Group LLC - September 2010



  • For Thanksgiving, I will treat myself to a small serving of sweet potatoes...but there is a Turkey bake I can make that is like turkey and stuffing made with cauliflower...sounds good too...and the picture of it looked yummy!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Where's the drool smiley?! :laugh: I love a baked sweet potato with butter! I keep a few in the house...and I think I'm at the point where I'll eat them once a week or so with my dinner, just to switch up my sides!!

    Thanksgiving..oh man...I don't cook for the holiday. My hubs and I have established a tradition of going out for Chinese food! :wink: I bloat SO bad when I eat it...but eh...oh well, it's a holiday, I'll enjoy it, and heck, I haven't had Chinese, in...6 months or so now??
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    My body was big time Detoxing from all the carbs and sugar!!!! I was so sick on monday i layed all day on my couch with the worse upset stomach my mother in law was shocked how my body got so use to eating healthy that just a few days off track made me so sick!!! :cry:

    Oh girl I TOTALLY understand you on this one...................
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    My body was big time Detoxing from all the carbs and sugar!!!! I was so sick on monday i layed all day on my couch with the worse upset stomach my mother in law was shocked how my body got so use to eating healthy that just a few days off track made me so sick!!! :cry:

    Oh girl I TOTALLY understand you on this one...................
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Yesterday i was in so much pain from Detoxing! I almost went to the Er cause my stomach would not stop hurting me. Today im feeling much better but wow! No more junk for me it's just not worth it any more.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Does anyone have a good recipes that uses a lot of cabbage??? I bought some and it needs to be used up! normally i would do stuffed cabbage with ground beef but it's just me eating it so i was looking for some new idea's...
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Glad your tummy is happy again!! :smile:

    Cabbage?? It's one of the few greens other than collards that makes me :sick: YUCK. Sorry girl!! I'm sure you can find a load of recipes though!!
  • You can take some of the cabbage and chop it up with some onions and other seasonings and stir fry it in a little bit of olive oil. then put some ground beef or chicken or whatever you like in with some tomato sauce and just keep cooking it in the pan till it is tender. its pretty good! sometimes i put a little brown sugar splenda in and it kind of tastes like stuffed cabbage.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Does anyone eat Oatmeal every morning at least a few times a week?? I never ever eat it and i heard it's great for fiber and keeps you full longer then eggs and veggies would. Im thinking of trying it but wanted to see if anyone eats it and if they notice a change in their diet and if you feel fuller longer
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Does anyone eat Oatmeal every morning at least a few times a week?? I never ever eat it and i heard it's great for fiber and keeps you full longer then eggs and veggies would. Im thinking of trying it but wanted to see if anyone eats it and if they notice a change in their diet and if you feel fuller longer

    Hey girly! Oatmeal is fantastic for you! It's a good whole grain and a good source of fiber. :smile: Since I'm trying to up my carbs and calories, I'm actually switching up my breakfast routine...and I ate oatmeal just yesterday! I know if other people see your question they will chime in with the kind that they eat-I know a lot prefer steel cut oats and Irish oats (Colette??) but to keep it simple, I just buy my Quaker instant. :laugh: I really like the Weight Control ones because they're really low in sugar but still good in everything else! Oatmeal just kind of "sticks" to my belly a little differently, but it's nowhere near as much protein as eggs. Just something to think about!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I want to keep my carbs around 30/40 just for now so i was thinking that oatmeal would be something so simple to make and is higher in carbs! I think im going to start having it at least 3 times a week and see if it helps.

    How's everyone doing??
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i loved oatmeal on a cold crisp morning with a sliced of buttered toast.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    So having Oatmeal this morning went out the window i thought i bought some but i didn't so instead i had eggs and a orange... Umm now im on a darn sugar high from the orange :laugh: Guess not eating fruit for about 3-4 months will do that to ya!!!! I always buy fruit for my kids and believe in having a fruit bowl always filled but i never touched it and wow :noway: didn't think 1 little orange was going to send me on a sugar rush
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hey ladies!

    @ tammietifanie: sorry you had a sugar buzz from the orange!! I think with reintroducing fruits, don't eat the 'tropical" ones. Stick more to your berries and ones lower in sugar and that should help. I've been eating fruit here the past few weeks a few times a week, along with more carbs, so my sugar has exceeded it's daily limits...and no sugar buzz and no weight gain/stall! :smile:

    @ Marie: Yes, oatmeal is great on a cold day!!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    The only good thing about the sugar buzz was i got almost all my errands done and before noon lol.... I think next time i'll go with a fruit lower on the GI chart
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    How many carbs do you think are in a NO CRUST Pizza hut piece of pizza.....we had them make it lite sauce Cheese, mushroom, pepperoni extra cooked so we could roll it off the crust.........ideas????
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Sassie: I have no clue how you would log that in... Maybe just put it under thin crust with light toppings im not sure!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    @ sassie: I'm really not sure how to log that either! Let us know how you decide to log it!!

    How is everyone doing today??
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have been reseaching the french's adkins diet. I wish I didn't have this Kidney problems I would sure go on it for while. I am going to follow his maintance plan. And that is to one lb day just eat lean protein, fat free cottage cheese , fat free greek yogurt, fat free milk fat free cheese free cheese !!!!!!!!!!uhg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said you would lose 2 lbs by doing that once a week. He sugested do it every Thursday. But I am going to do it on
    Monday.. Seems like a good day for me.Today will be a little off for I have 2 % cottsge cheese on hand and will used it up this week. I found a lot of this on Amazone book site.

    So far This morning I have had 1/2 c 2% cottage cheese with splenda and cinnamon i weigh in this mornig at 205.1 Will see what it is in the morning,. I plan on a glass of fat free milk in a couple hours.
    And water thru out the day.

    Everyone have a wonderful day!
  • Does anyone eat Oatmeal every morning at least a few times a week?? I never ever eat it and i heard it's great for fiber and keeps you full longer then eggs and veggies would. Im thinking of trying it but wanted to see if anyone eats it and if they notice a change in their diet and if you feel fuller longer

    Hey girly! Oatmeal is fantastic for you! It's a good whole grain and a good source of fiber. :smile: Since I'm trying to up my carbs and calories, I'm actually switching up my breakfast routine...and I ate oatmeal just yesterday! I know if other people see your question they will chime in with the kind that they eat-I know a lot prefer steel cut oats and Irish oats (Colette??) but to keep it simple, I just buy my Quaker instant. :laugh: I really like the Weight Control ones because they're really low in sugar but still good in everything else! Oatmeal just kind of "sticks" to my belly a little differently, but it's nowhere near as much protein as eggs. Just something to think about!

    I have some steel cut oats I think...been so long since I looked. I am afraid to eat oatmeal just yet. I think I may try some when the weather gets colder. You can cook some up in a crock pot over night and it will be nice an hot in the morning. Reheated is good too...add some butter, sweetener and a bit of cream...yummy. If you can have fresh cranberries, you can add some when its cooking with some walnuts. Now I am hungry for oatmeal :laugh: Well, if I am going to have it, may as well try at least once a week and see what happens. Still tying to fine tune things with adding extra carbs. This weekend I blew it ...shouldn't have had the taco stuff...I ordered out the 2 nights. Guess I can figure those are my cheat days and start over, which I did today....
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