June Starters (2009)

Well I took the liberty of starting a new thread. I was worried perhaps the reason we have been so quiet is that the July date on the old one was throwing people off that haven't been around in a while.

I have been thinking, what about a challenge? We have not done one in months and it may help those of us that have been struggling get back at it if we have definite goals laid out. Even for the members that have reached their goals, somewhere to check in with fitness goals or whatever else they would like to work at.

It is not too far to the end of the year now so that is my new goal. 130 pounds by December 31. That is 18 weeks to lose to lose 15 pounds. I know my goal has been 135 all along but I think the closer I get to that I realize another 5 is probably doable. I am making it Dec 31 because then I have to keep it up through Thanksgiving and Christmas, not to mention 2 of my kids birthdays and a few more in the extended family as well. I have to make it through a weekend at a cottage with friends and a couple of more barbecues. I know there will be good weigh ins and bad weigh ins but hopefully the one on Dec 31 will give me a great satisfaction in my achievements.

So anyone care to join me??


  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Momto I'm so there! I was off work all last week and took the time to bond with my daughter. It was so amazing. I told her I would only check the comp or clean while she was napping. I really needed the bonding time. While she's only 2 1/2 and couldn't really hold me to my word. I made sure I actually did it. We had so much fun playing together and I even had a chance to clean and rearrange some neglected rooms.

    My goal this week is to make it to the gym at least 3 times. Shooting for 5 though. I miss the gym!

    It will be tough though since I have to come into work early the rest of the week but I know I can do it!
  • shannahrenee
    I'm with you. If I could lose 15 pounds by December 31 I'd be at 179, my original goal. I'll see what I want to do when I get there.

    12 days until the wedding = crunch time (figuratively and literally :wink: )

    Been doing Weight Loss Yoga with Bob and love it, just need to continue to make the time.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Busymom - glad you enjoyed your holidays. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished but still made some great time with your daughter, memories too I am sure.

    Shanna- 12 days, wow. So exciting! I can't wait to see pictures. Are you honeymooning right afterwards?

    I am glad you are both up to a challenge. I always hate being left behind so if I know I have people along with me I am much more likely to stick to my goals. My goal this week is to get in at least 3 work outs as well. I have to get myself back up to 5 a week but I think I will ease back into it.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    It's so hard to come back after a great vaca like that! I was just told by my super that I would never get another week off because it was just too hard on her. :huh: That does not make me happy. Not that I have another week planned but I may have to go over her head to get a week off again. That's rediculous. When she's off I cover for her and it's hard as hell but I do it! She's about to be off for 2 months while her son recovers from surgery. I haven't complained once! Are they hiring me help?? Nope. I get to deal with it all myself while she's out.

    Sorry to vent but I need it. :explode:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Vent away! Everyone needs to do it from time to time. I am Canadian so i know we have different labour laws, but that sounds like it would be breaching your employment rights. Seriously look into it. First of all if you raise a stink they can't touch you because you are protected by the claim and secondly they need to realize how poorly you are being treated. Equal rights and all. I hope things go better today.

    My mini goal of the day is to log all my food today (I haven't done this in months). I have a date with a girlfriend at 8 tonight to go walking and I might even fit in the elliptical before had, although I am not setting that plan in stone.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I was able to get my workout in yest. Weedin the "garden" for an hour. (It's not really a garden, more like a place I wish a garden were. lol) I stayed in my cals too so that's another acheivement. I really want to hit the gym after work but I came in an hour early so we'll see how I feel...

    There's so many things- I can't complain until I've actually been denied the vacation. Another BIG crappy thing is our company is small. Less than 20 emplyees small. (We have 12.) Under our laws that means we're a "small business" which means half the laws don't apply to us. Such as Maternity leave. In a small buisiness they don't have to pay and it's only 4 weeks unless they decide to give you more. Paternity leave doens't exist so dad's don't legally get to take it. (Although, our comp has let men use their vacation days to take time off.) It's just frustrating. I'm a little over it though. I talked to the owner. My hours are extended to help me get both jobs done. :huh: Not ideal but it's overtime. . .
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well overtime is good. Maybe you should consider booking a week after she gets back from her 2 months off as some much deserved "me time".

