High carb vegan diet



  • cookieshop
    what is your primary source of protein? do you consume all the essential amino acids required by us.

    The 10 amino acids that humans can produce are alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine and tyrosine. Tyrosine is produced from phenylalanine, so if the diet is deficient in phenylalanine, tyrosine will be required as well. The essential amino acids are arginine (required for the young, but not for adults), histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. These amino acids are required in the diet.

    If you only do vegan, no wonder you have to eat 4000 cals a day as you must have to complement a lot of foods to make up for the nutrition. Plus you would have to take supplements high in iron as iron from plant sources is not very well absorbed by human body.

    As far as care for the animals is concerned, what about the care for the plants. So if all started eating like you are doing (4000 cals/day) or more, then there would not be enough plants to feed the vegan brigade. Plus, dont you know that even plants feel pain as has been proven in various lab experiments. So just because they are mute and cant move, its ok for you to eat their raw limbs aka raw veggies?!

    Therefore, do yourself a favour, stop preaching, live and let live
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Fat makes you fat, not carbs.

    That is just wrong. excess calories are stored as fat, no matter what they come from.
  • Veganhclf
    Veganhclf Posts: 24 Member
    Jade - I applaude your enthusiam and choosing to go vegan, but some of your points are not accurate.

    May I suggest there is a vegan group on MFP where you could try out your points and have them discussed by fellow vegans before you venture out in to the open arena of the general forum; if at all.
    Why promote veganism to people who already are vegans. I'm just giving advice, that's all, just exercising my freedom of speech. A high carb low fat vegan diet is the way to go , but if calorie restricting is working for you then fine keep doing it, im not forcing anyone.
  • Veganhclf
    Veganhclf Posts: 24 Member
    Fat makes you fat, not carbs.

    That is just wrong. excess calories are stored as fat, no matter what they come from.
    Maybe if you lay in bed all day stuffing your mouth full of hamburgers. When I first went vegan I didn't do any training due to slight overtraining but still ate like would die the next day and I lost 4 kg just like that. Now tell me, how is this possible if what you're saying is true. I weigh 69 kg and am super fit, and I assume you are overweight and struggling to run around the block. You could change this easy if you would just listen to me, just give it a try. Sorry if I offended you, I don't mean to hurt your feeling or anything, just trying to make a point :)
  • Veganhclf
    Veganhclf Posts: 24 Member
    Your analogy is flawed. A predatory animal, such as a wolf, feasts when a kill is made but then they won't eat for days afterwards. I assume you don't eat 4000cals then skip a days worth of eating do you, so that it evens out at 2000cals/day?
    Listen, if you're hungry or you just want some food then go and do it, we are a part of nature and in nature there is no calorie restriction. If a wolf had access to food at all times he would eat is brains out without putting on a single pound. Look at pets for instance, a cat eats all they and sleeps all they but won't gain weight. Just try it out for 2 weeks and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    So a wolf sees prey every 3 days so that's why it eats then? Riiiight. A lion on the savannah sees prey animals all the time, but it only hunts every 3 or 4 days because it eats enough to last it that amount of time when it makes a kill. It doesn't expend the energy required to make a kill until it needs to.

    Your cat sleeps all day but its out all night climbing, running, sneaking, chasing. Dogs that don't get enough exercise get fat too.

    Anyway, you're also assuming that everyone on here just wants to lose weight. What about building muscle? Lean meat is a great source of protein.

    How about you try something for 2 weeks - track your calories everyday, eat 4000 per day and then come back and tell me if you've lost weight.
    Oh, meat is the best source of protein? Yea, right! How about beans and lentis? Besides, this whole hype about protein builds muscle is overrated, training builds muscle, but yes you do need protein in order to build muscle but not that much protein.
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Fat makes you fat, not carbs.

    That is just wrong. excess calories are stored as fat, no matter what they come from.

    What he said. Sensible man is sensible.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Fat makes you fat, not carbs.

