High carb vegan diet



  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    I love new vegans/vegetarians ready to preach after 6 weeks of experience.

    Basically, you're a freshman and it's October of your first semester. Come at me when you get your degree.
    So me loosing weight while eating 4000 cals a day, that's due to what? Before I would easily gain weight if I ate that much. Try it out for yourself before you judge me.
    It's called "it could've been anything". Sometimes when you eat more after eating a very low amount of calories, it revs your metabolism. Sometimes a lot of calories, especially in good quality food can help to let your body release water retention. It happened once. Come back and tell us when it consistently occurs every week.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I love new vegans/vegetarians ready to preach after 6 weeks of experience.

    Basically, you're a freshman and it's October of your first semester. Come at me when you get your degree.
    So me loosing weight while eating 4000 cals a day, that's due to what? Before I would easily gain weight if I ate that much. Try it out for yourself before you judge me.

    No science minded person on the planet would agree that you have enough data to make the conclusion you made, much less impart your wisdom to other people and assure them they'll have similar results. I don't know what your weight loss at 4k calories is from, but frankly, neither do you.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I love new vegans/vegetarians ready to preach after 6 weeks of experience.

    Basically, you're a freshman and it's October of your first semester. Come at me when you get your degree.
    So me loosing weight while eating 4000 cals a day, that's due to what? Before I would easily gain weight if I ate that much. Try it out for yourself before you judge me.

    If you were eating a lot of processed foods before, it could be your salt levels going down which can also cause a loss of water weight. But if being vegan works for you, if you feel great, satisfied after eating, and happy, by all means, keep doing it.

    Just be careful to get all the nutrients you need every day so you don't feel rundown.
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    I love new vegans/vegetarians ready to preach after 6 weeks of experience.

    Basically, you're a freshman and it's October of your first semester. Come at me when you get your degree.
    So me loosing weight while eating 4000 cals a day, that's due to what? Before I would easily gain weight if I ate that much. Try it out for yourself before you judge me.

    No science minded person on the planet would agree that you have enough data to make the conclusion you made, much less impart your wisdom to other people and assure them they'll have similar results. I don't know what your weight loss at 4k calories is from, but frankly, neither do you.
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    You really should educate yourself a bit more. There is quite a bit of inaccuracy in your statements. You've only been doing this a month. You have a lot to learn. I lead that lifestyle for over 5 years. Please stop preaching your inaccuracies and confusing others.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    HELL YEA!! Being vegan was the best decision I ever made ( was previously a vegetarian for 10 years)

    Good for you OP not sure I agree with everything you are saying

    but good for you on making the choice to try to live as kindly as you can in this world :smile: :bigsmile:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    A low fat, high carb vegan diet is a terrible thing to do to your body.

    You can be vegan and healthy. It's not that easy, and it doesn't involve "low fat."
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    B12 is not inherently an animal product (it's bacteria) so needing to supplement says nothing about whether or not we are "meant" to be vegans. If we didn't have the modern advances we have, we'd obtain the B12 because our food wouldn't be as clean. Animals don't "make" B12, they consume it, which is why you get it from their byproducts and flesh. (To clarify-I have no opinion or feelings on the whole to be or not to be argument. Even if it were true that B-12 were an animal product and evidence that we are not "meant" to be vegan, I'd be as accepting and grateful for technology and modern advances as I am in other areas of my life that would then allow me to make that choice anyway. There's tons of stuff that we eat and do that someone could argue we weren't designed to or meant to.)

    But OP, if you are eating 4000 calories a day, losing weight, and not extremely active, you should go to your doctor. As a long-time vegan with a natural tendency to go carb crazy, I can promise you that eating 4000 calories of rice and bread will make you gain weight as much as eating 4000 calories of steak and eggs (if not more) if you don't have a TDEE to justify it.

    I love being vegan, but there's nothing about it that makes weight management easier.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    B12 is not inherently an animal product (it's bacteria) so needing to supplement says nothing about whether or not we are "meant" to be vegans.

    It actually says a lot about the types of foods we evolved to consume, because to my knowledge there is no natural source of B12 other than animals. We can synthesize it in a vegan way using bacteria, but it can't be found in nature in any food source except animals.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    B12 is not inherently an animal product (it's bacteria) so needing to supplement says nothing about whether or not we are "meant" to be vegans.

    It actually says a lot about the types of foods we evolved to consume, because to my knowledge there is no natural source of B12 other than animals. We can synthesize it in a vegan way using bacteria, but it can't be found in nature in any food source except animals.

    Animals don't naturally create B-12. They consume it from the bacteria in the soil. They are no more a source of B-12 than you are. If I ate human flesh, I'd likely get enough B-12, but not because you are a natural source, but because you eat it. (B-12 does go through body processes in the animal, but the animal doesn't generate it on its own.)

    To add to my edit though, I don't really care about what we evolved to eat or not to eat. I care about whether or not I can make the choice to be vegan in a healthy way, whether that meets someone else's criteria of "natural" or not. I also use (vegan) antiperspirant because I don't like the natural body smell. We all do things that alter our inherent nature, though I still disagree that B12 is evidence one way or the other. There's plenty of evolutionary evidence that people *can* eat animals, too. To argue one against the other is kind of silly-it's just a choice.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    And I'm four times her age.

    If not a troll and his profile is accurate, HE is an 18 year old BOY that weighs 152 lbs. I do applaud his passion and boldness to post on this forum. A good read this morning.

    Yes, I was mistaken on the OP's gender. I've been teaching teenagers for 38 years. I love their enthusiasm and intrepid spirit, though I am most gratified when they come back and see me when they are older and have gotten a bit more humble.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member

    ^^^^^^^ All of this is Vegan so you are saying that people can eat as much of this stuff as they want everyday and never gain weight because it's Vegan?

    yep, I think that is what she is saying. smh
  • Veganhclf
    Veganhclf Posts: 24 Member
    I love new vegans/vegetarians ready to preach after 6 weeks of experience.

    Basically, you're a freshman and it's October of your first semester. Come at me when you get your degree.
    So me loosing weight while eating 4000 cals a day, that's due to what? Before I would easily gain weight if I ate that much. Try it out for yourself before you judge me.

    If you were eating a lot of processed foods before, it could be your salt levels going down which can also cause a loss of water weight. But if being vegan works for you, if you feel great, satisfied after eating, and happy, by all means, keep doing it.

    Just be careful to get all the nutrients you need every day so you don't feel rundown.
    Thanks. I take b12 pills everyday and also supplement with iron since I'm a cyclist I need that hemoglobin to be high. So the only nutrient I sometimes worry about is getting enough calories during the days I ride +100km. I could probably ride 100km while calorie restricting but it wouldn't be very effective long term since I'll just end up overtraining. I used to worry about protein but realized very fast that protein is not something you need to worry about especially as a cyclist since cycling doesn't really require any muscle. I just have to watch out so I don't become too lean on the high carb diet, I don't wanna look like a meth addict, but it might be difficult too avoid since I train a lot. Man, going vegan was probably my wised choice I've ever made, saving the animals at the same time being healthy and skinny. Check this guy out and you'll get a better picture of what I mean by saying "high carb low fat is the way to go" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0yPMshheUI.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    PS: OP, rapid weight loss while eating a lot can be symptomatic of Type 1 Diabetes, among other things. If you are eating as you say, you really should visit the doctor.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    B12 is not inherently an animal product (it's bacteria) so needing to supplement says nothing about whether or not we are "meant" to be vegans.

    It actually says a lot about the types of foods we evolved to consume, because to my knowledge there is no natural source of B12 other than animals. We can synthesize it in a vegan way using bacteria, but it can't be found in nature in any food source except animals.

    Animals get B12 from eating plant matter in the soil. If our soil wasn't so "clean" and if we didn't wash our veggies and ate enough of them we would consume enough B12 without animal products.

    Also, people over 50 have a difficult time extracting B12 from meat (it has to do with enzymes that aide in digestion) and should start supplementing to avoid a deficiency.

    Human beings are omnivores. We are very adaptable and able to survive on excessive amounts of meat (even diets that consist of almost only animal fat and flesh) and we are also able to survive well on plant based foods only.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Sarah Lee Cherry Tart is VEGAN? Wow - thanks for that; you made my day!

    Flax Milk - thanks for the clarification on B12; much appreciated.
  • Veganhclf
    Veganhclf Posts: 24 Member
    PS: OP, rapid weight loss while eating a lot can be symptomatic of Type 1 Diabetes, among other things. If you are eating as you say, you really should visit the doctor.
    I just did a diabetes test actually, I've been freaking out the past 6 months because I've experienced some of the symptoms related to diabetes. But thank god the test came back negative. So that's one less disease to worry about i suppose! :)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    PS: OP, rapid weight loss while eating a lot can be symptomatic of Type 1 Diabetes, among other things. If you are eating as you say, you really should visit the doctor.
    I just did a diabetes test actually, I've been freaking out the past 6 months because I've experienced some of the symptoms related to diabetes. But thank god the test came back negative. So that's one less disease to worry about i suppose! :)

    That's a relief-I'm happy for you; it's such a terrible condition to have. Hopefully if something is wrong, they figure that out for you soon.
  • tempehforever
    tempehforever Posts: 183 Member
    This is amazing.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    You can still gain weight while being on a vegan diet if you eat bad vegan foods high in fat. "Excess calories will make you gain weight", not really unless your metabolism is messed up. When a wolf catches its pray he/she doesn't stop and go "wait a minute, I shouldn't eat so much I might gain weight", the wolf ****ing feasts until he can't eat anymore. Please, try gaining weight from just fruits and veggies, try it.

    This might have been mentioned already but...most animals after devouring their prey will goes days without eating again. Unlike humans they are more prone to eating only what they need to survive.

    You're right...they don't count calories but the also don't have three meals a day along with 2 snacks.

    Think about what you said..."try gaining weight from fruits aned veggies". How many over weight animals in the wild do you see? Most of them don't eat fruits and veggies.

    Just saying...