "hours a day" or extreme limitations, cooking, programs, and complicated regimes.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    After reading the article, I would say the OP completely misrepresented the woman in question. The woman is advocating a healthy lifestyle and she's upset by a growing movement that celebrates unhealthy ones. She doesn't hate fat people, she just hates all of the excuses people make.

    ^^ this
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    After reading the article, I would say the OP completely misrepresented the woman in question. The woman is advocating a healthy lifestyle and she's upset by a growing movement that celebrates unhealthy ones. She doesn't hate fat people, she just hates all of the excuses people make.

    well my article froze my comp before I could read it all but why did she choose to call out the plus sized women who were showing pride in thier current selves? That seemed out of line. Maybe reading on would have changed this for me?

    She called out ad campaigns that promote fat acceptance and shame people who are in shape.
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    In for later reading :drinker:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Everyone does not have an hour a day to spend in the gym. I'll admit it's about priorities. I put my husband and three kids above having a ripped body.

    1) You can have all of those.
    2) Her post isn't about being ripped. It's about being fat. Being not fat takes zero hours a day.

    Frankly, if you value your husband and kids you will make fitness a priority anyway, both so you will live a long healthy life and be there for them as you age and to set a proper example.
    I concur. During an injury which prevented me from working out, it took only choosing my foods carefully to lose 51 lbs in 6 months. It's not about time. It's about prioritizing. I agree and can't think of too many things more important than being there as long as possible for my kids.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    After reading the article, I would say the OP completely misrepresented the woman in question. The woman is advocating a healthy lifestyle and she's upset by a growing movement that celebrates unhealthy ones. She doesn't hate fat people, she just hates all of the excuses people make.

    well my article froze my comp before I could read it all but why did she choose to call out the plus sized women who were showing pride in thier current selves? That seemed out of line. Maybe reading on would have changed this for me?

    She posted pic of herself and her three kids with a caption that read "what's your excuse?" She got a lot of flack for it. She then wrote a post complaining about the positive media coverage of an online group that encourages plus-sizewomen to post photos of themselves in lingerie to show what "real women" look like.

    I hate it when people use the "real woman' tag when referring to overweight. As though the only way to be a real woman is to be fat. If that's all that there is to the controversy, then I agree with the fit mom. I didn't do any additional research to see if she'd done any type of body shaming (which I would then criticize her for).
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Everyone does not have an hour a day to spend in the gym. I'll admit it's about priorities. I put my husband and three kids above having a ripped body.

    Yes, and the rest of us hate our kids and our spouses. Because an hour apart from them 4-5 times a week is akin to abuse and neglect. Someone should call DCFS.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Everyone does not have an hour a day to spend in the gym. I'll admit it's about priorities. I put my husband and three kids above having a ripped body.

    I put my husband and 2 kids above letting my heath go. Who will be there for them if I'm sick or too weak from osteoporosis? Who will be there for them when I'm too fat to actually go on any of the family adventures they want to do?

    I put my kids health first by teaching by example. I find your statement offensive.

    I haven't set foot in a gym in years, but I AM making time to workout.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    After reading the article, I would say the OP completely misrepresented the woman in question. The woman is advocating a healthy lifestyle and she's upset by a growing movement that celebrates unhealthy ones. She doesn't hate fat people, she just hates all of the excuses people make.

    well my article froze my comp before I could read it all but why did she choose to call out the plus sized women who were showing pride in thier current selves? That seemed out of line. Maybe reading on would have changed this for me?

    She called out ad campaigns that promote fat acceptance and shame people who are in shape. THOSE ARTICLES were shaming fit people? Tsk, tsk, tsk. How about everyone stops shaming everyone and let everyone get to their happy places in their own time? It started as seeming like she was shaming the self accepting plus sized women and criticising "home" habits for the obesity epidemic. Presumably those of women like that. All of it is a mess. I don't blame FB for just throwing their hands up about it. Meanwhile I wonder where they draw the line though because a recent Mark Zuckerberg documentary I watched outlined his discomfort at the time with a country crediting FB with some political unrest. Back when he was still the CEO...and before it was public I think?
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    I don't see that as hate speech at all. She's absolutely right that our society is normalizing being overweight or obese - that's bound to happen when over 2/3 of Americans fall into one of those categories. Right now I'm 170 pounds (still pretty overweight) and sometimes have to buy size Medium clothes…god knows that I'm not medium sized yet, but businesses are catching on to this trend of making people think being big is normal and acceptable. It's frustrating.
    I actually love this response Kang gave: "There's a fine line we're walking between I love myself and accept myself, and I love and accept and want to progress myself."

    (And on a side note, I think the online group conveying that plus-size women represent what "real women" look like is more judgmental than anything Kang wrote)
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I hate it when people use the "real woman' tag when referring to overweight. As though the only way to be a real woman is to be fat. If that's all that there is to the controversy, then I agree with the fit mom. I didn't do any additional research to see if she'd done any type of body shaming (which I would then criticize her for).

    Yeah, I agree here.

    But, also being bothered by the real women phrase is not something I have the energy for either. I just don't care (anymore).
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Everyone does not have an hour a day to spend in the gym. I'll admit it's about priorities. I put my husband and three kids above having a ripped body.

    I'm assuming you also don't have any time to watch TV.... or post on internet message boards...

    It's ridiculous to say people who are in good shape or have "ripped bodies" put their fitness before their families. It doesn't take a gym, and it doesn't take an hour a day.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I hate it when people use the "real woman' tag when referring to overweight. As though the only way to be a real woman is to be fat. If that's all that there is to the controversy, then I agree with the fit mom. I didn't do any additional research to see if she'd done any type of body shaming (which I would then criticize her for).

    Yeah, I agree here.

    But, also being bothered by the real women phrase is not something I have the energy for either. I just don't care.

    I guess I'm just a stickler for avoiding misrepresentation. It only bothers me to the extent that I don't think the woman should be accused of hate speech for pointing out the hypocrisy. Congratulations on your energy saving apathy?

    Another I don't like.
    "Real men prefer curves, only dogs like a bone."
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Everyone does not have an hour a day to spend in the gym. I'll admit it's about priorities. I put my husband and three kids above having a ripped body.

    I'm assuming you also don't have any time to watch TV.... or post on internet message boards...

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Everyone does not have an hour a day to spend in the gym. I'll admit it's about priorities. I put my husband and three kids above having a ripped body.

    And obviously posting on the Internet.

    Do you watch tv, do all the cleaning in a house? It is your decision to not exercise. Everyone pretty much has 2% of their week to exercise if they want it. That's 3 1/2 hrs a week. If you don't want it - ok.
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