Not bothering to date.. Its all frankly worrying..



  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Another prime example of why I'm not going to date ANY time soon...

    The other day at the gym a guy asked for my phone number and wanted to take me out. First off, I'm not a huge fan of conversing while I'm trying to work out but he was handsome so I figured, eh what the hell, and gave it to him. We've talked a few other times and he seemed like a nice guy.

    I am a single mother and would have had to find someone to watch my 1.5 year old so I could go out with this guy and I told him that. I've really been giving it a lot of thought the last couple days and decided that I'm not ready to date yet. It has nothing to do with him, I'm just not ready. Last night I texted him and told him that and I hope we can still be friends. I wake up this morning to find a text message of him ripping me a new one... talking about how I like to play games, I'm full of s***, etc. This is EXACTLY why I don't want to date. A seemingly "nice" guy can't take the honest truth. Would he have rather me waste both of our time and his money for me to come to the same conclusion?

    And now I get to see him everyday at the gym, because we work out at the same time. Yay! Looks like I'll be picking a new time to go...

    Why did you give him your number in the first place if you weren't ready to date? His temper tantrum via text was uncalled for, but it sounded like you were leading him on.

    I should have known this would turn around and be my fault again... Because at the time I had every intention of going out with him. After a couple of days of thinking about it I changed my mind. I'm pretty sure going out to dinner with him even though I knew I wasn't interested in dating him or anyone else would be the true definition of leading someone on.

    At least I know I'm really not ready to date and won't be giving out my number anymore... heaven forbid another man gets butt hurt after mild rejection. :bigsmile:

    Although I don't agree with that guy's action, I see where he is coming from. It takes a lot to cold approach someone and get their number. He probably felt really good about the approach, the success of it, and was starting to build hope. Alas, the hope was false. Guys hate false hope.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    My worst internet date was this:

    He had decided to cycle the 5 or 6 miles from his village to the pub. If he'd been really fit, this might not have been an issue. The guy was about 10 pounds heavier in person than he appeared to be in his pictures, and clearly not very fit.

    I walked up to him at the bar, and there he was: dripping with sweat. He apologised and said he had already been to the toilets and had wiped off some of the sweat. When we sat down to lunch and started talking, I got distracted by the sweat running down his face and asked him to go and wipe some more off. I did jokingly ask him if cycling to a date seemed like a good idea in retrospect.

    He then ordered mussels in garlic and butter sauce, which he had to eat with his fingers of course. it was revolting!
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Reading all these post made me laugh and want to cry. I am so thankful that I have been with my husband for 16 yrs. My prior dating history was 20 and younger internet and just mostly horny young guys. I definitely could not handle dating now. Some one needs to make a compilation book of all these stories and get rich.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    My worst internet date was this:

    He had decided to cycle the 5 or 6 miles from his village to the pub. If he'd been really fit, this might not have been an issue. The guy was about 10 pounds heavier in person than he appeared to be in his pictures, and clearly not very fit.

    I walked up to him at the bar, and there he was: dripping with sweat. He apologised and said he had already been to the toilets and had wiped off some of the sweat. When we sat down to lunch and started talking, I got distracted by the sweat running down his face and asked him to go and wipe some more off. I did jokingly ask him if cycling to a date seemed like a good idea in retrospect.

    He then ordered mussels in garlic and butter sauce, which he had to eat with his fingers of course. it was revolting!

    Oh. My. God. That is horrible!!!

    Did he not own a car?
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    My worst internet date was this:

    He had decided to cycle the 5 or 6 miles from his village to the pub. If he'd been really fit, this might not have been an issue. The guy was about 10 pounds heavier in person than he appeared to be in his pictures, and clearly not very fit.

    I walked up to him at the bar, and there he was: dripping with sweat. He apologised and said he had already been to the toilets and had wiped off some of the sweat. When we sat down to lunch and started talking, I got distracted by the sweat running down his face and asked him to go and wipe some more off. I did jokingly ask him if cycling to a date seemed like a good idea in retrospect.

    He then ordered mussels in garlic and butter sauce, which he had to eat with his fingers of course. it was revolting!

    Oh. My. God. That is horrible!!!

    Did he not own a car?

    No, he never learnt to drive! 36 years old... I should have done my research better. After 5 years of taxiing my ex around I have an aversion to dating guys without their own motorised transport!
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    I just remembered another one.

    Another internet first date. The guy tells me he spent a night in a cell and was given community service for beating the *kitten* out of someone he found in bed with his girlfriend. That and he was prohibited from seeing his daughter as a result.

    I RAN. :noway:
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    I think we all hope that we will just meet that special someone and sparks will fly...this is what romance films have taught us, we all live in hope and some people are very lucky however internet dating seems to be the norm these days but personally I am still secretly hoping for fireworks and butterflies lol..

    We can all dream right :smile:

  • xxviolentkissxx
    I've been single for nearly 3yrs... My last dates have included; someone not calling me back for a month - when they did they told me they'd been clinically sectioned, & wanted to join the French Foreign Legion. A bloke who informed me his ex was blonde, so he was worried my "growler" may terrify him (we'll never know?), & a bus driver who related a highly unamusing story involving him having a dump behind an unmarked police car... What can I say? I frankly like being single. I can see the benefit.. What was the worst date you had recently?

    meh, at least you don't attract slags.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I've commented on some other goings on here, and I'm going to open the vault on some of my lousy dates.

    First off, to all the married people and people in secure, functional long term relationships, be thankful! Dating today sucks. Never, ever take your spouse for granted. Cherish each moment that you have with them. If your marriage or LTR is salvageable, salvage it. Because starting over is usually much harder.

    I'm not going to list every bad date that I've had. But I'll share a sampling. I've had more than my quota of them.

    1. I met a girl in person at a Meetup once. We proceeded to go on a pleasant first date. Played tennis for an hour and went to a chill bar/pub after. She was from Peru and I speak Spanish as well. The majority of the date was in Spanish, which I liked. Anyway, as I was getting close to kissing her, her breath smelled really disgustingly foul. I have a no kiss, no 2nd date policy. I have found that any date that doesn't end with a first kiss on the lips, I'm wasting my time if there is a 2nd date.

    2. I met a girl from Tinder for a walk on a trail. She's about a solid 7. However, when she gets to the date, she only claims to have 30 minutes and also mentions that despite her recent breakup from her long term bf, not all her stuff is out of the house they were sharing. I'm glad that was a free date. She had no business wasting 30 mins of my time.

    3. Another girl showed up to a first date with a bad itch. She was scratching her arms. She was clearly distracted and had no business being on the date.

    4. Another girl told me a second date that she expected to die before age 40 based on her family history.

    5. After a third date that involved a dinner & a great make out session on my couch, the girl disappears, ignoring all texts & calls. How rude!
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    Another prime example of why I'm not going to date ANY time soon...

    The other day at the gym a guy asked for my phone number and wanted to take me out. First off, I'm not a huge fan of conversing while I'm trying to work out but he was handsome so I figured, eh what the hell, and gave it to him. We've talked a few other times and he seemed like a nice guy.

    I am a single mother and would have had to find someone to watch my 1.5 year old so I could go out with this guy and I told him that. I've really been giving it a lot of thought the last couple days and decided that I'm not ready to date yet. It has nothing to do with him, I'm just not ready. Last night I texted him and told him that and I hope we can still be friends. I wake up this morning to find a text message of him ripping me a new one... talking about how I like to play games, I'm full of s***, etc. This is EXACTLY why I don't want to date. A seemingly "nice" guy can't take the honest truth. Would he have rather me waste both of our time and his money for me to come to the same conclusion?

    And now I get to see him everyday at the gym, because we work out at the same time. Yay! Looks like I'll be picking a new time to go...

    Why did you give him your number in the first place if you weren't ready to date? His temper tantrum via text was uncalled for, but it sounded like you were leading him on.

    I should have known this would turn around and be my fault again... Because at the time I had every intention of going out with him. After a couple of days of thinking about it I changed my mind. I'm pretty sure going out to dinner with him even though I knew I wasn't interested in dating him or anyone else would be the true definition of leading someone on.

    At least I know I'm really not ready to date and won't be giving out my number anymore... heaven forbid another man gets butt hurt after mild rejection. :bigsmile:

    What we have here is an example of a boy in a man's body. What kind of adult reacts like that!? Unfortunately, reading these forums and hearing stories, this seems to be the norm these days: Grown men having temper tantrums when someone hurts their precious feelings. . .The funny thing is, this guy 'might' have still gotten that date if he'd played his cards right. . behaved like an adult. . maintained contact and shown a measure of empathy and understanding at the realities facing a busy single mom who's got a lot more important things to think about than dating. . But. .I guess then he wouldn't have gotten that satisfaction kindergartners get by calling the girl they like a meanie on the playground.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    I've commented on some other goings on here, and I'm going to open the vault on some of my lousy dates.

    First off, to all the married people and people in secure, functional long term relationships, be thankful! Dating today sucks. Never, ever take your spouse for granted. Cherish each moment that you have with them. If your marriage or LTR is salvageable, salvage it. Because starting over is usually much harder.

    I'm not going to list every bad date that I've had. But I'll share a sampling. I've had more than my quota of them.

    1. I met a girl in person at a Meetup once. We proceeded to go on a pleasant first date. Played tennis for an hour and went to a chill bar/pub after. She was from Peru and I speak Spanish as well. The majority of the date was in Spanish, which I liked. Anyway, as I was getting close to kissing her, her breath smelled really disgustingly foul. I have a no kiss, no 2nd date policy. I have found that any date that doesn't end with a first kiss on the lips, I'm wasting my time if there is a 2nd date.

    2. I met a girl from Tinder for a walk on a trail. She's about a solid 7. However, when she gets to the date, she only claims to have 30 minutes and also mentions that despite her recent breakup from her long term bf, not all her stuff is out of the house they were sharing. I'm glad that was a free date. She had no business wasting 30 mins of my time.

    3. Another girl showed up to a first date with a bad itch. She was scratching her arms. She was clearly distracted and had no business being on the date.

    4. Another girl told me a second date that she expected to die before age 40 based on her family history.

    5. After a third date that involved a dinner & a great make out session on my couch, the girl disappears, ignoring all texts & calls. How rude!

    I'm detecting a pattern here. .
  • icame2win60
    I'm 20, I turn 21 on Monday...I've been single for over 2 years...frankly I am
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    So the title says its worrying yet your happy being single? I have said the same thing myself. It sounds like denial and thats not a shot at you, its just I have done the same myself. Do you get asked out by guys or is it internet dating?
    Think about what you want in a man first, even if its simple things, then go from there.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member

    What we have here is an example of a boy in a man's body. What kind of adult reacts like that!? Unfortunately, reading these forums and hearing stories, this seems to be the norm these days: Grown men having temper tantrums when someone hurts their precious feelings. . .The funny thing is, this guy 'might' have still gotten that date if he'd played his cards right. . behaved like an adult. . maintained contact and shown a measure of empathy and understanding at the realities facing a busy single mom who's got a lot more important things to think about than dating. . But. .I guess then he wouldn't have gotten that satisfaction kindergartners get by calling the girl they like a meanie on the playground.

    I'm glad all guys don't think it's ok to act a jacka$s the second someone hurts their feelings.

    I thought any normal adult would reply with an "ok I understand, maybe later then" response... Talk about killing any chance to ever go out now.
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    I'm 20, I turn 21 on Monday...I've been single for over 2 years...frankly I am

    Your only 20, whats the rush?
    Do you have things that you want to focus on? Like a career, education etc?
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member

    What we have here is an example of a boy in a man's body. What kind of adult reacts like that!? Unfortunately, reading these forums and hearing stories, this seems to be the norm these days: Grown men having temper tantrums when someone hurts their precious feelings. . .The funny thing is, this guy 'might' have still gotten that date if he'd played his cards right. . behaved like an adult. . maintained contact and shown a measure of empathy and understanding at the realities facing a busy single mom who's got a lot more important things to think about than dating. . But. .I guess then he wouldn't have gotten that satisfaction kindergartners get by calling the girl they like a meanie on the playground.

    I'm glad all guys don't think it's ok to act a jacka$s the second someone hurts their feelings.

    I thought any normal adult would reply with an "ok I understand, maybe later then" response... Talk about killing any chance to ever go out now.

    Yeah, consider yourself lucky that he flew his freak flag before you actually wasted any time or feelings on him. Guys with that type of anger simmering just beneath the surface are bad news all around.
  • icame2win60
    I'm 20, I turn 21 on Monday...I've been single for over 2 years...frankly I am

    Your only 20, whats the rush?
    Do you have things that you want to focus on? Like a career, education etc?

    No, I am in college majoring in environmental engineering, so I have big hopes for my career. With college and also working around 25 per week I don't exactly have time to date now. But after I graduate and begin my career I'm nervous to start dating...I'd like to find someone eventually and I feel like dating really sucks these days. I wish I was older and already married...hah.
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    5. After a third date that involved a dinner & a great make out session on my couch, the girl disappears, ignoring all texts & calls. How rude!

    NEVER treat a woman to dinner unless you're clappin' dem cheeks.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    5. After a third date that involved a dinner & a great make out session on my couch, the girl disappears, ignoring all texts & calls. How rude!

    NEVER treat a woman to dinner unless you're clappin' dem cheeks.

    The dinner was not a meal out. The dinner was something I made. Does meal in vs meal out affect your clappin' dem cheeks rule?
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    I'm 20, I turn 21 on Monday...I've been single for over 2 years...frankly I am

    Your only 20, whats the rush?
    Do you have things that you want to focus on? Like a career, education etc?

    No, I am in college majoring in environmental engineering, so I have big hopes for my career. With college and also working around 25 per week I don't exactly have time to date now. But after I graduate and begin my career I'm nervous to start dating...I'd like to find someone eventually and I feel like dating really sucks these days. I wish I was older and already married...hah.

    Boo that. I think it's a shame people see dating as a negative. I love dating:) As long as you keep your standards high and have fun with it, it won't feel like a hassle. I'm also an engineering student, work two jobs and hold a research position so I get it's hard to find time. Lunch/coffee dates are you friends. If you're going to go out to lunch anyway, might as well make it a date :flowerforyou:

    Anywho, proceed! These stories are great.