    That is just wrong. excess calories are stored as fat, no matter what they come from.
    Maybe if you lay in bed all day stuffing your mouth full of hamburgers. When I first went vegan I didn't do any training due to slight overtraining but still ate like would die the next day and I lost 4 kg just like that. Now tell me, how is this possible if what you're saying is true. I weigh 69 kg and am super fit, and I assume you are overweight and struggling to run around the block. You could change this easy if you would just listen to me, just give it a try. Sorry if I offended you, I don't mean to hurt your feeling or anything, just trying to make a point :)

    you are 18 and think you know everything in the world. You don't. I am overweight but I have lost a bunch of weight eating all the things I love, just less of them. Getting as much activity as I can while still supporting a family and while taking courses in Nutrition and health so that I could do this right. Much luck to you.
  • Veganhclf
    Veganhclf Posts: 24 Member
    Fat makes you fat, not carbs.

    That is just wrong. excess calories are stored as fat, no matter what they come from.
    Maybe if you lay in bed all day stuffing your mouth full of hamburgers. When I first went vegan I didn't do any training due to slight overtraining but still ate like would die the next day and I lost 4 kg just like that. Now tell me, how is this possible if what you're saying is true. I weigh 69 kg and am super fit, and I assume you are overweight and struggling to run around the block. You could change this easy if you would just listen to me, just give it a try. Sorry if I offended you, I don't mean to hurt your feeling or anything, just trying to make a point :)

    you are 18 and think you know everything in the world. You don't. I am overweight but I have lost a bunch of weight eating all the things I love, just less of them. Getting as much activity as I can while still supporting a family and while taking courses in Nutrition and health so that I could do this right. Much luck to you.
    Great that you've lost weight and being so dedicated. I'm just preaching what I personally have experienced and why I've other people do. Yes, I cut calories before while eating meat and a high fat diet and yes I did loose weight but I just ended up gaining that weight right after. I used to be obsessed with weight and diet, I used to fast for up to 50 hours and I was pretty much developing an eating disorder and the cure for me was the high carb low fat vegan diet. If you feel happy going hungry everyday then fine, life is about enjoying everyday. I just want other people to feel good just like I feel good, I don't just care abut animals ;)
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Jade - I applaude your enthusiam and choosing to go vegan, but some of your points are not accurate.

    May I suggest there is a vegan group on MFP where you could try out your points and have them discussed by fellow vegans before you venture out in to the open arena of the general forum; if at all.
    Why promote veganism to people who already are vegans. I'm just giving advice, that's all, just exercising my freedom of speech. A high carb low fat vegan diet is the way to go , but if calorie restricting is working for you then fine keep doing it, im not forcing anyone.

    Actually nothing you have said seems to be promoting becoming a vegan, in all honesty I have never seen posts that make me feel so anti vegan as yours.

    You do realise that some vitamins are fat soluble don't you? This makes fats essential in the diet

    Maybe a balanced diet is the way to go?
  • warrenrose12
    warrenrose12 Posts: 22 Member
    railroader that stuff is not vegan get yourself educated on the subject lol sarahlee cakes and stuff are you for real.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Humans aren't supposed to eat meat?

    Yes, because this 8 foot, stone-tipped middle palaeolithic spear my avatar's holding is for hunting lentils.

    Sorry but the fossil record doesn't agree with you. The evolution of the entire Homo genus is a story of using progressively more advanced forms of stone age technology to get more and higher quality meat and animal products (such as using stone tools to extract brains and bone marrow from carcases) while human brains got bigger and bigger. It was a positive feedback loop: more fatty meats, bone marrow and animal brains = more fat and protein to grow bigger brains = more intelligent = the ability to find more effective ways to scavenge and hunt animals and extract fat and protein rich food from them. Humans are omnivores and dietary opportunists (i.e. can survive on a wide range of different diets), and due to the invention of advanced agricultural techniques and the ability to transport food all around the world, it's possible for post-industrial humans to survive on a plant-only diet, but a plant-only diet is not what we evolved eating, and it's impossible to survive as a vegan without modern technology (including the ability to transport food long distances). It's not just the genus Homo either, all the great apes are omnivores, even gorillas (contrary to what vegan propaganda will try to tell you).

    Anyway, if you want to see hominins (human like apes that walk fully upright) that are more adapted for a high plant food diet, check out Australopithecus boisei, dental microware of its teeth suggests that its diet consisted mainly of plant food such as grass and leaves (although other fossil evidence suggests they also ate termites, so they're not actually vegan, but they ate a lot more plant food and a lot less animal protein than human ancestors of the same time period) - they evolved really, really, really, big teeth and huge mahoosive jaw muscles to be able to process all that plant food, while hominins in the human lineage evolved bigger and bigger brains and smaller and smaller jaws and teeth, and also the human gut is shorter relative to other apes, all of these are changes associated with the increasing consumption of meat, i.e. moving from scavenging animal carcases and hunting small animals, to hunting bigger and bigger animals and developing more and more sophisticated hunting weapons throughout the entire stone age. Meanwhile, grass eating Australopithecus boisei went extinct.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Aaaaand end thread.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    railroader that stuff is not vegan get yourself educated on the subject lol sarahlee cakes and stuff are you for real.


    Yes everything I posted is Vegan.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Fat makes you fat, not carbs.

    That is just wrong. excess calories are stored as fat, no matter what they come from.
    Maybe if you lay in bed all day stuffing your mouth full of hamburgers. When I first went vegan I didn't do any training due to slight overtraining but still ate like would die the next day and I lost 4 kg just like that. Now tell me, how is this possible if what you're saying is true. I weigh 69 kg and am super fit, and I assume you are overweight and struggling to run around the block. You could change this easy if you would just listen to me, just give it a try. Sorry if I offended you, I don't mean to hurt your feeling or anything, just trying to make a point :)

    you are 18 and think you know everything in the world. You don't. I am overweight but I have lost a bunch of weight eating all the things I love, just less of them. Getting as much activity as I can while still supporting a family and while taking courses in Nutrition and health so that I could do this right. Much luck to you.
    Great that you've lost weight and being so dedicated. I'm just preaching what I personally have experienced and why I've other people do. Yes, I cut calories before while eating meat and a high fat diet and yes I did loose weight but I just ended up gaining that weight right after. I used to be obsessed with weight and diet, I used to fast for up to 50 hours and I was pretty much developing an eating disorder and the cure for me was the high carb low fat vegan diet. If you feel happy going hungry everyday then fine, life is about enjoying everyday. I just want other people to feel good just like I feel good, I don't just care abut animals ;)

    great that this works for you, but don't expect it to work for everyone else, and stop preaching it like it's the solution to the whole world's diet problems. It's not. There are a lot of highly successful people on this site who have been successful while eating lots of fat and lots of meat. Me included. I maintain my weight without tracking, while eating lots of meat and fat. In fact, eating more meat and more fat helps me to maintain more easily. Eating too many carbs is where I have to be careful.

    Honestly you're just making vegans look like a bunch of preachy street preachers trying to make the whole world vegan

    BTW if you're a troll... well played :drinker: but if you're not a troll then get off your soap box because it's having the opposite effect to the one you want....
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    Your analogy is flawed. A predatory animal, such as a wolf, feasts when a kill is made but then they won't eat for days afterwards. I assume you don't eat 4000cals then skip a days worth of eating do you, so that it evens out at 2000cals/day?
    Listen, if you're hungry or you just want some food then go and do it, we are a part of nature and in nature there is no calorie restriction. If a wolf had access to food at all times he would eat is brains out without putting on a single pound. Look at pets for instance, a cat eats all they and sleeps all they but won't gain weight. Just try it out for 2 weeks and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    This logic is impaired.
    If a wolf could had access to food and ate at all times it most certainly would gain weight. A lot of weight. And so do cats. Some may only eat what they're hungry for, but my old cat, for instance, gained 5 lbs after going to live with someone who leaves a full food bowl at all times vs living with me who fed him twice a day.
    Also, two weeks is not enough time to try out any kind of diet or lifestyle change and see any kind of permanent changes.
    Weight loss is calories in/calories out. Scientifically proven. It's as simple as that.
    Also humans were meant to eat meat. Why else would we require certain vitamins and nutrients in our bodies that are only found in red meat? Do research before you make claims.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Your analogy is flawed. A predatory animal, such as a wolf, feasts when a kill is made but then they won't eat for days afterwards. I assume you don't eat 4000cals then skip a days worth of eating do you, so that it evens out at 2000cals/day?
    Listen, if you're hungry or you just want some food then go and do it, we are a part of nature and in nature there is no calorie restriction. If a wolf had access to food at all times he would eat is brains out without putting on a single pound. Look at pets for instance, a cat eats all they and sleeps all they but won't gain weight. Just try it out for 2 weeks and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    So a wolf sees prey every 3 days so that's why it eats then? Riiiight. A lion on the savannah sees prey animals all the time, but it only hunts every 3 or 4 days because it eats enough to last it that amount of time when it makes a kill. It doesn't expend the energy required to make a kill until it needs to.

    Your cat sleeps all day but its out all night climbing, running, sneaking, chasing. Dogs that don't get enough exercise get fat too.

    Anyway, you're also assuming that everyone on here just wants to lose weight. What about building muscle? Lean meat is a great source of protein.

    How about you try something for 2 weeks - track your calories everyday, eat 4000 per day and then come back and tell me if you've lost weight.
    Oh, meat is the best source of protein? Yea, right! How about beans and lentis? Besides, this whole hype about protein builds muscle is overrated, training builds muscle, but yes you do need protein in order to build muscle but not that much protein.

    I said its a great source, not the best source. Although, to me it is, as its a lot tastier than lentils.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Sorry but the fossil record doesn't agree with you. The evolution of the entire Homo genus is a story of using progressively more advanced forms of stone age technology to get more and higher quality meat and animal products (such as using stone tools to extract brains and bone marrow from carcases) while human brains got bigger and bigger.

    It's not just the genus Homo either, all the great apes are omnivores, even gorillas (contrary to what vegan propaganda will try to tell you).

    I believe you are right neandermagnon.

    It may be an idealistic view I have of the dark ages, but I feel the hunters of animals on open planes would have, at least for efficiencies sake, been more efficient hunters and cave painting evidence suggests that they had more respect for the animals they killed compared to the vast and impersonal captive animal processing industry we have today.

    It is true, we took the opportunistic path that led us to where we are today, but modern technology enables some of us (all of us if we wanted to) to choose to opt out of the meat market. Animals besides, a plant based diet is more efficient in finding enough food to feed an ever increasing human population.

    These are my views and reasons for opting out of flesh food and I am aware they are open to debate and that is fine.
    Honestly you're just making vegans look like a bunch of preachy street preachers trying to make the whole world vegan.

    This was my fear when I saw this thread start to evolve. I would hope those who want to investigate the vegan diet would try a visit to one of the vegan groups on MFP and post in there. You may (may) find we are not all quite so narrow focussed. Bear in mind the OP's youth and enthusiasm; some of us have had time to mellow out a bit.

    and finally,

    I said its (protein) a great source, not the best source. Although, to me it is, as its a lot tastier than lentils.

    Come round to my house tomorrow. We are having a wonderful lentil bake with all the traditional new year veggies, roasted in lots of (vegetable) fat and lashed with (vegan) gravy - unless you are worried I may prove you wrong?
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I skimmed a bit.

    But OP, you're an idiot.
    You need fat in your diet.
    And you're demonizing foods by labeling things as "good" or "bad".
    You need to examine your relationship with food and work on creating a healthier relationship with food because there are no 'good' or 'bad' foods and fat is delicious.

    MMMM avocado (and it's vegan)
  • MsBluelipstick
    Been a vegan for almost 20 years and weighed over 300lbs . No I wasn't stuffing my face full of junk either..I ate tons of bread type stuff tho...Read the book "wheat belly" , started eating fish and eggs, cut out the wheat and dropped 50lbs pretty quick before joining this site. And I feel so much better, not just because of my weight loss, my skin has cleared, more energy. I am not against being vegan...but yeah, you can do it wrong for sure.
  • FireflyJay
    Your analogy is flawed. A predatory animal, such as a wolf, feasts when a kill is made but then they won't eat for days afterwards. I assume you don't eat 4000cals then skip a days worth of eating do you, so that it evens out at 2000cals/day?
    Listen, if you're hungry or you just want some food then go and do it, we are a part of nature and in nature there is no calorie restriction. If a wolf had access to food at all times he would eat is brains out without putting on a single pound. Look at pets for instance, a cat eats all they and sleeps all they but won't gain weight. Just try it out for 2 weeks and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    Where the heck did you get the idea that animals don't gain weight?? Zoos have to restrict their animals food to control their weight and there is a problem right now in America with pets (this includes cats) becoming obese since we are giving them the same life styles as ourselves, alot of accessible food and not enough exercise. If an animal isn't gaining weight in the wild it has to do with their particular food not being accessible enough in the quantities for the animal to gain weight.