Not bothering to date.. Its all frankly worrying..



  • amandajones1978
    Sorry about your dating issues, I have them too. :(

    A recent date I had with a guy that looked nothing like his online profile. Now I am not the most fit person, but I am pretty darn active. He was not active at all, I had just finished a half marathon. His hobbies were TV and TV, my hobbies are pretty much anything to get me out of the house. It was like pulling teeth to get him to talk and I can understand being nervous but to answer a direct question with: "I dunno, I got nothing" Um, what? Needless to say, it didnt go past date 1.

    Another date I had with a guy that saw me at work and wanted to ask me out but had his friend ask me. I said yes but then learned that 1. He didnt have a job, he was only a temp. 2. Didnt have a car, so I had to pick him up. 3. Still lived at home. 4. Had a crazy ex-girlfriend. He got back together with his crazy ex-girlfriend and she found the slip of paper with my home number. The guy didnt have the testicular fortitude to tell her he dated while they were split, he asked me that if she calls I had to say my number was meant for his friend. WHAT? Well, she did call, about 10 times and once was pretty nasty to my own mother. I cussed her out and basically said she is welcome to the ball-less wonder; I wouldnt date him if the continuation of the human race depended on us procreating. Better to die out than to have his DNA infecting the gene pool.

    Other dates were just sad.

    So I gave up, for now. I'll just be happy with me and when it happens, it happens.

    No car, no job, no conversation...all deal breakers for me. I dont want a child I want an equal partner, they need to be able to equally bring something to the table, not rely on me for everything!
    well we wouldnt work out at all!!!!!!!!!!

    I mean I want someone that does all the house work or has loads of money.......;P

    HAHA! Get in the kitchen and make me a sammich!
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    This is an interesting read. Both funny and serious stories in here which sparks my interest. I've been single for a little over 2 years now. I have two great teenage sons, house, car, job, I workout consistently, pay my bills lol. Problem is i'm very picky after having a questionable dating history. Which pretty much consists of a few over a year relationships which turned out horribly because I give my all when in a relationship. The women i've been involved with just seem to not want to do the same thing

    I don't date much because of the fact that my boys are #1(yes they live with me), although I would like to have that special someone, i'm not into a bar scene. A lot of these stories I see on here about guys wanting sex immediately, well I get that type of behaviour from women all the time. Staying single isn't bad but it gets old quick when you realize that you may not anywhere close to finding that someone
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    This is an interesting read. Both funny and serious stories in here which sparks my interest. I've been single for a little over 2 years now. I have two great teenage sons, house, car, job, I workout consistently, pay my bills lol. Problem is i'm very picky after having a questionable dating history.

    I'm getting much pickier as I get older too. The tables turn once you hit your later 20's, a man's stock begins to rise rapidly. Men become more financially stable and establish rugged good looks as they age (most of my mid 20's female friends swoon for salt and pepper hair now).

    Keep on being picky and don't settle.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    This is an interesting read. Both funny and serious stories in here which sparks my interest. I've been single for a little over 2 years now. I have two great teenage sons, house, car, job, I workout consistently, pay my bills lol. Problem is i'm very picky after having a questionable dating history.

    I'm getting much pickier as I get older too. The tables turn once you hit your later 20's, a man's stock begins to rise rapidly. Men become more financially stable and establish rugged good looks as they age (most of my mid 20's female friends swoon for salt and pepper hair now).

    Keep on being picky and don't settle.

    Part of men's stock rising as they get older is because they are older than women. Women like men older, and men like a woman younger. I was at a house party this weekend and chatting with a 22 year old guy who had just graduated college in May and was looking to meet some new women. I told him to focus on women at a nearby college because that is who he is older than at this point.

    An in shape guy from 26-35 with a solid career usually has some decent options.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    bumping for more
  • sydenham24
    Or he could have said, well, I sure am disappointed. If you change your mind, let me know. Like an ADULT. His ridiculous and hurtful over reaction and your need to change gym times ( I.e. your life) for a guy you don't know tells you that your instincts wer VALID and you should trust yourself. Changing your mind isn't a sin, and he could have read your hesitancy in the first place, if he was really so interested in YOU. He sounds like a big baby, best to avoid. You did well, bravo.
  • srr728
    srr728 Posts: 549 Member
    I HATE dating, Gym is now my bf and religion i can buy my own beer and shoes. im good
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I know this thread is old but I do agree with the OP to some extent. There are some seriously disturbing men out there like this one guy I went on a date with this week who asked me to get a fertility test to prevent our relationship becoming invalid due to infertility. :noway: Who then proceeded to tell me his new plan for world domination which basically ended up sounded like a half-arsed attempt at retelling the Hunger Games - he thought his idea was original unsurprisingly.
    Then he told me about his ex and how she broke his heart and how he didn't have any friends and didn't value human relationships anyway.
    But there are good men - somewhere. I think. :laugh:
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    I ended a 13 year relationship late last year and have started to try internet dating. Not so great so far. I was stood up by one guy who called me later to arrange another date with the excuse "my boys said I shouldn't go out tonight". I told him have fun with his boys but I have no interest in meeting him. Another guy I went out with seemed pretty fun and interesting on the first date. Then he got weird, getting mad when I wouldn't send him dirty pictures saying I don't know how dating works now, hahaha. Then he showed up at my place drunk at 2:30am to see where I was and who I was with because I told him I was tired and didn't want to go out when he called me to hang out around 11pm. He kept pushing for a relationship after I said I had no interest in dating him, to the point where I had to block his number. Another guy seemed nice when we went out to dinner but next time when we hung out at his place to watch a movie I noticed that he chained his fridge shut at all times to keep his teenage son out of it, then would dole out snacks and meals on a schedule. He was very food policey, which I thought was very odd. Oh, and a guy who kept talking about how smart he was and how it was hard to find an intelligent woman to keep up with him but that he knew he and I had a connection. Turned out he had no job and started asking me for money, hahahaha. NO.

    I wonder if I have ever been as awful a date for anyone. I certainly hope not and I don't think I have, but I doubt these guys knew how bad these dates really were...