    Good luck getting in your workout tonight. I have my first 2 meals and first snack recorded so i am feeling pretty positive about it. I am about to put in afternoon snack and dinner and see where I sit so I will most likely have to be motivated into working out if I want to break even.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    lol I thought the same thing about booking a week after she gets back! We'll see when she's supposed to get back...

    My lunch was not as yummy as i thought and so of course didn't hit the spot and I "feel" hungry. Although I can't be because I ate it. :huh: It's a long time until dinner. lol:laugh:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    what about a good afternoon snack?

    I actually loved my lunch and am full however I just had to stop myself from eating my afternoon snack now because I am starving for something to do not because I am hungry in the least. I am my own worst enemy.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I ate my afternoon snack with my morning snack. :blushing: I thought lunch would be yummy.

    I'm just chuggin water. I know I'm not hungry I'm just not satisfied. lol
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I managed to log everything yesterday. It was not pretty! :tongue: No wonder I did not feel good last night after dinner (I did not finish logging until this morning). I only drank 1 glass of water all day too. So for today I am setting a water goal of at least 8 glasses. I am going out to dinner for pizza with friends so I am going to try to eat really well all day and get in a workout after the kids go to bed tonight for sure.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I just can't seem to do this. lol I did soooo good all day and had my dinner and felt great. I started cleaning up and realised I'm running a slight fever... I had 3 bowls of cereal to help. :embarassed: Today, I WILL do better and I WILL get on my eliptical! It's getting sad. lol
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well it is after 1 in the afternoon and I still have not had 1 glass of water. I have had a pot and a half of coffee though (not really I never even drank a half of any of the cups I poured because the kids were very needy this morning...thank goodness for naps). Oh and I just had a wonderfully healthy lunch but then ate a piece of strawberry shortcake my mother sent over :sad: Not sure what has happened to me, not sure why it is so hard to get back on the wagon when you fall off. Maybe because I haven't started gaining weight yet, but it is coming if I don't smarten up!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I have never heard that cereal is a cure for a fever :laugh:
  • shannahrenee
    haha i've never heard of cereal curing a fever either :wink:

    Keep at it girls! It looks like we're all having a hard time. I've been pretty good the past couple of days but it doesn't seem to be helping just yet. Normally when I have a few really good days in a row I lose quickly at first....not so much this time.

    I've done my weight loss yoga dvd 4 out of the past 5 days and I'm going to try really hard to get it in tonight!!!

    Keep trying!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: It doens't. :grumble: :wink:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    So I went through the sucess stories thinking I could get some motivation off other sucess. . . Nope. All I see are the women who lost 40 lbs in 4 months. It took me a year to lose the 45 ish I've lost. :indifferent: Guess I'll have to look somewhere else for motivation. lol
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Its not how long it takes that matters. You have made yourself a healthier person... you are your own success story.

    Well no pizza for me tonight, it would appear I am without a car for the evening. Someone would pick me up but I would need 2 car seats and that is a tall order to fill. Oh well I can do without the pizza but now that I have nothing pulled out for dinner since I thought the kids and I were going out it looks like wings for supper since that is the only quick fix food I can find in the freezer. Not sure which is worse pizza or wings, but I am too mad to care.:explode:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Aw momto I'm sorry you didn't get to go out as planned.

    I know it's not about how long but mentally I'm taking a hit. lol I keep telling myself once I'm AT my goal it will be easier but it won't will it? I mean- I'm only set to lose .5 lbs so maintaining isn't many more calories than this. If I can't keep it up now there's no way I can maintain. I just need to find something to re-align my thinking.

    I got up early today and got on the elip and then grabbed my hula hoop. :bigsmile: That's a huge step in the right direction. Me and my bf are going to the gym again on Tues and Thurs. Hopefully he'll be the motivation I need. I'll want to go to make him go when he doesn't want to and I'll want to go if he wants to. :laugh: So I win either way. :wink:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Oh I just got really excited! I thought I blew it yesterday. I did so good on calories but then my bf brought me a double caramel turtle sundae and I ate half. :grumble: I logged it today to make myself accountable and because I mowed the lawn afterwards I came out even! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: